USMB Coffee Shop IV

Boo took a major turn for the worse, if we tried to pick him up he would cry in pain, touching him and he would whimper in pain. We took him in and he's now in a better place free from pain and suffering.

Boo as we will remember him.

Poor kitty! I'm really sorry I've lost my cat years ago and it was very painful :(
Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Saveliberty for wellness,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days.
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
And a hug for the Ringels who said goodbye to Boo today.

All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

And so Punxatawney Phil awoke, looked around and saw his shadow condemning us to six more weeks of winter. That's okay by me as this winter has shown itself to be a weather wimp in our neck of the woods. I swept snow from the sidewalk once and chemically shoveled the driveway once and the furnace has been working, but less than normal for an Ohio Valley winter.

The only times Daisy the Mutt and I have failed to take our daily walks has been because of rain rather than snow and ice. Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in a couple weeks and before we know it Spring Training baseball games will be on the radio, so how bad can it be?
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I have heard messages from the spirit world about pets that die. According to what I was told pets wait for us in higher realms, and they are often looked after by departed relatives, who keep them for us until we die. They only move on and reincarnate, if we stop loving them.
So, last night, a customer (mid 50's) offered a very drunk woman (30) a ride. She has a broken leg, so he backed his pick-up onto the lawn out front to make it easier for her.
What he didn't notice at the time were the hitching posts (4" octagonal wood sunk 18" in the ground) He backed completely over 1 and pushed the second over 45 degrees. OK I can maybe understand not noticing hitting the posts, but when he pulled forward, the one under the truck caught the rear bumper and lifted the rear of the truck off the ground. His second attempt at full power lifted the truck again and the back end came down a foot or so to the right.
He HAD to feel that, but he took off almost hitting a car in the lot on his way out.
Posts aren't damaged, but the lawn is torn up and post hole diggers will be needed.
So, last night, a customer (mid 50's) offered a very drunk woman (30) a ride. She has a broken leg, so he backed his pick-up onto the lawn out front to make it easier for her.
What he didn't notice at the time were the hitching posts (4" octagonal wood sunk 18" in the ground) He backed completely over 1 and pushed the second over 45 degrees. OK I can maybe understand not noticing hitting the posts, but when he pulled forward, the one under the truck caught the rear bumper and lifted the rear of the truck off the ground. His second attempt at full power lifted the truck again and the back end came down a foot or so to the right.
He HAD to feel that, but he took off almost hitting a car in the lot on his way out.
Posts aren't damaged, but the lawn is torn up and post hole diggers will be needed.

Sounds like you would have been better off with HER driving. There's just no figuring some people.
And so Punxatawney Phil awoke, looked around and saw his shadow condemning us to six more weeks of winter. That's okay by me as this winter has shown itself to be a weather wimp in our neck of the woods. I swept snow from the sidewalk once and chemically shoveled the driveway once and the furnace has been working, but less than normal for an Ohio Valley winter.

The only times Daisy the Mutt and I have failed to take our daily walks has been because of rain rather than snow and ice. Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in a couple weeks and before we know it Spring Training baseball games will be on the radio, so how bad can it be?

Yes, in our part of the world the spring bulbs are sprouting and no really cold weather in the forecast as far ahead as we can see so far. This is more March or April weather than early February. I just wonder of the weather gods don't have something in store for us later on when we WANT warm weather?
LOL weather is crap here its nearly 14.13 here and we'v got our lights on looks like it could rain Scottish weather is crap most of the time

Well as one who quite a bit of me descends from the Scots, I would like to visit your fair land one of these days. Are you a native of Scotland or just residing there for now?
And so Punxatawney Phil awoke, looked around and saw his shadow condemning us to six more weeks of winter. That's okay by me as this winter has shown itself to be a weather wimp in our neck of the woods. I swept snow from the sidewalk once and chemically shoveled the driveway once and the furnace has been working, but less than normal for an Ohio Valley winter.

The only times Daisy the Mutt and I have failed to take our daily walks has been because of rain rather than snow and ice. Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in a couple weeks and before we know it Spring Training baseball games will be on the radio, so how bad can it be?

Yes, in our part of the world the spring bulbs are sprouting and no really cold weather in the forecast as far ahead as we can see so far. This is more March or April weather than early February. I just wonder of the weather gods don't have something in store for us later on when we WANT warm weather?
That must be fantastic to have bulbs popping up already! The only stuff in my garden now are dog turds and orange rinds and coffee grounds after the neighborhood dogs overturned a trash can.

I had a project down in Dixie, Montgomery, Alabama during St. Patrick's Day. People were already mowing their lawns! I called the office and let them hear the drone of lawn mower engines just to make them a bit envious.

For my birthday I got a drip irrigation system for window boxes and hanging baskets. It sits now on the kitchen table waiting for the Spring. It looks simple enough to install. It even has a timer so the watering can happen in the morning. I have always watered in the evening after work. Folks have told me to never put your flowers to bed with wet feet. I don't know about that because my flowers have always looked spectacular. Except of course for the impatiens that get 'leggy' and sparse come late July and August. That's usually when they get torn out and replaced by marigolds and mums.
So, last night, a customer (mid 50's) offered a very drunk woman (30) a ride. She has a broken leg, so he backed his pick-up onto the lawn out front to make it easier for her.
What he didn't notice at the time were the hitching posts (4" octagonal wood sunk 18" in the ground) He backed completely over 1 and pushed the second over 45 degrees. OK I can maybe understand not noticing hitting the posts, but when he pulled forward, the one under the truck caught the rear bumper and lifted the rear of the truck off the ground. His second attempt at full power lifted the truck again and the back end came down a foot or so to the right.
He HAD to feel that, but he took off almost hitting a car in the lot on his way out.
Posts aren't damaged, but the lawn is torn up and post hole diggers will be needed.

Sounds like you would have been better off with HER driving. There's just no figuring some people.
I'd have been better off driving her myself. She has been staying on my sofa for the most part lately.
The guy is a brother of a good friend, but not someone I care that much for. </diplomacy> Bit of a full of himself grand stander...
He is VERY lucky the folks on the motorcycles that had been parked there moments earlier had left.

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