USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm so tired. And so depressed. When I go out to my now ugly back yard, it is covered in tarps with stuff I wanted and don't want. The birds are not happy. No food, so I give them crumbs of bread. Hummer feeders are going dry. I will fill them up before we go and leave them but the owner of the house won't fee them so maybe I should take them so the birds know the well has dried up here.

Whatever the is not good. Very whiney. Very down. Very.....meh.

I think you are due another one of these...

I'm so tired. And so depressed. When I go out to my now ugly back yard, it is covered in tarps with stuff I wanted and don't want. The birds are not happy. No food, so I give them crumbs of bread. Hummer feeders are going dry. I will fill them up before we go and leave them but the owner of the house won't fee them so maybe I should take them so the birds know the well has dried up here.

Whatever the is not good. Very whiney. Very down. Very.....meh.

Yes. When you are tired, hurting, frustrated, at the point it is just plain all hard work with no joy in it, I know exactly how you feel. But trust me. This too shall pass.
She sent me pics of the house. Or some of it. This is where we will be living.



I know that rug and some of those pillows ^. She got them from me, lol.


This is where I will be 95% of the time ^


This too ^


She said this is my section all for myself if I want it. I WANT IT. ^
OK....keep in mind this is from about 20 years ago and was recorded on some guy's home equipment. The bass and vocals are me. I didn't write the music, but I did write the lyrics.

ChrisL will hate this, I'm sure. :p

Well it has a good beat. :)

This is from about the same time. Again, I'm on bass and vocals. Same guitarist who wrote the music. This was recorded on even lower quality equipment....might even have just been a boombox. We were also both probably &$#(ed up at the time :lol: It's not heavy, though.

I still really like this song, I wish we'd worked on it more, but we never did much soft music.
I think what is keeping me semi sane is the knowledge that if we are still alive...or at least one of 3 to 5 years...we can still come home. And THAT is the plan. Soon as low income housing calls and says "a unit is available now"...we are packing up whatever we collected during our visit to LA, and head right back here.

Anyway...tomorrow is Cataract surgery day. I may be MIA for a day. Won't know until I know how I feel so I will say my "see youse guys later" schpeel now.

See Youse Guys Later!
More school frustration.

Since I am just a letter from the IRS away from getting my financial aid, I want to register for classes this semester. I have emailed my advisor on more than one occasion but have yet to receive a response. I've tried calling but it goes to voice mail unanswered. I called again today and the same thing happened, so I left a message. I also sent another email. I sent yet another email to the registrar's office asking about registering classes. The registrar's office sent back an email within a couple of hours, but it basically says my advisor is the one to ask about my courses, it's a busy time, she'll certainly get in touch with me in time to get things done.

Of course, open registration day was a week and a half or so ago, the last day of late registration is in 10 days, and classes start in 14 days. But hey, it's busy, she'll get to me! :mad:

Luckily I can register the classes online myself, I just don't know if there are any schedule conflicts with the classes I need or if I'm supposed to take them in any sort of order. Worst case I'll just have to pick the ones I want for the first semester without any advising and see how that goes. :dunno:

Maybe the counselor is on holiday? This week may be more responsive. Or call the school and inquire.
I think what is keeping me semi sane is the knowledge that if we are still alive...or at least one of 3 to 5 years...we can still come home. And THAT is the plan. Soon as low income housing calls and says "a unit is available now"...we are packing up whatever we collected during our visit to LA, and head right back here.

Anyway...tomorrow is Cataract surgery day. I may be MIA for a day. Won't know until I know how I feel so I will say my "see youse guys later" schpeel now.

See Youse Guys Later!

We'll be pulling for you Gracie.
More school frustration.

Since I am just a letter from the IRS away from getting my financial aid, I want to register for classes this semester. I have emailed my advisor on more than one occasion but have yet to receive a response. I've tried calling but it goes to voice mail unanswered. I called again today and the same thing happened, so I left a message. I also sent another email. I sent yet another email to the registrar's office asking about registering classes. The registrar's office sent back an email within a couple of hours, but it basically says my advisor is the one to ask about my courses, it's a busy time, she'll certainly get in touch with me in time to get things done.

Of course, open registration day was a week and a half or so ago, the last day of late registration is in 10 days, and classes start in 14 days. But hey, it's busy, she'll get to me! :mad:

Luckily I can register the classes online myself, I just don't know if there are any schedule conflicts with the classes I need or if I'm supposed to take them in any sort of order. Worst case I'll just have to pick the ones I want for the first semester without any advising and see how that goes. :dunno:

Maybe the counselor is on holiday? This week may be more responsive. Or call the school and inquire.

