Using the "Unaccompanied Children" Ploy

Obama said HE was going to transform the country

looks like he is by allowing all these illegal immigrants into our country

It's so nice they are FLYING them all over to BE processed they say..they release THEM on their honor they show up for some court proceeding

then they will be told vote Democrat as they sign up for ObamaCare and other government entitlements

what's being done right now by this government, IS CRIMINAL against US

we are history, our culture is history, we are Not United States of America anymore

Whining from bitter old white trailer trash, no surprise!

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Wet. Hen.

You womanish shrew.

You limp-wristed little prick of a man.

You pussy.

You pc space cadet.

You mindless, nose-picking hayseed.

did you think that up ALL by yourself, or did you read it on the bathroom wall down at the county shelter ?
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.


"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

Obama is just obeying federal law, which is the law that protects children coming in from other countries as being possible victims of human trafficking. Bush signed off on it in 2008, too. It was first enacted in 2000 if you look to the bottom of my VERIFIED references, not BLOG bullshit.

President Bush signs William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act to combat Human Trafficking

President Bush signs William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act to combat Human Trafficking

WASHINGTON D.C. - On December 23, President Bush signed into law a bill that enhances measures to combat human trafficking. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Acting Assistant Secretary John Torres were among 16 federal agency and private organizational leaders in the Oval Office who witnessed the signing of H.R. 7311, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. Elyse Smith, daughter of Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), also attended the signing event. The bill, which was passed by voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate on December 10, authorizes appropriations for FY 2008 through 2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.
The legislation enacted today is in keeping with the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 (which amended the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000) to direct the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense to incorporate anti-trafficking and protection measures for vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, into their post-conflict and humanitarian emergency assistance and program activities.
Prior to the signing, White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto, said that the bill "has been a priority issue for the administration in preventing the trafficking of persons around the world. So this is a piece of legislation we're very proud to sign."
The trafficking bill signed today was named after English abolitionist William Wilberforce, who led the Parliamentary movement against the British slave trade in the early 19th century.""

U.S. Laws on Trafficking in Persons

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-386), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (H.R. 2620), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 (H.R. 972), and the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (H.R. 7311) provide the tools to combat trafficking in persons both worldwide and domestically. The Acts authorized the establishment of G/TIP and the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to assist in the coordination of anti-trafficking efforts.

-03/07/13 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2013 (Title XII of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013)
-01/01/08 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
-01/10/06 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005
-01/07/03 Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools To End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT Act)
-01/07/03 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003
-01/07/03 U.S. Leadership on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 [230 Kb]
-10/28/00 Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000
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You fucking xenophobic scumbags sicken me.

Get the fuck out of America, this is not the country for you sociopaths.

Is that a threat, you Marxist whore, you fascist pig?

I fought and bled for this country, you little pissant.

Shut the hell up, you depraved, pathological liar, you despicable two-bit punk.

We all know who they are--the mindless, brainwashed dufeses on this board. They are the statist, bootlicking, leftist punks, like C_Clayton_Jones, jillian, PoliticalTorch, Siete, guno, AtheistBuddah, katsteve2012, hazlnut. . . . These are the idiots groomed by the public education system and popular culture who have never had an original thought of their own in their entire lives, the braying jackasses who at the drop of a hat make baby talk about racism, homophobia, xenophobia . . . ad nauseam. This is where they come from. This is who they are.

[ame=]Political Correctness: The Control of Thought and Speech - YouTube[/ame]

Conservatives, libertarians (i.e., classical liberals of America’s founding ethos), are you not past the point of loathing them? Why engage them? Just tell them to shut the hell up every friggin’ time they open their yaps on this board.

They are nothing but a collection of clichés and slogans. They are cartoon cutouts. An endless, yet predictable stream of meaningless, prerecorded blather: up is down, right is wrong, day is night. They are race-baiting pimps and whores. They are the banal, unwashed barbarians of every gross violation of human decency and commonsense. They are merciless, baby-killing jackals, purveyors of sexual degeneracy who pray on innocent children in our schools. They are the indoctrinators. The tyrannical thugs. The PC space cadets. They are bullies and thugs. Thieves. Oppressors. The only thing they will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. They are intellectual cannibals and carrion. They are the Citizens. The Comrades. In other words, they are the robotically sterile drones of statism. Kneejerk reactionaries. They are the death of music and poetry, passion and romance. They routinely spew the mundane as if it were profundity. They speak in forked tongue, Orwellian technicalese. Drivel.

They are pathological liars. Political sociopaths. I loath them.
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she's a shining example of today's rw

Thank God... we'll take her.

