USA soft on terror

Yes but the Indians seem to run it now-a-days.

Yup, the internet is our domain (excuse the pun).

all due to H1B visas and greedy corporate America.

I have no complaints against those who took advantage of the situation.
Well a couple I worked with were assholes, probably the upper caste types from India.
I still count several from India as friends even though the greed of US corporations cost me a job.
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Yes but the Indians seem to run it now-a-days.

Allah must have willed the net to the Indians. Allah prefers living in the Middle Ages, after all. Camels get better mileage than automobiles

Fuck Allah, he is irrelevant to India.

Allah's prophet raped a poor, defenseless 6 year old.

Allah and therefore his Islam Cult condones paedophilia.

If Mohammed were alive today he would be on a paedophile shoot-to-kill list.
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Indians are good for 2 things only: stinking up the joint and tech support.

LOL, but they do make a good curry.

To be fair on them, they are also fighting the muzzy enemy, so we should not be too hard on 'em.

It's getting so bad that you can't walk 10 meters in London without stepping on elephant shit wrapped in a falafel.

True, but as I said the Indians are also fighting the muzzy enemy. We should cut them some slack.
Indians are good for 2 things only: stinking up the joint and tech support.

LOL, but they do make a good curry.

To be fair on them, they are also fighting the muzzy enemy, so we should not be too hard on 'em.

It's getting so bad that you can't walk 10 meters in London without stepping on elephant shit wrapped in a falafel.

It's so bad in France, the unemployed population riots because the govt wants them to get jobs.

LOSER :lol:
LOL, but they do make a good curry.

To be fair on them, they are also fighting the muzzy enemy, so we should not be too hard on 'em.

It's getting so bad that you can't walk 10 meters in London without stepping on elephant shit wrapped in a falafel.

It's so bad in France, the unemployed population riots because the govt wants them to get jobs.

It's so bad in Israel that you have to put up a fence to keep the neighbors out.
11825293]BBC News - Somali pirates convicted of attacking US Navy ship[/url]
Five young Somali men face life in prison after being convicted of piracy in the April attack on a US Navy ship.

This is silly.

The muzzie terrorists should be hung or shot on sight, not put in prison to waste tax dollars.

God bless all those who fight muzzie terrorists.

Careful, Allah invented the internet.


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