Used and abused: UK's young girls

When I was a kid there were only a thousand or two Muslims living in Scandinavian countries. These countries had the lowest rates of rape in the world, and they also had some of the most relaxed attitudes towards sex.

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that certain things are inevitable when you import enormous numbers of immigrants from primitive societies with extremely misogynistic and twisted attitudes towards sex, and these attitudes are compounded when these immigrants have such a sense of superiority that they regard the native population as theirs to treat as they please.

This issue is so undeniably about the culture of the perpetrators that to try to claim it is "derailing" the thread to talk about anything actually pertinent is the stuff of an underhanded agenda implemented with full intent on squashing discussion rather than furthering it.

The issue, and the claims should be looked at critically. Is there a "Muslim Rape Wave" in Scandinavia?

When you were a kid (which likely is fairly close to when I was a kid) and now - laws as to what constituted rape differed.

For example, this article is from 2011:

This blog entry is from 2013 (from someone opposed to the changes occurring in the legal system regarding rape).

The difference between what constituted rape then and what constitutes rape now in Norway is huge - meaning many more acts are now legally criminalized as rape and are going to be reported. Right then and there you have a "rape epidemic" due to a change in the legal definition of rape. Sweden is similar in that many acts are considered "rape" in Sweden that are not elsewhere due to changes in the law and changes in how rape cases are handled.

Concurrently you have an increase in immigration from non-Western European countries. But is correlation causation? That's what some would have you believe.

The primary source for the so-called "Muslim rape wave" seems to be data from a report titled "Voldtekt i den globale byen" which provides an analysis of rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. This is picked up by groups such as Britains BNP and sites such as Norway ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims 8220 Non-Western 8221 Immigrants Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs which take information from limited studies, distort it, and attempt to apply broadly across an entire nation. The rational behind this spread is easy - nothing instills fear and hate than the possibility that barbarians are raping our women and assaulting our children and when people don't really understand statistics or critical thinking, they pick right up on it.

But what happens when you break it down? Looking at just the Oslo report:

The police report referred to is Voldtekt i den globale byen (Rape in the global city) which provides a detailed analysis of the rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. The report in fact shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while the majority – 54.2% – were of Norwegian, other European or American origin.

The claim that “all rapists in Oslo are immigrants” is based exclusively on the figures for “assault rape”, i.e. rape aggravated by physical violence, a category that included only 6 of the 152 cases and 5 of the 131 identified individuals. All of those 5 individuals were indeed of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin. However, the police report adds that in other cases of assault rape, where the individual responsible was not identified and the police relied on the description provided by the victim, “8 of the perpetrators were African / dark-skinned appearance, 5 were Western / light / Nordic and 4 had an Asian appearance”. Which falls some way short of substantiating the claim that all perpetrators of aggravated rape in Oslo are of non-western origin, never mind the assertion that “Muslim immigrants” are responsible for all rapes in the city.

The police report also points out that “it must be stressed that the strong over-representation of people from minority backgrounds for several types of rape can not be interpreted as meaning that foreign culture is a causal explanation of rape” and that “the statistical difference in criminal behaviour between ethnic groups disappears when controlling for socio-economic conditions”. It concludes: “Gross generalisations that have given the impression that the rapists are only foreigners – and largely Muslim – prove inadequate and erroneous.”

In other words, on the basis of their detailed factual analysis the Norwegian police draw exactly the opposite conclusion about rape in Oslo from that promoted in Pat Condell’s latest anti-Muslim video rant. But then, when have facts ever been of any concern to racist bigots like Condell?

So when looked at critically from a number of angles - is there even a rape epidemic at all much less one driven by Muslim immigrants in general?

