Using the "Unaccompanied Children" Ploy

Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?

They won't know what you're talking about and I doubt seriously if they even know where she stands:

Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?


Carefully read post #20 so you can stop embarrassing yourself. your case, personal embarrassment would cost you nothing.....
Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?


Carefully read post #20 so you can stop embarrassing yourself. your case, personal embarrassment would cost you nothing.....

I am not the hard hearted people that clam they are embarrassed by being anti-loving..
Well, what a productive day.
Let's see what we've learned.

Obama pretends some sort of humanitarian campaign in ending both immigration regulations, and any pretense at upholding American sovereignty, e.g., erasing the border of our nation.

Some six months ago he had his DHS advertise for transportation for an incoming wave of undocumented aliens, at least 65,000 that he expected.

And, we have witness testimony from his brain-dead supporters indicating that the ability to add 2 + 2 and get 4 is beyond them.

15. Since elected officials are not ready to announce to all that we’re packing in our sovereignty….how do the globalists insinuate their way into control?


Think about the advertising industry, and how much money and effort they put into using just the right language….And politicians investing in ‘focus groups.’ Lawyers into jury consultants. And, after all, who could argue against “universal human rights”???

16. Unless we are prepared to deny the existence of “universal human rights" our freedom to rule our nation is gone. Americans must assert, as did Locke, that “universal human rights” can be realized “only within particular commonwealths” whose governments are based on “popular consent and respect for individual rights.”
Plattner, “Democracy Without Borders? Global Challenges to Liberal Democracy,” p. 128.

a. Beware the ‘sheep’s clothing’ of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), or United Nations convention for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, (CEDAW), or the Rights of the Child Convention, etc.

It is simply lawyerese for ending national sovereignty, turning over out rights to some international body.
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.
How many have you invited to take into your home?

How many have you??
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.

You really have become the drooling Leftwing imbecile.

Solution is to behave like a sovereign nation.

You indoctrinated fools have no understanding of immigration.

Before 1914 the bar was diseases of every type that prevented entry.
That was because immigrants came for jobs and to work.

Since then, with the birth of the welfare state, many come to be taken care of.
The fact that that difference is too nuanced for you is what assigns you the appellation I've provided.

That is the difference, and changes must be accorded.

Another fake christian post..
For those of you who still don't get it. Dufes is an intentional misspelling, i.e., a slap at pc. You know, the alternative spelling for doofus for the alternative, make-believe world constructed for sheep, i.e., idiotic, pc space cadets like guno who don't even realize that the banalities that he and his fellow syphilitic morons--a sea of ginned up zombies--routinely spout in all deadly seriousness is known to be utter bullshit by the progenitors of cultural Marxism/post-modern relativism . . . the intentional distortion of reality and logic directed at the destruction of America.

Idiots. The issue before us is the integrity of our national sovereignty and, therefore, the survival of this nation's sociopolitical ethos.

In the meantime, you brainwashed dupes scream xenophobe, racist as mindlessly as a dog licks it genitals.

What is this really all about:

Articles: Reality vs. Political Correctness: Amnesty and the Fight for America's Soul

Amnesty for more than 10 million illegal aliens (on the very conservative end of the projections) will necessarily cause an expansion of the federally funded social “safety net” in terms of health care and education, a burden which American taxpayers do not want, and there are pragmatic reasons, aforementioned, to suggest that the expansion of the federally subsidized social “safety nets” is a bad thing for our country. At the very least, that expansion should be considered and approved by the legislative body to which our foundational contract has assigned the task. It is not a matter that would have ever reasonably been left at the whim of a single man in executive power. And for good reason.

If Obama does what his previous actions suggest he will do, which is to act well outside his constitutional tether to advance amnesty for these lawbreakers and their children that have illegally entered our country, he will have made himself an outright despot. And we Americans will have a choice to either accept his despotism or reject it.

Shall we answer it with boldness, or with silence? The time for active dissent is now!
What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.

You really have become the drooling Leftwing imbecile.

Solution is to behave like a sovereign nation.

You indoctrinated fools have no understanding of immigration.

Before 1914 the bar was diseases of every type that prevented entry.
That was because immigrants came for jobs and to work.

Since then, with the birth of the welfare state, many come to be taken care of.
The fact that that difference is too nuanced for you is what assigns you the appellation I've provided.

That is the difference, and changes must be accorded.

Another fake christian post..

Another mindless dolt. Another degenerate. Another punk. Another pissant chimes in.
When an American child is missing we put out amber alerts to find them and get them home. Pedro doesn't give a fuck.
Our first wrong step was letting Orientals immigrate here. Gawd but I hate those people.

Oh noooooooo....The Irish. Shoulda' stopped them at Ellis Island and turned them back. Don't even get me started on the Jews and Italians. They just fucking took over the Lower East Side in Manhattan and this mess down there? Well you can't even get inta' one of them Dago cafes because those freakin' folks from the midwest are in there tryin' to eat pizza with a freakin' FORK!
why should anyone listen to you?

If you're talking about PoliticalQuack, no one is listening to her. She's not even listening to herself because the rightwing echo chamber is sooooo loud.

You can post federal law to the very subject she so ignorantly addresses and 20 minutes later she's clawing for air.
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You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.

yes we know about the limitations of FOX...

we also know about the outright propaganda machine that is the left wing lamestream media...

what's your f*****g point....?

so why hasn't Fox reported this story ?

White House to Ask Congress to Address New Central American Immigrants - TIME

they haven't. And that's why RW robots like Political Chic et al know nothing about it

Obama Administration will ask for funding to combat surge in unaccompanied minors from Central America attempting to cross the border.

