USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've got my first proctored exam for Anatomy and Physiology in a week. I hope it sticks to mostly general information, because there's no way I'll be able to regurgitate all the information about the thousand and one different terms I've read about in the past month. We have quizzes on the website we can do as many times as we want to, and I've gotten three of the four chapters we're working on pretty well down as far as those go. Reading through the textbook, though, it is damnably hard to try and remember all this crap. This glycolipid has these particular bonds, melanocytes and lipocytes are in connective tissue, the Golgi apparatus packages proteins, I want to bring whoever decided Greek and Latin should be the universal languages of medicine back from the dead so I can kill them again. :mad:

Even when I can remember the terms, matching them to what they actually mean isn't happening. I'm going to have to hope the test is mostly multiple choice and that seeing the answers will jog my memory enough. If I have to just write out answers to a lot of this stuff I'm going to fail miserably.

Don't surrender before the battle, just enjoy the process.. At least, you'll have another thing to remember some years later :)
I've got my first proctored exam for Anatomy and Physiology in a week. I hope it sticks to mostly general information, because there's no way I'll be able to regurgitate all the information about the thousand and one different terms I've read about in the past month. We have quizzes on the website we can do as many times as we want to, and I've gotten three of the four chapters we're working on pretty well down as far as those go. Reading through the textbook, though, it is damnably hard to try and remember all this crap. This glycolipid has these particular bonds, melanocytes and lipocytes are in connective tissue, the Golgi apparatus packages proteins, I want to bring whoever decided Greek and Latin should be the universal languages of medicine back from the dead so I can kill them again. :mad:

Even when I can remember the terms, matching them to what they actually mean isn't happening. I'm going to have to hope the test is mostly multiple choice and that seeing the answers will jog my memory enough. If I have to just write out answers to a lot of this stuff I'm going to fail miserably.

Don't surrender before the battle, just enjoy the process.. At least, you'll have another thing to remember some years later :)

I kind of hate the process, but thanks. :lol:
Tomorrow... emm... already today I'm going to meet with my schoolmates in traditional meeting somewhere in a beer bar. It's interesting, who would be there this year... I hope, my school love would visit this meeting - but usually she ignores its - so sad...

About twenty two years, when I've completed this school and entered at University... :)
Tomorrow... emm... already today I'm going to meet with my schoolmates in traditional meeting somewhere in a beer bar. It's interesting, who would be there this year... I hope, my school love would visit this meeting - but usually she ignores its - so sad...

About twenty two years, when I've completed this school and entered at University... :)

? You'll be in school 22 years before you enter the university?
We are leaving for the motel tomorrow. Last night here in the leaky RV, for which I am thankful because it now smells of shrooms, mold and bleach. Can't handle it anymore, even though it's money we can't really afford to spend...Our health is more important. Then, next week...Off on another unexpected adventure up north.

I tried to stay here. Tried for months. It just is not to be. But I did try. I think I sent out at least 200 emails and texts and phone calls asking about rooms, houses, apts, etc...All to no avail. I guess 39 years here meant nothing.

So..New county, new town, new life at our ages. Who would thunk?
Certainly not us.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
Cold here, again.
Work is slow, it's Chinese New Year, so the flights out of the Far East are minimal. I went to work at midnight last night and didn't have a flight until just after 7 am. Tonight is pretty similar. I'm not complaining, it balances out those nights when I have to handle 4-5 flights on a shift.
I've noticed a few new CS visitors. How cool is that? We're getting quite international here, aren't we.
So sorry about Boo, Ringel. Having lost my old lady cat late last year, in addition to my old lady dog, I can only shed a few tears to share your pain. Hopefully, your remaining fur-fam are helping you by cuddling extra much.
Peach, I celebrate Mr. P's apparent recovery, may it continue apace.
Gracie, know I'm one of your biggest fans. You and Mr.G have so much strength and are such a great icon for those of us who think our piddly little woes should be important.
Thank you, Foxy, for you ongoing best wishes for all of us!

We shall see how well his heart is by next Friday.
They use a die that shows up on the sonogram.
They give it to him on Thursday morning and take a look, then after its been in his system in 24 hrs it will show more of the living and dead tissues on Friday morning, then we go from there about doing his open heart surgery.
Crossing my hooks and hoping for a favorable outcome, Peach.
We are leaving for the motel tomorrow. Last night here in the leaky RV, for which I am thankful because it now smells of shrooms, mold and bleach. Can't handle it anymore, even though it's money we can't really afford to spend...Our health is more important. Then, next week...Off on another unexpected adventure up north.

