Use the National Guard to restore order


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
It worked during the Vietnam War. So why on earth would are politicians not want the use the guard units to quell these disturbances that are popping up at colleges across America? Of course Democrats like Kaine think it's a bad Idea.

---Senators Wary of Sending National Guard to Quell Campus Protests---

It worked during the Vietnam War. So why on earth would are politicians not want the use the guard units to quell these disturbances that are popping up at colleges across America? Of course Democrats like Kaine think it's a bad Idea.

---Senators Wary of Sending National Guard to Quell Campus Protests---

Yes, we must stop freedom of speech right now, it's just not right.

Had the Founding Fathers wanted people to protest, they'd have written it in the US Constitution. But they didn't, so... arrest them all and force them to say what I want them to say
Yes, we must stop freedom of speech right now, it's just not right.

Had the Founding Fathers wanted people to protest, they'd have written it in the US Constitution. But they didn't, so... arrest them all and force them to say what I want them to say

would you be saying that if protestors against blacks on campus held up a sign that said "the next target" or screamed at them that they would experience 1920 lynchings all over again, but not ten times, or a hundred, but a thousand?? This is basically whats happening to Jews in the U.S.
Racism against Jews on campus is being tolerated, and I can remeber not long ago.... if a white person dared to walk into a school library that was reserved for people of color only... it was considered an agrression.
Not only that, its liberals, just like on those campuses that told us all SILENCE is VIOLENCE... but now its ok for them to shout down and threaten physical violence on Jewish kids who have a different opinion?
would you be saying that if protestors against blacks on campus held up a sign that said "the next target" or screamed at them that they would experience 1920 lynchings all over again, but not ten times, or a hundred, but a thousand?? This is basically whats happening to Jews in the U.S.
Racism against Jews on campus is being tolerated, and I can remeber not long ago.... if a white person dared to walk into a school library that was reserved for people of color only... it was considered an agrression.
Not only that, its liberals, just like on those campuses that told us all SILENCE is VIOLENCE... but now its ok for them to shout down and threaten physical violence on Jewish kids who have a different opinion?

Mostly I'd be saying there are laws out there, and people need to find the sensible way. But then this is the US and politics is just not sensible.

Perhaps universities could use their brains and organize things like debates to get people engaged in the issues in a more useful manner.

Or we could do what Lenny wants (or is Lenny just a parody?) and send in the muscle because....
Some solid Fascists here .
But that is no great surprise .
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Yes, we must stop freedom of speech right now, it's just not right.

Had the Founding Fathers wanted people to protest, they'd have written it in the US Constitution. But they didn't, so... arrest them all and force them to say what I want them to say
/—-/ So “peacefully assemble “ is lost on you?
Freedom of speech must be allowed to destroy the general welfare, tranquility, justice, the blessings of liberty, of those at Universities seeking the education to be part of a more perfect Union and provide for their posterity.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
Perhaps universities could use their brains and organize things like debates to get people engaged in the issues in a more useful manner.
Universities do that, but the protestors only allow their voice to be heard. They protest and threaten the conservatives, running them off campus or getting them banned. The protestors only allow one voice to be heard, all that oppose are shouted down, intimidated, bullied.

At a debate, one side is heard, the other side is heckled and talked down.

There is no Freedom of Speech when only one voice is allowed to be heard.
There is no Freedom of Speech when only one voice is allowed to be heard
Who indulges their kids when they throw tantrums?


Indulging this crap is the wrong move for domestic tranquility.

Definitely vote out Biden. Biden is committing genocide, so he must be removed from office.
God forbid we restore order.

When there is disorder maybe they will be needed. Currently that is not occurring. Camp ins are at best smelly, not disorder. If a private university wishes to get rid of them, they can issue trespass warnings and have campus and local police remove them, per the law.
Yes, we must stop freedom of speech right now, it's just not right.

Had the Founding Fathers wanted people to protest, they'd have written it in the US Constitution. But they didn't, so... arrest them all and force them to say what I want them to say

Yes, we must stop freedom of speech right now, it's just not right.

If you feel freedom of speech includes camping out and disrupting the campus, back to your mom's basement Hamas loving scum!
If you feel freedom of speech includes camping out and disrupting the campus, back to your mom's basement Hamas loving scum!
You want the National Guard over doods camping on the Quad? Thats a little extreme no? Just wait until the semester is over.
would you be saying that if protestors against blacks on campus held up a sign that said "the next target" or screamed at them that they would experience 1920 lynchings all over again, but not ten times, or a hundred, but a thousand?? This is basically whats happening to Jews in the U.S.
Racism against Jews on campus is being tolerated, and I can remeber not long ago.... if a white person dared to walk into a school library that was reserved for people of color only... it was considered an agrression.
I remember Jews didn't stand up for Whites back then until Jews started getting mistaken for Whites. Then a bunch of Jews set up the "Intellectual Dark Web" which was supposed to be the home for free speech. Of course if you questioned aspects of the Holocaust or presented anti-Zionism opinions then you got banned.

Not only that, its liberals, just like on those campuses that told us all SILENCE is VIOLENCE... but now its ok for them to shout down and threaten physical violence on Jewish kids who have a different opinion?
The Left has always been anti-free speech. Their violence should surprise no one.

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