US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

All the more reason to break that taboo.

All the more reason for "Everyone draw Mohammad Day" and the like. All the more reason for every newspaper in the world to publish Mohammad cartoons.

Christians used to have fanatics too. However, to date, the total number of people killed over the taxpayer funded "pissCrist"= 0.

I think we can agree there. The more it's done the less sensitive they'll get to it, but the things that will happen until that point is where the problem lies.

There is a Chinese curse which says, 'May you live in interesting times'. :eusa_whistle:

One way to get there faster, is not to blame those that blaze the trail. (even if they are insufferable twits)
  • Invade country;
  • Kill numerous civilians over decade-long occupation;
  • Insult predominant religion in country;
  • Get upset when some of the people there finally lose their shit.

[ame=]YouTube - America - Fuck Yeah![/ame]
Or maybe mental instability draws one to Islam.. who knows.

I don't trust those fuckers... Herman Cain is right.

Neal Boortz is also right...there is no such thing as the 'Peaceful Religion of Islam' Hell? It was born from a rejected warmonger.

Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

And it shows how intolerant Islam is.

Oh the irony of this. I know it will get lost on you.
Terry Jones is an idiot but the Extremists are at fault.

But are Christians all extremists because many bombed Abortion clinics?

Are all tea partiers insane because of Tim McVeigh?


Not all Muslims are bad people.

The world better hope you are correct. Do you know how many muslims there are in the world?

It is insane to call the entire religion "crazy' because of extremists. If that were the case, Christianity would be doomed.
All the more reason to break that taboo.

All the more reason for "Everyone draw Mohammad Day" and the like. All the more reason for every newspaper in the world to publish Mohammad cartoons.

Christians used to have fanatics too. However, to date, the total number of people killed over the taxpayer funded "pissCrist"= 0.

I think we can agree there. The more it's done the less sensitive they'll get to it, but the things that will happen until that point is where the problem lies.

No, the problem lies in letting concern over those things affect our decision making process. If a bunch of thugs moved into your neighborhood and started making threats and killing people the rational response would be to stand up to them, not to give in. Yet, because we are talking about a religion, you think we should go about it differently. You think that, if we just show them we respect them they will get better.

They are thugs, call the cops or shoot them yourself. They are not going to respect you anyway, so it is a waste of time to try to gain their respect. Once you deal with them the Muslims who are capable of respect will respect you, until then they will see you as a coward.
Their goal in life is to kill me and enslave my family. Leaving them alone is not an option.

Do you think Bush made a mistake by conceding to bin Laden's demand that he remove the military base from Mecca -- as his father promised to do? Or are you having a Kosher tantrum because Bush pressured Sharon to remove the Gaza settlements?

If leaving the Muslims alone is not an option, do you believe we should just keep on doing whatever we feel like doing in the Middle East? And if there is another terrorist attack on our homeland can I assume you intend to enlist in the military and volunteer for the next retaliatory strike? Or are you just blowing out nonsense, as usual.

Killing you and enslaving your family is not the radical Islamist's ambition, unless you are an Israeli living on occupied Arab land. If you're an American living in the U.S. you have nothing to worry about as long as we leave them alone. By leaving them alone I mean not planting a military base smack in the middle of their holy land and conducting an unlawful aggression on a Muslim nation -- and, especially, supporting Israel's relentless expansion as we've been doing for half a century.

Or maybe you can tell us why you think supporting Israel at enormous cost to us is good for the U.S. Maybe you can tell us what Israel has ever done for the U.S. to justify the sacrifices we've made on its behalf.
Terry Jones is an idiot but the Extremists are at fault.

But are Christians all extremists because many bombed Abortion clinics?

Are you a complete idiot? There have been less than 20 abortion clinic bombings in the US in the last 3 decades. How the fuck do you twist that to get "many"?

Are all tea partiers insane because of Tim McVeigh?

Timothy McVeigh was a Tea Party member? Did he have a time machine and travel back in time from 2009 to bomb Oklahoma City?

