USMB Coffee Shop IV

So you don't want any Fiestaware?

I am not into Mexican party favors.
The Homer Laughlin China Company, based right here in my hometown, does not make piñatas.

No that hard, some old newspaper, water and flour....

Actually we have some Chinese Mexican plates for our everyday stuff, this would have been helpful information two years ago.
Rachel Ray is big for pans and the like in my family.

I love that: Chinese Mexican plates. Ain't it the truth? I bought what was billed as an 'authentic replica' of a painted pony figurine for our daughter for Christmas a year or two ago--these are uniquely New Mexican art. When we got it and I examined it, it was beautiful. But yep, there was that "made in China" stamp on it. Oh well. It was still beautiful.

Our grocery store featured some Rachel Ray pottery last year--buy so much groceries and get a piece free--and we accumulated a whole set for our granddaughter for her Christmas that year. I got a couple of extra coffee cups for us and they are absolutely my favorite among all our dishes. I won't drink my morning coffee out of anything else.

I didn't know that line featured pans and such though.
Best shot yet. I am so surprised she nurses in the open like that. And those kits are getting pretty big to be suckling on mom...I wonder if they will stick around once she weans them.
Keep us informed.

Yea, and she is perfectly well aware of my presence, but carries on suckling anyway. In the last picture she is looking up at me. I have taken over 100 digital pictures now, and only a few are worth posting. But at least I am not paying for film.
There were seven cubs the other day, but since then I have only counted six.
I'm spending the weekend in Mobile, AL for the regional APA 9-ball pool tournament. The event is called "City Cup" If my team, Doc Holliday's own "Sure Shots" win, we will be going to Las Vegas this fall for the National Championship. Yes, it's 4:30 AM. I can't sleep and I have to be at the event at 8:00. Wake up call in 2 hours, dammit.

On a whim I bought a bottle of 300 mcg Melatonin at Walgreens awhile back. Took a couple of those a bit before retiring and every night I dropped off to sleep much more quickly than normal and woke during the night far less. The stuff really did work for me. And it is a natural substance, not a drug. Might try it.
Stop after awhile, for a couple of days. Then start in again. Your body will get used to it and you will wind up having to take more. Trust me on this..I know from experience, lol. I went from 3mg to 10mgs. Now I am back on 5mgs but have not taken any for almost a week. I will start off with 3mg again. And yes..the stuff works great but some folks get vivid dreams so be aware of that possibilty.
Melatonin - Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions | Everyday Health

Wow. You would expect that much doomsday possibility from a prescription drug. 300 mcg is only .3 mg though--a very low dose and I noticed zero side effects from it. But this is good information. Thanks.

And Gracie is right that it shouldn't be taken every night. On it suggested take it 5 nights and then be off it 2 nights.
So you don't want any Fiestaware?

I am not into Mexican party favors.
The Homer Laughlin China Company, based right here in my hometown, does not make piñatas.

No that hard, some old newspaper, water and flour....

Actually we have some Chinese Mexican plates for our everyday stuff, this would have been helpful information two years ago.
Rachel Ray is big for pans and the like in my family.

I love that: Chinese Mexican plates. Ain't it the truth? I bought what was billed as an 'authentic replica' of a painted pony figurine for our daughter for Christmas a year or two ago--these are uniquely New Mexican art. When we got it and I examined it, it was beautiful. But yep, there was that "made in China" stamp on it. Oh well. It was still beautiful.

Our grocery store featured some Rachel Ray pottery last year--buy so much groceries and get a piece free--and we accumulated a whole set for our granddaughter for her Christmas that year. I got a couple of extra coffee cups for us and they are absolutely my favorite among all our dishes. I won't drink my morning coffee out of anything else.

I didn't know that line featured pans and such though.
A few years ago I had the position of Chief Environmental Oversite Officer for the renovations at five school buildings at an area school district. We removed floor tiles, pipe insulation, underground storage tanks and high school chemistry lab equipment during the summer in anticipation of new construction once school started up again in the autumn. I was mandated to report to the board of education. At the school board meeting I said a word that kept me there for hours answering the questions of concerned parents. The word I said was "asbestos".

Now I'm going to say a word that could bring the same concerns. And that word is "Lead". Beware of lead based glazes in Mexican pottery. I recommend that Mexican pottery be used as decorative pieces only. If you are going to consume food from Mexican pottery, you may be exposing yourself to an undue risk of lead poisoning.