Missing the elephant in the room aren't you as the figures try to hide the increasing numbers of rapes by immigrants. If the population of Oslo was 48% immigrant then the figures would not be alarming, but seeing as it is less than 20% then it shows the immigrants are 5 times more likely to be rapists. Just as the overall figures for Scandanavia show that immigrants are 20 times more likely to be rapists. It is all down to perceptions based on facts
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

It is the age old problem or power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts ultimately. We had a string of "sex game" deaths in the UK in the later years of last century when people were engaging in sex acts while being asphyxiated by plastic bags, ligatures and even hands. This led to accidental deaths of many high profile people taking part in these sex games. The sex abuse of children is the same thing they crave ever more dangerous acts that could result in injury because their lives are so tumultuous normally
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

It is the age old problem or power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts ultimately. We had a string of "sex game" deaths in the UK in the later years of last century when people were engaging in sex acts while being asphyxiated by plastic bags, ligatures and even hands. This led to accidental deaths of many high profile people taking part in these sex games. The sex abuse of children is the same thing they crave ever more dangerous acts that could result in injury because their lives are so tumultuous normally

I remember when some famous actor died like that. It was quite a few years ago and I can't remember his name. Some people are just sick and should be locked up.
When I was a kid there were only a thousand or two Muslims living in Scandinavian countries. These countries had the lowest rates of rape in the world, and they also had some of the most relaxed attitudes towards sex.

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that certain things are inevitable when you import enormous numbers of immigrants from primitive societies with extremely misogynistic and twisted attitudes towards sex, and these attitudes are compounded when these immigrants have such a sense of superiority that they regard the native population as theirs to treat as they please.

This issue is so undeniably about the culture of the perpetrators that to try to claim it is "derailing" the thread to talk about anything actually pertinent is the stuff of an underhanded agenda implemented with full intent on squashing discussion rather than furthering it.

The issue, and the claims should be looked at critically. Is there a "Muslim Rape Wave" in Scandinavia?

When you were a kid (which likely is fairly close to when I was a kid) and now - laws as to what constituted rape differed.

For example, this article is from 2011:

This blog entry is from 2013 (from someone opposed to the changes occurring in the legal system regarding rape).

The difference between what constituted rape then and what constitutes rape now in Norway is huge - meaning many more acts are now legally criminalized as rape and are going to be reported. Right then and there you have a "rape epidemic" due to a change in the legal definition of rape. Sweden is similar in that many acts are considered "rape" in Sweden that are not elsewhere due to changes in the law and changes in how rape cases are handled.

Concurrently you have an increase in immigration from non-Western European countries. But is correlation causation? That's what some would have you believe.

The primary source for the so-called "Muslim rape wave" seems to be data from a report titled "Voldtekt i den globale byen" which provides an analysis of rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. This is picked up by groups such as Britains BNP and sites such as Norway ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims 8220 Non-Western 8221 Immigrants Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs which take information from limited studies, distort it, and attempt to apply broadly across an entire nation. The rational behind this spread is easy - nothing instills fear and hate than the possibility that barbarians are raping our women and assaulting our children and when people don't really understand statistics or critical thinking, they pick right up on it.

But what happens when you break it down? Looking at just the Oslo report:

The police report referred to is Voldtekt i den globale byen (Rape in the global city) which provides a detailed analysis of the rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. The report in fact shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while the majority – 54.2% – were of Norwegian, other European or American origin.

The claim that “all rapists in Oslo are immigrants” is based exclusively on the figures for “assault rape”, i.e. rape aggravated by physical violence, a category that included only 6 of the 152 cases and 5 of the 131 identified individuals. All of those 5 individuals were indeed of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin. However, the police report adds that in other cases of assault rape, where the individual responsible was not identified and the police relied on the description provided by the victim, “8 of the perpetrators were African / dark-skinned appearance, 5 were Western / light / Nordic and 4 had an Asian appearance”. Which falls some way short of substantiating the claim that all perpetrators of aggravated rape in Oslo are of non-western origin, never mind the assertion that “Muslim immigrants” are responsible for all rapes in the city.

The police report also points out that “it must be stressed that the strong over-representation of people from minority backgrounds for several types of rape can not be interpreted as meaning that foreign culture is a causal explanation of rape” and that “the statistical difference in criminal behaviour between ethnic groups disappears when controlling for socio-economic conditions”. It concludes: “Gross generalisations that have given the impression that the rapists are only foreigners – and largely Muslim – prove inadequate and erroneous.”