Ay least we know the answer to my question about you being a complete idiot.

Not all Muslims are bad people.

Quite true.

But 80% of Muslims worldwide want to kill you if you insult Islam. I think that they just might have a different understanding of what being good is that you do, In fact, I know they do. If you were not such an idiot you would know it too.
It's fucked up that they killed 12 people.

I'm not religious but, go burn a bible and see what happens... I predict little to nothing.

Nothing would happen like that. But you would lose out on an opportunity to study a book that has changed the world. So really, you (the generic you) would be the only one who really is negatively effected.

Unless of course, Second hand Bible smoke causes cancer... then maybe others might die.
  • Invade country;
  • Kill numerous civilians over decade-long occupation;
  • Insult predominant religion in country;
  • Get upset when some of the people there finally lose their shit.

YouTube - America - Fuck Yeah!

I like my video better. It shows just how much your pig fucking epileptic of a prophet is worth in the modern world.

[ame=""]YouTube - Veena Malik express news with mufti sahib and shahid in program Frontline part 1.mp4[/ame][ame=""][/ame]
Terry Jones is an idiot but the Extremists are at fault.

But are Christians all extremists because many bombed Abortion clinics?

Are all tea partiers insane because of Tim McVeigh?


Not all Muslims are bad people.

How on earth do you associate Tim McVeigh with the Tea party? Talk about poisoning the well.

When the heck was the last Abortion clinic bombed? Maybe you guys should update yourself and realize that whatevers happened in the past, things may be different today.
The reverend is a fucking moron. He changed nothing and gave murderers an excuse to kill.

Way to go!


The interesting question is, will he do it again.

Good question. I have no doubt that he wants more publicity so he will probably do something.

I emailed him several times encouraging him not to do this. This isn't what Christ would have wanted.
Their goal in life is to kill me and enslave my family. Leaving them alone is not an option.

Do you think Bush made a mistake by conceding to bin Laden's demand that he remove the military base from Mecca -- as his father promised to do? Or are you having a Kosher tantrum because Bush pressured Sharon to remove the Gaza settlements?

If leaving the Muslims alone is not an option, do you believe we should just keep on doing whatever we feel like doing in the Middle East? And if there is another terrorist attack on our homeland can I assume you intend to enlist in the military and volunteer for the next retaliatory strike? Or are you just blowing out nonsense, as usual.

Killing you and enslaving your family is not the radical Islamist's ambition, unless you are an Israeli living on occupied Arab land. If you're an American living in the U.S. you have nothing to worry about as long as we leave them alone. By leaving them alone I mean not planting a military base smack in the middle of their holy land and conducting an unlawful aggression on a Muslim nation -- and, especially, supporting Israel's relentless expansion as we've been doing for half a century.

Or maybe you can tell us why you think supporting Israel at enormous cost to us is good for the U.S. Maybe you can tell us what Israel has ever done for the U.S. to justify the sacrifices we've made on its behalf.

[ame=]YouTube - are you crazy[/ame]

Misguided "pastor" burns book, Islamic nut-jobs rampage = blame the Jews? :cuckoo:
No, the problem lies in letting concern over those things affect our decision making process. If a bunch of thugs moved into your neighborhood and started making threats and killing people the rational response would be to stand up to them, not to give in. Yet, because we are talking about a religion, you think we should go about it differently. You think that, if we just show them we respect them they will get better.

They are thugs, call the cops or shoot them yourself. They are not going to respect you anyway, so it is a waste of time to try to gain their respect. Once you deal with them the Muslims who are capable of respect will respect you, until then they will see you as a coward.
They didn't move into our neighborhood. We moved into theirs. That is the problem you are strategically blind to.

You talk a lot of tough-guy rhetoric but I'll wager you've never been in the military nor would you consider enlisting under any circumstances. As long as there are others to do the fighting you'll do the "deal with them" talk.
Their goal in life is to kill me and enslave my family. Leaving them alone is not an option.

