Using the "Unaccompanied Children" Ploy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?
Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore
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Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore

Sure wish I could disagree.....

HHS Report: 1,295,571 Obamacare Enrollees May or May Not Be Legal Citizens
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

And just how i they sneak you into this country?
Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore

Whining from bitter old white trailer trash, no surprise!
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

And just how i they sneak you into this country?

Sometimes one can tell all they need know about one from their attempt at writing....

...clearly this is a case in point:

"And just how i they sneak you into this country?"

Good work, lickspittle.

Now, how about you get seat belts made of piano wire?
Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore

Whining from bitter old white trailer trash, no surprise!

hey have no idea that your messiah is just USING these children to help destroy America by overloading the welfare system.....or maybe you do....?

Obama is USING these poor children like commies always do....and because of this fucking mess that he and his minions created many of these poor children will become VICTIMS of child trafficking and abuse...

Obama and supporters like you have that on your souless heads...:mad:
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You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.
You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.

yes we know about the limitations of FOX...

we also know about the outright propaganda machine that is the left wing lamestream media...

what's your f*****g point....?
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What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.

Then why don't we help them by pressuring their home countries ?
You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.

yes we know about the limitations of FOX...

we also know about the outright propaganda machine that is the left wing lamestream media...

what's your f*****g point....?

Point out the "left-wing media", Republicunt. Which of the massive multi-billion-dollar for-profit media corporations are "leftist" or "socialist" or "Kenyan" or whatever?

Name the leftist media corporations. Is it Disney? Heartless, soulless Disney buying up everything that it can? Turning the world into a monopoly?

Is it Time-Warner? With their billions of dollars? Merging with Comcast to create an even bigger monopoly? Is News Corporation "leftist"? What about Bertelsmann, the German publishing powerhouse that printed Nazi Brownshirt propaganda for the Third Reich. They sound pretty "leftist", right, fucking moron? Because Nazis were "leftist socialists" because it says so in their name, right, Republicunt?

You know less than nothing because you watch American corporate news.
You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.

yes we know about the limitations of FOX...

we also know about the outright propaganda machine that is the left wing lamestream media...

what's your f*****g point....?

Point out the "left-wing media", Republicunt. Which of the massive multi-billion-dollar for-profit media corporations are "leftist" or "socialist" or "Kenyan" or whatever?

Name the leftist media corporations. Is it Disney? Heartless, soulless Disney buying up everything that it can? Turning the world into a monopoly?

Is it Time-Warner? With their billions of dollars? Merging with Comcast to create an even bigger monopoly? Is News Corporation "leftist"? What about Bertelsmann, the German publishing powerhouse that printed Nazi Brownshirt propaganda for the Third Reich. They sound pretty "leftist", right, fucking moron? Because Nazis were "leftist socialists" because it says so in their name, right, Republicunt?

You know less than nothing because you watch American corporate news.

not less than you KNuckleBrain....

The leftwing bias of the American mass media is pervasive and quantifiable. Since the 1980s, studies have consistently shown that the professionals who constitute America’s mainstream news media – reporters, editors, anchors, publishers, correspondents, bureau chiefs, and executives at the nation’s major newspapers, magazines, and broadcast networks – are preponderantly left-oriented and Democrat.

These studies have excluded commentators, editorialists, and opinion columnists – all of whom make it clear that they are giving their opinions and analyses of the news as they view it. Rather, the focus of the research has been on those individuals whose ostensible duty is to impartially and comprehensively present the relevant facts to the readers, listeners, and viewers.

A useful way of gauging the news media’s political and ideological makeup is to examine what the professionals in that industry believe about a wide array of social, ethical, and political issues. For example, research shows that:

  • Fully 81% of news media professionals favor affirmative action in employment and academia.
  • Some 71% agree that the “government should work to ensure that everyone has a job.”
  • 75% agree that the “government should work to reduce the income gap between rich and poor.”
  • 56% say that the United States has exploited the nations of the Third World.
  • 57% say that America’s disproportionate consumption of the world’s natural resources is “immoral.”
  • Nearly half agree that “the very structure of our society causes people to feel alienated.”
  • Only 30% agree that “private enterprise is fair to workers.”

It is equally illuminating to examine the degree to which members of the news media have supported Democrat or liberal/left candidates and causes, both at the ballot box and with their checkbooks:

  • In 1964, 94% of media professionals voted for Democrat Lyndon Johnson over Republican Barry Goldwater.
  • In 1968, 86% voted for Democrat Hubert Humphrey over Republican Richard Nixon.
  • In 1972, 81% voted for Democrat George McGovern over the incumbent Nixon.
  • In 1976, 81% voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter over Republican Gerald Ford.
  • In 1980, twice as many cast their ballots for Carter rather than for Republican Ronald Reagan.
  • In 1984, 58% supported Democrat Walter Mondale, whom Reagan defeated in the biggest landslide in presidential election history.
  • In 1988, White House correspondents from various major newspapers, television networks, magazines, and news services supported Democrat Michael Dukakis over Republican George H.W. Bush by a ratio of 12-to-1.
  • In 1992, those same correspondents supported Democrat Bill Clinton over the incumbent Bush by a ratio of 9 to 2.
  • Among Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents, the disparity was 89% vs. 7%, in Clinton’s favor.
  • In a 2004 poll of campaign journalists, those based outside of Washington, DC supported Democrat John Kerry over Republican George W. Bush by a ratio of 3-to-1. Those based inside the Beltway favored Kerry by a 12-to-1 ratio.
  • In a 2008 survey of 144 journalists nationwide, journalists were 8 times likelier to make campaign contributions to Democrats than to Republicans.
  • A 2008 Investors Business Daily study put the campaign donation ratio at 11.5-to-1, in favor of Democrats. In terms of total dollars given, the ratio was 15-to-1.
Research on Media Bias - Discover the Networks
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

And just how i they sneak you into this country?

please be sober before you post any more dumbass idiotic notes like this one.

ooooh! BTW :fu:
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

And just how i they sneak you into this country?
I'm sorry; I can't understand you when you have a mouthful of Obama's shit.
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.
How many have you invited to take into your home?
Now that the "wretched refuse" from Europe's "teeming shores" has reached suburban bath-and-a-half status, it can't wait to slam that golden door on the next group knocking. Republicans are disgustingly anti-American in a silly, petty sort of way.
Now that the "wretched refuse" from Europe's "teeming shores" has reached suburban bath-and-a-half status, it can't wait to slam that golden door on the next group knocking. Republicans are disgustingly anti-American in a silly, petty sort of way.

I know right? :D

Ironic thread seeing as how OP (USMB's Asian Laura Ingrahm) is/was an immigrant. :rofl:
You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.

Well....let's provide some context.....

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,

Card-carrying liberals.

So, which of them spread nasty notions about Democrats?

QED: you aren't merely a're a lying sack of offal moron.

Wear it well.
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.

You really have become the drooling Leftwing imbecile.

Solution is to behave like a sovereign nation.

You indoctrinated fools have no understanding of immigration.

Before 1914 the bar was diseases of every type that prevented entry.
That was because immigrants came for jobs and to work.

Since then, with the birth of the welfare state, many come to be taken care of.
The fact that that difference is too nuanced for you is what assigns you the appellation I've provided.

That is the difference, and changes must be accorded.

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