In other words, on the basis of their detailed factual analysis the Norwegian police draw exactly the opposite conclusion about rape in Oslo from that promoted in Pat Condell’s latest anti-Muslim video rant. But then, when have facts ever been of any concern to racist bigots like Condell?

So when looked at critically from a number of angles - is there even a rape epidemic at all much less one driven by Muslim immigrants in general?

Missing the elephant in the room aren't you as the figures try to hide the increasing numbers of rapes by immigrants. If the population of Oslo was 48% immigrant then the figures would not be alarming, but seeing as it is less than 20% then it shows the immigrants are 5 times more likely to be rapists. Just as the overall figures for Scandanavia show that immigrants are 20 times more likely to be rapists. It is all down to perceptions based on facts

It seems like UK has a culture of sex with minor girls/boys. Certain immigrants from certain background simply became suppliers of that demand. So, your racism is not going to help UK. In a country where police is directed to drop charges of pedophilia against a person just because he is VIP these kind of things are bound to happen.
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

I think it is part of the culture there.

Part of the culture where? The UK? Hmm. Don't think so.

What else this thread is about? Canada?

They have laws against this stuff in the UK, no? These people are breaking the law, and I don't believe this is a widely accepted cultural practice in the UK, or at least I hope it isn't. Maybe this is one of the unintended consequences when your age of consent laws are too lax and when you sexualize children at too early an age? I've read that the schools are quite liberal in their sex education teachings for young children over there.
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

I think it is part of the culture there.

Part of the culture where? The UK? Hmm. Don't think so.

What else this thread is about? Canada?

They have laws against this stuff in the UK, no? These people are breaking the law, and I don't believe this is a widely accepted cultural practice in the UK, or at least I hope it isn't. Maybe this is one of the unintended consequences when your age of consent laws are too lax and when you sexualize children at too early an age? I've read that the schools are quite liberal in their sex education teachings for young children over there.

UK is a very class oriented society. This makes certain people untouchable as far as law is concerned. If you read the stories that I have posted, you will see what I am talking about.
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

I think it is part of the culture there.

Part of the culture where? The UK? Hmm. Don't think so.

What else this thread is about? Canada?

They have laws against this stuff in the UK, no? These people are breaking the law, and I don't believe this is a widely accepted cultural practice in the UK, or at least I hope it isn't. Maybe this is one of the unintended consequences when your age of consent laws are too lax and when you sexualize children at too early an age? I've read that the schools are quite liberal in their sex education teachings for young children over there.

UK is a very class oriented society. This makes certain people untouchable as far as law is concerned. If you read the stories that I have posted, you will see what I am talking about.

That does not mean that pedophilia is an acceptable practice there, and I believe that it is not. Now, it seems as if you are a little upset about the accusations made against some Muslims. Well, I'm sorry if it upsets you, but it is true that in many Muslim cultures child marriage is legal and acceptable practice.
I think it's very important that we be honest and acknowledge that there are VAST differences between cultures here in the US and the UK, as well as most if not all 1st world countries and 3rd world countries. We have different traditions, values and cultures. Women in many of those cultures are still oppressed, and they start doing this while they are still children. Women and children are just not seen as "equal" to men in these cultures. That is just the way it is.
When I was a kid there were only a thousand or two Muslims living in Scandinavian countries. These countries had the lowest rates of rape in the world, and they also had some of the most relaxed attitudes towards sex.

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that certain things are inevitable when you import enormous numbers of immigrants from primitive societies with extremely misogynistic and twisted attitudes towards sex, and these attitudes are compounded when these immigrants have such a sense of superiority that they regard the native population as theirs to treat as they please.

This issue is so undeniably about the culture of the perpetrators that to try to claim it is "derailing" the thread to talk about anything actually pertinent is the stuff of an underhanded agenda implemented with full intent on squashing discussion rather than furthering it.

The issue, and the claims should be looked at critically. Is there a "Muslim Rape Wave" in Scandinavia?