You on other hand, I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire you filthy anti American trash.

says the welcher



Book it. No getting out of it now.

your "word" means nothing here boy :eusa_hand: Back to the rw bukkake rep thread (coffee shop) w/ you son
I'm here SPECIFICALLY just to PISS OFF shit stains like YOU, mouth breather.

And it appears I'm doing a good job... makes me happy... because I hate your stinking guts with every fiber of my being. You leftards of today are the foulest most despicable bunch of bigots, hypocrites and American hating trash we've ever had the misfortune to endure.

I'm praying for another Civil/Revolutionary War to break out.
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300,000 just so far.

Border Meltdown; Obama Delivers 290,000 Illegals To U.S. Homes | The Daily Caller

No nation can stand against an army of this size within its borders.

If this is true and they keep coming. It's all over. The US is done. obama's plan to destroy the nation is complete.

Obama is not only failing to prosecute criminals--he is now aiding and abetting them. We're screwed. Just wait until the fight for basic survival resources heats up.

The ones who really need to be concerned are Canadians. When the US has south American style gang warfare, if we get the attention of jihadists who want to set off a few suicide bombs, if we get a massive natural disaster, a huge earthquake, devastating hurricane, Cat 5 tornado, these people will have nowhere to go. They can't be refugees expecting the US to take them in. Canada isn't stupid. They know they are next.

You fucking xenophobic scumbags sicken me.

Get the fuck out of America, this is not the country for you sociopaths.

Is that a threat, you Marxist whore, you fascist pig?

I fought and bled for this country, you little pissant.

Shut the hell up, you depraved, pathological liar, you despicable two-bit punk.

We all know who they are--the mindless, brainwashed on this board. They are the statist, bootlicking, leftist punks, like C_Clayton_Jones, jillian, PoliticalTorch, Siete, guno, AtheistBuddah, katsteve2012, hazlnut. . . . These are the idiots groomed by the public education system and popular culture who have never had an original thought of their own in their entire lives, the braying jackasses who at the drop of a hat make baby talk about racism, homophobia, xenophobia . . . ad nauseam. This is where they come from. This is who they are.

[ame=]Political Correctness: The Control of Thought and Speech - YouTube[/ame]

Conservatives, libertarians (i.e., classical liberals of America’s founding ethos), are you not past the point of loathing them? Why engage them? Just tell them to shut the hell up every friggin’ time they open their yaps on this board.

They are nothing but a collection of clichés and slogans. They are cartoon cutouts. An endless, yet predictable stream of meaningless, prerecorded blather: up is down, right is wrong, day is night. They are race-baiting pimps and whores. They are the banal, unwashed barbarians of every gross violation of human decency and commonsense. They are merciless, baby-killing jackals, purveyors of sexual degeneracy who pray on innocent children in our schools. They are the indoctrinators. The tyrannical thugs. The PC space cadets. They are bullies and thugs. Thieves. Oppressors. The only thing they will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. They are intellectual cannibals and carrion. They are the Citizens. The Comrades. In other words, they are the robotically sterile drones of statism. Kneejerk reactionaries. They are the death of music and poetry, passion and romance. They routinely spew the mundane as if it were profundity. They speak in forked tongue, Orwellian technicalese. Drivel.

They are pathological liars. Political sociopaths. I loath them.

inasmuch as I'm not a liberal, and you're obviously an idiot, loath away.

BTW, what exactly are dufeses ... you DUFUS !
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Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.


"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

Obama is just obeying federal law, which is the law that protects children coming in from other countries as being possible victims of human trafficking. Bush signed off on it in 2008, too. It was first enacted in 2000 if you look to the bottom of my VERIFIED references, not BLOG bullshit.

President Bush signs William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act to combat Human Trafficking

President Bush signs William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act to combat Human Trafficking

WASHINGTON D.C. - On December 23, President Bush signed into law a bill that enhances measures to combat human trafficking. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Acting Assistant Secretary John Torres were among 16 federal agency and private organizational leaders in the Oval Office who witnessed the signing of H.R. 7311, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. Elyse Smith, daughter of Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), also attended the signing event. The bill, which was passed by voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate on December 10, authorizes appropriations for FY 2008 through 2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.
The legislation enacted today is in keeping with the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 (which amended the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000) to direct the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense to incorporate anti-trafficking and protection measures for vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, into their post-conflict and humanitarian emergency assistance and program activities.
Prior to the signing, White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto, said that the bill "has been a priority issue for the administration in preventing the trafficking of persons around the world. So this is a piece of legislation we're very proud to sign."
The trafficking bill signed today was named after English abolitionist William Wilberforce, who led the Parliamentary movement against the British slave trade in the early 19th century.""

