Using the "Unaccompanied Children" Ploy


You fucking xenophobic scumbags sicken me.

Get the fuck out of America, this is not the country for you sociopaths.

Is that a threat, you Marxist whore, you fascist pig?

I fought and bled for this country, you little pissant.

Shut the hell up, you depraved, pathological liar, you despicable two-bit punk.

We all know who they are--the mindless, brainwashed on this board. They are the statist, bootlicking, leftist punks, like C_Clayton_Jones, jillian, PoliticalTorch, Siete, guno, AtheistBuddah, katsteve2012, hazlnut. . . . These are the idiots groomed by the public education system and popular culture who have never had an original thought of their own in their entire lives, the braying jackasses who at the drop of a hat make baby talk about racism, homophobia, xenophobia . . . ad nauseam. This is where they come from. This is who they are.

[ame=]Political Correctness: The Control of Thought and Speech - YouTube[/ame]

Conservatives, libertarians (i.e., classical liberals of America’s founding ethos), are you not past the point of loathing them? Why engage them? Just tell them to shut the hell up every friggin’ time they open their yaps on this board.

They are nothing but a collection of clichés and slogans. They are cartoon cutouts. An endless, yet predictable stream of meaningless, prerecorded blather: up is down, right is wrong, day is night. They are race-baiting pimps and whores. They are the banal, unwashed barbarians of every gross violation of human decency and commonsense. They are merciless, baby-killing jackals, purveyors of sexual degeneracy who pray on innocent children in our schools. They are the indoctrinators. The tyrannical thugs. The PC space cadets. They are bullies and thugs. Thieves. Oppressors. The only thing they will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. They are intellectual cannibals and carrion. They are the Citizens. The Comrades. In other words, they are the robotically sterile drones of statism. Kneejerk reactionaries. They are the death of music and poetry, passion and romance. They routinely spew the mundane as if it were profundity. They speak in forked tongue, Orwellian technicalese. Drivel.

They are pathological liars. Political sociopaths. I loath them.

inasmuch as I'm not a liberal, and you're obviously an idiot, loath away.

BTW, what exactly are dufeses ... you DUFUS !

No you stupid ass. The standard spelling is actually DOOFUS!

The alternative, pc spelling for tricks like you is dufes..

Now do you get it?

Zoom! Right over your head!

He wrote dufus. LOL!
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the trolls on this board are just nasty, calls everyone names and vulgar

that's all they throw out

they are in the devoted 30% subjects of Obama..they would kiss the ground he walked on if he ordered them to

they need to be IGNORED

They are pathological liars, lunatics. They are the murderous, pitchfork-wielding Jocabins destroying this nation. They are barnyards animals. Barbarians. Thugs. Thieves. Degenerates. They are pathological liars. Slugs. There is no civility. There is nothing more to discuss.

The business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads is all they will ever understand about the rights and the dignity of others.

You don't debate them. You friggin' defeat them.

The only sensible purpose of boards like these anymore is for conservatives and libertarians to inform one another. As for these Marxists punks, these brainwashed dopes: just tell them to Shut. The. Hell. Up.

It's midnight. Enough talk. Lock and load.

I love satire!
It's a scam.

Obama has put out the word to the scum south of the border that if you get your kiddies here, then the entire family will be on welfare in the US in due time.

Scum that don't speak English, have no skills, have diseases and are here to get free shit paid for by Americans.
Is that a threat, you Marxist whore, you fascist pig?

I fought and bled for this country, you little pissant.

Shut the hell up, you depraved, pathological liar, you despicable two-bit punk.

We all know who they are--the mindless, brainwashed on this board. They are the statist, bootlicking, leftist punks, like C_Clayton_Jones, jillian, PoliticalTorch, Siete, guno, AtheistBuddah, katsteve2012, hazlnut. . . . These are the idiots groomed by the public education system and popular culture who have never had an original thought of their own in their entire lives, the braying jackasses who at the drop of a hat make baby talk about racism, homophobia, xenophobia . . . ad nauseam. This is where they come from. This is who they are.

Political Correctness: The Control of Thought and Speech - YouTube

Conservatives, libertarians (i.e., classical liberals of America’s founding ethos), are you not past the point of loathing them? Why engage them? Just tell them to shut the hell up every friggin’ time they open their yaps on this board.

They are nothing but a collection of clichés and slogans. They are cartoon cutouts. An endless, yet predictable stream of meaningless, prerecorded blather: up is down, right is wrong, day is night. They are race-baiting pimps and whores. They are the banal, unwashed barbarians of every gross violation of human decency and commonsense. They are merciless, baby-killing jackals, purveyors of sexual degeneracy who pray on innocent children in our schools. They are the indoctrinators. The tyrannical thugs. The PC space cadets. They are bullies and thugs. Thieves. Oppressors. The only thing they will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. They are intellectual cannibals and carrion. They are the Citizens. The Comrades. In other words, they are the robotically sterile drones of statism. Kneejerk reactionaries. They are the death of music and poetry, passion and romance. They routinely spew the mundane as if it were profundity. They speak in forked tongue, Orwellian technicalese. Drivel.

They are pathological liars. Political sociopaths. I loath them.

inasmuch as I'm not a liberal, and you're obviously an idiot, loath away.

BTW, what exactly are dufeses ... you DUFUS !

No you stupid ass. The standard spelling is actually DOOFUS!

The alternative, pc spelling for tricks like you is dufes..

Now do you get it?

Zoom! Right over your head!

He wrote dufus. LOL!