Do you think Bush made a mistake by conceding to bin Laden's demand that he remove the military base from Mecca -- as his father promised to do? Or are you having a Kosher tantrum because Bush pressured Sharon to remove the Gaza settlements?

If leaving the Muslims alone is not an option, do you believe we should just keep on doing whatever we feel like doing in the Middle East? And if there is another terrorist attack on our homeland can I assume you intend to enlist in the military and volunteer for the next retaliatory strike? Or are you just blowing out nonsense, as usual.

Killing you and enslaving your family is not the radical Islamist's ambition, unless you are an Israeli living on occupied Arab land. If you're an American living in the U.S. you have nothing to worry about as long as we leave them alone. By leaving them alone I mean not planting a military base smack in the middle of their holy land and conducting an unlawful aggression on a Muslim nation -- and, especially, supporting Israel's relentless expansion as we've been doing for half a century.

Or maybe you can tell us why you think supporting Israel at enormous cost to us is good for the U.S. Maybe you can tell us what Israel has ever done for the U.S. to justify the sacrifices we've made on its behalf.

What the fuck difference does my opinion of Bush make to their desire to kill me? They wanted to do that before he was president, and still want to do it now that the fake hope and change is president.

Your fucking problem is that your brain is so tiny you think that the world started in 2000. It has been around a lot longer than that, and Muslims have been bent on world domination for 1400 years. We could nuke Israel and they would still want to kill us.

Like I told you the first fucking time I responded to you, go back to school and study history in the real world, not in a fantasy world where time travel exist to prove that the reason Islam invaded Europe was because we invaded Iraq.

Terry Jones is an idiot but the Extremists are at fault.

But are Christians all extremists because many bombed Abortion clinics?

Are you a complete idiot? There have been less than 20 abortion clinic bombings in the US in the last 3 decades. How the fuck do you twist that to get "many"?

Are all tea partiers insane because of Tim McVeigh?

Timothy McVeigh was a Tea Party member? Did he have a time machine and travel back in time from 2009 to bomb Oklahoma City?

Ay least we know the answer to my question about you being a complete idiot.

Not all Muslims are bad people.

Quite true.

But 80% of Muslims worldwide want to kill you if you insult Islam. I think that they just might have a different understanding of what being good is that you do, In fact, I know they do. If you were not such an idiot you would know it too.

1. So 20 isn't a lot? They also killed abortion providers in the name of God.

2. Timothy McVeigh was anti-government much like the Tea partiers are. He purposely attacked a government building.

3. Proof that 80% of muslims want to kill us? You do know people like Dave Chappelle are Muslim right?

Its funny, in 2000, 80% of the muslims in this country voted for Bush, that number is down drastically. Not to mention their attack on Hispanics, another fastly rising demographic.

I mean in 20 years, republicans are going to be extinct because they will only represent the minority of this country because of their racist views.

I think Bart Scott sums it up for me:

[ame=]YouTube - Can't Wait![/ame]
No, the problem lies in letting concern over those things affect our decision making process. If a bunch of thugs moved into your neighborhood and started making threats and killing people the rational response would be to stand up to them, not to give in. Yet, because we are talking about a religion, you think we should go about it differently. You think that, if we just show them we respect them they will get better.

They are thugs, call the cops or shoot them yourself. They are not going to respect you anyway, so it is a waste of time to try to gain their respect. Once you deal with them the Muslims who are capable of respect will respect you, until then they will see you as a coward.
They didn't move into our neighborhood. We moved into theirs. That is the problem you are strategically blind to.

You talk a lot of tough-guy rhetoric but I'll wager you've never been in the military nor would you consider enlisting under any circumstances. As long as there are others to do the fighting you'll do the "deal with them" talk.

What kind of fucking idiot are you?

I was responding to a stupid analogy from someone who thinks this is all my fault for not doing something, then you pop in and try to tell me me it is my fault for doing something.

They hate you, and want to kill you. You can either fight them, become their slave, or die.

By the way, I will take that bet. How much would you like to wager?

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