US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

That's simply false. I posted this one earlier that is a review of a compilation of studies with links to each.

Findings from neuroimaging studies focusing on brain structure suggest that the brain phenotypes of trans women (MtF) and trans men (FtM) differ in various ways from control men and women with feminine, masculine, demasculinized and defeminized features.

In psychology, an example of a phenotype would be how environmental factors such as home life in childhood can affect how people develop and behave in adulthood.

Findings from neuroimaging studies focusing on brain structure suggest that the brain phenotypes of trans women (MtF) and trans men (FtM) differ in various ways from control men and women with feminine, masculine, demasculinized and defeminized features.

In psychology, an example of a phenotype would be how environmental factors such as home life in childhood can affect how people develop and behave in adulthood.

What is this supposed to mean to me?
exactly what i posted in #480 goat

And I'm telling you I don't know what it means. You started out quoting form my link and then you cut to a psychological definition of phenotype. Can you connect the two things together in to some sort of coherent argument?
And I'm telling you I don't know what it means. You started out quoting form my link and then you cut to a psychological definition of phenotype. Can you connect the two things together in to some sort of coherent argument?
as you wish.....

science has been trying to prove homosexuality a physical trait for over 40 years now (this from one of your links) unsuccessfully

There is no 'gay' gene, there is no normally alternate DNA , nor are there any physical brain characteristics

Otherwise sexual preference could be determined in vitro

Follow so far? ;)

Ergo, there is only that which is psychological

A phenotype being the observation of a genotype being just that goat

as you wish.....

science has been trying to prove homosexuality a physical trait for over 40 years now (this from one of your links) unsuccessfully

There is no 'gay' gene, there is no normally alternate DNA , nor are there any physical brain characteristics

Otherwise sexual preference could be determined in vitro

Follow so far? ;)
No. Still not following. Just because there is no definitive discernable cause doesn't mean there isn't evidence of all of those things you described above.

Homosexuality - Wikipedia

Although no single theory on the cause of sexual orientation has yet gained widespread support, scientists favor biologically based theories. There is considerably more evidence supporting nonsocial, biological causes of sexual orientation than social ones, especially for males.

Despite numerous attempts, no "gay gene" has been identified. However, there is substantial evidence for a genetic basis of homosexuality, especially in males, based on twin studies; some association with regions of Chromosome 8, the Xq28 locus on the X chromosome, and other sites across many chromosomes.

Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia

The action of the SRY gene in the Y-chromosome in the fetus prompts the development of testes, which release testosterone, the primary androgen receptor-activating hormone, to allow testosterone to enter the cells and masculinize the fetus and fetal brain. If a sufficient amount of testosterone is received by INAH3 at 12 weeks following conception, the testosterone stimulates the enlargement of INAH3, which is known to be involved in directing typical male sex behavior, such as attraction to females. If INAH3 does not receive enough testosterone to override the circulating estrogen, it may not grow to the size typically observed in males. Subsequently, INAH3 may function as female or partially female, potentially causing same-sex attraction to males. Although, the size of INAH3 in homosexual men compared to heterosexual men may not be statistically different, though homosexual men may have a greater cell density, that is, more cells per unit volume, but a similar total number of neurons in INAH3 than heterosexual men.

Ergo, there is only that which is psychological

A phenotype being the observation of a genotype being just that goat


Just saying ergo doesn't mean you've come close to making any sort of rational point. Nice try though.
Well, I'm still wondering why the "Space Force" is a thing, when the US doesn't even have a current shuttle program and has to rely on private contractors to get into space.
Oh, sheesh. What ignorance. Space Force has nothing to do with any shuttle program. Perhaps you're thinking of NASA?

Space Force operates dozens of spacecraft that support GPS functions, the Space Fence, military satellites, X-37B spaceplanes, the U.S. missile warning system, the U.S. space surveillance network, and the Satellite Control Network. Space Force organizes, trains, and equips the space forces that are made available to the unified combatant commands, predominantly to the United States Space Command, for operational use.

Before Space Force was formed, these functions were done by a joint command to which each military Service provided personnel and assets, which led to endless turf wars and unpredictable resources since the joint command did not have final authority over personnel and assets. Anyone who has been in the military can tell you about the problems associated with joint commands.
Lying about a mental disorder doesn't change the delusion.
Who's lying? I'm not lying when I point to professional mental health institutions who say:

Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.
Who's lying? I'm not lying when I point to professional mental health institutions who say:

Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.

Whoever wrote what you posted in green.
Now if you can explain how a dude thinking he's a woman isn't a delusion, go for it.
Whoever wrote what you posted in green.
Can you prove they're lying other than your say so?
Now if you can explain how a dude thinking he's a woman isn't a delusion, go for it.
I have and so has the link. Gender identities are about internal psychology where as delusions are about not recognizing external reality. These concepts, as simple as they are may simply be beyond your capacity to understand.
Can you prove they're lying other than your say so?

I have and so has the link. Gender identities are about internal psychology where as delusions are about not recognizing external reality. These concepts, as simple as they are may simply be beyond your capacity to understand.

His internal feeling could be that he's a woman, or a cat or a goat. External reality shows he's a man. The conflict between his feelings and reality is his delusion.

A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that’s untrue.
His internal feeling could be that he's a woman, or a cat or a goat. External reality shows he's a man. The conflict between his feelings and reality is his delusion.

A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that’s untrue.
The problem you keep running face first into, beyond the simple fact of the professionals flat out telling you it isn't a delusion, are your attempts to conflate what they know about their anatomy with how they feel, innately, about who they are, personality wise. People who genuinely think they're Goats don't live functional lives because the existence of a goat isn't conducive to human existence. That's mental illness.
The problem you keep running face first into, beyond the simple fact of the professionals flat out telling you it isn't a delusion, are your attempts to conflate what they know about their anatomy with how they feel, innately, about who they are, personality wise. People who genuinely think they're Goats don't live functional lives because the existence of a goat isn't conducive to human existence. That's mental illness.

professionals flat out telling you it isn't a delusion,

If the professional is telling me a guy thinking he's a girl isn't delusional, he must be a psych major.

are your attempts to conflate what they know about their anatomy

What does Bree know about his anatomy?

with how they feel, innately, about who they are, personality wise.

What does Bree feel, innately?
professionals flat out telling you it isn't a delusion,

If the professional is telling me a guy thinking he's a girl isn't delusional, he must be a psych major.
There's no IF Todd, that's what they say. Are you going to continue to be delusional about the facts the people who write the mental health manual provide?
are your attempts to conflate what they know about their anatomy

What does Bree know about his anatomy?
Bree isn't real Todd. That's fan fiction you made up. It's literal make believe. Maybe stop building your beliefs around make believe.
with how they feel, innately, about who they are, personality wise.

What does Bree feel, innately?
How am I supposed to know Todd? Bree is a figment of your imagination.
There's no IF Todd, that's what they say. Are you going to continue to be delusional about the facts the people who write the mental health manual provide?

Bree isn't real Todd. That's fan fiction you made up. It's literal make believe. Maybe stop building your beliefs around make believe.

How am I supposed to know Todd? Bree is a figment of your imagination.

Bree isn't real Todd. That's fan fiction you made up.


The guy in the OP is fiction? OK.
The mental "illness" of a person is not in what they think they are, it is in thinking others have to share that person's internal mental state.

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