I tried to stay here. Tried for months. It just is not to be. But I did try. I think I sent out at least 200 emails and texts and phone calls asking about rooms, houses, apts, etc...All to no avail. I guess 39 years here meant nothing.

So..New county, new town, new life at our ages. Who would thunk?
Certainly not us.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
Best wishes for you coming adventure, you and MrG, both. Personally, I believe you guys have earned a break...and a decent home. Good luck, sweetie!
Not on a message board, and especially not in the lame-stream media.
So, last night, a customer (mid 50's) offered a very drunk woman (30) a ride. She has a broken leg, so he backed his pick-up onto the lawn out front to make it easier for her.
What he didn't notice at the time were the hitching posts (4" octagonal wood sunk 18" in the ground) He backed completely over 1 and pushed the second over 45 degrees. OK I can maybe understand not noticing hitting the posts, but when he pulled forward, the one under the truck caught the rear bumper and lifted the rear of the truck off the ground. His second attempt at full power lifted the truck again and the back end came down a foot or so to the right.
He HAD to feel that, but he took off almost hitting a car in the lot on his way out.
Posts aren't damaged, but the lawn is torn up and post hole diggers will be needed.
Buzzed driving is drunk driving in Alaska.
Had the cops been around, it would have cost him about 4 grand to keep his license.
For many years now, I have restricted my alcohol intake to home. First: I will not drive "buzzed", or otherwise impaired. It's iced tea or coffee for me, so I'd be a designated helper if I hung out at your place. Second: It breaks my cheap-assed heart to pay as much for one drink as it would cost me to buy the whole six-pack or fifth and take it home for "safe" consumption. At home, we usually judge we are too inebriated when we can no longer count-out for cribbage.
Damned old people!
Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Saveliberty for wellness,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

Crocus are the harbinger of Spring here. Those and the "chica-dee-dee"s.
I've got my first proctored exam for Anatomy and Physiology in a week. I hope it sticks to mostly general information, because there's no way I'll be able to regurgitate all the information about the thousand and one different terms I've read about in the past month. We have quizzes on the website we can do as many times as we want to, and I've gotten three of the four chapters we're working on pretty well down as far as those go. Reading through the textbook, though, it is damnably hard to try and remember all this crap. This glycolipid has these particular bonds, melanocytes and lipocytes are in connective tissue, the Golgi apparatus packages proteins, I want to bring whoever decided Greek and Latin should be the universal languages of medicine back from the dead so I can kill them again. :mad:

Even when I can remember the terms, matching them to what they actually mean isn't happening. I'm going to have to hope the test is mostly multiple choice and that seeing the answers will jog my memory enough. If I have to just write out answers to a lot of this stuff I'm going to fail miserably.
Good luck, Montro.
I always tell my students that any profession includes its own language. You are still learning your new language. Practice will ease its use.
Wow, that Elavil is potent, took one last night around 10PM, was groggy (and fighting it) till I lost the battle at 3PM this afternoon. The second my head hit the pillow I was out for 2 hours, still slightly groggy but no where like earlier. I'm gonna skip it tonight and maybe take a half tomorrow around 9PM.
Last edited:
Had an appt with my VA doc, they did labs at the beginning of Dec and I've been having some serious back pain that is interfering with my sleep. He prescribed what is basically Valium so I can sleep, more muscle relaxants and capcaicin cream as well as more Voltarin Gel (for pain). Capcaicin is the active ingredient in hot peppers, the wife rubbed a little on the sore areas on my back and it burned for about a half hour......... He also wrote up a referral to see a Chiropractor.
What's somewhat alarming is my triglycerides, HDL ratio, glucose and creatinine levels are slightly high so now it's time to get serious about my diet and exercise, I need to loose some weight.

I have found the most effective sleep aid for me is two extra strength Tylenol PM (except I use the generic 500 mg acetaminophen PM) plus one 220 mg naproxen before retiring. I still don't sleep through the night but I usually get 4 to 6 hours uninterrupted sleep before the cat naps begin.