U.S. Laws on Trafficking in Persons

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-386), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (H.R. 2620), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 (H.R. 972), and the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (H.R. 7311) provide the tools to combat trafficking in persons both worldwide and domestically. The Acts authorized the establishment of G/TIP and the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to assist in the coordination of anti-trafficking efforts.

-03/07/13 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2013 (Title XII of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013)
-01/01/08 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
-01/10/06 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005
-01/07/03 Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools To End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT Act)
-01/07/03 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003
-01/07/03 U.S. Leadership on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 [230 Kb]
-10/28/00 Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000
Irony is delicious :eusa_drool: :lol:
Thank God... we'll take her.

You on other hand, I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire you filthy anti American trash.

says the welcher

Book it. No getting out of it now.

your "word" means nothing here boy :eusa_hand: Back to the rw bukkake rep thread (coffee shop) w/ you son
I'm here SPECIFICALLY just to PISS OFF shit stains like YOU, mouth breather.

And it appears I'm doing a good job... makes me happy... because I hate your stinking guts with every fiber of my being. You leftards of today are the foulest most despicable bunch of bigots, hypocrites and American hating trash we've ever had the misfortune to endure.

I'm praying for another Civil/Revolutionary War to break out.

You? STFU Shit stain. :talktothehand: I used to pass twerps like you through my stool back when I was active-duty. Especially twerps who didn't honor their word. You serve?
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A lot of people just don't want to think something like this PLOY can be happening

HAVE you seen the pictures of the huge wave of people climbing our borders? I've NEVER seen anything like this before in my 60 YEARS

You're outnumbered, So just keep your heads buried in the sand and keep thinking all is rosy
A lot of people just don't want to think something like this PLOY can be happening

HAVE you seen the pictures of the huge wave of people climbing our borders? I've NEVER seen anything like this before in my 60 YEARS

You're outnumbered, So just keep your heads buried in the sand and keep thinking all is rosy

you use the word ploy like you know what it means, and applies to illegal immigration ..

keep trying :lol:
Whining from bitter old white trailer trash, no surprise!

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Wet. Hen.

You womanish shrew.

You limp-wristed little prick of a man.

You pussy.

You pc space cadet.

You mindless, nose-picking hayseed.

did you think that up ALL by yourself, or did you read it on the bathroom wall down at the county shelter ?

You. Stupid. Trick.

What didn’t you understand about . . . Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Statist. Bootlick. Dweeb?

You don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect. It's not even close.

This is you:

[ame=]True "tolerance" from San Francisco Liberals! - YouTube[/ame]

You're a freak, a lunatic, a mindless robot. Look at your women. LOL! You dumbass. Look at those heifers, those fat, ugly, vermin-infested, diseased, foul-mouthed, baby-killing, pseudo females. You friggin' moron! Is your mother a barnyard animal too, an unwashed, friggin' freak in baggy, grease-stained denim and tie-dye. Is that your problem? Is that how ya got to be so stupid and lame?

And this is you:

[ame=]How a Libtard Left Wing Elitest Moron Thinks - YouTube[/ame]

An endless stream of slogan-spouting duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

And this is you:


Real Americans don't care what you think. We are fed up with you pissants, you brainwashed dimwits, you mindless twits.

We will end you in due course.

You. Silly. Pollyannaish. Little. Prick.

You Oprah Winfrey soap opera.

You puddle of soiled panties.
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You fucking xenophobic scumbags sicken me.

Get the fuck out of America, this is not the country for you sociopaths.

she's a shining example of today's rw

Thank you, dolt com.....

..hey, being as we're buds, can I just call you "dolt"?

Now, in addition to ideologues like Obama, whose plan is to destroy America, he picks up lots of support from folks who are willing to make beaucoup bucks in the process....

... population replacement is big business, and the zealous bureaucrats who seek to "fundamentally transform" this country make a good, taxpayer-funded living while they're at it. (See Ann Corcoran, purveyor of the must-read website, Refugee Resettlement Watch)

10. ...know that you are paying for it. You're paying for that new illegal minor alien facility now opening in Tucson -- the 17th such facility operated by a group called Southwest Key, with an annual budget of more than $150 million, according to NBC affiliate KVOA, "most of which comes from federal government contracts."

(Bonus: the chairman of Southwest Key's board of directors, Victor Garza, is an official of La Raza, which hopes to reclaim the Southwest for Mexico.)

