USMB Coffee Shop IV

Busy, busy, busy! My brother has been working like an Alaskan preparing for winter. He's been cutting wood every day, at least until his back complains. The partner has physical therapy twice a week and has to be driven. There's so much to do but I am so lucky to have my brother to help out. I think he's having some fun, too. He's got a running facebook commentary and is getting a lot of comments from his followers. He's also mentioned that this being his first year not in the classroom it is a nice distraction to be here, however primitive things are!
I got a nice on-demand camp water heater today so I can set up a shower, with hot water! I've been meaning to do this for a long time but having my brother here proved the incentive I needed. I'll have to rearrange the place a bit for winter use, but a hot shower will always be welcome.
Here in Duke City it has a different meaning........ :D

Correct me if I am wrong... I am always willing to learn new stuf… :290968001256257790-final:
Salsa is huge here in New Mexico especially green chili salsa and green chili everything. In almost every restaurant when you order they ask you if you want red or green salsa, you tell them Christmas if you want both.
Another smoky day here at the airport, and Anchorage. We've got the fires up in my neck of the woods, and south, too, but Anchorage is blanketed in wood smoke. It's bad enough today that anyone with asthma or respiratory problems is affected. What worries me right now is moose hunting season starts this weekend. Hunters are being warned not to hunt in the areas affected by the fires. That means a lot of townies will be trying their luck further up the mountain...where I live. Of course, too many people poo-poo the burn bans because they're only going to have a small campfire and they can control a small fire. It only takes a small spark to light the world on fire here right now. It's so dry and maybe as much as 2/3 of the spruce in our area are beetle-killed, making them 70' matches. One spark and they flame-on, and spruce burns hot. Additionally, the tundra and muskeg has dried out. That means the fire can go underground and pop up some other place. I just hope a lot of people decide not to hunt this year.
Wow... doesn't sound good around Anchorage. Is the entire state in that condition?

Year before last when I went out to Montana to visit family, the smoke was so bad you could barely see the mountains. I woke up one day and there was ASHES on my truck. I had to leave early and go back home. Didn't really get out of the smoke until Minnesota. Good ole Wisconsin was clear as a bell. I was very thankful for that. Forest fire smoke is very rare in Wisconsin. It's become a yearly ordeal in Montana.
It's been pretty smoky all summer. The Swan Lake fire on the Kenai Peninsula has been burning for over two months now. Because it's burning into wilderness they let it burn. Only when it threatens human habitation do they fight the fire. There are so many fires statewide that it is pretty miserable. While we are having the hottest, driest summer most people can recall around these parts, there are floods up north. I've noticed that the birch trees are already dropping leaves, not because it's fall but because they are so dry.

Albuquerque has been smoky all day and especially after the sun went down and the air began to settle--they say it is coming from fires in western New Mexico and Arizona. At one point our swamp cooler had pulled so much smoke into the house I went out to see if we were on fire, but we aren't as nearly as I can tell.

But we should all do our rain dances for New Mexico and Alaska. Hombre and I went to Alaska in August and it rained the entire time we were there, in Anchorage and all the ports of call when we cruised out. You would probably welcome some of that now.

There was once a severe drought in Iowa though and on a lark, they invited our Zuni rain dancers to come visit. Six inches of rain and still falling later, they suggested maybe the dancers should go home. :)
This has been an extremely dry year. Usually by late July or early August we are slogging through mud and puddles and perpetually soaked if working outside. If this dry persists through the winter and we get a paltry snow pack, next summer will mean even worse fires. At least the hunters are leaving early. Maybe we'll see them later in the season. For now, the moose are staying higher up the mountain. They follow the snowpack down as the termination dust comes lower.
I guess we're expecting company tomorrow. One of the co-workers plans on showing up and he usually brings someone else with him. Last week I made a passable pulled pork and the guy didn't show up. No loss because we ate it anyway. I did have extra to take to work. Tomorrow I plan on burgers and dogs off the grill. It doesn't really make too much extra work for me because I am the house cook and dish washer but it does take time away from more important projects when I have to play host.
My on-demand camp shower heater came yesterday. I'm looking forward to having hot showers (and hot water for dishes and laundry) here at the cabin. I'm planning on providing for winter use, too.
I am eternally grateful to my brother for his coming here. He's kept me sane and running on an even keel. He's fun to work with and he's good to just talk with. Smart guy. He's also been able to give me an "outsider" perspective on the partner. We'll be going to see Jeff Foxworthy at the State Fair on Sunday. A day off for both of us. I haven't been to the Fair for years.
Still trying to get things done, haven't had much energy for the last couple of days so did little stuff and mostly rested and did some grocery shopping. Just finished a couple of (small) burritos ala Christmas. That was good. :thup:

It has been too dang hot to have a lot of energy, We got just a few sprinkles while ago but I guess a pretty good rainstorm hit parts of central and southern Albuquerque. You probably got more than we did. But after a summer of mostly 80's to low 90's, these mid to high 90's feel much more severe than they would had we had a normal summer. At least we aren't getting the dangerous triple digits that Roswell and Carlsbad are getting.
Still trying to get things done, haven't had much energy for the last couple of days so did little stuff and mostly rested and did some grocery shopping. Just finished a couple of (small) burritos ala Christmas. That was good. :thup:

It has been too dang hot to have a lot of energy, We got just a few sprinkles while ago but I guess a pretty good rainstorm hit parts of central and southern Albuquerque. You probably got more than we did. But after a summer of mostly 80's to low 90's, these mid to high 90's feel much more severe than they would had we had a normal summer. At least we aren't getting the dangerous triple digits that Roswell and Carlsbad are getting.
I still ended up working in the garage getting some ceiling storage and some wood shelves installed. Got more than I hoped to get done and less than i wanted to.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.


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