Fiestaware, made here in America by American workers, is lead free.
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I am off to an estimate on a landscape project. This is a toughie. Several years ago I designed beds and a walkway for the front of this house. It had a very Frank Lloyd Wright feel to it and the owners just loved it. Now it is on to a side yard with a hill that they want privacy. Problem is they are on the downhill side. Hope my creativity is ready.
So you don't want any Fiestaware?

I am not into Mexican party favors.
The Homer Laughlin China Company, based right here in my hometown, does not make piñatas.

No that hard, some old newspaper, water and flour....

Actually we have some Chinese Mexican plates for our everyday stuff, this would have been helpful information two years ago.
Rachel Ray is big for pans and the like in my family.

I love that: Chinese Mexican plates. Ain't it the truth? I bought what was billed as an 'authentic replica' of a painted pony figurine for our daughter for Christmas a year or two ago--these are uniquely New Mexican art. When we got it and I examined it, it was beautiful. But yep, there was that "made in China" stamp on it. Oh well. It was still beautiful.

Our grocery store featured some Rachel Ray pottery last year--buy so much groceries and get a piece free--and we accumulated a whole set for our granddaughter for her Christmas that year. I got a couple of extra coffee cups for us and they are absolutely my favorite among all our dishes. I won't drink my morning coffee out of anything else.

I didn't know that line featured pans and such though.
A few years ago I had the position of Chief Environmental Oversite Officer for the renovations at five school buildings at an area school district. We removed floor tiles, pipe insulation, underground storage tanks and high school chemistry lab equipment during the summer in anticipation of new construction once school started up again in the autumn. I was mandated to report to the board of education. At the school board meeting I said a word that kept me there for hours answering the questions of concerned parents. The word I said was "asbestos".

Now I'm going to say a worse that could bring the same concerns. And that word is "Lead". Beware of lead based glazes in Mexican pottery. I recommend that Mexican pottery be used as decorative pieces only. If you are going to consume food from Mexican pottery, you may be exposing yourself to an undue risk of lead poisoning.

Fiestaware, made here in America by American workers, is lead free.

Yes agreed. I don't buy any products like that made in Mexico--anything we will use for food products. I read awhile back this family--mom, dad, and kids who were developing all kinds of ugly and serious symptoms. Finally, after they had all been severely lead poisoned they traced it to the colorful Mexican pitcher they had been serving their morning orange juice from.
So you don't want any Fiestaware?

I am not into Mexican party favors.
The Homer Laughlin China Company, based right here in my hometown, does not make piñatas.

No that hard, some old newspaper, water and flour....

Actually we have some Chinese Mexican plates for our everyday stuff, this would have been helpful information two years ago.
Rachel Ray is big for pans and the like in my family.

I love that: Chinese Mexican plates. Ain't it the truth? I bought what was billed as an 'authentic replica' of a painted pony figurine for our daughter for Christmas a year or two ago--these are uniquely New Mexican art. When we got it and I examined it, it was beautiful. But yep, there was that "made in China" stamp on it. Oh well. It was still beautiful.

Our grocery store featured some Rachel Ray pottery last year--buy so much groceries and get a piece free--and we accumulated a whole set for our granddaughter for her Christmas that year. I got a couple of extra coffee cups for us and they are absolutely my favorite among all our dishes. I won't drink my morning coffee out of anything else.

I didn't know that line featured pans and such though.
A few years ago I had the position of Chief Environmental Oversite Officer for the renovations at five school buildings at an area school district. We removed floor tiles, pipe insulation, underground storage tanks and high school chemistry lab equipment during the summer in anticipation of new construction once school started up again in the autumn. I was mandated to report to the board of education. At the school board meeting I said a word that kept me there for hours answering the questions of concerned parents. The word I said was "asbestos".

Now I'm going to say a worse that could bring the same concerns. And that word is "Lead". Beware of lead based glazes in Mexican pottery. I recommend that Mexican pottery be used as decorative pieces only. If you are going to consume food from Mexican pottery, you may be exposing yourself to an undue risk of lead poisoning.

Fiestaware, made here in America by American workers, is lead free.

And as we discussed, Fiestaware is no longer radioactive. :)
A few years ago I had the position of Chief Environmental Oversite Officer for the renovations at five school buildings at an area school district. We removed floor tiles, pipe insulation, underground storage tanks and high school chemistry lab equipment during the summer in anticipation of new construction once school started up again in the autumn. I was mandated to report to the board of education. At the school board meeting I said a word that kept me there for hours answering the questions of concerned parents. The word I said was "asbestos".

Now I'm going to say a worse that could bring the same concerns. And that word is "Lead". Beware of lead based glazes in Mexican pottery. I recommend that Mexican pottery be used as decorative pieces only. If you are going to consume food from Mexican pottery, you may be exposing yourself to an undue risk of lead poisoning.

