USMB Coffee Shop IV


Or at least I was right until recently. Now I get a full day's workout every morning putting on my compression socks.
I thought I had posted this about an unwelcome visitor to my own personal Coffee Shop
Southern Alabama gets LOTS of rain and this time of year, we have billions of little green tree toads. About 3 AM in the damp predawn. the sound of their calls can keep you awake. The little devils seem to be able to squeeze through any crack and tend to come in to your house to hand near lights that they know will attract insects. We find then squooshed and dried out in the door jambs, hopping around the kitchen or occasionally, you find yourself sharing the shower with one or 2.

Y'all know I love my coffee and my Keurig is about the easiest way to make a quick cup.
My Keurig has a slight indentation on the left side of the water reservoir so you can get a finger in there to help lift the lid for refilling.
Twice recently, when filling up the tank. I have found a little green froggy happily swimming around in there. I've about convinced myself that frog pee adds something to the coffee.
I thought I had posted this about an unwelcome visitor to my own personal Coffee Shop
Southern Alabama gets LOTS of rain and this time of year, we have billions of little green tree toads. About 3 AM in the damp predawn. the sound of their calls can keep you awake. The little devils seem to be able to squeeze through any crack and tend to come in to your house to hand near lights that they know will attract insects. We find then squooshed and dried out in the door jambs, hopping around the kitchen or occasionally, you find yourself sharing the shower with one or 2.

Y'all know I love my coffee and my Keurig is about the easiest way to make a quick cup.
My Keurig has a slight indentation on the left side of the water reservoir so you can get a finger in there to help lift the lid for refilling.
Twice recently, when filling up the tank. I have found a little green froggy happily swimming around in there. I've about convinced myself that frog pee adds something to the coffee.

And don't you wonder how that little bugger got in there in the first place?
Great good morning, All!
Days are getting shorter, we are losing more than five minutes of daylight each day now. Beautiful days, too, blue and gold like autumn days are least up on our part of the mountain. If you go a little lower though, the smoke is choking. With two fires burning locally, and several others burning all over the state, most places are shadowed by wood smoke.
A dog who likes to go everywhere we go.

Those are called 'Velcro' dogs...…..I got 2 of them. Some days it's cute. Most days it's rather annoying :mad:
I have a cat like that. He shadows me all over the place and is often inconveniently placed. I even found him stashed among the hay bales yesterday when I went to feed the goats.

IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
I thought I had posted this about an unwelcome visitor to my own personal Coffee Shop
Southern Alabama gets LOTS of rain and this time of year, we have billions of little green tree toads. About 3 AM in the damp predawn. the sound of their calls can keep you awake. The little devils seem to be able to squeeze through any crack and tend to come in to your house to hand near lights that they know will attract insects. We find then squooshed and dried out in the door jambs, hopping around the kitchen or occasionally, you find yourself sharing the shower with one or 2.

Y'all know I love my coffee and my Keurig is about the easiest way to make a quick cup.
My Keurig has a slight indentation on the left side of the water reservoir so you can get a finger in there to help lift the lid for refilling.
Twice recently, when filling up the tank. I have found a little green froggy happily swimming around in there. I've about convinced myself that frog pee adds something to the coffee.

And don't you wonder how that little bugger got in there in the first place?
They can collapse their bodies down to just about nothing and fit through any narrow slot in your doors. They can come in through your drier vent or under your garage door or through any hole in your floor that allows cables or wires from the basement to your living space. Or maybe they can teleport themselves...

I think several of us might relate to this. I sure do:

They forgot one when they did this cartoon.

Google images or info on something you read about in a book that actually grabbed your fancy. For me's Cornwall, English Manor Houses of the 19th centurty and prior, abbeys.

Have you been watching Poldark? I know that PBS bought it from the BBC.
Nope. Just reading alot of Victoria Holt books :D
A dog who likes to go everywhere we go.

