USMB Coffee Shop IV

mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
I'm on board with flannel, too. Right now, though, I'm sleeping on a (comfortable) camp chair with my feet propped on a dining chair. My partner has taken over my usual sleeping arrangements since his stroke has crippled him and he cannot get upstairs to his room. I'm actually quite comfortable. I've been sleeping sitting up for years now. If the recliner had fit in my place, I would have moved it from my atelier.
We got a real frog strangler of a rain last night and it came down fast--2 inches in the rain guage this morning and for Albuquerque that is a LOT. Pretty well trashed our back yard and the water backed up into our enclosed back porch. And the roof has sprung a new leak. And I ask why us???? But I remind myself that it's us because we were here. Oh well. This too shall pass.
YIKES! That is a lot for y'all. We have finally gotten something close to normal weather. That means rain and cooler temps. I'll have to cut wood in the rain now, but it is welcome because the summer was so hot. They've lifted the burn bans and I have a lot of slash to burn off. It's going to be expensive and difficult to keep enough wood around this coming winter. The partner will be here 24/7 and there is no help with him to process enough wood. I'm thinking I'll need at least double the amount I needed last year. He does like it warmer than I do. I'm not even considering the cost of running the generator. As soon as it's too cold to spend time outside, he'll be in here watching his shows all day.
What a shit show. More expensive, less money; more resource intensive, less time to process those resources...
I think summer here has packed up & left. It's been kinda cool & rainy off & on the last couple of days so the house was getting a bit chilly and I was almost tempted to start a fire to warm it up...…..instead I chose to make it a baking day. Did a cake, a batch of oatmeal, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, a chicken for supper and a batch of loaf, a few rolls and even fried a few pieces for our brunch.

I don't know what I did differently with the bread from my usual recipe, but today's turned out pretty darned close to my mothers. She was famous for her cooking especially her homemade bread being so light & fluffy with a soft chewy crust. After she passed, everyone asked me for her recipe. Unfortunately she never used a recipe, it was always a bit of this & dab of that and a bunch of something else. And her bread was something she never really taught me and I didn't pay enough attention, cause well, ya know...I thought I could do it better. . All I can remember is her having flour from head to toe, proofing her yeast in a glass, hands covered with globs of dough, and oil.

Somehow I doubt I'd ever be able to do it again. :(
The weather turned here, too. I'll have to clean the flues this weekend because I think I'm running out of time. With as cool as it has been, we'll need the wood burner sooner rather than later. I still have tons of wood to bring in, too.
mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
I'm on board with flannel, too. Right now, though, I'm sleeping on a (comfortable) camp chair with my feet propped on a dining chair. My partner has taken over my usual sleeping arrangements since his stroke has crippled him and he cannot get upstairs to his room. I'm actually quite comfortable. I've been sleeping sitting up for years now. If the recliner had fit in my place, I would have moved it from my atelier.

"atelier" .. wait a sec., I have to look that up....atelier - Dictionary Definition

cool .. I like that word, ya know, it's not easy being a bumpkin .. :dunno:

Yup, flannel does the trick .. if I fall asleep on a recliner or a camp chair and I wake up hours later ... I have to admit, I'm kinda bent over for a while these days.. Have you considered an air mattress, easy fill up, easy deflate, and the doubles are pretty comfy ... only $29.95 at your nearest Lumpy Store.. :lol:

Sorry for your partners adversity and yours as well .. best wishes there Gallant and nice seeing you around..
mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
I'm on board with flannel, too. Right now, though, I'm sleeping on a (comfortable) camp chair with my feet propped on a dining chair. My partner has taken over my usual sleeping arrangements since his stroke has crippled him and he cannot get upstairs to his room. I'm actually quite comfortable. I've been sleeping sitting up for years now. If the recliner had fit in my place, I would have moved it from my atelier.

"atelier" .. wait a sec., I have to look that up....atelier - Dictionary Definition

cool .. I like that word, ya know, it's not easy being a bumpkin .. :dunno:

Yup, flannel does the trick .. if I fall asleep on a recliner or a camp chair and I wake up hours later ... I have to admit, I'm kinda bent over for a while these days.. Have you considered an air mattress, easy fill up, easy deflate, and the doubles are pretty comfy ... only $29.95 at your nearest Lumpy Store.. :lol:

Sorry for your partners adversity and yours as well .. best wishes there Gallant and nice seeing you around..
Same here, glad to see you here, Lumpy. I sleep sitting up because my hips just don't work sleeping flat any more. I was scheduled for a hip replacement a week after the partner had his stroke. I'm just glad he stroked out before I had that surgery. Neither of us would have done half so well. As it is, both my brother and my daughter will be available next summer and I hope that the partner will be able to go back to work before that happens.
How are things going for you? I haven't seen you around these parts for a while.
In former times. In Germany.

