USMB Bucket List


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here's my partial list of things I hope to live long enough to hear

Guno. I'm converting to Christianity and will spent the rest of my life ministering to homeless orphans in Botswana

Starkey. Ah, fuck it. I'm done pretending, I campaigned for McGovern and have voted straight liberal ever since

Mal. Thank you for making me a Moderator

Old Rocks. Global warming really is total bullshit

Dot Com. I'm so sick and fucking tired of being nice to you jackoffs

Greenbreard. ObamaCare blows. In fact it sucks Alaskan moosecock

Moonglow. I can stop posting anytime. Really.

Stats. I can't believe Frank was right about Hillary not getting the nomination. Best call since the Babe Ruth Point

Rdean. I'm marrying a Republican and I'm converting to Christianity and will spend the rest of my life ministering to homeless orphans in Botswana.

If I left you out, no offense. I'm not that clever and want to leave space for others
There really is something wrong with you,,,,,,,,

You are trying to develop a sense of humor.....................
Conservatives really shouldn't try humor. They tend to suck at it. They think they're funny, but to normal people, it comes across as being butthurt.
Gee, I hope Frank isn't trying to tell us something...
I really do hold back w/ you people. You'd be surprised if I let go full-bore on some of the morans here.
Morans huh?

morans like the above just suck the life right outta the board

I had to look it up, I didn't know what it was. I didn't know you were originally from Missouri.

The preferred method of spelling "moron" by morons, particularly that of a Missouri redneck at a rally supporting the US led war in Iraq.
Get a brain, moran! GO USA!
by nevesis August 19, 2006
Urban Dictionary moran

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