USMB Coffee Shop IV

HELLO COFFEE SHOP DENIZENS... I've been busy with much around the property and spending money like a drunken sailor.

My super Christian son wrote a book that's about to be published so I decided to make a movie. Yeah... I know... WHAT, MAKE A MOVIE? Well I'm not talking AVATAR... :lol:... just some little thing for fun, just to get the hang of it and then maybe try something a little more complicated. I bought a new Sony FDR-AX53 4K video camera, and a new monster DELL desktop computer that will handle the 4K video editing. A couple major purchases but, it's only money and you only live once.

Bought a drone too, a Holy Stone HS100. Was relatively CHEAP but still a very nice drone. Has all the right features and flies excellent.

I just now saw this. How exciting!! For both of youI Finishing a book and maybe even getting it published is still on my bucket list and may or may not ever get done. I don't think I have time to learn the technical skills to make a movie, but I have a lot of pieces of books and good movies floating around in my head. Even a few pieces written down here and there.

Re the drone, I'm still not sure what I think about those. I can see all kinds of wonderful possibilities for them, but I am not sure I want one of those little buggers delivering my Amazon packages or hundreds of them equipped with nosy little cameras snooping around the neighborhood. Where you are probably isn't that much of a problem though. :)
A lot of people out here would shoot them down if they are flown over their places.

That is starting to happen here and in West Texas as well. Lots of suspicion about snoopy neighbors and also some paranoia that they are being used by thieves/burglars to canvas areas. But out away from neighbors I can see how they would be a lot of fun just to see what's out in the woods or happening around a lake etc.
You do have to register the drone, and it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for recreational use...

New FAA Regulations for Recreational Drone Pilots | Drone Pilot Ground School

I certainly have no intentions of using mine for nefarious means, or ticking off my neighbors with it. I'll fly mine where's there's no houses or people, which is the majority of places in Wisconsin.
HELLO COFFEE SHOP DENIZENS... I've been busy with much around the property and spending money like a drunken sailor.

My super Christian son wrote a book that's about to be published so I decided to make a movie. Yeah... I know... WHAT, MAKE A MOVIE? Well I'm not talking AVATAR... :lol:... just some little thing for fun, just to get the hang of it and then maybe try something a little more complicated. I bought a new Sony FDR-AX53 4K video camera, and a new monster DELL desktop computer that will handle the 4K video editing. A couple major purchases but, it's only money and you only live once.

Bought a drone too, a Holy Stone HS100. Was relatively CHEAP but still a very nice drone. Has all the right features and flies excellent.

I just now saw this. How exciting!! For both of youI Finishing a book and maybe even getting it published is still on my bucket list and may or may not ever get done. I don't think I have time to learn the technical skills to make a movie, but I have a lot of pieces of books and good movies floating around in my head. Even a few pieces written down here and there.

Re the drone, I'm still not sure what I think about those. I can see all kinds of wonderful possibilities for them, but I am not sure I want one of those little buggers delivering my Amazon packages or hundreds of them equipped with nosy little cameras snooping around the neighborhood. Where you are probably isn't that much of a problem though. :)
A lot of people out here would shoot them down if they are flown over their places.

That is starting to happen here and in West Texas as well. Lots of suspicion about snoopy neighbors and also some paranoia that they are being used by thieves/burglars to canvas areas. But out away from neighbors I can see how they would be a lot of fun just to see what's out in the woods or happening around a lake etc.
You do have to register the drone, and it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for recreational use...

New FAA Regulations for Recreational Drone Pilots | Drone Pilot Ground School

I certainly have no intentions of using mine for nefarious means, or ticking off my neighbors with it. I'll fly mine where's there's no houses or people, which is the majority of places in Wisconsin.

I had no idea that there were already FAA regulation for drones. But that is a good thing. I'm pretty sure a whole bunch of people are like me though and up until I read your post here, I had no idea.
  • Thanks
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I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.

Since I started getting depressed at 16 and got schizophrenia at 22 years old I would tell my 12 year old self to jump in a lake. It is better not to see the future, because if you knew what was coming you might give up. But I have survived everything life threw at me and lasted 73 years. And I am still here.
I don't know what's worse, being schizophrenic, or an empath like me. I can't stand crowds, they drain me. I can feel all the emotions and just want to leave. Subsequently I've lived alone for the last 32 years, and I'm 64. I like it that way. I'm happy. I can't stand to hear constant talking, I would rather not have someone around me 24/7, and it's worked out good for me. It's enough going to a store and having to feel exactly what the people standing near me are feeling. If they're irritated, that's the strongest emotion I feel, and I hate it.
HELLO COFFEE SHOP DENIZENS... I've been busy with much around the property and spending money like a drunken sailor.

