USA and Turkey preparing post-Assad Syria


Tripolis, Lybia.
Praying together with Libyans in Martyr Square.

Tripolis, Lybia.
Praying together with Libyans in Martyr Square.


Why is the Muslim world so backward, ignorant and dysfunctional? Doesn't allah will his slaves of allah to be educated, successful and normal?

Moses Rules!
In the near future, Turkey will be like Iran. Turkey is doomed, islamonazi

Whatever you say will not change the fact, that this century is again Turkey's turn in the region. Like always with the exception of 20th century.
In the near future, Turkey will be like Iran. Turkey is doomed, islamonazi

Whatever you say will not change the fact, that this century is again Turkey's turn in the region. Like always with the exception of 20th century.

The 21st century is Israel's turn, Muhammadan. Turkey's century is the 7th century.:lol:

Warren Buffett
We believe generally in the United States, we believe in ourselves and what a young country can achieve. Israel, since 1948, now a major factor in commerce and in the world. It's a smaller replica of what has been accomplished here and I think Americans admire that. They feel good about societies that are on the move.
[ame=]Warren Buffet Supports the U.S.-Israel Relationship - YouTube[/ame]

Bill Gates...
Israel is by many measures the country, relative to its population, that's done the most to contribute to the technology revolution

How Israel Saved Intel
Business & Technology | How Israel saved Intel | Seattle Times Newspaper

Microsoft CEO: Microsoft Almost As Israeli As American
Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our company almost as Israeli as American - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Wharton School of Business...
Despite--or possibly because of--its small size and geopolitical isolation, Israel has developed a global reputation for its cutting-edge high-tech industry.

Israel today has the second largest number of start-ups in the world, after the US, and the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America.

"Innovation, together with the engineering excellence and the very quick to market production of high-quality products, really makes Israel shine," says Zach Weisfeld, Microsoft Israel Director of Business Development and Strategy.

Israel has become one of Microsoft's three strategic global development centers, responsible for much of the new technology which Microsoft is now known for, such as its anti-virus software.
Israel and the Innovative Impulse - Knowledge@Wharton

Massachussets Institute of Technology [MIT]...
As a world leader in science and technology, Israel excels in such areas as genetics, medicine, agriculture, computer sciences, electronics, optics, and engineering. Scientists at Israeli universities such as Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, Haifa University, Hebrew University, The Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv University and the Weizmann Institute of Science are pioneers in areas such as stem cell-based tissue engineering, nanotechnology, high-resolution electron microscopy, and solar energy. Israeli companies have developed such diverse products as the first anti-virus package, technologies that allow you to leave voice mail on mobile phones, and stents that save lives by keeping the arteries to the heart open.

Wall Street Journal
There are more new innovative ideas coming out of Israel than there are out in Silicon Valley right now. And it doesn't slow during economic downturns." The authors of "Start-Up Nation," Dan Senor and Saul Singer, are quoting an executive at British Telecom, but they could just as easily be quoting an executive at Intel, which last year opened a $3.5 billion factory in Kiryat Gat, an hour south of Tel Aviv, to make sophisticated 45-nanometer chips; or Warren Buffett, who in 2006 paid $4 billion for four-fifths of an Israeli firm that makes high-tech cutting tools for cars and planes; or John Chambers, Cisco's chief executive, who has bought nine Israeli start-ups; or Steve Ballmer, who calls Microsoft "as much an Israeli company as an American company" because of the importance of its Israeli technologists. "Google, Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, eBay . . . ," says one of eBay's executives. "The best-kept secret is that we all live and die by the work of our Israeli teams."
The 21st century is Israel's turn, Muhammadan.

The 21st century for Israel is replacement of the majority of its people by Arabs, see birthrate of Arabs living in Israel.
The clock ticks.
The 21st century is Israel's turn, Muhammadan.

The 21st century for Israel is replacement of the majority of its people by Arabs, see birthrate of Arabs living in Israel.
The clock ticks.

Arabs and Muslims are trash.

The 22nd century is for Israel, ignorant muhammadan.

