USMB Coffee Shop IV

mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
It would have to be below 0 for us to use flannel, too hot even during the winter for both of us so we don't even own any. Matter of fact we have some heavy winter comforters we never use, again too warm and we turn the house down to at least 55 degrees when we go to bed. Basically a summer comforter and a blanket is fine with us....... well the sheets also. :D
We got a real frog strangler of a rain last night and it came down fast--2 inches in the rain guage this morning and for Albuquerque that is a LOT. Pretty well trashed our back yard and the water backed up into our enclosed back porch. And the roof has sprung a new leak. And I ask why us???? But I remind myself that it's us because we were here. Oh well. This too shall pass.
People are getting a lot tougher these days, don't let anyone tell you different. Why people slide under bamboo sheets these days without a whimper. In the old days they'd holler for hours after you jambed bamboo under their finger nails.
In former times. In Germany.

I have spent more than a few nights on a mattress just like this... Of coarse this was back when my body was young and nimble... If I tried to sleep on a feather tick today I wouldn't be able to wiggle for a week...
I have a very funny story involving my Mother, a feather tick and 4 rather large pillows... My mother was a trooper... All for another time...

In former times. In Germany.

View attachment 279423

Well that could get rather cozy, if you both rolled into the center but if only one did, they'd suffocate & die in that thing. It's no wonder those have been modernized.

Though it does look rather comfy

There are 2 types of German comforters: thick ones for winter and thin ones for summer They are filled with goose down and the thin ones are surprisingly cool in the summer. Americans fill them with feathers or foam rubber and are too warm. I have used the down comforters for over 60 years.
I have spent more than a few nights on a mattress just like this... Of coarse this was back when my body was young and nimble... If I tried to sleep on a feather tick today I wouldn't be able to wiggle for a week...
I have a very funny story involving my Mother, a feather tick and 4 rather large pillows... My mother was a trooper... All for another time...


My granny had straw ticks for the kids' beds and feather ticks for the adults..
I recently spent some days in a Radisson hotel with my daughter.

Oh those beds. Words can't describe. Heaven on Earth!

We have a set of 400 count 100% Egyptian cotton sheets I bought just over a year ago, soft as a babies bottom. Ordered a couple of sets of 500 count 100% Egyptian cotton sheet sets on sale. The first arrived yesterday, opened the package and felt the sheets....... Not soft and silky as advertised but rough and scratchy, already gave a bad review and they're going back.

You know we have bought the expensive sheets and they are very nice. But lately, because we are on a tight budget, I scour the world looking for real bargains and have found the microfiber sheets to be very soft and comfortable and also very cheap. Elegant they are not. But they get the job done for us at a fraction of the cost. And so far they have worn like iron. We are getting our money's worth and more.

I don't know for sure if it's microfiber, but there are some sheets that just cause way too much static for me. When I have used them, I can life up the sheet on the bed and see sparks going off all over the place. That's the biggest reason I try to find good deals on cotton sheets. :dunno:
Okay, another 4GB RAM (4GB DDR4-2400 UDIMM) is what Crucial says is compatible with Hombre's HP and is around $20. The problem is usually you can't just buy another 4gb stick and add it unless it's the exact same one that's already installed, sometimes......... What the specs tell me is you have one 4gb DDR4-2666 SDRAM.
I found one that exactly fits what you have but it's $60......... Soooo, if that's the case you can actually upgrade to 16gb of RAM........ Wait for it........ Cheaper!

This is supposed to fit your HP but I need to double check.

OLOy 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2666 (PC4 21300) Desktop Memory Model MD4U082616BGDA -

If you choose the Parrot Red it's a dollar cheaper.
Also one other thing I noticed, it's horribly under-powered with a 180Watt power supply unit. Heck I didn't know they even made them that weak any longer. If he ever wants to add a graphics card at some later point that will have to be upgraded.

That's probably why it was ridiculously cheap. He doesn't do any serious gaming at all and rarely needs any additional power. But it just is a little slower navigating and bringing up websites etc. than he would like. But then so does my computer which is almost identical to his but has 8 gigs ram. So any modifications probably wouldn't help him all that much?
Not sure though there is modification on both that would work wonders and that is to replace your hard drives with solid state drives and more RAM which could easily be done but that could cost as much as $150 per computer (just the parts, free for me to install). Surfing the net is a whole different animal, who are you using as an internet provider and what download speed are you paying for?