My super Christian son wrote a book that's about to be published so I decided to make a movie. Yeah... I know... WHAT, MAKE A MOVIE? Well I'm not talking AVATAR... :lol:... just some little thing for fun, just to get the hang of it and then maybe try something a little more complicated. I bought a new Sony FDR-AX53 4K video camera, and a new monster DELL desktop computer that will handle the 4K video editing. A couple major purchases but, it's only money and you only live once.

Bought a drone too, a Holy Stone HS100. Was relatively CHEAP but still a very nice drone. Has all the right features and flies excellent.

I just now saw this. How exciting!! For both of youI Finishing a book and maybe even getting it published is still on my bucket list and may or may not ever get done. I don't think I have time to learn the technical skills to make a movie, but I have a lot of pieces of books and good movies floating around in my head. Even a few pieces written down here and there.

Re the drone, I'm still not sure what I think about those. I can see all kinds of wonderful possibilities for them, but I am not sure I want one of those little buggers delivering my Amazon packages or hundreds of them equipped with nosy little cameras snooping around the neighborhood. Where you are probably isn't that much of a problem though. :)
A lot of people out here would shoot them down if they are flown over their places.

That is starting to happen here and in West Texas as well. Lots of suspicion about snoopy neighbors and also some paranoia that they are being used by thieves/burglars to canvas areas. But out away from neighbors I can see how they would be a lot of fun just to see what's out in the woods or happening around a lake etc.
You do have to register the drone, and it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for recreational use...

New FAA Regulations for Recreational Drone Pilots | Drone Pilot Ground School

I certainly have no intentions of using mine for nefarious means, or ticking off my neighbors with it. I'll fly mine where's there's no houses or people, which is the majority of places in Wisconsin.

I had no idea that there were already FAA regulation for drones. But that is a good thing. I'm pretty sure a whole bunch of people are like me though and up until I read your post here, I had no idea.
One of the shows on TV I really like to watch is "Aerial XXXX", it's a great show, and I love the aerial video. That's why I bought mine. I want to integrate video from my drone in my movie. It takes pretty decent 720p video.
I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.

Since I started getting depressed at 16 and got schizophrenia at 22 years old I would tell my 12 year old self to jump in a lake. It is better not to see the future, because if you knew what was coming you might give up. But I have survived everything life threw at me and lasted 73 years. And I am still here.
I don't know what's worse, being schizophrenic, or an empath like me. I can't stand crowds, they drain me. I can feel all the emotions and just want to leave. Subsequently I've lived alone for the last 32 years, and I'm 64. I like it that way. I'm happy. I can't stand to hear constant talking, I would rather not have someone around me 24/7, and it's worked out good for me. It's enough going to a store and having to feel exactly what the people standing near me are feeling. If they're irritated, that's the strongest emotion I feel, and I hate it.

Yea, I live alone too. Some people can't stand to be alone and they wonder how I survive. But I tell them you get used to it after the first twenty years. It is true, but also I was making a joke of it. Doctors have told me a lot of mentally troubled people use the internet to communicate. Because it is less disturbing than facing people in the real world.
A truck loaded with thousands of copies of Roget's Thesaurus crashed yesterday losing its entire load. Witnesses were stunned, startled, aghast, taken aback, stupefied, confused, shocked, rattled, paralyses, dazed, bewildered, mixed up, surprised, awed, dumbfounded, nonplussed, flabbergasted, astounded, amazed, confounded, astonished, overwhelmed, horrified, numbed, speechless, and perplexed.
I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.

Since I started getting depressed at 16 and got schizophrenia at 22 years old I would tell my 12 year old self to jump in a lake. It is better not to see the future, because if you knew what was coming you might give up. But I have survived everything life threw at me and lasted 73 years. And I am still here.
I don't know what's worse, being schizophrenic, or an empath like me. I can't stand crowds, they drain me. I can feel all the emotions and just want to leave. Subsequently I've lived alone for the last 32 years, and I'm 64. I like it that way. I'm happy. I can't stand to hear constant talking, I would rather not have someone around me 24/7, and it's worked out good for me. It's enough going to a store and having to feel exactly what the people standing near me are feeling. If they're irritated, that's the strongest emotion I feel, and I hate it.

Yea, I live alone too. Some people can't stand to be alone and they wonder how I survive. But I tell them you get used to it after the first twenty years. It is true, but also I was making a joke of it. Doctors have told me a lot of mentally troubled people use the internet to communicate. Because it is less disturbing than facing people in the real world.
Absolutely, brother, living alone is normal for me. At this point in my life, even if I met "miss right," I'm really not sure if I could live with her. That would be a major undertaking for me. I don't even think about being alone anymore, it's the way I want it. I live alone because I want to live alone. I've had so many people tell me that they couldn't live alone, even that they'd be AFRAID to live alone, and it just doesn't compute in my brain. I can't imagine someone FEARING living alone.
Want to see something really amazing?

