US surgeon, girlfriend charged with rape, 'hundreds' of victims possible

Would people complain about it being in the race forum if the couple were black or hispanic?

Dunno. Possibly. Perhaps even probable. I didn't even notice it until after the fact that I contributed to dialogue. If it were up to me, this sub-forum would be in the basement. It serves no useful function. All it really does is perpetuate racism. Surely, you must agree with that.

Of course, my thought on it wasn't a comlpaint, per se. More of an observation combined with a little bit of recollection of the general theme of IM2's posting history.

No one has ever complained in a situation when it was a black or Hispanic but blacks and maybe 3-4 whites here. And we all get attacked by you whites for doing it. Including some moderators. That is the white posting history at USMB. There are whites making things about race in the sports section. Such is the depth of white racism here.

WAAAAH!!!!!! EVERTHING IS WAAAAAASCIT!!!!!! (and if not I'll make it racist)

Try as you might, your childish immature posts stop nothing.

Dude I don't care about your racist BS, but you need to stop flaming the forum with your nonsense.

Haven't you noticed many call you out on it? Of course not, you're blinded by your own racism and yes you're a racist

I am flaming just as much as you whites do. I notice that only you racists complain and I don't give a fuck what you think.
Well the moderators who I am talking about participate in white racism. You don't know what makes decent civil race relations out in the real world. You wouldn't last 3 minutes in that arena. Not if you are expecting non whites to say things how you want them to.

IM2, I'm an equal opportunity kind of dick head if'n I wanne be. You have no idea. lol. None.

I have plenty of an idea. I've experienced the type of person you say you are plenty. You wouldn't last in any arena involving discussions of race relations. You are divorced from fact which alone will kill you in that arena.
Actually, IM2, the more I think about it, the more I hope that they do finally put this pig pen in the basement. That way I can tell you what I really think about you. And your boys, too. Oh, yes, indeedy. Ha.

I don't really think you want to do that.
Is this a Race Relations issue, btw
Is there a reason this is in the race relations forum? LOL

Ha. I just noticed it was in the Race Relations sub-forum.

I guess IM2 is only concerned with their color. What a racist. Seems like he sees everything through a racial lens. He got issues.

I am concerned as much with color as every white here who barks all the time about black crime. You are the racist, you have the issues.
Why have you posted this story in the race forum?

Why do you guys post up stories of black criminals in the race forum? Whites are a race after all.
So you can’t explain why you posted this story in the race section?
Got it!
Geez the OP can't let race go.

There is NOTHING racist about this story. But wait we can make it racist by saying its white on white crime!!!!!!!

Fcking loons
I would agree that this isn't a racist story......NO MORE than any equivalent story where the perps are black or hispanic or asian or whatever other than white...............and yet, many times, those become all about race. Not liking it when the shoe's on the other foot, are you?
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Is this a Race Relations issue, btw
Is there a reason this is in the race relations forum? LOL

Ha. I just noticed it was in the Race Relations sub-forum.

I guess IM2 is only concerned with their color. What a racist. Seems like he sees everything through a racial lens. He got issues.

I am concerned as much with color as every white here who barks all the time about black crime. You are the racist, you have the issues.
Why have you posted this story in the race forum?
Would people complain about it being in the race forum if the couple were black or hispanic?

Of course not.
Next time we see a thread about some perp who's non-white, we'll check to see where it's placed. We'll check to see what the focus is or is not.
  • Thanks
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Geez the OP can't let race go.

There is NOTHING racist about this story. But wait we can make it racist by saying its white on white crime!!!!!!!

Fcking loons

It is white on white crime. You guys talk about black crime and black on black crime plenty, so what's the fucking problem? I will talk about race in the race and racism section. Unlike you who makes things about race in the politics forum.
Your own article says there are possibly 200 hundred victims.
The authorities don’t know yet who they are, but YOU know this is white on white crime? How? (Rhetorical).
Lol, you are a super desperate idiot racist.
Next time we see a thread about some perp who's non-white, we'll check to see where it's placed. We'll check to see what the focus is or is not.

K. Good thinkin. I sometimes get really annoyed at all of the bad language toward hispanics. My better half is latina, actually. As are my neices and brother-in-law

Focus on the crime, not the race. Of course, when bordering nations and broken laws laws are involved, you kind of have to bring the nationalism into it, I get that part of it.

It only takes one comment, though, and that's what happens, the whole thread turns into it.

Heck, the news report hasn;t even been discussed in this thread. Not really. IM2 got another race thread going. What a loser. He's using this sub-forum to perpetuate racism. Sub-forum could use some adult intervention. I like the basement, as I'd mentioned.
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You wouldn't last in any arena involving discussions of race relations.
Well you did say your black friends don’t discuss racism with whites because if they did they’d have to assault the whites.
Geez the OP can't let race go.

There is NOTHING racist about this story. But wait we can make it racist by saying its white on white crime!!!!!!!

Fcking loons
I would agree that this isn't a racist story......NO MORE than any equivalent story where the perps are black or hispanic or asian or whatever other than white...............and yet, many times, those become all about race. Not liking it when the shoe's on the other foot, are you?

I don't give two shits what you agree with, Plywood.
Hundreds of people raped. HUNDREDS! By these two. In the suburbs.


US surgeon, girlfriend charged with rape, 'hundreds' of victims possible
What does race have to do with this article? Blacks commit crimes too. These two should be punished severely
Is this a Race Relations issue, btw
Is there a reason this is in the race relations forum? LOL

Ha. I just noticed it was in the Race Relations sub-forum.

I guess IM2 is only concerned with their color. What a racist. Seems like he sees everything through a racial lens. He got issues.

I am concerned as much with color as every white here who barks all the time about black crime. You are the racist, you have the issues.
Only because you bark about only whites doing wrong
Maybe USMB should have a separate "pictures of the perps" forum.

I've seen too many threads in which the OP featured booking photos of suspects without overtly mentioning race, but the implication was quite apparent. Many times, the comments morphed into rants about "black-on-black crime" or something involving terrible Hispanics, some of them dragging out statistics or chart

How IM2 posted this thread is really no different than what anyone else does around here.
So spew your racist's past old. Dude you're obsessed with this garbage and it's not healthy

Give it a rest

He's a nagger. Always nagging about color. Nag nag nag. Always. Typical nagger.

The real issue, however, and the article nailed it pretty good, is that these two were effectively wolves in sheeps clothing. People trust their doctors and the medical field in general. This kind of thing is just creepy, though.
I hate annoying n*ggers.
Maybe USMB should have a separate "pictures of the perps" forum.

I've seen too many threads in which the OP featured booking photos of suspects without overtly mentioning race, but the implication was quite apparent. Many times, the comments morphed into rants about "black-on-black crime" or something involving terrible Hispanics, some of them dragging out statistics or chart

How IM2 posted this thread is really no different than what anyone else does around here.
Maybe that's because unlike black violence, there isnt an epidemic of rapist surgeons. One is a major problem that effects millions of people, the other is not. So since there is a white surgeon rapist epidemic, clearly IM2 is just posting this story because hes a racist who couldn't find good ammo for his race war.

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