When you were a kid (which likely is fairly close to when I was a kid) and now - laws as to what constituted rape differed.

For example, this article is from 2011:

This blog entry is from 2013 (from someone opposed to the changes occurring in the legal system regarding rape).

The difference between what constituted rape then and what constitutes rape now in Norway is huge - meaning many more acts are now legally criminalized as rape and are going to be reported. Right then and there you have a "rape epidemic" due to a change in the legal definition of rape. Sweden is similar in that many acts are considered "rape" in Sweden that are not elsewhere due to changes in the law and changes in how rape cases are handled.

Concurrently you have an increase in immigration from non-Western European countries. But is correlation causation? That's what some would have you believe.

The primary source for the so-called "Muslim rape wave" seems to be data from a report titled "Voldtekt i den globale byen" which provides an analysis of rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. This is picked up by groups such as Britains BNP and sites such as Norway ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims 8220 Non-Western 8221 Immigrants Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs which take information from limited studies, distort it, and attempt to apply broadly across an entire nation. The rational behind this spread is easy - nothing instills fear and hate than the possibility that barbarians are raping our women and assaulting our children and when people don't really understand statistics or critical thinking, they pick right up on it.

But what happens when you break it down? Looking at just the Oslo report:

The police report referred to is Voldtekt i den globale byen (Rape in the global city) which provides a detailed analysis of the rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. The report in fact shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while the majority – 54.2% – were of Norwegian, other European or American origin.

The claim that “all rapists in Oslo are immigrants” is based exclusively on the figures for “assault rape”, i.e. rape aggravated by physical violence, a category that included only 6 of the 152 cases and 5 of the 131 identified individuals. All of those 5 individuals were indeed of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin. However, the police report adds that in other cases of assault rape, where the individual responsible was not identified and the police relied on the description provided by the victim, “8 of the perpetrators were African / dark-skinned appearance, 5 were Western / light / Nordic and 4 had an Asian appearance”. Which falls some way short of substantiating the claim that all perpetrators of aggravated rape in Oslo are of non-western origin, never mind the assertion that “Muslim immigrants” are responsible for all rapes in the city.

The police report also points out that “it must be stressed that the strong over-representation of people from minority backgrounds for several types of rape can not be interpreted as meaning that foreign culture is a causal explanation of rape” and that “the statistical difference in criminal behaviour between ethnic groups disappears when controlling for socio-economic conditions”. It concludes: “Gross generalisations that have given the impression that the rapists are only foreigners – and largely Muslim – prove inadequate and erroneous.”

In other words, on the basis of their detailed factual analysis the Norwegian police draw exactly the opposite conclusion about rape in Oslo from that promoted in Pat Condell’s latest anti-Muslim video rant. But then, when have facts ever been of any concern to racist bigots like Condell?

So when looked at critically from a number of angles - is there even a rape epidemic at all much less one driven by Muslim immigrants in general?

Missing the elephant in the room aren't you as the figures try to hide the increasing numbers of rapes by immigrants. If the population of Oslo was 48% immigrant then the figures would not be alarming, but seeing as it is less than 20% then it shows the immigrants are 5 times more likely to be rapists. Just as the overall figures for Scandanavia show that immigrants are 20 times more likely to be rapists. It is all down to perceptions based on facts

It seems like UK has a culture of sex with minor girls/boys. Certain immigrants from certain background simply became suppliers of that demand. So, your racism is not going to help UK. In a country where police is directed to drop charges of pedophilia against a person just because he is VIP these kind of things are bound to happen.

Yet in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc. the men are marrying 9 to 11 year old girls all the time, it is part of that culture to do so. It is even commanded by their religion to have sex with very young girls, so don't try and blame the British for what is happening in your culture as well.
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

I think it is part of the culture there.

Part of the culture where? The UK? Hmm. Don't think so.

What else this thread is about? Canada?

They have laws against this stuff in the UK, no? These people are breaking the law, and I don't believe this is a widely accepted cultural practice in the UK, or at least I hope it isn't. Maybe this is one of the unintended consequences when your age of consent laws are too lax and when you sexualize children at too early an age? I've read that the schools are quite liberal in their sex education teachings for young children over there.

