USA freedom convoy....

You mean the Anti-Vaxxer Moron Parade?
No... the freedom to choose what's best for your body convoy...if you need to led around by the nose by aunt Samantha
that's fine snowflake... The rest of us support freedom to choose...even people that are pro vaccine do not support granting government the authority over your body...get it dummy?....
No... the freedom to choose what's best for your body convoy...if you need to led around by the nose by aunt Samantha

So do you think it is wrong to mandate vaccinations on non citizens entering the country? If you do, better take that up with the State Department and INS. Because they are actually the ones that set that policy, and it applies for all non citizens.

And my wife is actually laughing at this. She had to leave nursing (her left ankle was shattered in an accident) and became a truck driver. She got her vaccinations as soon as they were available, and has had no problem. She is also not a US citizen. However, she also only drives inside the US, so that does not apply to her at all.

But tell me, how many drivers are actually protesting because non-citizen drivers from other countries have to get vaccinated? Because most drivers for years have been screaming about the low paid and unsafe drivers from other countries are making it harder for them to work.

But in the end there is a simple solution. Not a US citizen? Then simply do not take routes out of the country. There, problem solved. But I doubt that if you asked 1,000 truckers, most of them would rather see all of the truckers from Mexico off the roads to begin with.

The New York Times reports that a NAFTA dispute resolution panel has ruled that NAFTA requires the U.S. to let Mexican trucks into the United States. President Bush has said that the U.S. will comply with the ruling. Mexican trucks have been excluded from freely traveling throughout the U.S. since 1995 when President Clinton decided to keep them out on safety grounds.

According to the Times, “Union officials voice fears that Mexican truckers, who often earn one-fourth as much as unionized American truckers, will take American jobs. And consumer groups, noting that 41 percent of Mexican trucks failed American inspections at the border, argue that the trucks will endanger Americans.”

From this press account and others, you would think that the key issue at stake here is the right of the Mexican truckers to get access to the lucrative U.S. market vs. the right of Americans to use their highway system free from careening, brake-less Mexican trucks that could explode at any minute. And the result will be lost American jobs and gains by the Mexicans.

As I said, the Anti-Vaxxer Moron Parade. I have seen a lot of coverage of this, and most of the statements of the truckdrivers were hilariously wrong. And not a single one whined that they were upset that the non-citizens were the only ones required to get them. But a lot of them were screaming that it would become a mandate (even though that will never be as it is Unconstitutional).
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So do you think it is wrong to mandate vaccinations on non citizens entering the country? If you do, better take that up with the State Department and INS. Because they are actually the ones that set that policy, and it applies for all non citizens.

And my wife is actually laughing at this. She had to leave nursing (her left ankle was shattered in an accident) and became a truck driver. She got her vaccinations as soon as they were available, and has had no problem. She is also not a US citizen. However, she also only drives inside the US, so that does not apply to her at all.

But tell me, how many drivers are actually protesting because non-citizen drivers from other countries have to get vaccinated? Because most drivers for years have been screaming about the low paid and unsafe drivers from other countries are making it harder for them to work.

But in the end there is a simple solution. Not a US citizen? Then simply do not take routes out of the country. There, problem solved. But I doubt that if you asked 1,000 truckers, most of them would rather see all of the truckers from Mexico off the roads to begin with.

As I said, the Anti-Vaxxer Moron Parade. I have seen a lot of coverage of this, and most of the statements of the truckdrivers were hilariously wrong. And not a single one whined that they were upset that the non-citizens were the only ones required to get them. But a lot of them were screaming that it would become a mandate (even though that will never be as it is Unconstitutional).
So the 2 million illegals that entered out country with the support and encouragement of Biden were vaxed?
Not to be outdone by our brothers to the north.... here we go Lets Go Brandon...everyone to DC.....

Here's a prediction.
The protest will take place and the military will be there to stop another coup be ause that's what it's about. Some lunatic will bring a shooter and let one off with frustration. Then watch the strength of the military.
At the end of the day, all the hot air and hatred will be expelled, the money will run out and every one will go home with a warm inner glow. Just like the Canadians.
No... the freedom to choose what's best for your body convoy...if you need to led around by the nose by aunt Samantha
that's fine snowflake... The rest of us support freedom to choose...even people that are pro vaccine do not support granting government the authority over your body...get it dummy?....
As I said earlier,this moron is a paid shill from Langley so whst do you hope to achieve in a conversation with this stupid fuck
People been calling for its break up cause it's infiltrated with lefties and glowies.
The air force was circling it with an ec 130
:thankusmile: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Your wasting your time on this stupid fuck,you should put him on ignore.he is a shill from Langley,he endorces the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy,so that’s the understatement of the century he is a moron.that’s speaks volumes of how he gives a shit about patriotic people from around the world standing up fir freedom and against tyranny.

Eh,.. I can handle that son of a bitch and what he doesn't understand that they're protesting a whole lot more than just the mandates on the line right now when our freedom is in danger. I'm actually really excited for them though and I honestly don't know why there seems to be at least a little bit of a misconception by certain members on here that just because I'm pro-vax doesn't mean that I don't encourage people to stand up for their rights.
Eh,.. I can handle that son of a bitch and what he doesn't understand that they're protesting a whole lot more than just the mandates on the line right now when our freedom is in danger. I'm actually really excited for them though and I honestly don't know why there seems to be at least a little bit of a misconception by certain members on here that just because I'm pro-vax doesn't mean that I don't encourage people to stand up for their rights.
dont know why you would want to bother wasting your breath though on a stupid fuck who is obviously a shill for langley though always posting his bullshit lies oswald killed kennedy,why wasted your breath on a stupid fuck like that.i used ignore on him years ago.
Here's a prediction.
The protest will take place and the military will be there to stop another coup be ause that's what it's about. Some lunatic will bring a shooter and let one off with frustration. Then watch the strength of the military.

Not gonna happen.

You see, we have this law in the US called the "Posse Comitatus Act", which places strong and clear limits on what the military can do inside the US. And short of a natural disaster or other emergency if the Governor requests help, the only other allowance is in the event of a state in insurrection. And it has to be approved by both Congress (as they have to declare the insurrection), in addition to the President.

This is the kind of thing that must makes me shake my head when it comes to how little most civilians know about the military. But for some reason it is a wet dream of many, that the military will be called in on their side and start slaughtering people they do not agree with. That is just not going to happen, especially against some morons in a convoy like they are Rubber Duck and Pig Pen on I-44 in 1975.
just because I'm pro-vax doesn't mean that I don't encourage people to stand up for their rights.

Then why are you not screaming at the State Department and INS about the requirement that all who enter the country and are not citizens have to be vaccinated?

This is honestly what has me shaking my head. I am actually very much in favor of civil rights and personal freedom, but this has not a damned thing to do with truckers, or anything else but what is required of non-citizens entering the country. No matter how they enter the country.

Or do you think the US has no right to impose any requirements on those trying to enter the US from other countries that are not citizens?
It's a real twofer. We get a visual protest to vex the left AND it makes the supply chain issue bigger for Biden. Rolling road blocks guys. Makes it tough to tow you.
Do you know how stupid you sound?

You guys really shouldn't be willing to go to prison for a meaningless nonsense. The least you could do is actually protest something other than an ambiguous slogan.

They aren't doing anything illegal though and right now you're the one sounding stupid.
Not the topic. But if they want to get jobs as truck drivers and drive a load across the border, they had better be.
aka ........Welcome illegals to the US even though they are breaking our laws..........Do you show them to the fake Ids and SSNs as well.............

Because the I9 form is mandatory.

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