Shoots the OP in the foot doesn't it?
Obama will ask for money to fix something HE FUCKED UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is "leadership" to progressives.
Yeah it's not like repub presidents and Congress where they fixed the illegal problem when they have been in power...they kicked them all out and secured the border, why Reagan did such a good job at eradicating illegals he made them all legal so we didn't have the problem..
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.


"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

Obama is just obeying federal law, which is the law that protects children coming in from other countries as being possible victims of human trafficking. Bush signed off on it in 2008, too. It was first enacted in 2000 if you look to the bottom of my VERIFIED references, not BLOG bullshit.

President Bush signs William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act to combat Human Trafficking

President Bush signs William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act to combat Human Trafficking

WASHINGTON D.C. - On December 23, President Bush signed into law a bill that enhances measures to combat human trafficking. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Acting Assistant Secretary John Torres were among 16 federal agency and private organizational leaders in the Oval Office who witnessed the signing of H.R. 7311, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. Elyse Smith, daughter of Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), also attended the signing event. The bill, which was passed by voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate on December 10, authorizes appropriations for FY 2008 through 2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.
The legislation enacted today is in keeping with the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 (which amended the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000) to direct the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense to incorporate anti-trafficking and protection measures for vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, into their post-conflict and humanitarian emergency assistance and program activities.
Prior to the signing, White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto, said that the bill "has been a priority issue for the administration in preventing the trafficking of persons around the world. So this is a piece of legislation we're very proud to sign."
The trafficking bill signed today was named after English abolitionist William Wilberforce, who led the Parliamentary movement against the British slave trade in the early 19th century.""

U.S. Laws on Trafficking in Persons

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-386), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (H.R. 2620), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 (H.R. 972), and the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (H.R. 7311) provide the tools to combat trafficking in persons both worldwide and domestically. The Acts authorized the establishment of G/TIP and the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to assist in the coordination of anti-trafficking efforts.

-03/07/13 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2013 (Title XII of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013)
-01/01/08 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
-01/10/06 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005
-01/07/03 Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools To End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT Act)
-01/07/03 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003
-01/07/03 U.S. Leadership on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 [230 Kb]
-10/28/00 Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000

That's not why the kids are coming here, though.

Young illegals tell Border Patrol: We?re coming because we heard about a ?new? U.S. law that lets minors stay « Hot Air
“The main reason the subjects chose this particular time to migrate to the United States was to take advantage of the ‘new’ U.S. ‘law’ that grants a ‘free pass’ or permit (referred to as “permisos”) being issued by the U.S. government to female adult OTMs traveling with minors and to UACs. (Comments: The ‘permisos’ are the Notice to Appear documents issued to undocumented aliens, when they are released on their own recognizance pending a hearing before an immigration judge.) The information is apparently common knowledge in Central America and is spread by word of mouth, and international and local media. A high percentage of the subjects interviewed stated their family members in the U.S. urged them to travel immediately, because the United States government was only issuing immigration ‘permisos’ until the end of June 2014…The issue of ‘permisos’ was the main reason provided by 95% of the interviewed subjects.”​

There is no “new law” — yet — that grants illegals the right to stay provided they make it across the border by June 30th. Where that idea came from is unclear, but it’s probably related to DHS’s two-year extension earlier this month of DACA, the executive amnesty for DREAMers that Obama ordered in 2012 as an election gimmick aimed at Latino voters. If you applied for two years of deportation relief under DACA at the time, you just got another two years’ reprieve courtesy of Barack Obama’s DHS. That doesn’t mean you get two years if you cross the border now, but go figure that some foreign media might misunderstand given the administration’s cheerleading for amnesty. Case in point:

“Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is quoted in a story about a new two-year extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy published by Diario El Mundo in El Salvador.​
Between the media pushing bad facts and opportunistic traffickers in Central America trying to drum up business by amplifying the lie, no wonder you’ve got a surge of illegals trying to sneak in under the wire. In fact, some of them aren’t even sneaking: The LA Times says some illegals are surrendering to the Border Patrol immediately once they’ve made it inside the U.S. in the expectation that they have amnesty now that they’re here. Think O’s going to enforce the law and send those immigrant moms and kids back to Central America after they spent huge sums to try to make it here?

Here’s the best part of York’s post. Remember, any problem caused by a left-wing policy can only be solved by a more aggressive left-wing policy:

As some Democrats on the committee had already suggested, Johnson told Cornyn that, if there, in fact, are misperceptions about U.S. law among illegal immigrants, the way to clarify the situation is to pass comprehensive immigration reform. “If comprehensive immigration reform is passed, the uncertainty that may be existing in people’s minds about our law gets resolved,” Johnson said.​
The only way to convince illegals that there’s no mass amnesty in effect is to … pass a mass amnesty. Not even Josh Earnest could float that argument with a straight face, so Biden’s headed to Central America this week to try to convince would-be illegals in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras that, technically, they aren’t allowed to stay even if they make it across to Texas. I’m skeptical that that’ll be true in practice: If Obama’s worried enough about his base to consider an executive order relaxing deportations, he’s surely worried enough to hold off on shipping eight-year-olds back to their home countries. He’s also worried about red-state Democrats being punished in November if it seems like he’s not trying to solve this problem, though, which is why he’s rolling out the vice president instead of some lesser diplomatic apparatchik. Biden’s audience is as much American voters as it is Central American migrants. Exit quotation via the Daily Caller: “Anytime the administration sends Joe Biden to solve a problem, it’s clear evidence that the administration doesn’t see it as a problem worth solving.”​
Securing the Borders is one of the only things the Gubmint REALLY has to do and they can't even do that.

Oh but you just LOVE them in control of your Health Care don't you?

Oh and yeah, lets go invade Iraq. Again.

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