Dufus - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


doo·fus·es ... not dufeses

you RW idiot !
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the trolls on this board are just nasty, calls everyone names and vulgar

that's all they throw out

they are in the devoted 30% subjects of Obama..they would kiss the ground he walked on if he ordered them to

they need to be IGNORED

They are pathological liars, lunatics. They are the murderous, pitchfork-wielding Jocabins destroying this nation. They are barnyards animals. Barbarians. Thugs. Thieves. Degenerates. They are pathological liars. Slugs. There is no civility. There is nothing more to discuss.

The business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads is all they will ever understand about the rights and the dignity of others.

You don't debate them. You friggin' defeat them.

The only sensible purpose of boards like these anymore is for conservatives and libertarians to inform one another. As for these Marxists punks, these brainwashed dopes: just tell them to Shut. The. Hell. Up.

It's midnight. Enough talk. Lock and load.

I love satire!

Last word?
Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

And just how i they sneak you into this country?

Sometimes one can tell all they need know about one from their attempt at writing....

...clearly this is a case in point:

"And just how i they sneak you into this country?"

Good work, lickspittle.

Now, how about you get seat belts made of piano wire?

So the difference is that your adoptive parents paid for you so you can enter this country, go it.
some of the nutjobs from the left like guano, and few others aren't really worth wasting time on
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Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

And just how i they sneak you into this country?

Well known that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left....but overlooked is the commensurate control of the language.

So....rather than the headline "Obama Assaults American Sovereignty" we are feted to a far softer "Alien Children Cross The Border."

Let's examine what is actually going on.

1. " ...those 300 U.S. military advisers that the Obama administration has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed ... from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state.

2. ...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. ... it comes from the Obama administration, which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge.

3. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries.

4. Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared six months ago at the federal business opportunities site The notice seeks "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children," describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx.

a. According to this notice posted back on Jan. 29, 2014, DHS was already gearing up to receive "approximately 65,000 UAC in total."

5. How did DHS know this? .... DHS, the notice states, has "a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of unaccompanied alien children from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States."

6. "Resettlement," in other words, means these illegals are staying ....This may fulfill a "mission critical responsibility" for the Central American countries whose nationals, including gangbangers and drug runners, are crashing our border.

There is nothing, however, in the American interest about it. ...According to the UAC services webpage of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the mission is to assist these minor illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society."

Not our "American" society. Big difference." The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming

"...a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens."

Obama knows this.

Do you?

And just how i they sneak you into this country?

yep, that's the democrat base and obots we are up against,
Just imagine if illegals dumped 2-3 of their kids on a liberal's doorstep with the plan to get help for them first then the rest of the family hiding in the bushes.

The liberal would call the police to come take the kids away.
Asian xenophobes are the worst :( THE WORST!!!

Another lesson?

Certainly: a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to instruct a Liberal.

The administration is convinced that its supporters, as in dolt com, are so stupid that, like a bull, waving a flag will distract from any actual thinking.

The flag, in this case is the false use of the word "children."

So....if you are so easily blinded by the word "children," this is what you are missing:

12. On the world-wide stage, the alternative is national sovereignty.

Sans the strong arm of the United States, the United Nations is seen for what it is: a luncheon club for windbags who don’t pay their parking tickets. Yet, it serves an important function for the totalitarians who dream of world domination: a ‘front’ as they slowly but surely embezzle power, primarily in our nation.

We’ve all heard of ‘Those who do not study history…,” and there are enough of them to have captured the election, and as a result, have trampled on the origins of America.

13. When Alexander Hamilton visited his home, Jefferson pointed to portraits of Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and John Locke, saying, “They are my trinity of the three greatest men the world has ever produced.”
Locke advocated “democratic sovereignty,” arguing that authority was legitimate only with the consent of the governed. So…how does that fit with ceding some of our sovereignty to a movement toward global governance, the loss of national sovereignty?

14. “ The delivery also of the people into the subjection of a foreign power, either by the prince, or by the legislative, is certainly a change of the legislative, and so a dissolution of the government: for the end why people entered into society being to be preserved one intire, free, independent society, to be governed by its own laws; this is lost, whenever they are given up into the power of another.”
Locke, “Of Civil Government,” bk2, ch19, sect.217.

a. Abraham Lincoln, as well, was pretty clear in his definition of sovereignty as “a political community, without a political superior.”

Obama's plan is to deliver the United States to a global governance.
they are being sold lies on this and they just swallow it, just like when he LIED to sell his pos ObamaCare

they just don't care and it would take some thinking
To the rw xenophobes/nativists here:

[ame=]AVN | Border Agent - Immigrant Flood Is "Orchestrated" - YouTube[/ame]
Every day of illegals committing crimes across the US would overload youtube with videos.

don't tell me, right after illegals vote they are given video cameras, computers, and free internet access just so they can flood youtube with all the crimes they commit ... at taxpayer expense too?

Rightwingers had better destroy the Statue of Liberty and erase the message of hope that is carved in it's base..or learn to live with it's words of compassion....or is compassion not taught at right winged churches?
some of the nutjobs from the left like guano, and few others aren't really worth wasting time on

If that's true then stop posting cartoons and YouTube videos of idiots cranking up the rumor-mill, and reply in kind.

I've posted the federal law concerning minors crossing the border into America that was first initiated in 2000. You won't respond because you can't and you're too fucking stupid to admit it.
Every day of illegals committing crimes across the US would overload youtube with videos.

don't tell me, right after illegals vote they are given video cameras, computers, and free internet access just so they can flood youtube with all the crimes they commit ... at taxpayer expense too?


Why not!? Even Duck Dynasty is a taxpayer subsidy program..

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