USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've decided to give Gizmo a nickname, Swiffer......... Every time he comes home he's covered in dust and the occasional twig and briar entangled in his fur.........
I've decided to give Gizmo a nickname, Swiffer......... Every time he comes home he's covered in dust and the occasional twig and briar entangled in his fur.........

Does it make you curious where he has been?
I don't want pets because when my cat Willy died ten years ago I suffered so much for his death. So I said to myself "I don't want pets anymore" :(

I've lost one of my sons, my father, my two grandfathers, my little cousin and various other family members and friends. I've had enough sadness and death, and if I can avoid it, I will!

Ten years ago there were a crowd of family members around, now I am down to just my sister.
So sad :(
My grandmother will be next. She is suffering from Alzheimer's now and barely recognizes me. On Christmas, I went and sat next to her, gave her a hug and a kiss, and she just stared blankly at me for like 10 minutes. I just sat there and looked and smiled at her (trying to not cry) and she finally smiled back at me. I think I might have seen some recognition in her face, but I can't be sure if she was just smiling back at a smiling face. :( My grandmother's death is going to be difficult because we've always been really close. It sucks. Life sucks.
Life is wonderful, Chris. Yes parts of it suck, but death is just the end of life.
Look at it through your grandmother's eyes.Her health has suffered, her mind is not clear. Do you suppose there is any joy left for her? I'm assuming my dad was around the same age when he passed. We spoke the day before he passed. He said, "Ernie, I've had one hell of a run, but I'm tired."
I told him that it went without saying that my sister and I would like to keep him around another 93 years, but we'll be OK. I said, "Do what you need to do"
I am not in the habit of saying good by or "I love you." when I end a phone conversation. Usually I'll say something like talk at you later.
That night, I said, "Good by, Dad. I love you."
8 hours later, he was gone. No more pain from his cancer. No more the frail shell of a once powerful man. I was happy that he went on his terms, but shattered by becoming an orphan.
I realize that your grandmother probably can't make that conscious decision. But I can't help but believe that if she could, she would let go. She's had a long and fruitful life. She has children, grand children and great grand children that have cared deeply for her. She's done her job.
I apologize for being blunt. I only had my say because I care.
I don't want pets because when my cat Willy died ten years ago I suffered so much for his death. So I said to myself "I don't want pets anymore" :(

I've lost one of my sons, my father, my two grandfathers, my little cousin and various other family members and friends. I've had enough sadness and death, and if I can avoid it, I will!
You even lost one of your sons! My goodness this is a horrible tragedy ChrisL :cry:
I've lost some relatives too. Last year one of my uncles died from cancer :cry:
Just went out back and no sign of the ever present pigeons, sparrows and doves then I heard a hawk....... It's standing on my roof, obviously the usual birds have known where to find food in my back yard and now so has at least one hawk........
One Christmas years ago, Pop mentioned that he would like a bird feeder for the lawn at the Big House. So, for the next four or five Christmases, Pop got bird feeders. His interest in birds grew as more of them flocked to his buffet.

One day a Cooper Hawk swooped in and grabbed a Blue Jay, not an unsubstantial bird itself. The hawk took his prey to the lintel that supported a big cast iron kettle in which Mom had planted petunias. The Great Circle of Life spilled away, along with all the feathers and most of the guts of the Blue Jay as the hawk tore it apart and fed itself. Pop stood amazed, Mom shrieked in horror and a little bit of Marlin Perkins Wild Kingdom played on the west lawn.

Yeah, it curtailed a lot of activity at the bird feeders for a while, but the finches and starlings were back within the week.
Think this was a Red Shouldered Hawk but I'm not sure about that, it definitely had caught one of the birds and was up on the roof feasting.
The one on the roof had thicker legs than the one in the picture.


We don't feed the birds here in the city because in so confined a space as our small back yard, it was attracting rodents and making a colossal mess. But we did put out feeders when we lived on the mountain with natural landscaping and thoroughly enjoyed the huge variety of birds who came to visit. In the winter we sometimes didn't try to negotiate snow covered steps down to the feeder from our back deck, but just put out the food in pans on the far side of the deck. And the birds quickly adjusted.

But it was interesting to watch them when a shadow of a passing golden eagle or hawk moved over the deck. All of them--jays, doves, finches, etc.--flattened to the deck, breast down on the boards and they would stay that way motionless for several seconds. They know.
Back in NJ, when I was hunting from a stand, the squirrels would spot me and raise hell...until the shadow of a hawk would pass over the forest. Squirrels got really quiet then, I'll tell ya!
Thanks for the kind words everyone. No worries. :) I'm fine. It's just been one of those days, like we all have from time to time.

(((hugs))) Chris. Believe me, I'm pretty sure we've all been there, done that, trashed the T-shirt.
Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Saveliberty for wellness,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days.
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
Ringel's Gizmo and Boo and wellness for Ringel,

All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, and all the others that we miss and who need to find their way back to us.

Morning all. I think. Feeling a little puny, but it will pass I'm sure.

Another gorgeous day here with temps in the mid to high 50's. Not complaining.
Actually, at the docs office yesterday he said rotavirus has been reading it's ugly head too and what my symptoms encompassed, it sounded more like that one. It's called norovirus' "big sister".[emoji32]

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