Using the "Unaccompanied Children" Ploy

Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?
The right loves immigrants.

Not so keen on criminals.

But that's okay; the left loves criminals and is making them feel more and more welcome every day.
Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?

They won't know what you're talking about and I doubt seriously if they even know where she stands:

Yes, but you're a raging dumbass.

Kid, "Being a liberal" is not an accomplishment worthy of putting on your resume.
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.
How many have you invited to take into your home?

How many have you??
I'm not stupid enough to welcome criminals into my home.

Yeah it's not like repub presidents and Congress where they fixed the illegal problem when they have been in power...they kicked them all out and secured the border, why Reagan did such a good job at eradicating illegals he made them all legal so we didn't have the problem..
If you're expecting us to say, "Oh, since REAGAN did it, it must be okay!!"...

...hold your breath. Well get around to saying that any day now.
Asswipe...the thousands of thefts, DUIs, rapes, murders, etc by illegals is one reason why they should be kicked out of this country, nevermind the jobs and welfare they steal using fake personal information..

One would figure the sheer number of illegals here doing crimes that they eventually would find and get you. :eusa_whistle:

Every day of illegals committing crimes across the US would overload youtube with videos.

don't tell me, right after illegals vote they are given video cameras, computers, and free internet access just so they can flood youtube with all the crimes they commit ... at taxpayer expense too?

these poeople think it won't be them who will ever be a victim of crime by them.... they are so caring about them

I hope many are dropped in the town they live don't have to lock your doors, you'll be safe
[ame=]Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Dispersed Across US Cities - YouTube[/ame]
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.

i know you and those other fucktard liberfools want to see this, yes, shoot them all.... ,feeeeeeel better now ?

tens of thousands now, next year it will be hundreds of thousands, then millions, i do not give a damn how bad the situation is there, it is all their parents fault for not standing up against the Gvmt. terrorists...., oooh! you say they had no means of resistance, let me guess, their Gvmt. do not allow their citizens to "keep and bear arms", for fear the citizenry will rise up and form a new Gvmt.
Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.

Abraham Lincoln

the reason those people are fleeing their country is the very solid reason we should not allow them into this country, because when the Demoliberterrorists get them to vote they will vote their new found freedom down the shitter..., ruining everything millions of patriotic Americans who served this once great country, in the Military, political and non-political positions.

why is it you people are so fucking blind to not see our country slowly dissolving into a third world shit hole due to those ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Asian xenophobes are the worst :( THE WORST!!! :mad:
Then you should stop being xenophobic against Asians, you bigot.

When they unknowingly admit that they cannot contend with the veracity of my posts, they default to personal invective.

They don't realize that, actually, I am my fav subject.....and that I am far better at invective.

So....for me, a win-win.

It's morning in America.
Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?
The right loves immigrants.

Not so keen on criminals.

But that's okay; the left loves criminals and is making them feel more and more welcome every day.

Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! Do you think this should be allowed or not?
Asswipe...the thousands of thefts, DUIs, rapes, murders, etc by illegals is one reason why they should be kicked out of this country, nevermind the jobs and welfare they steal using fake personal information..

One would figure the sheer number of illegals here doing crimes that they eventually would find and get you. :eusa_whistle:

Every day of illegals committing crimes across the US would overload youtube with videos.

don't tell me, right after illegals vote they are given video cameras, computers, and free internet access just so they can flood youtube with all the crimes they commit ... at taxpayer expense too?


But....but.....they'll be reliable Democrat voters!!!!
Just imagine if illegals dumped 2-3 of their kids on a liberal's doorstep with the plan to get help for them first then the rest of the family hiding in the bushes.

The liberal would call the police to come take the kids away.

Whereas a conservative would just shoot them for trespassing.

And if you found a stranger wandering through our trailer at 3am, you would.......??
Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?
The right loves immigrants.

Not so keen on criminals.

But that's okay; the left loves criminals and is making them feel more and more welcome every day.

Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! Do you think this should be allowed or not?
What do you expect from a group of non-thinkers that blame society for a criminal's actions instead of the criminal himself?
inasmuch as I'm not a liberal, and you're obviously an idiot, loath away.

BTW, what exactly are dufeses ... you DUFUS !

No you stupid ass. The standard spelling is actually DOOFUS!

The alternative, pc spelling for tricks like you is dufes..

Now do you get it?

Zoom! Right over your head!

He wrote dufus. LOL!

Dufus - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


doo·fus·es ... not dufeses

you RW idiot !

Look everyone. Do you see what I mean?

Dense. Stupid. Duhhhhhhh.

They routinely spout the mundane as if it were profundity while the actual point flies right over their soft, albeit, pointed heads.

Dufeses is my intentional misspelling, you imbecile. You don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect. And no one on this board who has read me extensively or has visited my blog (Prufrock's Lair) believes I don't know what the correct spelling for doofus is.

Dimwit. Dumbass. Retard. Dolt. Moron.

Dufes, you know-nothing, silly ass, was the spelling famously--or is it infamously?--used, not by any "right winger," but by idiots like you of Occupy Wall Street in a New York City protest a few years back, widely lampooned by conservatives.

Did you miss that news cycle?

Oh, that's right, you tolerant, open-minded types don't read or think about anything beyond the marching orders of your puppeteers. Your thought processes never get much beyond the epithets of homophobe, bigot, racist, xenophobe, fascist. . . .


You're a gaggle of ginned up harpies, magpies, shrews, ever-tiresomely spouting banalities like victims of tourette's syndrome.

And once again, you idiot, dufus is the variant spelling, originally non-standard, i.e., a misspelling of the term doofus proper, albeit now acceptable due to prolonged, widespread use . . . or is it after prolonged, widespread abuse? And of course, you slow slope, the correct spelling of the standard plural is doofuses.

The mundane as if it were profundity.

Dufeses is the alternative spelling of the term for the pc space cadets who originated it, retards like you who live in the alternative reality of cultural Marxism, you know, the make believe Amerika, spelled with a k.

It's your fellow traveler's spelling, not that of us "right wingers."

You friggin' Dufes!

So, I'm obviously an idiot, you say. Oh? Really? How's that? Based on what? My contempt for leftist barbarians, the unwashed, vermin-infested tie-dyes? My exasperation for the duh of cultural Marxism . . . for those who actually take it seriously?

So, inasmuch as you're not a liberal, eh?

Dumbass, neither are they.

I'm the liberal. I'm the Lockean. I'm the proponent of laissez-faire. Live and let live. I'm the proponent of unfettered individual liberty and free-association, you dope. Classical liberals know that the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness are absolute and, therefore, deal with the world and human nature as it is.

Aside from advancing the fundamental concerns of life, liberty and private property, we don't try to control human behavior or direct it via the invariably arbitrary machinations of the state; we don't try to ameliorate the consequences of human foibles with bureaucracy either.

Only womanish, self-anointed, moralizing busy-bodies are that corrupt or stupid.

But you say that you're not a liberal. Do you mean you're not a liberal proper, as in the classical sense? No, of course not.


Liberal is a term of honor bastardized by whores who are in truth leftists, progressives, Marxists, that is to say, statist bootlicks.

So you're not a "liberal" in the sense that you mean, eh? Uh-huh. Right. You just talk and think like one, and toss the term right winger around like one, a term used to denigrate classical liberals.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. Dumbass.

But wait.

What are you then, a man of moderation? A so-called moderate under the impression that he's an independent thinker, a voice of reason and moderation in the midst of two extremes? Is that it?


The moderate is a pile of mush: sometimes sensible, albeit, by sheer accident, given that he is willfully divorced from self-evident, first principles; sometimes stupid as dirt, no less than any other statist bootlick.

Newsflash: There is liberty and the universal imperatives thereof. Period. Any policies contrary to the imperatives of liberty are the stuff of chaos--degeneracy and anarchy, the road that leads to the tyranny and atrocities of despots.

Classical liberalism is the only isle of reason and moderation.
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