USA - Anti-empire

If you read contemporary letters and documents, all the Patriots wanted was their rights as ENGLISHMEN just like those in England.
It wasn’t just a lack of representation. Most Englishmen had no representation, Parliment was composed of the monied classes, working people had no voice.
This is complete illiterate nonsense. The American Revolution ended with the complete expulsion of Europeans from the American continent, and the end was put by the Monroe Doctrine.
Why are you so ignorant? Canada was still outright owned by the British, Florida was owned by the Spanish, the French owned Louisiana and much of the Mississippi watershed. The Spanish owned California, Nevada, New Mexico and everything south from there to the Antarctic circle except Brazil which was owned by Portugal.
Why are you so ignorant? Canada was still outright owned by the British, Florida was owned by the Spanish, the French owned Louisiana and much of the Mississippi watershed. The Spanish owned California, Nevada, New Mexico and everything south from there to the Antarctic circle except Brazil which was owned by Portugal.
Not for long. America became completely free (except Canada)
In 1815 Europe completely lost all the colonies in America. They demanded a return, in connection with which the Doctrine was established.
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From the very beginning and at all times, except for the troubled times of the left and the Trumpists, the United States has done only one thing - freed the world from imperialism.

This is where the history of the United States began.
In modern times, it was the first and only country that challenged Eurocentrism and destroyed all the colonies.

The US is the first, and in fact the only one, to do this.

The French Revolution and the Spring of Nations were only after the US Revolution and the liberation of the American continent. They were inspired by America and acted with American support.

Therefore, the Statue of Liberty stands in the United States for a reason.
Lol. The US is the world’s leader when it comes to imperialism.

It’s as obvious as the nose on your face, but somehow many Americans can’t accept it.

The power of establishment propaganda can’t be underestimated.
I don't see any evidence. America until 2009 always fought against empires for Freedom.
If there is no evidence for your claims, there is nothing to talk about. These are empty words.
Lol. Unbelievable.

After all the wars we were lied into, all the coups to install dictators and overthrow democratically elected leaders, and all the assassinations of leaders you cling to ignorance.
Lol. Unbelievable.

After all the wars we were lied into, all the coups to install dictators and overthrow democratically elected leaders, and all the assassinations of leaders you cling to ignorance.
This is a lie. There was nothing like it.
If a dictator says that he is legitimately elected, this does not mean that this is really so.

And this has nothing to do with imperialism. Regardless of the choice of the majority of the empire, any nation or people has the right to self-determination.
This is a lie. There was nothing like it.
If a dictator says that he is legitimately elected, this does not mean that this is really so.

And this has nothing to do with imperialism. Regardless of the choice of the majority of the empire, any nation or people has the right to self-determination.
You clearly have no understanding of our history.
So you’ve never heard of Mosaddegh
Mossadegh established a totalitarian communist regime and worked for the imperial claims of the Axis of Evil. What is America's imperialism? America must fight imperial pretensions under the Monroe Doctrine.
There is no doubt that he was a protege of bloody communists, and besides, he relied on the radicals of "national unity". When parties are called in this way, they always hint at the imperial policy of oppression of national minorities and autonomies, freedom of the regions.
There is no doubt that he was a protege of bloody communists, and besides, he relied on the radicals of "national unity". When parties are called in this way, they always hint at the imperial policy of oppression of national minorities and autonomies, freedom of the regions.
We can’t debate if you’re ignorant.
The US overthrew Iran and put the Shah in power. They did this to keep the oil under the control of BP and not the nationalized program the duly elected prime minister put in place.

The Shah was a brutal dictator. So much for freedom.

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