11. You're paying for the "migration and refugee services" of the very preachy U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Citing the USCCB 2012 annual report, Corcoran notes that out of an operating budget of roughly $71 million, about $69.6 million is taxpayer money.

As Corcoran writes, "It is not Christian charity when the 'church' is paid by the taxpayers to do charitable work."
The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

So, we're watching the demise of the late, great nation of America....

...and the pallbearers are

a. the ideologues who hate this nation

b. the dolts like you who swear to their lies

c. those willing to get rich at the expense of history
A lot of people just don't want to think something like this PLOY can be happening

HAVE you seen the pictures of the huge wave of people climbing our borders? I've NEVER seen anything like this before in my 60 YEARS

You're outnumbered, So just keep your heads buried in the sand and keep thinking all is rosy

you use the word ploy like you know what it means, and applies to illegal immigration ..

keep trying :lol:

Why would a dope like you, eight pawns short of a gambit, question anyone else's usage?

Why, Siesta?
A lot of people just don't want to think something like this PLOY can be happening

HAVE you seen the pictures of the huge wave of people climbing our borders? I've NEVER seen anything like this before in my 60 YEARS

You're outnumbered, So just keep your heads buried in the sand and keep thinking all is rosy

you use the word ploy like you know what it means, and applies to illegal immigration ..

keep trying :lol:

Why would a dope like you, eight pawns short of a gambit, question anyone else's usage?

Why, Siesta?

then you explain (in context) how the word ploy applies to illegal immigration.
you use the word ploy like you know what it means, and applies to illegal immigration ..

keep trying :lol:

Why would a dope like you, eight pawns short of a gambit, question anyone else's usage?

Why, Siesta?

then you explain (in context) how the word ploy applies to illegal immigration.

It's a trick, you moron.

It is the attempt to end America as a sovereign nation, with defined borders that it is willing to defend, as though it is a humanitarian gesture.
Read my posts....they invited families to send unaccompanied children.
They planned it.

Wake up, Siesta.
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It will end when American rage boils over into violence. The nation is overdue for a good riot.
What is the point? Your unadulterated hypocrisy. That's the point. You are no Oblio.
You are like the others in the story.

You know FOX is part of "the media", right? Is FOX a "wholly owned subsidiary of the Left"? Just like the 6 other multi-billion-dollar global media corporations, right?

Leftist, Communist, Sharia media.

Fucking morons.

yes we know about the limitations of FOX...

we also know about the outright propaganda machine that is the left wing lamestream media...

what's your f*****g point....?
Why would a dope like you, eight pawns short of a gambit, question anyone else's usage?

Why, Siesta?

then you explain (in context) how the word ploy applies to illegal immigration.

It's a trick, you moron.

It is the attempt to end America as a sovereign nation, with defined borders that it is willing to defend, as though it is a humanitarian gesture.
Read my posts....they invited families to send unaccompanied children.
They planned it.

Wake up, Siesta.

the POTUS is attempting to END AMERICA ?? :eusa_clap:

why, to put himself out of a job?

Its a poly I tell ya, A PLOY ! :lol:

if RW's had a brain they'd take it out paint it a shiny color then play with it.
Why would a dope like you, eight pawns short of a gambit, question anyone else's usage?

Why, Siesta?

then you explain (in context) how the word ploy applies to illegal immigration.

It's a trick, you moron.

It is the attempt to end America as a sovereign nation, with defined borders that it is willing to defend, as though it is a humanitarian gesture.
Read my posts....they invited families to send unaccompanied children.
They planned it.

Wake up, Siesta.

Stop trying to cover your sizable ass. It's not a ploy, it's the law. See post #42 or go here: Bill Text - 106th Congress (1999-2000) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
the trolls on this board are just nasty, calls everyone names and vulgar

that's all they throw out

they are in the devoted 30% subjects of Obama..they would kiss the ground he walked on if he ordered them to

they need to be IGNORED

They are pathological liars, lunatics. They are the murderous, pitchfork-wielding Jocabins destroying this nation. They are barnyards animals. Barbarians. Thugs. Thieves. Degenerates. They are pathological liars. Slugs. There is no civility. There is nothing more to discuss.

The business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads is all they will ever understand about the rights and the dignity of others.

You don't debate them. You friggin' defeat them.

The only sensible purpose of boards like these anymore is for conservatives and libertarians to inform one another. As for these Marxists punks, these brainwashed dopes: just tell them to Shut. The. Hell. Up.

It's midnight. Enough talk. Lock and load.

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