US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

Perhaps he lit the fuse to Show the entire world how intolerant, Violent, and Crazy some Muslims are.

I don't care how fucking serious they take the book. It is just ink on Paper, burning it, in no way justifies a violent response.

The people who did this are animals that make the Pastor look respectable. These same animals who did this over their book, show no respect at all to other religions, or other religions books. Yet were all suppose to understand their Rage? Are you people for real. Fucking ass backwards assholes living in the 1400's is all they are.

no one makes this pastor look respectable

And you make it sound like the terrorists weren't responsible for 9/11, so who was? Us? Because we don't follow Islamic doctrine? Where do you draw the line? AFTER we've all been converted in order to prevent violence?
Religious conversion has nothing to do with the presently diminished devotion of the Christian faith. We've simply become a nation of hypocrites who worship nothing but money and military power.

Re: the issue at hand:

In preparation for Operation Desert Storm, Bush-1 arranged with his Saudi Arabian buddies to install a temporary Air Base in the Islamic holy land of Mecca. He also promised to pressure Israel into reducing its occupation of Palestinian territories. But as time went by the "temporary" air base remained in Mecca and Israel's occupation activities increased, so Usama bin Laden reminded Bill Clinton of Bush's promises and warned him that action would be taken if those promises weren't kept. When Bill Clinton ignored the warning a nearly successful attempt was made by one Ramseh Yousef in 1993 to topple a World Trade Center tower.

In 1998, PBS Frontline's John Miller interviewed Usama bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan. I recall watching that intervew. The following is a brief excerpt of what bin Laden had to say:

(Miller)... "What is the meaning of your call for Muslims to take arms against America in particular, and what is the message that you wish to send to the West in general?"

(bin Laden) "The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target. And not exempt of responsibility are those Western regimes whose presence in the region offers support to the American troops there. We know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces and that is to support the Jewish and Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the Great Israel. Surely, their presence is not out of concern over their interests in the region. ... Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel. ..."
frontline: hunting bin laden: who is bin laden?: interview with osama bin laden (in may 1998) | PBS

When Bush-2 took Office bin Laden issued the same warning to him several times. Like Clinton, Bush ignored the warnings and the result was the 9/11 attack.

While Bush-2 proudly took credit for there being no attacks after 9/11, the reason for it is shortly after 9/11 Bush quickly shut down the Bin-Sultan Air Base his father had installed in Mecca and removed all Americans from that land. He then pressured Sharon to remove all the Israeli settlements from the Gaza region.

If the demands to remove our troops from their holy land and to stop supporting Israeli oppression of the Palestinians were met neither attack on the World Trade Center would have occurred. One can puff up and issue stupid bravado but the fact remains, the Muslims had two legitimate grievances which we ignored. The consequence was they proved they can hurt us -- even if some of them must commit suicide to do it.

The bottom line is you don't want to antagonize people who are willing to die to strike at you. That's what the stupid sonofabitch, Terry Jones, who burned the Koran did and it cost another twelve Americans their lives.

There is nothing in this world more dangerous than a man or woman who is ready to die -- except for several million of them.

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Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

You are correct. The idiot JOnes should have known that these are very violent people. It's very predictable. Like rabid dogs. I wonder what would happen if we killed 12 of them every time they killed one of us? Or burned our flag.?
That's not the fault of Terry Jones..Christianity or Islam.

That's the fault of some bloodthristy radical motherfuckers.
Christian Americans who criticize the obvious religious fanaticism of the Afghani Moslems should recall the far more volatile and widespread example of their spiritual forebears who, when agitated by Catholic popes, formed massive armies and launched a religious Crusade against Islam that lasted for generations.

Whether or not contemporary American Christians choose to believe that many present day Moslems are sufficiently devoted to their faith to be driven to kill and/or die in its defense the fact remains they quite obviously are -- as the 9/11 attack has plainly shown. Yet an opportunistic yokel evangelist, Terry Jones, thought it was a good idea to offensively provoke the fanatical segment of Islam by desecrating their holy book. There was no reasonable or sensible justification for doing what he did.

I believe that sonofabitch should be wrapped up and delivered to the most fanatical Muslim Imam in Afghanistan to be dealt with.