Those are called 'Velcro' dogs...…..I got 2 of them. Some days it's cute. Most days it's rather annoying :mad:
I have a cat like that. He shadows me all over the place and is often inconveniently placed. I even found him stashed among the hay bales yesterday when I went to feed the goats.

IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
You need to get a doggy door. I had those ALL OVER my house at home. They could come and go as they pleased..and so did the cat.
What brought this on, Mr. Blackhawk?
A dog who likes to go everywhere we go.

Those are called 'Velcro' dogs...…..I got 2 of them. Some days it's cute. Most days it's rather annoying :mad:
I have a cat like that. He shadows me all over the place and is often inconveniently placed. I even found him stashed among the hay bales yesterday when I went to feed the goats.

IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
You need to get a doggy door. I had those ALL OVER my house at home. They could come and go as they pleased..and so did the cat.

We do have a doggy door that fits in the slider/screen door and can be taken out when needed. But we don't let the cat outside without supervision or we put her in the fenced garden. She could get out if she tried hard enough, but we don't tell her that part. We don't want her to get in the front & hit by a car like her sister did, so we're pretty protective of her.
Spent part of the day, before it got too hot, working on emptying out the PackRat in the driveway, made a bit of a dent but still a long way to go. In between I'm still trying to organize the garage so I can get more stuff in it so I can go through the stuff and start culling. Putting together three separate piles, donations, yard sale and not a yard sale yard sale........
A dog who likes to go everywhere we go.

Those are called 'Velcro' dogs...…..I got 2 of them. Some days it's cute. Most days it's rather annoying :mad:
I have a cat like that. He shadows me all over the place and is often inconveniently placed. I even found him stashed among the hay bales yesterday when I went to feed the goats.

IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
You need to get a doggy door. I had those ALL OVER my house at home. They could come and go as they pleased..and so did the cat.

We do have a doggy door that fits in the slider/screen door and can be taken out when needed. But we don't let the cat outside without supervision or we put her in the fenced garden. She could get out if she tried hard enough, but we don't tell her that part. We don't want her to get in the front & hit by a car like her sister did, so we're pretty protective of her.
Best thing about living rural, the cats can come and go as they please except I call them in at night.
Those are called 'Velcro' dogs...…..I got 2 of them. Some days it's cute. Most days it's rather annoying :mad:
I have a cat like that. He shadows me all over the place and is often inconveniently placed. I even found him stashed among the hay bales yesterday when I went to feed the goats.

IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
You need to get a doggy door. I had those ALL OVER my house at home. They could come and go as they pleased..and so did the cat.

We do have a doggy door that fits in the slider/screen door and can be taken out when needed. But we don't let the cat outside without supervision or we put her in the fenced garden. She could get out if she tried hard enough, but we don't tell her that part. We don't want her to get in the front & hit by a car like her sister did, so we're pretty protective of her.
Best thing about living rural, the cats can come and go as they please except I call them in at night.
Down here in rural areas cats are coyote food........
HELLO COFFEE SHOP DENIZENS... I've been busy with much around the property and spending money like a drunken sailor.

My super Christian son wrote a book that's about to be published so I decided to make a movie. Yeah... I know... WHAT, MAKE A MOVIE? Well I'm not talking AVATAR... :lol:... just some little thing for fun, just to get the hang of it and then maybe try something a little more complicated. I bought a new Sony FDR-AX53 4K video camera, and a new monster DELL desktop computer that will handle the 4K video editing. A couple major purchases but, it's only money and you only live once.

Bought a drone too, a Holy Stone HS100. Was relatively CHEAP but still a very nice drone. Has all the right features and flies excellent.

I just now saw this. How exciting!! For both of youI Finishing a book and maybe even getting it published is still on my bucket list and may or may not ever get done. I don't think I have time to learn the technical skills to make a movie, but I have a lot of pieces of books and good movies floating around in my head. Even a few pieces written down here and there.