View attachment 279423
Feather ticks! Loved them in Europe when I stayed at B&Bs there. I still have a couple but finding the covers for them here is almost impossible. They are "da bomb" for cold winter nights.

I used to have them. But I got a twinge of conscience about the geese.

OTOH. I eat them.

So I'm a hypocrite.
Just a cold hypocrite. I'm all for maximum use of the animals that we sacrifice. I try not to waste skins, either. One of the things I like about my "meat guys" is how efficient they are about using the entire animal. The only part they don't seem to use is the large intestine. I don't blame them there...
In former times. In Germany.

View attachment 279423
Feather ticks! Loved them in Europe when I stayed at B&Bs there. I still have a couple but finding the covers for them here is almost impossible. They are "da bomb" for cold winter nights.

I used to have them. But I got a twinge of conscience about the geese.

OTOH. I eat them.

So I'm a hypocrite.
Just a cold hypocrite. I'm all for maximum use of the animals that we sacrifice. I try not to waste skins, either. One of the things I like about my "meat guys" is how efficient they are about using the entire animal. The only part they don't seem to use is the large intestine. I don't blame them there...

The French eat every part of the animal. Including the red thing on top of the chicken's head.

The comb of the cock they call it

Rooster is a word they don't use in the UK and Europe.
mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
I'm on board with flannel, too. Right now, though, I'm sleeping on a (comfortable) camp chair with my feet propped on a dining chair. My partner has taken over my usual sleeping arrangements since his stroke has crippled him and he cannot get upstairs to his room. I'm actually quite comfortable. I've been sleeping sitting up for years now. If the recliner had fit in my place, I would have moved it from my atelier.

"atelier" .. wait a sec., I have to look that up....atelier - Dictionary Definition

cool .. I like that word, ya know, it's not easy being a bumpkin .. :dunno:

Yup, flannel does the trick .. if I fall asleep on a recliner or a camp chair and I wake up hours later ... I have to admit, I'm kinda bent over for a while these days.. Have you considered an air mattress, easy fill up, easy deflate, and the doubles are pretty comfy ... only $29.95 at your nearest Lumpy Store.. :lol:

Sorry for your partners adversity and yours as well .. best wishes there Gallant and nice seeing you around..
Same here, glad to see you here, Lumpy. I sleep sitting up because my hips just don't work sleeping flat any more. I was scheduled for a hip replacement a week after the partner had his stroke. I'm just glad he stroked out before I had that surgery. Neither of us would have done half so well. As it is, both my brother and my daughter will be available next summer and I hope that the partner will be able to go back to work before that happens.
How are things going for you? I haven't seen you around these parts for a while.

Great .. so there is hope and a positive direction going on.. :thup:

Everything considered, I'm enjoying my life and I feel lucky and blessed despite some difficult stuff, you know, embracing the suck and pursuing the positive..

I've been fading in and out on posting for a few years now. I do drop by the Coffee Shop occasionally but just haven't had much to say, I'm not sure why. It's like visiting a group old friends, sitting on the couch relaxing and just listening, learning, laughing and I might even have a cup of coffee.
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mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
I'm on board with flannel, too. Right now, though, I'm sleeping on a (comfortable) camp chair with my feet propped on a dining chair. My partner has taken over my usual sleeping arrangements since his stroke has crippled him and he cannot get upstairs to his room. I'm actually quite comfortable. I've been sleeping sitting up for years now. If the recliner had fit in my place, I would have moved it from my atelier.

"atelier" .. wait a sec., I have to look that up....atelier - Dictionary Definition

cool .. I like that word, ya know, it's not easy being a bumpkin .. :dunno:

Yup, flannel does the trick .. if I fall asleep on a recliner or a camp chair and I wake up hours later ... I have to admit, I'm kinda bent over for a while these days.. Have you considered an air mattress, easy fill up, easy deflate, and the doubles are pretty comfy ... only $29.95 at your nearest Lumpy Store.. :lol:

Sorry for your partners adversity and yours as well .. best wishes there Gallant and nice seeing you around..
Same here, glad to see you here, Lumpy. I sleep sitting up because my hips just don't work sleeping flat any more. I was scheduled for a hip replacement a week after the partner had his stroke. I'm just glad he stroked out before I had that surgery. Neither of us would have done half so well. As it is, both my brother and my daughter will be available next summer and I hope that the partner will be able to go back to work before that happens.
How are things going for you? I haven't seen you around these parts for a while.

Great .. so there is hope and a positive direction going on.. :thup:

Everything considered, I'm enjoying my life and I feel lucky and blessed despite some difficult stuff, you know, embracing the suck and pursuing the positive..