I called Monday and left a message, as well as sending an email. I called yesterday and it again went to message. Same today. I'll try again later and tomorrow.
Just returned from having maintenance done on the wife's Prius, check radiator fluid, change oil, etc. Have one headlight out and bought bulbs at Wally World a while back so asked them to change them out for me........
Wrong bulbs, it seems her Prius has HID instead of the standard Halogen bulbs, one Toyota replacement bulb is over $100.......
Just ordered two OEM (Phillips) bulbs from Amazon for a hundred bucks shipped. :thup:
She sent me pics of the house. Or some of it. This is where we will be living.



I know that rug and some of those pillows ^. She got them from me, lol.


This is where I will be 95% of the time ^


This too ^


She said this is my section all for myself if I want it. I WANT IT. ^

Certainly looks livable. But for heavens sake tell her to ditch that heavy rubber hose and replace it with one of the new pocket hoses. They are great.
Just returned from having maintenance done on the wife's Prius, check radiator fluid, change oil, etc. Have one headlight out and bought bulbs at Wally World a while back so asked them to change them out for me........
Wrong bulbs, it seems her Prius has HID instead of the standard Halogen bulbs, one Toyota replacement bulb is over $100.......
Just ordered two OEM (Phillips) bulbs from Amazon for a hundred bucks shipped. :thup:

I know they need to make a profit and all that, but it is really annoying to me that they make things so much more difficult than they have to be.
Just returned from having maintenance done on the wife's Prius, check radiator fluid, change oil, etc. Have one headlight out and bought bulbs at Wally World a while back so asked them to change them out for me........
Wrong bulbs, it seems her Prius has HID instead of the standard Halogen bulbs, one Toyota replacement bulb is over $100.......
Just ordered two OEM (Phillips) bulbs from Amazon for a hundred bucks shipped. :thup:

I know they need to make a profit and all that, but it is really annoying to me that they make things so much more difficult than they have to be.
Initially I thought it might have been a HID kit that was installed by the first owner (bought it a year old) but the mechanic looked at it and exclaimed that the headlamps were stock. #*^^%$!!^&Y&!!+$@ !!!!
Well, I have been home from vacation for a while, all rested up from the trip, reflected upon everything I saw while I was out scurrying about, and have digested most of it. It's really good to get away but it's also good to get back home. I shall tell you a bit about things I saw and did.

Well, my plan was to leave the house promptly at 0800 on the day we left. However, Mrs. BBD was not impressed with my plan - at least not until it was time I thought we should be leaving. She puttered around the house doing domestic stuff. For the likes of me, I could not understand why. I asked her why she was running the vacuum cleaner, dusting and generally spiffing things up. She replied, "Well, if we're in an accident and get killed I don't want somebody coming into an unkempt house." I reflected on this just a bit but was wise enough to not say anything. In all the years I have been living with Mrs. BBD, I can say that it's a rare thing to not be able to perform surgery in any part of the house should the need arise. I went out onto the back porch and sat patiently but looking at my watch every 5 minutes until she announced that she was ready to go. I looked at my watch. It was 1030. We piled into the truck, cranked it up and began to head towards 1-90 in Rockford. We got to Rockford at about 1115 and Mrs. BBD announced that we should stop someplace for breakfast. I pulled into the Cracker Barrel and we ate breakfast. When we climbed back into the truck I couldn't help but notice that it was almost 1230 and I had planned all along to be somewhere deep into Wisconsin at noon but sad to say we were just leaving Rockford. I pulled out onto I-90 and noticed that Mrs. BBD had already fallen asleep. No noteworthy things to report from the drive to Minnesota. We crossed Old Man River and found ourselves in a different State. Getting low on fuel I pulled into a Mom and Pop kind of place and fueled up. I struck up a conversation with a medium-sized tricycle motor who thought the truck and 5th wheel trailer was the neatest thing he had ever seen. I guess at best he must have been about 5 or 6 but a real friendly little guy. His mother came out of the store and I could tell by looking at her that this kid was going to be a real looker for the girls when he gets a little age on him. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Paid for my fuel, cranked up the truck and headed west. We got a few miles east of Albert Lea and decided to stop for the night. It was just a little after seven. Pulled into one of those Yogi Bear Jellystone campgrounds and ended up in a spot right beside the swimming pool. I sat outside on the picnic table and watched about 500 screaming kids running around, swimming, doing kid stuff and having the time of their life. It all quietened down around 2100 so I went into the camper and went to bed.

Tomorrow I shall say a few words about the trip from Minnesota to Mitchell, SD. It gets a bit corny.
I think what is keeping me semi sane is the knowledge that if we are still alive...or at least one of 3 to 5 years...we can still come home. And THAT is the plan. Soon as low income housing calls and says "a unit is available now"...we are packing up whatever we collected during our visit to LA, and head right back here.

Anyway...tomorrow is Cataract surgery day. I may be MIA for a day. Won't know until I know how I feel so I will say my "see youse guys later" schpeel now.

See Youse Guys Later!

Did the surgery work?

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