Re the drone, I'm still not sure what I think about those. I can see all kinds of wonderful possibilities for them, but I am not sure I want one of those little buggers delivering my Amazon packages or hundreds of them equipped with nosy little cameras snooping around the neighborhood. Where you are probably isn't that much of a problem though. :)
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I have a cat like that. He shadows me all over the place and is often inconveniently placed. I even found him stashed among the hay bales yesterday when I went to feed the goats.
I have a cat like that. He shadows me all over the place and is often inconveniently placed. I even found him stashed among the hay bales yesterday when I went to feed the goats.

IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
You need to get a doggy door. I had those ALL OVER my house at home. They could come and go as they pleased..and so did the cat.

We do have a doggy door that fits in the slider/screen door and can be taken out when needed. But we don't let the cat outside without supervision or we put her in the fenced garden. She could get out if she tried hard enough, but we don't tell her that part. We don't want her to get in the front & hit by a car like her sister did, so we're pretty protective of her.
Best thing about living rural, the cats can come and go as they please except I call them in at night.
Down here in rural areas cats are coyote food........

IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
You need to get a doggy door. I had those ALL OVER my house at home. They could come and go as they pleased..and so did the cat.

We do have a doggy door that fits in the slider/screen door and can be taken out when needed. But we don't let the cat outside without supervision or we put her in the fenced garden. She could get out if she tried hard enough, but we don't tell her that part. We don't want her to get in the front & hit by a car like her sister did, so we're pretty protective of her.
Best thing about living rural, the cats can come and go as they please except I call them in at night.
Down here in rural areas cats are coyote food........
No coyotes here and they're too small and unappetizing for the bears.
HELLO COFFEE SHOP DENIZENS... I've been busy with much around the property and spending money like a drunken sailor.

My super Christian son wrote a book that's about to be published so I decided to make a movie. Yeah... I know... WHAT, MAKE A MOVIE? Well I'm not talking AVATAR... :lol:... just some little thing for fun, just to get the hang of it and then maybe try something a little more complicated. I bought a new Sony FDR-AX53 4K video camera, and a new monster DELL desktop computer that will handle the 4K video editing. A couple major purchases but, it's only money and you only live once.

Bought a drone too, a Holy Stone HS100. Was relatively CHEAP but still a very nice drone. Has all the right features and flies excellent.

I just now saw this. How exciting!! For both of youI Finishing a book and maybe even getting it published is still on my bucket list and may or may not ever get done. I don't think I have time to learn the technical skills to make a movie, but I have a lot of pieces of books and good movies floating around in my head. Even a few pieces written down here and there.

Re the drone, I'm still not sure what I think about those. I can see all kinds of wonderful possibilities for them, but I am not sure I want one of those little buggers delivering my Amazon packages or hundreds of them equipped with nosy little cameras snooping around the neighborhood. Where you are probably isn't that much of a problem though. :)
A lot of people out here would shoot them down if they are flown over their places.
IF I can manage to go outside without them.... like to the garden or doing chicken chores or the shed or whatever project I'm working on, or, or, or..... the little one will bark insistently until I come back & open the door. It's almost hysterical when they go running out to see what they missed...….and I go back inside and they realized they've been left behind AGAIN. That's the cute part.

Then in the evening and I'm inside for the night...….one of them will want out, so I get up & let him out. Just get back to doing what I was doing and here comes the other one, wanting out. Then after they have scouted out the yard, they come back to the door wanting at a time. I swear I need a revolving door that only works for the dogs & not the cat. Of course, when I go somewhere they get all excited and start dancing and barking around the house in the hopes they get to come with. I have learned the hard way to step aside when opening the front door...….cause they charge out full speed oblivious of anything or anyone in their path to the car......including me. Those are the annoying parts.

When on the rare occasion we all go outside together, they will often play ring-around-the-shed...….the little one chases & barks after the big one, until he steps out of the pathway to hide and watches the little one make a few more trips around without him. That's another cute part....except when in their exuberance for play gets right in front of me.

