US vs Russia-Trump Has Lost and Guided US into Defeat-Traitor Cult Follows Loser President


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

I am against conflict with Russia.

I want peace.

We have no conflict of interest, the Cold War is over.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
I am against conflict with Russia. I want peace. We have no conflict of interest, the Cold War is over.
Correll always defends Russia over America.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
The only traitor I've ever seen in the WH was that meat puppet faggot. Its delightful to see the world's richest professional clown dismantle so much regressive bullshit in so little time while you sniveling pukes rail about this fantasy.

Once Mike Pence is elected in 2024 you can try and revive the globull warming hoax that Trump is fucking to death.

Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

Could you direct us to some evidence.....I mean anything? Just any little piece or shred will do.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Except all of the cyber-warfare went on before Trump was even in office, jackass.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

Could you direct us to some evidence.....I mean anything? Just any little piece or shred will do.
Evidence for what? Cyber warfare? Sanctions that show economic warfare? Are you unaware of these things? Be specific about what objective data you need to have evidence for and I will try to provide it.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Except all of the cyber-warfare went on before Trump was even in office, jackass.
There was no claim in the OP that trump started the conflict, jackass. The claim was specifically that the conflict was being won until trump took office.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

And Camp will run and tell modsnon you when you bring facts and direct quotes. Notice the OP can't and won't produce ANYthing to back his assertion. It's because he like the left are having to get warm with the idea that starting Monday Comeys $10,000,000 book deal will be pointed to as the biggest reference to Comeys character and that the Russia investigation will wind down. Get ready Camp, Trump 20/20!
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Except all of the cyber-warfare went on before Trump was even in office, jackass.
I failed to mention denial as a trump cult defense for trump. It appears that that is the primary defense so far in this thread, denial.
Before trump took office, sanctions were imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. NATO forces were increased by both NATO and the US in response to Russian buildups of forces on the borders. Russian operatives were ordered to leave the US and two large Russian facilities in the US were ordered to be closed and vacated and Russian cyber attacks were publicized.
What has trump done?
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up. You guys can't help yourself. So, now that you have done it, explain which action Obama took against Russia was unAmerican. Don't deviate from the topic. Keep it in regards to Obama's responses to Russia over the issue's of the conflict, sanctions and cyber warfare.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Except all of the cyber-warfare went on before Trump was even in office, jackass.
There was no claim in the OP that trump started the conflict, jackass. The claim was specifically that the conflict was being won until trump took office.

What an asshole. I never said anything about who started it! And there is absolutely no evidence that Trump is losing it! I'll say it again--- it all happened before Trump was even in office! It hit a peak last year with Obama! Now for the first time someone is digging into it and trying to fix it. Trump. Another liberal with his head on 180°.

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