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USA Today editorial board declares Trump unfit for Presidency

wanting to protect our borders and control who enters our country is neither religion or race baiting, it is common sense.

The common sense of the electorate does not agree with Trump with regard to the Hispanic undocumented population that has been living here for over a decade.

Immigration from Mexico's Hispanic population is lower than emigration to the US.

Trump is a liar on that aspect of the problem. The motive for lying is race baiting.

Why else would he do it.
Trump's propaganda is aimed at Hillary, or other players.

Hillary is the one targeting large portions of the American population.

That is a very start contrast.

One is tearing this nation apart.

Trump is talking about America as a whole, serving OUR interests as a WHOLE, not setting people at each other's throats.

HIllary is the bad messenger, with the bad message.

But she has two massive industries dominated by partisans indoctrinated to lie for her.

And it is working.

On you.
Okie dokie!

Do you see the difference between targeting players and targeting the population?
I see the difference within the context of your point, I just don't agree.

How so?
I honestly don't know how to respond here. I realize there is nothing I can say. You see absolutes, I don't. You see one candidate as defensible and the other as tearing the nation apart, I don't care for either candidate. This is an asymmetrical conversation. Maybe you should be having this conversation with a left wing partisan ideologue who will respond with their own attacks and absolutes.
Correll is merely an Alt Right mirror of TM.
They realize that it's far better to have a corrupt politician in the White House than a mentally unbalanced demigod. Corrupt politicians are nothing new. The country will certainly survive a Clinton. Trump is a big gamble. His temper, lack of control, and tenancy to exaggerate can create problems far worst than anything we have seen in the past.

This nation will not survive HIllary.

Her tactics and her issues are tearing this nation apart.

Trump is trying to bring US together.

This nation will not survive Hillary

We heard the same thing about Obama for eight years. Obamacare will destroy the economy, Obama is a Trainwreck, the stock market will crash, rampant inflation is just around the corner


yes, and those predictions about Obama have come true. he has doubled our debt, put more americans in poverty and on food stamps than ever before, had the longest recession in history, destroyed the best medical system in the world, weakened us internationally, funded our enemies, and divided us like never before. Worst president in history is an understatement.

Some Trainwreck.

The economy added $50 trillion to our national wealth.....More than any President in history
Republicans predicted we would lose millions of jobs because of Obamacare, instead, we added 8 million jobs

neither of those statements are true. Just because the obozo media pumps something into your head, does not make it true.

obamacare cost us millions of full time jobs. it forced employers to cut hours in order to afford to stay in business. it raised the premiums and deductibles for every, ran doctors out of practice and caused insurance companies to force people to pay for coverage that they did not want or need.

National "net worth" ? are you fricken crazy? he doubled the national debt. what would your net worth do if you doubled your debt?

damn, you libs are the dumbest creatures on planet earth.
Look....you can have your own opinion but not your own facts

Obama has added $50 trillion to our national wealth. That is not deniable.
Neither is adding over 8 million jobs

Our debt pales in comparison to the $123 trillion in national wealth

Facts are a bitch aren't they?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Oldstyle, post: 15423815
He's not a Washington insider.

And you want to make him the ultimate Washington insider with nothing but his and his family's financial interests to be unlimited and gainful. You think this ego-maniac billionaire has his cult like followers interests on the top of his agenda.

About 34 percent of likely voters were born suckers and The Donald knows it.

Clinton voters will save your suckered butts. Thank god.

Don't make me laugh! The ultimate Washington insider is Hillary Clinton. It's why millions of dollars are flowing into her coffers from Wall Street bankers. They like the way things are and they know Hillary is in their pockets and won't do anything to hurt them or the status quo.
USA did not endorse HRC.

They dissed the hell out of Trump.
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Oldstyle, post: 15423815
That isn't a negative in this election...it's a positive because the electorate is sick of politicians and the status quo.

Putin is an outsider too, and he is a politician. Trump is not 'sick' of the Russian politician.

I'd rather have American politicians running the country than Trump's hidden foreign entanglements and connections being run by and for the Trump progeny as heirs to gramps and daddy's empire.

Then there's this, the Outsider business person ultimate dream:

Donald Trump in 2006: I 'sort of hope' real estate market tanks - CNNPolitics.com
CNN.com › 2016/05/19 › politics › dona...
AMP - May 19, 2016 - (CNN)Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008 and millions of Americans lost their homes, Donald Trump said he was hoping for a crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University ...

The Trump kids will have an orgy of buying depressed real estate when daddy becomes an insider.

What did Trump call it in the debate? Oh yeah - "That's Business"

I'm talking American politics! What does the President of Russia have to do with Hillary Clinton being a Washington insider?