Dogs are dangerous to my health sometimes :rolleyes:
You need to get a doggy door. I had those ALL OVER my house at home. They could come and go as they pleased..and so did the cat.

We do have a doggy door that fits in the slider/screen door and can be taken out when needed. But we don't let the cat outside without supervision or we put her in the fenced garden. She could get out if she tried hard enough, but we don't tell her that part. We don't want her to get in the front & hit by a car like her sister did, so we're pretty protective of her.
Best thing about living rural, the cats can come and go as they please except I call them in at night.
Down here in rural areas cats are coyote food........
No coyotes here and they're too small and unappetizing for the bears.

When we lived out on the mountain--very rural area--it took a really REALLY smart and savvy or very lucky outdoor cat to survive. Between the coyotes, foxes, hawks, owls, and golden eagles, not to mention the occasional predatory dog, few kittens allowed outdoors without supervision would make it and even adult cats (as well as small dogs) are at risk. But some do survive and thrive. We no longer have cats because our daughter developed allergies to them and we want her to be able to come visit. I miss them.
HELLO COFFEE SHOP DENIZENS... I've been busy with much around the property and spending money like a drunken sailor.

My super Christian son wrote a book that's about to be published so I decided to make a movie. Yeah... I know... WHAT, MAKE A MOVIE? Well I'm not talking AVATAR... :lol:... just some little thing for fun, just to get the hang of it and then maybe try something a little more complicated. I bought a new Sony FDR-AX53 4K video camera, and a new monster DELL desktop computer that will handle the 4K video editing. A couple major purchases but, it's only money and you only live once.

Bought a drone too, a Holy Stone HS100. Was relatively CHEAP but still a very nice drone. Has all the right features and flies excellent.

I just now saw this. How exciting!! For both of youI Finishing a book and maybe even getting it published is still on my bucket list and may or may not ever get done. I don't think I have time to learn the technical skills to make a movie, but I have a lot of pieces of books and good movies floating around in my head. Even a few pieces written down here and there.

Re the drone, I'm still not sure what I think about those. I can see all kinds of wonderful possibilities for them, but I am not sure I want one of those little buggers delivering my Amazon packages or hundreds of them equipped with nosy little cameras snooping around the neighborhood. Where you are probably isn't that much of a problem though. :)
A lot of people out here would shoot them down if they are flown over their places.

That is starting to happen here and in West Texas as well. Lots of suspicion about snoopy neighbors and also some paranoia that they are being used by thieves/burglars to canvas areas. But out away from neighbors I can see how they would be a lot of fun just to see what's out in the woods or happening around a lake etc.
I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.
I've tinkered with the idea of doing a bio on myself in book form. Alas, never got around to it. would finish with me being in the situation I'm in which would not be a very good ending. I want a "lived happily ever after" and so far....that ain't happenin'.

But it did get me to thinking it make for an interesting thread! Like:

If you could travel back in time and see yourself at 12 years old...what would you tell you of what to expect that you never dreamed at that age of happening to you?

I would tell me:

"Take nothing for granted. All that you choose to do will lead to sadness, aloneness, some happiness and excitement in spurts. You will go on adventures but gain nothing from it. You will love many dogs and a scant few cats, but they will all die on you. You will live where you always wanted to live (the beach) and most of your years will be spent there in semi happy ignorance until you lose everything you worked for and held dear. And within a short less than 2 year span, you will lose it all again. Your life will not be what you envisioned. You will become homeless which has always been your fear. It WILL happen. You can't change what will be NOW, but if you chose more wisely at 17 years old...this would not be your life. Alas, it is. Buckle up, sweetcakes. Its going to be very hard.

Since I started getting depressed at 16 and got schizophrenia at 22 years old I would tell my 12 year old self to jump in a lake. It is better not to see the future, because if you knew what was coming you might give up. But I have survived everything life threw at me and lasted 73 years. And I am still here.

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