There are also lecherous a-hole whack-jobs running around America. Does that mean you blame rape victims for the way they dress too? (the same way you blame Jones) Should the makers of hot female apparel be thrown to the wolves too?
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

You are correct. The idiot JOnes should have known that these are very violent people. It's very predictable. Like rabid dogs. I wonder what would happen if we killed 12 of them every time they killed one of us? Or burned our flag.?

Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

You are correct. The idiot JOnes should have known that these are very violent people. It's very predictable. Like rabid dogs. I wonder what would happen if we killed 12 of them every time they killed one of us? Or burned our flag.?

an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind?
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

You are correct. The idiot JOnes should have known that these are very violent people. It's very predictable. Like rabid dogs. I wonder what would happen if we killed 12 of them every time they killed one of us? Or burned our flag.?

I think we've probably killed 12 times as many of them as they of us over the years, not to mention our role as an accomplice to the Israeli terrorism inflicted on the Palestinians.
You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

You are correct. The idiot JOnes should have known that these are very violent people. It's very predictable. Like rabid dogs. I wonder what would happen if we killed 12 of them every time they killed one of us? Or burned our flag.?

I think we've probably killed 12 times as many of them as they of us over the years, not to mention our role as an accomplice to the Israeli terrorism inflicted on the Palestinians.

I think you're full of left wing talkingpointspropagandabullshit. That's what I think.
You are correct. The idiot JOnes should have known that these are very violent people. It's very predictable. Like rabid dogs. I wonder what would happen if we killed 12 of them every time they killed one of us? Or burned our flag.?

I think we've probably killed 12 times as many of them as they of us over the years, not to mention our role as an accomplice to the Israeli terrorism inflicted on the Palestinians.

I think you're full of left wing talkingpointspropagandabullshit. That's what I think.

And you're mentally handicapped, and fat.

I thought the wingnuts considered Americans who put American soldiers in danger with their actions were committing TREASON??

When did the Right decide to endorse TREASON?

And you make it sound like the terrorists weren't responsible for 9/11, so who was? Us? Because we don't follow Islamic doctrine? Where do you draw the line? AFTER we've all been converted in order to prevent violence?
Religious conversion has nothing to do with the presently diminished devotion of the Christian faith. We've simply become a nation of hypocrites who worship nothing but money and military power.

Re: the issue at hand:

In preparation for Operation Desert Storm, Bush-1 arranged with his Saudi Arabian buddies to install a temporary Air Base in the Islamic holy land of Mecca. He also promised to pressure Israel into reducing its occupation of Palestinian territories. But as time went by the "temporary" air base remained in Mecca and Israel's occupation activities increased, so Usama bin Laden reminded Bill Clinton of Bush's promises and warned him that action would be taken if those promises weren't kept. When Bill Clinton ignored the warning a nearly successful attempt was made by one Ramseh Yousef in 1993 to topple a World Trade Center tower.

In 1998, PBS Frontline's John Miller interviewed Usama bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan. I recall watching that intervew. The following is a brief excerpt of what bin Laden had to say:

(Miller)... "What is the meaning of your call for Muslims to take arms against America in particular, and what is the message that you wish to send to the West in general?"

(bin Laden) "The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target. And not exempt of responsibility are those Western regimes whose presence in the region offers support to the American troops there. We know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces and that is to support the Jewish and Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the Great Israel. Surely, their presence is not out of concern over their interests in the region. ... Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel. ..."
frontline: hunting bin laden: who is bin laden?: interview with osama bin laden (in may 1998) | PBS

When Bush-2 took Office bin Laden issued the same warning to him several times. Like Clinton, Bush ignored the warnings and the result was the 9/11 attack.

While Bush-2 proudly took credit for there being no attacks after 9/11, the reason for it is shortly after 9/11 Bush quickly shut down the Bin-Sultan Air Base his father had installed in Mecca and removed all Americans from that land. He then pressured Sharon to remove all the Israeli settlements from the Gaza region.