As for Trump's remarks about a market collapse? He's being truthful. Depressed economies are a gold mine for those that have access to ready cash. One of the guys I give golf lessons to down here bought 300 houses during the Florida real estate crash and their value has doubled since then. The wealthy are the ones who have made all the money in "Obama's Recovery". The Middle Class are just getting back to where they were before the crash. Take off your partisan blinders and look at the REAL world, Notfooled....you're getting played for a sucker!
Since you gave me a "funny" on my post stating that Hillary Clinton has taken millions from Wall Street bankers...I assume you think that's untrue? Now THAT is funny!
USA Today's editorial board is unfit for providing news.

This isn't news. It's an editorial. By the editorial board. In the editorial section of the paper.

What the editorial board of a newspaper prints as opinion will pretty much tell you what their bias is going to be with the news as well. Just saying...

Editorial staff function separate and apart from the news and reporting staff, one having nothing to do with the other.

The myth of ‘media bias’ is among the more ridiculous and idiotic of rightwing canards.

That ‘the media’ report facts and the truth you and others on the right don’t like doesn’t constitute ‘bias.’

And that the USA Today editorial board considers Trump unfit to be president is based on Trump’s own statements, Trump’s own actions, and Trump’s wrongheaded position on the issues – Trump has only himself to blame; his bizarre Twitter meltdown this weekend one of many examples as to why Trump has no business being president.
USA Today's editorial board is unfit for providing news.

This isn't news. It's an editorial. By the editorial board. In the editorial section of the paper.

Editorial boards traditionally pick one candidate over the other

But to declare a major candidate for president "unfit for office" is unprecidented
USA Today's editorial board is unfit for providing news.

This isn't news. It's an editorial. By the editorial board. In the editorial section of the paper.

What the editorial board of a newspaper prints as opinion will pretty much tell you what their bias is going to be with the news as well. Just saying...

Editorial staff function separate and apart from the news and reporting staff, one having nothing to do with the other.

The myth of ‘media bias’ is among the more ridiculous and idiotic of rightwing canards.

That ‘the media’ report facts and the truth you and others on the right don’t like doesn’t constitute ‘bias.’

And that the USA Today editorial board considers Trump unfit to be president is based on Trump’s own statements, Trump’s own actions, and Trump’s wrongheaded position on the issues – Trump has only himself to blame; his bizarre Twitter meltdown this weekend one of many examples as to why Trump has no business being president.

Really? Show me a newspaper that has a liberal editorial staff but a conservative news reporting staff or a newspaper that has a conservative editorial staff and a liberal reporting news staff!
USA Today's editorial board is unfit for providing news.

This isn't news. It's an editorial. By the editorial board. In the editorial section of the paper.

Editorial boards traditionally pick one candidate over the other

But to declare a major candidate for president "unfit for office" is unprecidented

USA Today has been running anti Trump editorials for the better part of a year. This latest one simply demonstrates that they are getting frantic because nobody seems to paying any attention to them.
Trump's propaganda is aimed at Hillary, or other players.

Hillary is the one targeting large portions of the American population.

That is a very start contrast.

One is tearing this nation apart.

Trump is talking about America as a whole, serving OUR interests as a WHOLE, not setting people at each other's throats.

HIllary is the bad messenger, with the bad message.

But she has two massive industries dominated by partisans indoctrinated to lie for her.

And it is working.

On you.
Okie dokie!

Do you see the difference between targeting players and targeting the population?
I see the difference within the context of your point, I just don't agree.

How so?
I honestly don't know how to respond here. I realize there is nothing I can say. You see absolutes, I don't. You see one candidate as defensible and the other as tearing the nation apart, I don't care for either candidate. This is an asymmetrical conversation. Maybe you should be having this conversation with a left wing partisan ideologue who will respond with their own attacks and absolutes.

You are aware of why I believe one candidate is tearing this nation apart.

You could explain why you disagree with my analysis on that, OR what about Trump there is that balances out that negative of Hillary's.
Correll, post: 15426120
If HIllary and her supporters really have two thirds of the nation supporting them on the issues, then focusing the discussion on those issues would get those voters realizing that they agree with Hillary.

Because she is nowhere close to 75% in the polls.

Are you really not up to this discussion. Immigration is one issue among hundreds.

Pew and I said around two thirds. The last time I checked that is 67% not 75%. You have Trump's penchant for exaggeration.

If immigration were the single and absolute issue determining the result of this election, Clinton would be up on Trump by 33 points.

Now are you aware that there are many other issues driving the outcome as in every other election held in this country since its founding?

You want to discuss immigration. Do you think PEW's research in invalid? If so why and based on what?

If you accept PEW's research what is there to discuss.

It proves Trump is demagoging an issue to rouse a certain group that carries animosity to people of Latino descent.

I reach that conclusion by watching Trump and those supporters in rallies all year.

I think that the numbers that the polls find are based on massive lying by the Left.

A real discussion of the issue might let the Truth on the issues get out.

Such as the fact that Race is not what this is about.

Your use of smearing people with the Race Card shows YOU to be the side using emotion to drive policy, not reasoned debate.

Your conclusions are self serving and not credible.

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