Using the "Unaccompanied Children" Ploy

What is the solution to tens of thousands of kids streaming over out borders?

Well we could just shoot them all, I guess. No doubt some here think that IS the way to deal with it.

But if your solution is simply to deport them do remember that most of them risked their lives to get here and they will simply come back because where they are running from is far worse than any detention centers we have set up for them now.

Pack them up and send them back. All of them and the family members that came here illegally before. Give us a serious border. Stop prosecuting landowners at the border when they protect themselves. Cut off all welfare, pass legislation to keep them out of the schools. Cut off all foreign aid to countries with high numbers of immigrants and tax those remittances.

How did we do it for 200 years? I don't care if they risked their lives. Every gang banger that invades a home is risking his life. Every time some banger robs a convenience store he's risking his life. Every time some immigrant with a cultural difference rapes a four year old he's risking his life.
Now that the "wretched refuse" from Europe's "teeming shores" has reached suburban bath-and-a-half status, it can't wait to slam that golden door on the next group knocking. Republicans are disgustingly anti-American in a silly, petty sort of way.

Another moron checks in.

Post #20 is missing ingredient in your view.

I can explain it to you, but I can't comprehend it for you.

You fucking xenophobic scumbags sicken me.

Get the fuck out of America, this is not the country for you sociopaths.
Now that the "wretched refuse" from Europe's "teeming shores" has reached suburban bath-and-a-half status, it can't wait to slam that golden door on the next group knocking. Republicans are disgustingly anti-American in a silly, petty sort of way.

I know right? :D

Ironic thread seeing as how OP (USMB's Asian Laura Ingrahm) is/was an immigrant. :rofl:

Absolutely true.
Now that the "wretched refuse" from Europe's "teeming shores" has reached suburban bath-and-a-half status, it can't wait to slam that golden door on the next group knocking. Republicans are disgustingly anti-American in a silly, petty sort of way.

I know right? :D

Ironic thread seeing as how OP (USMB's Asian Laura Ingrahm) is/was an immigrant. :rofl:

See....I told you yesterday that I'd provide more proof of Obama's attempts to destroy America.

How ya' like it, boyyeeeeee?

Too bad dolts like you cannot see any aspect of a problem outside of epidermal complexion.
Not everyone is as dense.

Now....back to your discipline:

"... the bureaucracy acts to smash the culture of cowtowns and rural communities by dropping blocs of unassimilable primitive or hostile aliens in their midst, all in the name of "compassion" -- just not for Americans.

7. .... Lawrenceville, a tiny town in southern Virginia. One day this month, Lawrenceville woke up to discover that Washington was unilaterally about to turn this town of 1,400 citizens into the host of 500 illegal minors (these minors are mainly teenaged and male). Such a massive population transfer of Spanish-speaking, probably mainly young male aliens into the historic town, of course, would have changed it forever --

8. .... a grassroots uproar brought a halt to Washington's designs. In Escondido, California, another show of people-power thwarted a similar Washington housing plan for alien minors. A burgeoning anti-Washington movement is clearly crossing party lines.

In Baltimore, for example, Democrats recently nixed the feds' alien minor housing plan.

In Springfield, Massachusetts, Democratic Mayor Dominic Barno formally asked the State Department to send no more refugees. His city, he says, is overwhelmed." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

More coming.

The beatings will continue until you see the light.
Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore

Whining from bitter old white trailer trash, no surprise!
You have to just be a troll... really... I find it hard to imagine anyone could truly be as fucking retarded as you're coming off.

I see a concerned LEGAL American citizen and patriot in Stephanie's post... I see someone playing like they're the biggest America hating POS on the planet when I read your's.
Now that the "wretched refuse" from Europe's "teeming shores" has reached suburban bath-and-a-half status, it can't wait to slam that golden door on the next group knocking. Republicans are disgustingly anti-American in a silly, petty sort of way.

What's anti-American is encouraging people to come here illegally, then giving them benefits paid for by the taxpayers, when veterans who swore to God to protect this nation with their lives are ignored until they die.

Progressives are anti-American. There can be no rational denial of this basic fact.
  • Thanks
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You fucking xenophobic scumbags sicken me.

Get the fuck out of America, this is not the country for you sociopaths.

she's a shining example of today's rw

I see you need a bit more truth, dolt com.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7

You fucking xenophobic scumbags sicken me.

Get the fuck out of America, this is not the country for you sociopaths.

she's a shining example of today's rw

Thank God... we'll take her.

You on other hand, I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire you filthy anti American trash.

says the welcher :rofl:

Want to bet? You can have anyone but Obama. I'll take Obama. If Obama wins you never come back to this site. I do the same if anyone but Obama wins.



Book it. No getting out of it now.

your "word" means nothing here boy :eusa_hand: Back to the rw bukkake rep thread (coffee shop) w/ you son :bye1:
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Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore

Whining from bitter old white trailer trash, no surprise!

hey have no idea that your messiah is just USING these children to help destroy America by overloading the welfare system.....or maybe you do....?

Obama is USING these poor children like commies always do....and because of this fucking mess that he and his minions created many of these poor children will become VICTIMS of child trafficking and abuse...

Obama and supporters like you have that on your souless heads...:mad:

no souls, no honor, just evil
the trolls on this board are just nasty, calls everyone names and vulgar

that's all they throw out

they are in the devoted 30% subjects of Obama..they would kiss the ground he walked on if he ordered them to

they need to be IGNORED
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You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.

yes we know about the limitations of FOX...

we also know about the outright propaganda machine that is the left wing lamestream media...

what's your f*****g point....?

so why hasn't Fox reported this story ?

White House to Ask Congress to Address New Central American Immigrants - TIME

they haven't. And that's why RW robots like Political Chic et al know nothing about it

Obama Administration will ask for funding to combat surge in unaccompanied minors from Central America attempting to cross the border.

Shoots the OP in the foot doesn't it?
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Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore

Whining from bitter old white trailer trash, no surprise!

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Wet. Hen.

You womanish shrew.

You limp-wristed little prick of a man.

You pussy.

You pc space cadet.

You mindless, nose-picking hayseed.
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what Obama and Democrats are doing is classic

those of US older people who followed politics and not just BE LED like a lot people today
knew the Democrat was infiltrated by people who studied this and Alinsky..Hillary wrote a paper on Alinsky back in college

this from wiki, but there are many on google you can research
Hillary Rodham senior thesis

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In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College titled "There Is Only the Fight . . . ": An Analysis of the Alinsky Model. The subject was famed radical community organizer Saul Alinsky.

this government with the Democrat/progressive-pretty word FOR COMMIE ,should be classified as, traitors

we have enemies within folks

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
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