CNBC: Israel, Business Leader And Innovator
Israeli Industry - CNBC
Israel's economy has been constant from agriculture in the early days to high tech, medicine, science to its newest industries today solar and green tech. Israel boasts the largest desalinator in the world

Israel is a leader in water technology, pharmaceuticals and green technology,

Warren Buffett: "What you have here is a remarkable group of people doing remarkable things in their field achieving terrific results all over the world."
Military exercises on Syrian border
The military said in a statement on its website Tuesday that the maneuvers would take place in the southern province between Oct. 5 and 13. Turkey has earlier said it had stopped two ships carrying arms to Syria.

The aim of the exercises is to test “the mobilization and the communication between the ministries, public institutions and Turkish army in case of a war,” said the military.

Turkey starts military drill at Syrian border - Hurriyet Daily News
Recep Tayyip Erdogan endorsed a proposed United Nations Security Council resolution that would demand Syrian security forces immediately suspend their crackdown against anti-government protesters.

"We cannot remain a mere spectator to the developments in Syria," Erdogan told television cameras. "There are serious deaths against unjustly treated, oppressed and defenseless people. We cannot say 'keep going' to this ... we have to fulfill our human task."

Erdogan also said he planned to visit Syrian refugees living in camps along the Turkish border. That expected visit is likely to coincide with the Turkish military exercises near the border.

This week, a Turkish official told CNN on condition of anonymity that Turkey was considering taking "a series of steps" against the Syrian government. For weeks, the Turkish media has speculated about the possibility of Ankara establishing military buffer zones along the border, economic sanctions and the freezing of Syrian government assets.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Turkey hosted a group of opposition activists in Istanbul. They announced the formation of a Syrian National Council seeking to challenge the authority of the Syrian regime.

As relations sour, Turkey plans military exercise at Syrian border -
Recep Tayyip Erdogan endorsed a proposed United Nations Security Council resolution that would demand Syrian security forces immediately suspend their crackdown against anti-government protesters.

"We cannot remain a mere spectator to the developments in Syria," Erdogan told television cameras. "There are serious deaths against unjustly treated, oppressed and defenseless people. We cannot say 'keep going' to this ... we have to fulfill our human task."

Erdogan also said he planned to visit Syrian refugees living in camps along the Turkish border. That expected visit is likely to coincide with the Turkish military exercises near the border.

This week, a Turkish official told CNN on condition of anonymity that Turkey was considering taking "a series of steps" against the Syrian government. For weeks, the Turkish media has speculated about the possibility of Ankara establishing military buffer zones along the border, economic sanctions and the freezing of Syrian government assets.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Turkey hosted a group of opposition activists in Istanbul. They announced the formation of a Syrian National Council seeking to challenge the authority of the Syrian regime.

As relations sour, Turkey plans military exercise at Syrian border -

Turkey is one of the biggest violators of human rights in the world, so, Erdogan should keep his islamonazi mouth shut
Turkey is one of the biggest violators of human rights in the world, so, Erdogan should keep his islamonazi mouth shut

Make him shut-up if you can.
He is at least till 2015 the PM.
Turkey is one of the biggest violators of human rights in the world, so, Erdogan should keep his islamonazi mouth shut

Make him shut-up if you can.
He is at least till 2015 the PM.

I live in America, not turkey where they arrest you if you criticize Turkey or "Turkishness"

Go fk yourself, islamonazi
Syrian rebel commander takes refuge in Turkey

The 50-year-old Air Force officer, who comes from Idlib, a northwest Syrian province bordering Turkey, said Syrian state media were issuing false reports to undermine morale.
"The Syrian regime conducted a brutal operation in Rastan region near Homs city in order to find and arrest me. They claimed that they arrested me at the end of the operation," Asaad said. "Such stories aim to demoralize the Syrian people."

"All of my needs are being met by Turkish officials," said Asaad, who has emerged as commander of the rebel Syrian Free Army.
Syrian rebel commander takes refuge in Turkey | Diplomacy | World Bulletin


Turkey is hosting an armed opposition group waging an insurgency against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, providing shelter to the commander and dozens of members of the group, the Free Syrian Army, and allowing them to orchestrate attacks across the border from inside a camp guarded by the Turkish military.
Turkish officials describe their relationship with the group’s commander, Col. Riad al-As’aad, and the 60 to 70 members living in the “officers’ camp” as purely humanitarian. Turkey’s primary concern, the officials said, is for the physical safety of defectors. When asked specifically about allowing the group to organize military operations while under the protection of Turkey, a Foreign Ministry official said that their only concern was humanitarian protection and that they could not stop them from expressing their views.

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