USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've been wracking my brain for a new story to tell you. I've told you about life during wartime as Pop melted old records and painted the soft bakelite on the inside of basement windows for profit. I've told you about my Grandpa serving as an air raid warden, keeping northeast Ohio safe from Nazi Germany. I've told you about my sainted Uncle Ducky who shot off a perp's ear while in hot pursuit along the railroad tracks.

Did I tell you about Pop's lucky break? Summer 1952 and Pop was a freshly minted high school graduate about to take his place at the print shop as an apprentice typographer. He was studying at Carnegie Tech, now Carnegie Mellon University. And he was courting Mom.

One evening he was playing his favorite sport, basketball. Now, the love of basketball was not one of the traits I inherited from Pop. Pop was tall and lean as a young man. I, on the other hand, was built like a fire hydrant with stubby legs and embarrassingly small hands. Not the physique required to play basketball. More like the physique needed to play foosball.

Anyway, Pop went up for a rebound and came down on the way to the emergency room to have his badly fractured ankle set by the mildly competent staff at City Hospital. He hobbled around with what must have looked like a plaster ski boot for weeks afterward. In the meantime, the United States Army was eager to make Pop's acquaintance. They even sent him a letter inviting him to join up and take part in the war they were waging on the Korean peninsula.

Pop, always eager for travel and adventure, bundled up his cast, the x-ray photographs the staff at the hospital took and a letter from old Doc Rugh who set the ankle. One of Pop's buddies also got an invitation from the armed forces and they decided to share the ride to the induction center in far off Cleveland.

The medical screeners at the induction center thoroughly examined all of Pop's paperwork and thanked him. They told him to sit tight for now, but to expect another letter in the future. Pop's buddy had no x-rays nor a cast the size of Grandma's handbag, nor a letter from old Doc Rugh. So he was asked to join the line of the other young men standing in their skivvies.

At that time there was a particularly virulent strain of flu going around so the Army thought it best to inoculate the new recruits. Pop's buddy had a rival in high school. They dated the same girls, ran on the track team, competed academically for valedictorian.

Lo and behold, there sat his rival all dressed up as an Army corpsman administering flu shots. Their eyes met and they squinted suspiciously at one another, like two hombres in a Sergio Leone film. Pop's buddy approached his rival's station and gingerly pulled his waistband on his tidy whities down. Unknown to him, his rival tapped the point of the syringe on the marble window sill just before he gave him the shot.

It must have been like getting vaccinated with a crochet hook. Pop never got a second letter and married Mom the following January. His buddy was inducted, but never saw action in Korea. His rival stayed in the Army and was promoted through the ranks, eventually receiving an honorable discharge and then off to medical school.
SO.... The dumbass who tried to poll vault his pickup on my lawn last night just called the bar. It seem he claims that someone hit his truck in the parking lot.
Saw 2nd heart doc today.
They both are very pleased with his progress.
Took him to the barber and he looks great. Not like a grizzly bear anylonger. :)

Then later I had appt. with my doc today.
I caught a head cold. Just what I need, NOT!!
She said its viral so nothing I can take to knock it out quickly.
Bummer, Mr. P does not need to get a head cold right now.
She said all I can do is stay away in another room. Use disinfect wipes on everthing after I touch it.
So it looks like I'm sleeping on the couch for about a week. :(
She said that the shedding skin is what helps to spread this particular virus.
Of course it had to be viral and not bacterial.
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SO.... The dumbass who tried to poll vault his pickup on my lawn last night just called the bar. It seem he claims that someone hit his truck in the parking lot.

Have him bring the truck by, I am sure you can accommodate him.
Saw 2nd heart doc today.
They both are very pleased with his progress.
Took him to the barber and he looks great. Not like a grizzley bear anylonger. :)

Then later I had appt. wtith my doc today.
I caught a head cold. Just what I need, NOT!!
She said its viral so nothing I can take to knock it out quickly.
Bummer, Mr. P does not need to get a head cold right now.
She said all I can do is stay away in another room. Use disinfect wipes on everthing after I touch it.
So it looks like I'm sleeping on the couch for about a week. :(
She said that the shedding skin is what helps to spread this particular virus.
Of course it had to be viral and not bacterial.