Yes we do and we demand that they apply equally to all British subjects, irrespective of race, creed, nationality, skin colour, religion or social status. This is why so many politicians and landed gentry are being arrested, charged and put before the courts for crimes they have committed
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

It is the lack of response to the mistreatment that is just as horrible.

With so many creatures such as Coyote frothing at the mouth about "Islamophobia" on a veritable witch hunt to stamp out any possibility that Muslims can ever be held accountable for what they do and to try to intimidate people into silence, an entire culture has sprung up where people have been so beaten into submission by the bullying that they refuse to see what is before their very eyes.

It is a case of the Emperor's new clothes, where these vile things demand that others create an alternate reality and are ready to punish them lest they speak the truth.

Pakistani men rape British children as an expression of supremacism and misogyny. Coyote and her revolting ilk do everything in their power to ensure they continue by throwing up such an impenetrable cacophony of background noise that it becomes impossible to stop them without accusations of racism.
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

I think it is part of the culture there.

Part of the culture where? The UK? Hmm. Don't think so.


You could trying googling phoenall's claim about ##"sex game" deaths in the UK ##

and read the results !!

Phoenall probably uses more Extreme sites to satisfy his 'Research' sites that most normal people wouldn't touch with a barge pole or believe !
When I was a kid there were only a thousand or two Muslims living in Scandinavian countries. These countries had the lowest rates of rape in the world, and they also had some of the most relaxed attitudes towards sex.

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that certain things are inevitable when you import enormous numbers of immigrants from primitive societies with extremely misogynistic and twisted attitudes towards sex, and these attitudes are compounded when these immigrants have such a sense of superiority that they regard the native population as theirs to treat as they please.

This issue is so undeniably about the culture of the perpetrators that to try to claim it is "derailing" the thread to talk about anything actually pertinent is the stuff of an underhanded agenda implemented with full intent on squashing discussion rather than furthering it.

The issue, and the claims should be looked at critically. Is there a "Muslim Rape Wave" in Scandinavia?

When you were a kid (which likely is fairly close to when I was a kid) and now - laws as to what constituted rape differed.

For example, this article is from 2011:

This blog entry is from 2013 (from someone opposed to the changes occurring in the legal system regarding rape).

The difference between what constituted rape then and what constitutes rape now in Norway is huge - meaning many more acts are now legally criminalized as rape and are going to be reported. Right then and there you have a "rape epidemic" due to a change in the legal definition of rape. Sweden is similar in that many acts are considered "rape" in Sweden that are not elsewhere due to changes in the law and changes in how rape cases are handled.

Concurrently you have an increase in immigration from non-Western European countries. But is correlation causation? That's what some would have you believe.

The primary source for the so-called "Muslim rape wave" seems to be data from a report titled "Voldtekt i den globale byen" which provides an analysis of rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. This is picked up by groups such as Britains BNP and sites such as Norway ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims 8220 Non-Western 8221 Immigrants Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs which take information from limited studies, distort it, and attempt to apply broadly across an entire nation. The rational behind this spread is easy - nothing instills fear and hate than the possibility that barbarians are raping our women and assaulting our children and when people don't really understand statistics or critical thinking, they pick right up on it.

But what happens when you break it down? Looking at just the Oslo report:

The police report referred to is Voldtekt i den globale byen (Rape in the global city) which provides a detailed analysis of the rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. The report in fact shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while the majority – 54.2% – were of Norwegian, other European or American origin.

The claim that “all rapists in Oslo are immigrants” is based exclusively on the figures for “assault rape”, i.e. rape aggravated by physical violence, a category that included only 6 of the 152 cases and 5 of the 131 identified individuals. All of those 5 individuals were indeed of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin. However, the police report adds that in other cases of assault rape, where the individual responsible was not identified and the police relied on the description provided by the victim, “8 of the perpetrators were African / dark-skinned appearance, 5 were Western / light / Nordic and 4 had an Asian appearance”. Which falls some way short of substantiating the claim that all perpetrators of aggravated rape in Oslo are of non-western origin, never mind the assertion that “Muslim immigrants” are responsible for all rapes in the city.

