USA freedom convoy....

The VAX was already well on its way to obsolescence by the time you were born.

I'm not sure how that's relevant. I don't care if it was or wasn't, I care about people having the right to choose whether or not they want to get vaccinated.
The VAX was already well on its way to obsolescence by the time you were born.
I'm not sure how that's relevant. I don't care if it was or wasn't, I care about people having the right to choose whether or not they want to get vaccinated.

It is rather confusing, I have to admit.

After all, it isn't obvious, even to me, what a certain ancient computer platform, first invented in the 1970s, and discontinued in the early 2000s, has to do with an overhyped flu/cold outbreak or the various abuses of power being undertaken under the guise of “protecting” us from it.
Crap, I see at least 3 trucks there.

So, what are these brownshirts protesting, exactly? Can any of their fellow fascists explain it? After all, there are no mandates for truckers in the USA. They seem to just be butthurt about losing.
Some of those pics look like everyday traffic on our roads and highways. Gotta laugh.
I'm not sure how that's relevant. I don't care if it was or wasn't, I care about people having the right to choose whether or not they want to get vaccinated.
That guy is an anti-vax cop. He could care less what others care about.
They're protesting you, mainly. You should counter-protest them by lying down in the street and singing "We shall overcome."
It's good to see that you're not dead of COVID. Yet. Give it time. We're trying to save you, but you insist on attempting suicide.

Again, I'll point out how many more Republican voters are dying of COVID than Democratic voters. Maybe that will shock you into sanity.
I'm pro-vax and this teared me up because I'm also pro-freedom. I'm right behind you guys!! :113:

And that's freedom. You can chose to get one while I choose not to get one, but we both agree we have the right to make our own choices.

And is exactly how all of America should be on most things. We all make our own choices but we all agree we should be free to make our choices.
And that's freedom. You can chose to get one while I choose not to get one, but we both agree we have the right to make our own choices.

And is exactly how all of America should be on most things. We all make our own choices but we all agree we should be free to make our choices.

Yeah and we shouldn't hate each other over the choices we make to get it or not get it either. You know who you are as some of you on here are over war about this and it's completely unnecessary.
Exhibit A. :rolleyes:

Well, to begin with there is no vaccine mandate for US truckers.

Unless they are non-Citizens and entering the country from Canada or Mexico.

US Citizen, there is no mandate at all. Non-citizen but only drive interstate and never leave the country doing your job, no mandate at all.

So what exactly are they protesting? Because not all that long ago a lot of them were upset at all the non-citizens taking their jobs. Now, they are upset because the non-citizens need vaccines if they operate between the US and Canada or Mexico?
It's good to see that you're not dead of COVID. Yet. Give it time. We're trying to save you, but you insist on attempting suicide.

Again, I'll point out how many more Republican voters are dying of COVID than Democratic voters. Maybe that will shock you into sanity.


I eat that shit for breakfast and piss it out by noon. You're barking up the wrong tree, doggie, I'm immune to that shit. Been there and done that back in 2020. It like a mild three-day case of the flu.

No jabs either, so I won't be getting those blood clots and other shit that's gonna lay you out, sucker. :banana:
How did I contradict myself?

And tell me, how many in this Moron Parade are non-citizens that travel to and from Mexico or Canada?

The point is they're standing up for them by saying they shouldn't have to have a vaccine to get into this country and just standing behind them in general. And so far the only moron I see here right now is you.
The point is they're standing up for them by saying they shouldn't have to have a vaccine to get into this country and just standing behind them in general.

Guess what, cupcake.

ANYBODY who is not a US citizen and enters the country, anywhere by any means is required to get a vaccine. It does not matter if they are a tourist visiting Puerto Rico for vacation, somebody arriving on a work visa from India, or a Mexican trying to deliver a load by truck to Cleveland. All non-US citizens entering the US have to be vaccinated.

Surprise-surprise-surprise, this has not a damned thing to do with truck drivers.

So how about getting al the airlines, travel agencies, and the rest about getting behind this and screaming and protesting? Why are none of the foreign flag carriers screaming because their air crews must be vaccinated? None of the bus lines that travel daily between the US and Canada and Mexico?

You anti-vaxxers really are about as dumb as a box of rocks.

Once again, it has not a damned thing to do with truck drivers. Those who are not citizens fall in with any other non-citizen that enters the country.

And even more moronic, I saw an interview last night and one truck driver was screaming about the "Federal mandate" for masks. That really made me roll my eyes, as there is no Federal Mandate for that. That is entirely on the state-local level. So if that was his issue, he should be staging convoys against those states. Which by the way are California, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Washington state.

Like so many other things, it has not a damned thing to do with facts and reality, but people kneejerking all over the place.
It'll be interesting to see if the Fascists in DC try to use this protest as a false flag like 1/6...
You mean like this:

Not to be outdone by our brothers to the north.... here we go Lets Go Brandon...everyone to DC.....

I fear for them same as our Canadian brothers cause I have heard the military is being called in.the military doesn’t come in when blm and antifa burn down buildings,now when patriots around the world stand up fir their rights,the military is called in.proof world leaders from around the world want to I’ll us all off.
The point is they're standing up for them by saying they shouldn't have to have a vaccine to get into this country and just standing behind them in general. And so far the only moron I see here right now is you.
:thankusmile: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Your wasting your time on this stupid fuck,you should put him on ignore.he is a shill from Langley,he endorces the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy,so that’s the understatement of the century he is a moron.that’s speaks volumes of how he gives a shit about patriotic people from around the world standing up fir freedom and against tyranny.
It'll be interesting to see if the Fascists in DC try to use this protest as a false flag like 1/6...
They’ve already put that plan into effect. Linda Blair’s stand-in has proclaimed that the demmunist iron curtain is to be reinstalled…

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