USA freedom convoy....

They aren't doing anything illegal though and right now you're the one sounding stupid.

In this, I actually agree.

It is long proven that everybody has a Constitutional Right to be an idiot.

And so long as they do not impede the transit and business of others, they have my full support. Not agreement, as I still think they are a bunch of morons. But I do not base their right to protest on if I agree with them or not. Want to have a "Million Vegan March" on DC to try to get all meat banned? Go for it, and I will be eating a nice hamburger as they do it.

However, just as many of the other moron protestors, I have huge problems when they start to infringe on the rights of others. Like the retards in California that feel like every time they want to protest something they have to march onto the freeways and shut them down. Even if I agreed, their protest immediately went and infringed upon my rights for no reason, and that should not be tolerated.

Notice, I have never said this should be stopped. I even shut down the one that tried to say that the military should be brought in to stop it. Nope, not gonna happen. They have every right to do this, and I would shout down anybody that says they should not be doing it. Because the Constitution gives everybody the right of peaceful and civil protest. If you agree with it or not.
This topic is about truck drivers, not immigration.

But can you show me how many illegals are working as truck drivers, and protesting this mandate as they drive loads regularly to and from Mexico?
You put that equation into this with your post...........I responded.
You put that equation into this with your post...........I responded.

No, you made a blanket immigration post, that had not a thing to do with the topic at all.

But that's alright. I actually find this is one of the topics that is making a lot on the far-right insane.

They want to scream and whine about this, but at the same time it is only against non-citizen immigrants. And part of the law that all not US citizens be vaccinated when they enter the country.

So they hate it, and love it. But then have this irrational compulsion to go on about illegals. Myself, just so I am clear I think that all illegals should be put on a bus, sent back to the border, and pushed back into Mexico. My own wife is an Immigrant, and we spent a lot of money and years to make sure that everything was done properly. And both of us detest those that think they should just walk across the border and get everything handed to them with no effort.

But this thread is not about immigration, it is about moron truckers that I bet are not even aware of this. There is no mandate that they get vaccinated, so I fail to see any point in this other than people exercising their Constitutional Right to be a moron.
Why are we only hearing crickets from the media on this?

I have seen some reports. And to be honest, I was laughing each time I saw one.


Only 1 of the expected anti-vaccine mandate truckers arrived in DC, but more say they're coming​

A Pennsylvania man hoping to lead thousands of truckers towards the Capitol finds few takers, but several others say they're still on the way.


Author: Bruce Leshan
Published: 6:00 PM EST February 23, 2022
Updated: 7:00 PM EST February 23, 2022

WASHINGTON — A truck convoy that was supposed to roll into D.C. Wednesday was a bust, but more truckers are still promising to arrive next week, just in time for the State of the Union.
The Freedom Convoy USA 2022, which plans to drive to D.C. from Los Angeles starting Feb. 25, applied for a permit for a rally on the grounds of the Washington Monument on March 1. But the group that was supposed to arrive Wednesday seems to have stalled out.

I eat that shit for breakfast and piss it out by noon. You're barking up the wrong tree, doggie, I'm immune to that shit. Been there and done that back in 2020. It like a mild three-day case of the flu.
So often, I read how the deceased said the same thing.

And now you jinxed yourself by saying it out loud.

No jabs either, so I won't be getting those blood clots and other shit that's gonna lay you out, sucker.
A year ago, you kooks said all the vaxxed would be dead in a year.

Instead, we see 3 deaths vs 900,000. You all seem to have major problems with risk assessment.
So do you think it is wrong to mandate vaccinations on non citizens entering the country? If you do, better take that up with the State Department and INS. Because they are actually the ones that set that policy, and it applies for all non citizens.
You brought it up here.

But tell me, how many drivers are actually protesting because non-citizen drivers from other countries have to get vaccinated? Because most drivers for years have been screaming about the low paid and unsafe drivers from other countries are making it harder for them to work.

But in the end there is a simple solution. Not a US citizen? Then simply do not take routes out of the country. There, problem solved. But I doubt that if you asked 1,000 truckers, most of them would rather see all of the truckers from Mexico off the roads to begin with.
And here.

You introduce it and then whine to me when I respond.........

You brought it up here.

I said nothing about illegals. I said "non-citizens". My wife is a "non-citizen", but she is not an illegal. She is also a truck driver. And when we talked about it recently, she thought it was the most stupid thing she ever heard of, and knows nobody that is participating.

How big was that first convoy that pulled in? One truck? I guess he was both front door and back door.
I said nothing about illegals. I said "non-citizens". My wife is a "non-citizen", but she is not an illegal. She is also a truck driver. And when we talked about it recently, she thought it was the most stupid thing she ever heard of, and knows nobody that is participating.

How big was that first convoy that pulled in? One truck? I guess he was both front door and back door.
LOL. Ok..........Tap dancing for you Ok.

About illegals........I don't think it will mean anything in the end. I don't protest anyways.............Never have....

If it ever gets to the point were I've had enough of the BS......well............nvm.
I don't read links from morons.
The moron is a person who responds to a post without reading it in its entirety. Of course you are most Likely functionally illiterate, so you do have that excuse.
The moron is a person who responds to a post without reading it in its entirety. Of course you are most Likely functionally illiterate, so you do have that excuse.
In your head rent free. Too bad, you have lots of empty space in here.

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