Mrs. Liberty has the bad cold, but I am on the couch. What gives?
Saw 2nd heart doc today.
They both are very pleased with his progress.
Took him to the barber and he looks great. Not like a grizzley bear anylonger. :)

Then later I had appt. wtith my doc today.
I caught a head cold. Just what I need, NOT!!
She said its viral so nothing I can take to knock it out quickly.
Bummer, Mr. P does not need to get a head cold right now.
She said all I can do is stay away in another room. Use disinfect wipes on everthing after I touch it.
So it looks like I'm sleeping on the couch for about a week. :(
She said that the shedding skin is what helps to spread this particular virus.
Of course it had to be viral and not bacterial.

Mrs. Liberty has the bad cold, but I am on the couch. What gives?

You don't want to catch it, do you? :biggrin:
Johnnie's Barbershop is haunted by Mabel, who used to own our famous Horseshoe Resturant.
She was very active while we were there.
Knocking on the walls and laughing!
I really liked Mabel she was such a big woman and so full of life. She died of cancer in the late 80's.
She was really good friends with Jonnie, she also haunts her restaurant. :biggrin:
I have heard messages from the spirit world about pets that die. According to what I was told pets wait for us in higher realms, and they are often looked after by departed relatives, who keep them for us until we die. They only move on and reincarnate, if we stop loving them.
Hence the legend of the Rainbow Bridge, no doubt?
If that applies, I have an entire tribe waiting to welcome me to the afterworld.
So, last night, a customer (mid 50's) offered a very drunk woman (30) a ride. She has a broken leg, so he backed his pick-up onto the lawn out front to make it easier for her.
What he didn't notice at the time were the hitching posts (4" octagonal wood sunk 18" in the ground) He backed completely over 1 and pushed the second over 45 degrees. OK I can maybe understand not noticing hitting the posts, but when he pulled forward, the one under the truck caught the rear bumper and lifted the rear of the truck off the ground. His second attempt at full power lifted the truck again and the back end came down a foot or so to the right.
He HAD to feel that, but he took off almost hitting a car in the lot on his way out.
Posts aren't damaged, but the lawn is torn up and post hole diggers will be needed.
Buzzed driving is drunk driving in Alaska.
Cold here, again.
Work is slow, it's Chinese New Year, so the flights out of the Far East are minimal. I went to work at midnight last night and didn't have a flight until just after 7 am. Tonight is pretty similar. I'm not complaining, it balances out those nights when I have to handle 4-5 flights on a shift.
I've noticed a few new CS visitors. How cool is that? We're getting quite international here, aren't we.
So sorry about Boo, Ringel. Having lost my old lady cat late last year, in addition to my old lady dog, I can only shed a few tears to share your pain. Hopefully, your remaining fur-fam are helping you by cuddling extra much.
Peach, I celebrate Mr. P's apparent recovery, may it continue apace.
Gracie, know I'm one of your biggest fans. You and Mr.G have so much strength and are such a great icon for those of us who think our piddly little woes should be important.
Thank you, Foxy, for you ongoing best wishes for all of us!
Cold here, again.
Work is slow, it's Chinese New Year, so the flights out of the Far East are minimal. I went to work at midnight last night and didn't have a flight until just after 7 am. Tonight is pretty similar. I'm not complaining, it balances out those nights when I have to handle 4-5 flights on a shift.
I've noticed a few new CS visitors. How cool is that? We're getting quite international here, aren't we.
So sorry about Boo, Ringel. Having lost my old lady cat late last year, in addition to my old lady dog, I can only shed a few tears to share your pain. Hopefully, your remaining fur-fam are helping you by cuddling extra much.
Peach, I celebrate Mr. P's apparent recovery, may it continue apace.
Gracie, know I'm one of your biggest fans. You and Mr.G have so much strength and are such a great icon for those of us who think our piddly little woes should be important.
Thank you, Foxy, for you ongoing best wishes for all of us!

We shall see how well his heart is by next Friday.
They use a die that shows up on the sonogram.
They give it to him on Thursday morning and take a look, then after its been in his system in 24 hrs it will show more of the living and dead tissues on Friday morning, then we go from there about doing his open heart surgery.

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