The police report also points out that “it must be stressed that the strong over-representation of people from minority backgrounds for several types of rape can not be interpreted as meaning that foreign culture is a causal explanation of rape” and that “the statistical difference in criminal behaviour between ethnic groups disappears when controlling for socio-economic conditions”. It concludes: “Gross generalisations that have given the impression that the rapists are only foreigners – and largely Muslim – prove inadequate and erroneous.”

In other words, on the basis of their detailed factual analysis the Norwegian police draw exactly the opposite conclusion about rape in Oslo from that promoted in Pat Condell’s latest anti-Muslim video rant. But then, when have facts ever been of any concern to racist bigots like Condell?

So when looked at critically from a number of angles - is there even a rape epidemic at all much less one driven by Muslim immigrants in general?

Missing the elephant in the room aren't you as the figures try to hide the increasing numbers of rapes by immigrants. If the population of Oslo was 48% immigrant then the figures would not be alarming, but seeing as it is less than 20% then it shows the immigrants are 5 times more likely to be rapists. Just as the overall figures for Scandanavia show that immigrants are 20 times more likely to be rapists. It is all down to perceptions based on facts

The elephant in the room is the deliberate misrepresentation of the facts. Did you not read anything?
Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

It is the lack of response to the mistreatment that is just as horrible.

Agree. It's the cover up and the way this has been allowed to go unchanged for so many years largely because the people involved are VIP's. When the coverup includes law enforcement and politicians it's particularly revolting - those are the very people who are supposed to be protecting the citizens.

With so many creatures such as Coyote frothing at the mouth about "Islamophobia" on a veritable witch hunt to stamp out any possibility that Muslims can ever be held accountable for what they do and to try to intimidate people into silence, an entire culture has sprung up where people have been so beaten into submission by the bullying that they refuse to see what is before their very eyes.

It's humorous the amount of headspace you give me rent free with your obsession. Islamophobia is like anti-semitism and it lends itself to witch hunts and a complete disregard for rational discourse. For example - this - what occurred in Rotherham.

The people running the ring and supplying the victims to perverts were mostly Pakistani. Criticism was rightly levied at the police for being reluctant to pursue this fully for fear of being charged with racism. That has definately got to change - crimes like this should not be in anyway affect by PC in terms of who is questioned or pursued.

The real racism is people who use this and insist it's a "Muslim pedophile epidemic" and a "Muslim problem". As if Muslims around the world are identical regardless of culture. In this case the perpetrators were almost overwelmingly Pakistani. Just one of many Muslim immigrant groups in the UK and in numbers hardly representative of Pakistani's as a whole. What they are is criminals.

It is a case of the Emperor's new clothes, where these vile things demand that others create an alternate reality and are ready to punish them lest they speak the truth.

Telling the truth is not an "alternate reality" and insisting on rationality is hardly vile. Your racism doesn't explain what seems to be a long standing British attitude in looking the other way when the perverts are VIP's. It doesn't explain many of these other incidents coming to light that do not involve Muslims. By painting it as a Muslim problem you are chopping off most of the real issue. Is your real focus and concern on child abuse or is it on Muslims?

Pakistani men rape British children as an expression of supremacism and misogyny. Coyote and her revolting ilk do everything in their power to ensure they continue by throwing up such an impenetrable cacophony of background noise that it becomes impossible to stop them without accusations of racism.

You are now descending into the realm of Stupid. "Pakistani men rape British children as an expression of supremacism and misogyny"? Really now? The men involved in these activities are largely doing it for money. Human trafficking is a HUGE problem AROUND THE WORLD. Or have you not realized that? Modern media makes it easier for people to engage in it and profit from it. Your silly statement doesn't even begin to explain how many of the "customers" abusing these children are not even of Pakistani origin. Can you be any more racist?
Last edited:
When I was a kid there were only a thousand or two Muslims living in Scandinavian countries. These countries had the lowest rates of rape in the world, and they also had some of the most relaxed attitudes towards sex.

