USA freedom convoy....

Then why are you not screaming at the State Department and INS about the requirement that all who enter the country and are not citizens have to be vaccinated?

This is honestly what has me shaking my head. I am actually very much in favor of civil rights and personal freedom, but this has not a damned thing to do with truckers, or anything else but what is required of non-citizens entering the country. No matter how they enter the country.

Or do you think the US has no right to impose any requirements on those trying to enter the US from other countries that are not citizens?
Again that is a lie the illegals Boden let in to the tune of 2 million were not vaxed.
Again that is a lie the illegals Boden let in to the tune of 2 million were not vaxed.


In other words, neither you or they seem to really know what this entire convoy is about in the first place. You all are just protesting to protest.

That's alright, it's their right after all.

So often, I read how the deceased said the same thing.

And now you jinxed yourself by saying it out loud.

A year ago, you kooks said all the vaxxed would be dead in a year.

Instead, we see 3 deaths vs 900,000. You all seem to have major problems with risk assessment.

What's working inside you takes a little time. VAERS data is showing 26,479 deaths from the vaccine for the week of Feb. 25th. That's up almost 2% from the previous week. Some things just take a little longer to kill you, as you'll see.

Tick tock and all that.

Week 62: VAERS Reports 26,479 Covid Vaccine Deaths, Up 1.8% - Fast Rope
Crap, I see at least 3 trucks there.

So, what are these brownshirts protesting, exactly? Can any of their fellow fascists explain it? After all, there are no mandates for truckers in the USA. They seem to just be butthurt about losing.
This is exactly what I predicted when I saw the Canadian government using force to squash the peaceful protest up north, more nations protesting and sympathy trucker strikes. Truckers don't like governments trying to squash them.
What's working inside you takes a little time. VAERS data is showing 26,479 deaths from the vaccine for the week of Feb. 25th

That is actually not what it says at all. The VAERS does not show that at all.

Note: Submitting a report to VAERS does not mean that healthcare personnel or the vaccine caused or contributed to the adverse event

According to the same report, over 2,000 have died from the vaccine for the common flu. Another 1,400 from measles vaccine. And 20 from the small pox vaccine.

However, the report does not in any way report what caused the death. Just that somebody who had gotten the vaccine had died. It also is simply a raw report, where even individuals can make their own reports with no verification.

VAERS accepts reports of adverse events and reactions that occur following vaccination. Healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to VAERS. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.
Do you know how stupid you sound?

You guys really shouldn't be willing to go to prison for a meaningless nonsense. The least you could do is actually protest something other than an ambiguous slogan.
Thanks for the bump chump.....
It's good to see that you're not dead of COVID. Yet. Give it time. We're trying to save you, but you insist on attempting suicide.

Again, I'll point out how many more Republican voters are dying of COVID than Democratic voters. Maybe that will shock you into sanity.
With a survival rate of 99.7% all your dreams will come true in about 12,000 years.
Dang. There were at least 5 trucks there.

The Ukraine situation really highlights how pathetic these losers are. Ukraine is fighting against oppression. These pussies are just throwing a tantrum.
Really bad timing for this thing. Mandates are being lifted and there is war in Europe.
Really bad timing for this thing. Mandates are being lifted and there is war in Europe.
Elections are coming.........They trying to LIE thier way out of how they became full blown Nazi's over the Plannedemic.

I heard while driving home that New York is lifting some mask requirements for children in school. They get Monday and Tuesday with no mask then have to wear them for the rest of the week.

lmao........where do these idiots come from.
Elections are coming.........They trying to LIE thier way out of how they became full blown Nazi's over the Plannedemic.

I heard while driving home that New York is lifting some mask requirements for children in school. They get Monday and Tuesday with no mask then have to wear them for the rest of the week.

lmao........where do these idiots come from.
Yeesh. There will be an entirely new reality put forward and supported by the media around Biden handling Covid and the Ukraine causing inflation.
Yeesh. There will be an entirely new reality put forward and supported by the media around Biden handling Covid and the Ukraine causing inflation.
We Really didn't mean to put all your businesses out forever and make you lose everything.......HONEST.........TRUST US............
Elections are coming.........They trying to LIE thier way out of how they became full blown Nazi's over the Plannedemic.

I heard while driving home that New York is lifting some mask requirements for children in school. They get Monday and Tuesday with no mask then have to wear them for the rest of the week.

lmao........where do these idiots come from.

Control freak liberalism.
I just found out that the passed through my state today, but it wouldn't have made any difference even if I had known because I was busy with something else. This is still pretty neat though that they came through my home state!! :D


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