My Dad has pictures of big white geese that they raised on their farm six billion years ago... :lol:... but he raised a couple of them as pets and they'd follow him all around the farm. I have a little chicken shed on my place. I've thought about getting some geese but, they'd all be pets, and I'd feel horrible for them when it gets down to -20 here in Wisconsin being out there in the cold, that and I'd never be able to go anywhere. They need every day attention. But I think little baby ducks have to be some the cutest little critters on the planet.
I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.

Since I started getting depressed at 16 and got schizophrenia at 22 years old I would tell my 12 year old self to jump in a lake. It is better not to see the future, because if you knew what was coming you might give up. But I have survived everything life threw at me and lasted 73 years. And I am still here.
I don't know what's worse, being schizophrenic, or an empath like me. I can't stand crowds, they drain me. I can feel all the emotions and just want to leave. Subsequently I've lived alone for the last 32 years, and I'm 64. I like it that way. I'm happy. I can't stand to hear constant talking, I would rather not have someone around me 24/7, and it's worked out good for me. It's enough going to a store and having to feel exactly what the people standing near me are feeling. If they're irritated, that's the strongest emotion I feel, and I hate it.

Yea, I live alone too. Some people can't stand to be alone and they wonder how I survive. But I tell them you get used to it after the first twenty years. It is true, but also I was making a joke of it. Doctors have told me a lot of mentally troubled people use the internet to communicate. Because it is less disturbing than facing people in the real world.
Absolutely, brother, living alone is normal for me. At this point in my life, even if I met "miss right," I'm really not sure if I could live with her. That would be a major undertaking for me. I don't even think about being alone anymore, it's the way I want it. I live alone because I want to live alone. I've had so many people tell me that they couldn't live alone, even that they'd be AFRAID to live alone, and it just doesn't compute in my brain. I can't imagine someone FEARING living alone.

I don't feel what people around me are feeling, but once when I was a porter I had to tell a cleaning lady to do extra duties, and she exploded with anger. I felt her anger physically. I felt like she had kicked me in the stomach.
I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.

Since I started getting depressed at 16 and got schizophrenia at 22 years old I would tell my 12 year old self to jump in a lake. It is better not to see the future, because if you knew what was coming you might give up. But I have survived everything life threw at me and lasted 73 years. And I am still here.
I don't know what's worse, being schizophrenic, or an empath like me. I can't stand crowds, they drain me. I can feel all the emotions and just want to leave. Subsequently I've lived alone for the last 32 years, and I'm 64. I like it that way. I'm happy. I can't stand to hear constant talking, I would rather not have someone around me 24/7, and it's worked out good for me. It's enough going to a store and having to feel exactly what the people standing near me are feeling. If they're irritated, that's the strongest emotion I feel, and I hate it.

Yea, I live alone too. Some people can't stand to be alone and they wonder how I survive. But I tell them you get used to it after the first twenty years. It is true, but also I was making a joke of it. Doctors have told me a lot of mentally troubled people use the internet to communicate. Because it is less disturbing than facing people in the real world.
Absolutely, brother, living alone is normal for me. At this point in my life, even if I met "miss right," I'm really not sure if I could live with her. That would be a major undertaking for me. I don't even think about being alone anymore, it's the way I want it. I live alone because I want to live alone. I've had so many people tell me that they couldn't live alone, even that they'd be AFRAID to live alone, and it just doesn't compute in my brain. I can't imagine someone FEARING living alone.

I don't feel what people around me are feeling, but once when I was a porter I had to tell a cleaning lady to do extra duties, and she exploded with anger. I felt her anger physically. I felt like she had kicked me in the stomach.
I was born that way. I noticed it when I was child but didn't know about what it is to be an empath. Now I know.

This is all me to a T...

Living as an Empath — when you feel everything and nobody seems to understand

Then there is this... ESPECIALLY #10...

10. You’re a walking lie detector

Sure, there probably have been times when someone successfully deceived you… but even then, you knew you were going against your gut instinct from the start. The thing about an empath’s ability to process even the tiniest social cues means that it’s almost impossible for someone to hide their true intentions. Even if you don’t know exactly what a person really wants, you know if they’re not being completely honest — or if they seem shifty.

13 Signs That You're an Empath
I saw or read somerthing about those somewhere not so long ago, but I can't remember---I think it was on the "strangest weather on Earth" on the Weather Channel? And I think I remember they are bubbles in a frozen lake somewhere?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

And to the following, it must be said that having what we want may come as a real shocker as the image of it that we had held in our minds was something quite different.
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I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.

I've been thinking off and on about your post for some hours now Gracie. And I think you should write the story. Not how life gets you down but as inspiration of how the human spirit keeps going in the face of adversity. Nobody with the flair for visual art in your decorating a space or in your paintings does not have some spark of inspiration and ability to make a bad situation better. Write that story. You definitely have one to tell.
I saw or read somerthing about those somewhere not so long ago, but I can't remember---I think it was on the "strangest weather on Earth" on the Weather Channel? And I think I remember they are bubbles in a frozen lake somewhere?
Yup, frozen methane bubbles.

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