US veteran and instructor James Vasquez wants to return to Ukraine after his men get killed and wounded.

You are much too emotional. Think rather than emote.

Russia is not our enemy. Stop believing propaganda.

When you refuse to believe your own eyes, when Russian member CaptainRussia says that he wants Americans executed, you're an idiot. Take a look at those men. They aren't Bidenites.
When you refuse to believe your own eyes, when Russian member CaptainRussia says that he wants Americans executed, you're an idiot. Take a look at those men. They aren't Bidenites.
You need to get informed before spouting of emotionally. Start with what happened after the end of the Cold War. Research promises made by US officials to Russia about NATO. Research 2014 and the Coup in Ukraine. Research the Nazis in Ukraine. Research what Putin has been saying for 20 years.

Then you’ll know who is responsible for this war. And remember what I told you some time back? War is a racket!
You need to get informed before spouting of emotionally. Start with what happened after the end of the Cold War. Research promises made by US officials to Russia about NATO. Research 2014 and the Coup in Ukraine. Research the Nazis in Ukraine. Research what Putin has been saying for 20 years.

Then you’ll know who is responsible for this war. And remember what I told you some time back? War is a racket!

War IS a racket, but without war, the whole world would be enslaved under dictators. Your "research" is also emotional, and one sided. I know the people on the ground, fighting. On both sides.
They hate us. Why don't you want to see them fail? Get rid of your stupid pfp, you obviously love Russia more than your own nation.
Russians dont hate Americans as a whole, just your policies and cowboyism, thats it.
Russianns wouldnt ahte you people if you wouldnt keep funding terrorists across the world and destabilizing other nations.
Russians dont hate Americans as a whole, just your policies and cowboyism, thats it.
Russianns wouldnt ahte you people if you wouldnt keep funding terrorists across the world and destabilizing other nations.

Excuse me? Destabilizes? We're the nation that righted the world and kept you fuckers from ruining Europe.
Why can't you see that Putin is starting to rebuild the Soviet Union?
Here’s a qoute that is entirely accurate, but I suspect you won’t agree.

“The U.S. spends $118 billion a year to police its own people and $800 billion a year to police the world then has the audacity to lecture other countries about democracy. Waging war against the world & against its own people makes the U.S. a fascist police state, not a democracy.”

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