For the other, increase your water intake and add chia seed or ground flax seed (grind it in your coffee grinder) to your diet. That plus a reasonably sensible diet usually takes care of it. The water intake is very important to combat the higher creatine levels and especially if you're taking the seed because both are very high fiber, as well as having high good omega fatty acids in the right proportions and that requires a balance of plenty of plain water.
Water Ma'am? Don't touch the stuff, fish fornicate in it.
Water is only worth drinking after it has been filtered through something else.
Had an appt with my VA doc, they did labs at the beginning of Dec and I've been having some serious back pain that is interfering with my sleep. He prescribed what is basically Valium so I can sleep, more muscle relaxants and capcaicin cream as well as more Voltarin Gel (for pain). Capcaicin is the active ingredient in hot peppers, the wife rubbed a little on the sore areas on my back and it burned for about a half hour......... He also wrote up a referral to see a Chiropractor.
What's somewhat alarming is my triglycerides, HDL ratio, glucose and creatinine levels are slightly high so now it's time to get serious about my diet and exercise, I need to loose some weight.

I have found the most effective sleep aid for me is two extra strength Tylenol PM (except I use the generic 500 mg acetaminophen PM) plus one 220 mg naproxen before retiring. I still don't sleep through the night but I usually get 4 to 6 hours uninterrupted sleep before the cat naps begin.

For the other, increase your water intake and add chia seed or ground flax seed (grind it in your coffee grinder) to your diet. That plus a reasonably sensible diet usually takes care of it. The water intake is very important to combat the higher creatine levels and especially if you're taking the seed because both are very high fiber, as well as having high good omega fatty acids in the right proportions and that requires a balance of plenty of plain water.
Water Ma'am? Don't touch the stuff, fish fornicate in it.
Water is only worth drinking after it has been filtered through something else.
Hopefully not kidneys......... :eusa_whistle:
Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Saveliberty for wellness,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

Crocus are the harbinger of Spring here. Those and the "chica-dee-dee"s.

The chickadees are pretty much a year round bird here. But yes, the crocus is the harbinger of spring. And they came up through the snow just like that when we were still up on the mountain.
Had an appt with my VA doc, they did labs at the beginning of Dec and I've been having some serious back pain that is interfering with my sleep. He prescribed what is basically Valium so I can sleep, more muscle relaxants and capcaicin cream as well as more Voltarin Gel (for pain). Capcaicin is the active ingredient in hot peppers, the wife rubbed a little on the sore areas on my back and it burned for about a half hour......... He also wrote up a referral to see a Chiropractor.
What's somewhat alarming is my triglycerides, HDL ratio, glucose and creatinine levels are slightly high so now it's time to get serious about my diet and exercise, I need to loose some weight.

I have found the most effective sleep aid for me is two extra strength Tylenol PM (except I use the generic 500 mg acetaminophen PM) plus one 220 mg naproxen before retiring. I still don't sleep through the night but I usually get 4 to 6 hours uninterrupted sleep before the cat naps begin.

For the other, increase your water intake and add chia seed or ground flax seed (grind it in your coffee grinder) to your diet. That plus a reasonably sensible diet usually takes care of it. The water intake is very important to combat the higher creatine levels and especially if you're taking the seed because both are very high fiber, as well as having high good omega fatty acids in the right proportions and that requires a balance of plenty of plain water.
Water Ma'am? Don't touch the stuff, fish fornicate in it.
Water is only worth drinking after it has been filtered through something else.
Hopefully not kidneys......... :eusa_whistle:
Nah, I was actually thinking: coffee grounds, tea leaves, or various grains.
Goodnight darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Saveliberty for wellness,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Gracie for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

Crocus are the harbinger of Spring here. Those and the "chica-dee-dee"s.

The chickadees are pretty much a year round bird here. But yes, the crocus is the harbinger of spring. And they came up through the snow just like that when we were still up on the mountain.
Many years ago, I was shocked by a rather proper friend of mine. We were out skiing and the chickadees were saying "Dee-dee-dee", instead of the usual "chicka-dee-dee". She observed that "dee-dee-dee" was akin to chickadee "hey-baybee".
We are leaving for the motel tomorrow. Last night here in the leaky RV, for which I am thankful because it now smells of shrooms, mold and bleach. Can't handle it anymore, even though it's money we can't really afford to spend...Our health is more important. Then, next week...Off on another unexpected adventure up north.

I tried to stay here. Tried for months. It just is not to be. But I did try. I think I sent out at least 200 emails and texts and phone calls asking about rooms, houses, apts, etc...All to no avail. I guess 39 years here meant nothing.

So..New county, new town, new life at our ages. Who would thunk?
Certainly not us.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
Best of luck in your new diggs. Hope it's the start of a brand new shiny life for you guys.
Spent some quality time today with the lawyer. Put the farm in a trust, got a new will, medical power of attorney, living will and had a couple of cups of real good coffee. Hey, I'm all ready to die just to find out how well all of this stuff works!

I plan on contesting the will.

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