US warplanes pick off ISIS fighters drawn to stranded convoy ‘like moths to the flame’

Had we fought WW2 like that, Germany would have won the war.

We didn't actively try and bomb civilians. The british did. They thought we were crazy for continuing our daylight bombing campaign. We were proven correct, the british weren't.

Who was proven correct? the brits are mighty good when it comes to war ...or were anyway....

Bomb or not bomb LOL

More like bomb ......and voila!

The war was won.:thup:
Leaflets were dropped before the bombs to warn civilians of the impending attack during WWII..

Yeah, but they were smallpox leaflets... :dunno:
Now, can anybody explain to me why the US is doing this???

What is it to the US if ISIS savages are killed or not?? what side is the US in??? Helping ISIS??????

This is very disturbing news.:mad-61:

US warplanes pick off ISIS fighters drawn to stranded convoy ‘like moths to the flame’
Now, can anybody explain to me why the US is doing this???...This is very disturbing news.:mad-61:

I don't know about you, but I think one reason the DPRK keeps "testing" missiles is to demonstrate their efficacy to deep-pocketed-enough non-state actors like ISIS.

I guess you and I just disagree. I am of the mind that the only good ISIS fighter, like a mosquito, is a dead one. What's a dead ISIS fighter good for? Fertilizer, compost, target practice and weapons testing. The fewer ISIS fighters there are, the fewer resources ISIS has to obtain territory and become a state and the fewer resources ISIS has to generate revenue and spread its ideology.

Truly, from where I stand, the women and children, by not fleeing the buses or pushing the men out, are complicit with ISIS. Accordingly, were I in charge of prosecuting the fight against ISIS I'd have instructed the military to take out the buses without regard to who's in them. I'd give the women and kids a few days, maybe a week to figure out something, but after that, I'd lost patience. In that particular situation -- that of ISIS fighters and their apparent or actual aiders and abettors -- what they may want to do but "can't" and "won't" are not to me different. I don't give credit for trying; I give for doing.
Had we fought WW2 like that, Germany would have won the war.

We didn't actively try and bomb civilians. The british did. They thought we were crazy for continuing our daylight bombing campaign. We were proven correct, the british weren't.

Who was proven correct? the brits are mighty good when it comes to war ...or were anyway....

Bomb or not bomb LOL

More like bomb ......and voila!

The war was won.:thup:
Leaflets were dropped before the bombs to warn civilians of the impending attack during WWII..

Yeah, but they were smallpox leaflets... :dunno:
I heard they were largepox...
Had we fought WW2 like that, Germany would have won the war.

We didn't actively try and bomb civilians. The british did. They thought we were crazy for continuing our daylight bombing campaign. We were proven correct, the british weren't.
Sure we did, nuclear bombs in Japan were all about civilians. But you know that.

No, they weren't. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were the largest city's left that hadn't been firebombed. The atom bombs were dropped on those two cities for a reason and that was to show the japanese government that their plan to fight us on the beaches was folly. The two bombs easily saved a million japanese lives.
40 thousand leaflets dropped by the US army aircorp warning Japanese civilians of the danger to come from US bombing raids and yes, that included the atomic bombing events..
The coalition has promised to prevent the experienced fighters from linking up with extremists to the east but is continuing to allow supplies of food and water to reach the convoy from the Syrian government side, he said. A delivery on Tuesday night ended with the fighters showing apparent signs of frustration at being pinned down as they attacked each other.

“You could clearly tell they were going to fisticuffs,” Dillon said.

What is it to the US if ISIS savages are killed or not?? what side is the US in???
We are not ISIS. When we begin to act like them, then all is lost, don't you think?

Oh. Wait. Maybe someone should tell Antifa that.
Now, can anybody explain to me why the US is doing this???

What is it to the US if ISIS savages are killed or not?? what side is the US in??? Helping ISIS??????

This is very disturbing news.:mad-61:

US warplanes pick off ISIS fighters drawn to stranded convoy ‘like moths to the flame’

Ummmm, the ISIS fighters are being killed by us. We are allowing them to stay alive so long as they stay close to their women and children. What's wrong with that?

.....I don't know.

the enemy is the enemy, in fact ISIS are freaking savages and murderers..

why so much kindness towards them? why spare them if they don't spare us?

It's wrong in my opinion.

Blow up a kid on purpose and you create ten new little monsters. Far better to show compassion and win the hearts and minds of those teetering on the fence who number in the tens of millions.
Kinda like showing more respect for their terrorism centers (mosques) than they do when they murder each other?

They only respect strength, not the compassion of infidels.

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