USA Freedom Act Passes House: Bill Extends Patriot Act Until 2017

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
And this, folks, is why I prefer a do-nothing Congress

Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) was an original co-sponsor of the bill that was originally intended to end the NSA’s bulk data collection of American’s phone and internet records. However Amash has since withdrawn support stating that behind the scenes negotiations have altered the bill permitting the Federal Government to acquire colossal bulks of American data from Telecom companies without probable cause.

So as per usual a bill a has been passed that accomplishes the polar opposite of what one would expect by name. The USA Freedom Act means less freedom as the Patriot Act would never be condoned by a true patriot, as the Affordable Care Act makes healthcare everything but affordable. This my friends is why you want a “do nothing Congress”.

The Senate is set to vote on the USA Freedom Act today and Senator Rand Paul has said that he will oppose.

USA Freedom Act Passes House Bill Extends Patriot Act Until 2017 Punk Rock Libertarians

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