We have Xfinity high speed internet bundled with cable and phones. It is excellent and very reliable--rarely ever goes off and when it does it is rarely for more than a very short time. We really have all that kind of capability we need. I am relaying our discussions here to Hombre and he says he really isn't frustrated--at least not often :) --with his computer's performance and for the simple things we do with the computers and on line, they really are adequate. He doesn't want to spend any more on them than absolutely necessary.

Don't tell him but I am looking for a good deal on a 27" monitor for him for Christmas though. :)
Well, the 16gb of RAM will noticeably speed it up. We're not talking WOW factor speed increase but noticeable.
An M2.2 solid state drive would give the WOW factor but again, they're still sorta expensive, no where near as expensive as they used to be but still more expensive than a old style disk drive without the large storage space provided on old hard drives.

I've got an M.2 drive, after having only used regular spinning drives prior to it, and I didn't find it to be a wow sort of upgrade. :dunno: SSDs are really supposed to be about startup/file opening anyway, aren't they? I know transfer speeds are faster, but I'm not sure how noticeable that is. :dunno:
Also one other thing I noticed, it's horribly under-powered with a 180Watt power supply unit. Heck I didn't know they even made them that weak any longer. If he ever wants to add a graphics card at some later point that will have to be upgraded.

That's probably why it was ridiculously cheap. He doesn't do any serious gaming at all and rarely needs any additional power. But it just is a little slower navigating and bringing up websites etc. than he would like. But then so does my computer which is almost identical to his but has 8 gigs ram. So any modifications probably wouldn't help him all that much?
Not sure though there is modification on both that would work wonders and that is to replace your hard drives with solid state drives and more RAM which could easily be done but that could cost as much as $150 per computer (just the parts, free for me to install). Surfing the net is a whole different animal, who are you using as an internet provider and what download speed are you paying for?

We have Xfinity high speed internet bundled with cable and phones. It is excellent and very reliable--rarely ever goes off and when it does it is rarely for more than a very short time. We really have all that kind of capability we need. I am relaying our discussions here to Hombre and he says he really isn't frustrated--at least not often :) --with his computer's performance and for the simple things we do with the computers and on line, they really are adequate. He doesn't want to spend any more on them than absolutely necessary.

Don't tell him but I am looking for a good deal on a 27" monitor for him for Christmas though. :)
Well, the 16gb of RAM will noticeably speed it up. We're not talking WOW factor speed increase but noticeable.
An M2.2 solid state drive would give the WOW factor but again, they're still sorta expensive, no where near as expensive as they used to be but still more expensive than a old style disk drive without the large storage space provided on old hard drives.

I've got an M.2 drive, after having only used regular spinning drives prior to it, and I didn't find it to be a wow sort of upgrade. :dunno: SSDs are really supposed to be about startup/file opening anyway, aren't they? I know transfer speeds are faster, but I'm not sure how noticeable that is. :dunno:
Mine was quite noticeable
In former times. In Germany.

View attachment 279423

Well that could get rather cozy, if you both rolled into the center but if only one did, they'd suffocate & die in that thing. It's no wonder those have been modernized.

Though it does look rather comfy

There are 2 types of German comforters: thick ones for winter and thin ones for summer They are filled with goose down and the thin ones are surprisingly cool in the summer. Americans fill them with feathers or foam rubber and are too warm. I have used the down comforters for over 60 years.

I think summer here has packed up & left. It's been kinda cool & rainy off & on the last couple of days so the house was getting a bit chilly and I was almost tempted to start a fire to warm it up...…..instead I chose to make it a baking day. Did a cake, a batch of oatmeal, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, a chicken for supper and a batch of loaf, a few rolls and even fried a few pieces for our brunch.

I don't know what I did differently with the bread from my usual recipe, but today's turned out pretty darned close to my mothers. She was famous for her cooking especially her homemade bread being so light & fluffy with a soft chewy crust. After she passed, everyone asked me for her recipe. Unfortunately she never used a recipe, it was always a bit of this & dab of that and a bunch of something else. And her bread was something she never really taught me and I didn't pay enough attention, cause well, ya know...I thought I could do it better. . All I can remember is her having flour from head to toe, proofing her yeast in a glass, hands covered with globs of dough, and oil.

Somehow I doubt I'd ever be able to do it again. :(
We got a real frog strangler of a rain last night and it came down fast--2 inches in the rain guage this morning and for Albuquerque that is a LOT. Pretty well trashed our back yard and the water backed up into our enclosed back porch. And the roof has sprung a new leak. And I ask why us???? But I remind myself that it's us because we were here. Oh well. This too shall pass.

"a real frog strangler" .. :lol:



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