Fiestaware, made here in America by American workers, is lead free.

Like I said, Chinese Mexican, the lead seals in the radioactivity.

Okay, I wrote that before reading Foxfyre's post... :eek:
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Another shoot, an hour after the previous pic. The Foxes are coming out in daylight now.

Oh this one is my favorite so far, Dajjal. Good focus, composition, lighting. But it would be great to get a good clear shot in good light of the whole clan including 'daddy fox'.

Yes, that is my aim, to get all of the cubs suckling, and the father watching out for them. That is what I saw when I first spotted them, and it was in sunlight and a perfect composition. But I had no film in my camera and only had a cheap digital camera with no batteries. Now I have a good Nikon digital. I may never get that shot but I have sure got a lot of others.
I'm spending the weekend in Mobile, AL for the regional APA 9-ball pool tournament. The event is called "City Cup" If my team, Doc Holliday's own "Sure Shots" win, we will be going to Las Vegas this fall for the National Championship. Yes, it's 4:30 AM. I can't sleep and I have to be at the event at 8:00. Wake up call in 2 hours, dammit.

On a whim I bought a bottle of 300 mcg Melatonin at Walgreens awhile back. Took a couple of those a bit before retiring and every night I dropped off to sleep much more quickly than normal and woke during the night far less. The stuff really did work for me. And it is a natural substance, not a drug. Might try it.
Stop after awhile, for a couple of days. Then start in again. Your body will get used to it and you will wind up having to take more. Trust me on this..I know from experience, lol. I went from 3mg to 10mgs. Now I am back on 5mgs but have not taken any for almost a week. I will start off with 3mg again. And yes..the stuff works great but some folks get vivid dreams so be aware of that possibilty.
Melatonin - Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions | Everyday Health

Wow. You would expect that much doomsday possibility from a prescription drug. 300 mcg is only .3 mg though--a very low dose and I noticed zero side effects from it. But this is good information. Thanks.

And Gracie is right that it shouldn't be taken every night. On it suggested take it 5 nights and then be off it 2 nights.
Vitamins and other supplements should be looked at with the same caution that prescription drugs are, they can be just as dangerous depending on one's medical condition(s) and amounts taken. As with everything else moderation and knowledge is the key. Vitamin/mineral toxicity is a real danger and affects thousands of unsuspecting people every day.

Taking Too Many Vitamins? Side Effects of Vitamin Overdosing
I'm seeing banners in front of churches announcing Vacation Bible School. They all seem to have a theme. Marketed and packaged like soda pop or or packaged vacation cruise with the local football team.

Back in the early 1960s when I was a pup, I attended V.B.S. There was no theme. Only colored construction paper, round tipped scissors and jars of paste.

Refreshments were purchased by adults who had either never had children of their own or had never actually been children themselves. Ginger snaps that were as hard as manhole covers, orange drink that bore no resemblance at all to the fruit from which it drew it's name other than the color of the stuff, and last season's apples which were neither red nor delicious.

The lesson plan, as I recall, covered Noah's ark, Daniel in the lion's den and Jonah and the whale. Some of the most sensational Bible stories this side of Samson and Delilah, too salacious to be taught to we bairn like me.

I do recall one of the 'teachers' had been to the World's Fair in Queens, New York earlier in the late Spring of 1964. She brought in some swag she bought there. That was interesting, but not as much fun if she had just turned us out in the sunshine for the release of the kinetic energy that consumes seven year old kids.

I wonder if it would have been more fun if we had a theme?
I have a perfect theme, The Spanish Inquisition!! Take a cue from Mel Brooks....... :D

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
We're leaving on our cruise tomorrow, I am running out of time. So, should I wear my red sparkly cowboy hat or my black sparkly cowboy hat to meet gallentwarrior?[/Q


Red is easier to see. Black is more dressy. So you'll have decide between being recognized and being fashionable.

Well, this is pretty close to what we are going to build.
Ya know, I was reading the other day where it says El Paso gets an average of 20 something % humidity annually with a daily average of 6%......... Don't know who came up with that but right now my hygrometer is pegged at -10% humidity and stays below 0% most of the year. :dunno:
We're leaving on our cruise tomorrow, I am running out of time. So, should I wear my red sparkly cowboy hat or my black sparkly cowboy hat to meet gallentwarrior?[/Q


Red is easier to see. Black is more dressy. So you'll have decide between being recognized and being fashionable.

My friend likes the black, plus it goes with anything, I think I'll do the black.

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