If the demands to remove our troops from their holy land and to stop supporting Israeli oppression of the Palestinians were met neither attack on the World Trade Center would have occurred. One can puff up and issue stupid bravado but the fact remains, the Muslims had two legitimate grievances which we ignored. The consequence was they proved they can hurt us -- even if some of them must commit suicide to do it.

The bottom line is you don't want to antagonize people who are willing to die to strike at you. That's what the stupid sonofabitch, Terry Jones, who burned the Koran did and it cost another twelve Americans their lives.

There is nothing in this world more dangerous than a man or woman who is ready to die -- except for several million of them.


For the record, I read that they were UN employees. I have seen nothing stating that they were Americans, not that that changes anything.

I think we've probably killed 12 times as many of them as they of us over the years, not to mention our role as an accomplice to the Israeli terrorism inflicted on the Palestinians.

I think you're full of left wing talkingpointspropagandabullshit. That's what I think.

And you're mentally handicapped, and fat.

I thought the wingnuts considered Americans who put American soldiers in danger with their actions were committing TREASON??

When did the Right decide to endorse TREASON?

What the fuck are you EVEN talking about you stupid moron?

And you make it sound like the terrorists weren't responsible for 9/11, so who was? Us? Because we don't follow Islamic doctrine? Where do you draw the line? AFTER we've all been converted in order to prevent violence?
Religious conversion has nothing to do with the presently diminished devotion of the Christian faith. We've simply become a nation of hypocrites who worship nothing but money and military power.

Re: the issue at hand:

In preparation for Operation Desert Storm, Bush-1 arranged with his Saudi Arabian buddies to install a temporary Air Base in the Islamic holy land of Mecca. He also promised to pressure Israel into reducing its occupation of Palestinian territories. But as time went by the "temporary" air base remained in Mecca and Israel's occupation activities increased, so Usama bin Laden reminded Bill Clinton of Bush's promises and warned him that action would be taken if those promises weren't kept. When Bill Clinton ignored the warning a nearly successful attempt was made by one Ramseh Yousef in 1993 to topple a World Trade Center tower.

In 1998, PBS Frontline's John Miller interviewed Usama bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan. I recall watching that intervew. The following is a brief excerpt of what bin Laden had to say:

(Miller)... "What is the meaning of your call for Muslims to take arms against America in particular, and what is the message that you wish to send to the West in general?"

(bin Laden) "The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target. And not exempt of responsibility are those Western regimes whose presence in the region offers support to the American troops there. We know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces and that is to support the Jewish and Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the Great Israel. Surely, their presence is not out of concern over their interests in the region. ... Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel. ..."
frontline: hunting bin laden: who is bin laden?: interview with osama bin laden (in may 1998) | PBS

When Bush-2 took Office bin Laden issued the same warning to him several times. Like Clinton, Bush ignored the warnings and the result was the 9/11 attack.

While Bush-2 proudly took credit for there being no attacks after 9/11, the reason for it is shortly after 9/11 Bush quickly shut down the Bin-Sultan Air Base his father had installed in Mecca and removed all Americans from that land. He then pressured Sharon to remove all the Israeli settlements from the Gaza region.

If the demands to remove our troops from their holy land and to stop supporting Israeli oppression of the Palestinians were met neither attack on the World Trade Center would have occurred. One can puff up and issue stupid bravado but the fact remains, the Muslims had two legitimate grievances which we ignored. The consequence was they proved they can hurt us -- even if some of them must commit suicide to do it.

The bottom line is you don't want to antagonize people who are willing to die to strike at you. That's what the stupid sonofabitch, Terry Jones, who burned the Koran did and it cost another twelve Americans their lives.

There is nothing in this world more dangerous than a man or woman who is ready to die -- except for several million of them.


For the record, I read that they were UN employees. I have seen nothing stating that they were Americans, not that that changes anything.


What it said was they went looking for Americans to kill, couldn't find any, so they chose the first "westerners" they could lay their hands on, that's why I called them "rabid".
Given the line of reasoning by some that Jones is responsible for these people being murdered, and then I guess if a woman cheats on her husband and she KNEW it would piss off her husband. That translates that the husband who murders his wife is not responsible, Only the wife who cheated was responsible for her own murder because she pissed off her husband.

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