I've been fading in and out on posting for a few years now. I do drop by the Coffee Shop occasionally but just haven't had much to say, I'm not sure why. It's like visiting a group old friends, sitting on the couch relaxing and just listening, learning, laughing and I might even have a cup of coffee.
View attachment 279529
I know what you mean about the Coffee Shop. If nothing else, I will drop by here because the folks are so...folksy!
I am glad to know you are coping well. I know that things can take unforeseen turns and also like to focus on the more positive aspects of things. Bless you, Lumpy!
mmm .. all this talk of sheets .. flannel sheets in the winter and I have no idea otherwise, I do know my wife likes it (Hey,.. I see my breath) freezing and I'm bundled up like a burrito..
I'm on board with flannel, too. Right now, though, I'm sleeping on a (comfortable) camp chair with my feet propped on a dining chair. My partner has taken over my usual sleeping arrangements since his stroke has crippled him and he cannot get upstairs to his room. I'm actually quite comfortable. I've been sleeping sitting up for years now. If the recliner had fit in my place, I would have moved it from my atelier.

"atelier" .. wait a sec., I have to look that up....atelier - Dictionary Definition

cool .. I like that word, ya know, it's not easy being a bumpkin .. :dunno:

Yup, flannel does the trick .. if I fall asleep on a recliner or a camp chair and I wake up hours later ... I have to admit, I'm kinda bent over for a while these days.. Have you considered an air mattress, easy fill up, easy deflate, and the doubles are pretty comfy ... only $29.95 at your nearest Lumpy Store.. :lol:

Sorry for your partners adversity and yours as well .. best wishes there Gallant and nice seeing you around..
Same here, glad to see you here, Lumpy. I sleep sitting up because my hips just don't work sleeping flat any more. I was scheduled for a hip replacement a week after the partner had his stroke. I'm just glad he stroked out before I had that surgery. Neither of us would have done half so well. As it is, both my brother and my daughter will be available next summer and I hope that the partner will be able to go back to work before that happens.
How are things going for you? I haven't seen you around these parts for a while.

Great .. so there is hope and a positive direction going on.. :thup:

Everything considered, I'm enjoying my life and I feel lucky and blessed despite some difficult stuff, you know, embracing the suck and pursuing the positive..

I've been fading in and out on posting for a few years now. I do drop by the Coffee Shop occasionally but just haven't had much to say, I'm not sure why. It's like visiting a group old friends, sitting on the couch relaxing and just listening, learning, laughing and I might even have a cup of coffee.
View attachment 279529
I know what you mean about the Coffee Shop. If nothing else, I will drop by here because the folks are so...folksy!
I am glad to know you are coping well. I know that things can take unforeseen turns and also like to focus on the more positive aspects of things. Bless you, Lumpy!

Thank You Sir... I'm off to whatever kinda sheets those are.. best to You and Yours.. :sleep:
I think summer here has packed up & left. It's been kinda cool & rainy off & on the last couple of days so the house was getting a bit chilly and I was almost tempted to start a fire to warm it up...…..instead I chose to make it a baking day. Did a cake, a batch of oatmeal, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, a chicken for supper and a batch of loaf, a few rolls and even fried a few pieces for our brunch.

I don't know what I did differently with the bread from my usual recipe, but today's turned out pretty darned close to my mothers. She was famous for her cooking especially her homemade bread being so light & fluffy with a soft chewy crust. After she passed, everyone asked me for her recipe. Unfortunately she never used a recipe, it was always a bit of this & dab of that and a bunch of something else. And her bread was something she never really taught me and I didn't pay enough attention, cause well, ya know...I thought I could do it better. . All I can remember is her having flour from head to toe, proofing her yeast in a glass, hands covered with globs of dough, and oil.

Somehow I doubt I'd ever be able to do it again. :(
The weather turned here, too. I'll have to clean the flues this weekend because I think I'm running out of time. With as cool as it has been, we'll need the wood burner sooner rather than later. I still have tons of wood to bring in, too.

Yep, a full month or so early. Usually September is just an extension of August, though not quite as hot. This year has been more like Mother Nature left on Labor Day weekend, and isn't expected back until sometime next year.

Been a busy bee trying to get ready for Old Man winter, just in case we get another 2 ft of snow like last year. Unfortunately I think I'm behind in that race. Things will work out....will they? won't they?? Of course they will, always do.
We got a real frog strangler of a rain last night and it came down fast--2 inches in the rain guage this morning and for Albuquerque that is a LOT. Pretty well trashed our back yard and the water backed up into our enclosed back porch. And the roof has sprung a new leak. And I ask why us???? But I remind myself that it's us because we were here. Oh well. This too shall pass.
YIKES! That is a lot for y'all. We have finally gotten something close to normal weather. That means rain and cooler temps. I'll have to cut wood in the rain now, but it is welcome because the summer was so hot. They've lifted the burn bans and I have a lot of slash to burn off. It's going to be expensive and difficult to keep enough wood around this coming winter. The partner will be here 24/7 and there is no help with him to process enough wood. I'm thinking I'll need at least double the amount I needed last year. He does like it warmer than I do. I'm not even considering the cost of running the generator. As soon as it's too cold to spend time outside, he'll be in here watching his shows all day.
What a shit show. More expensive, less money; more resource intensive, less time to process those resources...