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that certain things are inevitable when you import enormous numbers of immigrants from primitive societies with extremely misogynistic and twisted attitudes towards sex, and these attitudes are compounded when these immigrants have such a sense of superiority that they regard the native population as theirs to treat as they please.

This issue is so undeniably about the culture of the perpetrators that to try to claim it is "derailing" the thread to talk about anything actually pertinent is the stuff of an underhanded agenda implemented with full intent on squashing discussion rather than furthering it.

The issue, and the claims should be looked at critically. Is there a "Muslim Rape Wave" in Scandinavia?

When you were a kid (which likely is fairly close to when I was a kid) and now - laws as to what constituted rape differed.

For example, this article is from 2011:

This blog entry is from 2013 (from someone opposed to the changes occurring in the legal system regarding rape).

The difference between what constituted rape then and what constitutes rape now in Norway is huge - meaning many more acts are now legally criminalized as rape and are going to be reported. Right then and there you have a "rape epidemic" due to a change in the legal definition of rape. Sweden is similar in that many acts are considered "rape" in Sweden that are not elsewhere due to changes in the law and changes in how rape cases are handled.

Concurrently you have an increase in immigration from non-Western European countries. But is correlation causation? That's what some would have you believe.

The primary source for the so-called "Muslim rape wave" seems to be data from a report titled "Voldtekt i den globale byen" which provides an analysis of rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. This is picked up by groups such as Britains BNP and sites such as Norway ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims 8220 Non-Western 8221 Immigrants Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs which take information from limited studies, distort it, and attempt to apply broadly across an entire nation. The rational behind this spread is easy - nothing instills fear and hate than the possibility that barbarians are raping our women and assaulting our children and when people don't really understand statistics or critical thinking, they pick right up on it.

But what happens when you break it down? Looking at just the Oslo report:

The police report referred to is Voldtekt i den globale byen (Rape in the global city) which provides a detailed analysis of the rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. The report in fact shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while the majority – 54.2% – were of Norwegian, other European or American origin.

The claim that “all rapists in Oslo are immigrants” is based exclusively on the figures for “assault rape”, i.e. rape aggravated by physical violence, a category that included only 6 of the 152 cases and 5 of the 131 identified individuals. All of those 5 individuals were indeed of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin. However, the police report adds that in other cases of assault rape, where the individual responsible was not identified and the police relied on the description provided by the victim, “8 of the perpetrators were African / dark-skinned appearance, 5 were Western / light / Nordic and 4 had an Asian appearance”. Which falls some way short of substantiating the claim that all perpetrators of aggravated rape in Oslo are of non-western origin, never mind the assertion that “Muslim immigrants” are responsible for all rapes in the city.

The police report also points out that “it must be stressed that the strong over-representation of people from minority backgrounds for several types of rape can not be interpreted as meaning that foreign culture is a causal explanation of rape” and that “the statistical difference in criminal behaviour between ethnic groups disappears when controlling for socio-economic conditions”. It concludes: “Gross generalisations that have given the impression that the rapists are only foreigners – and largely Muslim – prove inadequate and erroneous.”

In other words, on the basis of their detailed factual analysis the Norwegian police draw exactly the opposite conclusion about rape in Oslo from that promoted in Pat Condell’s latest anti-Muslim video rant. But then, when have facts ever been of any concern to racist bigots like Condell?

So when looked at critically from a number of angles - is there even a rape epidemic at all much less one driven by Muslim immigrants in general?

Missing the elephant in the room aren't you as the figures try to hide the increasing numbers of rapes by immigrants. If the population of Oslo was 48% immigrant then the figures would not be alarming, but seeing as it is less than 20% then it shows the immigrants are 5 times more likely to be rapists. Just as the overall figures for Scandanavia show that immigrants are 20 times more likely to be rapists. It is all down to perceptions based on facts

It seems like UK has a culture of sex with minor girls/boys. Certain immigrants from certain background simply became suppliers of that demand. So, your racism is not going to help UK. In a country where police is directed to drop charges of pedophilia against a person just because he is VIP these kind of things are bound to happen.