Well sending all kinds of positive vibes your way GW. The partner has no family anywhere who can help with this? At least financially?
In former times. In Germany.

View attachment 279423
Feather ticks! Loved them in Europe when I stayed at B&Bs there. I still have a couple but finding the covers for them here is almost impossible. They are "da bomb" for cold winter nights.

I used to have them. But I got a twinge of conscience about the geese.

OTOH. I eat them.

So I'm a hypocrite.

Well I figure making the feather ticks from goose feathers is okay if the goose itself is used for food. :)
That's probably why it was ridiculously cheap. He doesn't do any serious gaming at all and rarely needs any additional power. But it just is a little slower navigating and bringing up websites etc. than he would like. But then so does my computer which is almost identical to his but has 8 gigs ram. So any modifications probably wouldn't help him all that much?
Not sure though there is modification on both that would work wonders and that is to replace your hard drives with solid state drives and more RAM which could easily be done but that could cost as much as $150 per computer (just the parts, free for me to install). Surfing the net is a whole different animal, who are you using as an internet provider and what download speed are you paying for?

We have Xfinity high speed internet bundled with cable and phones. It is excellent and very reliable--rarely ever goes off and when it does it is rarely for more than a very short time. We really have all that kind of capability we need. I am relaying our discussions here to Hombre and he says he really isn't frustrated--at least not often :) --with his computer's performance and for the simple things we do with the computers and on line, they really are adequate. He doesn't want to spend any more on them than absolutely necessary.

Don't tell him but I am looking for a good deal on a 27" monitor for him for Christmas though. :)
Well, the 16gb of RAM will noticeably speed it up. We're not talking WOW factor speed increase but noticeable.
An M2.2 solid state drive would give the WOW factor but again, they're still sorta expensive, no where near as expensive as they used to be but still more expensive than a old style disk drive without the large storage space provided on old hard drives.

I've got an M.2 drive, after having only used regular spinning drives prior to it, and I didn't find it to be a wow sort of upgrade. :dunno: SSDs are really supposed to be about startup/file opening anyway, aren't they? I know transfer speeds are faster, but I'm not sure how noticeable that is. :dunno:
Mine was quite noticeable

All I do on the PC with my M.2 is game, so I might just need to try one on a more multi-use PC.
I had a brief phone interview earlier. I should find out in the next few days if the company wants me to come in for a face to face interview. The job would be a late second shift position, 5:30 PM to 2:00 AM. It's a bit further away from me than my current job, so instead of a 10 minute drive I'd have a 20-30 minute drive. On the other hand, it would pay something like $2 an hour more to start. It's also a lab job, so in the medical field; it fits with my education and, I think, could more easily lead to career advancement in the future, whether with the same company or as good experience.

At the same time, I don't hate my current job. I get along with the people I work with, my superiors seem to appreciate my work, it's very close to where I currently live. I'm just not sure what sort of advancement I could find there, even if I get direct hired. I'm also finding my hands feeling sore from flipping through various cards for 39-49 hours a week. :lol:

If I do get offered the lab position, it may be a 4-5 week wait from the time they offer the job and the job actually starting. It has to do with limited orientation spaces, apparently. If that's the case and they offer me the job, I may take a week off between leaving my current job and starting the new one to go visit my parents. It's a lot harder to find time to do that sort of thing with a regular job than when I was a live in nanny. :p

The idea of going to a new job makes me a bit anxious: it took longer than I'd hoped and expected to find a job after I finished school, and while I am a good employee there's no guarantee a new job would work out well. I might not get along with the people at work, I might not do the work that well, who knows? Still, considering how lucky I am to be in the position I am currently in, having a place to live where I don't have to worry about so many of the bills that one usually does worry about, now is probably a good time to consider switching jobs. I'd be safer doing it at this point then if I were living on my own.

I haven't even had a face to face interview yet, so I'm not counting my chickens, just trying to plan ahead a bit in case I do get the job offer.
"atelier" .. wait a sec., I have to look that up....atelier - Dictionary Definition

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger Lump, as I had to pull out the Funk and Wagnalls also... I love learnin' new words...

embracing the suck and pursuing the positive..

Thank you... Definitely words of a wise individual...

I have a thing for goofy funny words like Lumpy and at least these days you don't have to carry a dictionary around..

:redface: .. I have a son and daughter that have gone through US Army boot camps, they taught me things and my parents were bluntly pragmatic. My daughter has been sweating it out (war games) in a California desert for the past 3+ weeks.. Sheesh ..
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