Yet in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc. the men are marrying 9 to 11 year old girls all the time, it is part of that culture to do so. It is even commanded by their religion to have sex with very young girls, so don't try and blame the British for what is happening in your culture as well.

All the time? I'd like to see some stats on that 9-11 yr old range.

Granted - child marriages are a scrouge in many societies. Religion can play a part in it but it is also heavily driven by economic factors. Girl children are not regarded as having much value, and as a result families choose to marry them off rather than educate them. Economic conditions are a HUGE driving factor with poor people marrying daughters off to settle debts or have one less mouth to feed. The fate of child brides is usually dismal.

However, your claim that 9 and 11 year olds are married off "all the time" is a bit off as is your claim that it is widely accepted. It is more common in some areas than others and in less educated, backwards rural areas than in the more educated communities. Child marriages occur among Muslims, Hindus and Christians in those cultures. Education, economic opportunities and convincing people that there is value in educating their girl children is key to putting an end to this.

Child Brides - Child Marriage What We Know . NOW PBS
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Eck, this stuff is horrible. I just can't believe that there are so many people willing to mistreat kids.

It is the lack of response to the mistreatment that is just as horrible.

Agree. It's the cover up and the way this has been allowed to go unchanged for so many years largely because the people involved are VIP's. When the coverup includes law enforcement and politicians it's particularly revolting - those are the very people who are supposed to be protecting the citizens.

With so many creatures such as Coyote frothing at the mouth about "Islamophobia" on a veritable witch hunt to stamp out any possibility that Muslims can ever be held accountable for what they do and to try to intimidate people into silence, an entire culture has sprung up where people have been so beaten into submission by the bullying that they refuse to see what is before their very eyes.

It's humorous the amount of headspace you give me rent free with your obsession. Islamophobia is like anti-semitism and it lends itself to witch hunts and a complete disregard for rational discourse. For example - this - what occurred in Rotherham.

The people running the ring and supplying the victims to perverts were mostly Pakistani. Criticism was rightly levied at the police for being reluctant to pursue this fully for fear of being charged with racism. That has definately got to change - crimes like this should not be in anyway affect by PC in terms of who is questioned or pursued.

The real racism is people who use this and insist it's a "Muslim pedophile epidemic" and a "Muslim problem". As if Muslims around the world are identical regardless of culture. In this case the perpetrators were almost overwelmingly Pakistani. Just one of many Muslim immigrant groups in the UK and in numbers hardly representative of Pakistani's as a whole. What they are is criminals.

It is a case of the Emperor's new clothes, where these vile things demand that others create an alternate reality and are ready to punish them lest they speak the truth.

Telling the truth is not an "alternate reality" and insisting on rationality is hardly vile. Your racism doesn't explain what seems to be a long standing British attitude in looking the other way when the perverts are VIP's. It doesn't explain many of these other incidents coming to light that do not involve Muslims. By painting it as a Muslim problem you are chopping off most of the real issue. Is your real focus and concern on child abuse or is it on Muslims?

Pakistani men rape British children as an expression of supremacism and misogyny. Coyote and her revolting ilk do everything in their power to ensure they continue by throwing up such an impenetrable cacophony of background noise that it becomes impossible to stop them without accusations of racism.

You are now descending into the realm of Stupid. "Pakistani men rape British children as an expression of supremacism and misogyny"? Really now? The men involved in these activities are largely doing it for money. Human trafficking is a HUGE problem AROUND THE WORLD. Or have you not realized that? Modern media makes it easier for people to engage in it and profit from it. Your silly statement doesn't even begin to explain how many of the "customers" abusing these children are not even of Pakistani origin. Can you be any more racist?

It's downright Pavlovian with you people.

Just keep yelling "racist" at the top of your lungs over and over again in order to create that political climate where it is overlooked.

Even more so when you can achieve a position of authority so as to facilitate the intimidation necessary to further these aims.

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