USMB Coffee Shop IV

Whaaaaah ! I have been locked out of twitter. Its only supposed to be for 12 hours. But I cannot get back into it because I cannot get past a page which requires a conformation code, and it won't give me one. Twitter is my thing, and I am having with drawl symptoms already.

What do you mean it won't give you a code? Text? Email? Something? I get locked out until I check the box I'm not a bot or some sort now and then, but every once in awhile I get a code in my gmail to enter to get back in.
HI Foxy ! I have been locked out of my twitter account because it asks for my telephone number, and it is then supposed to call me back with a conformation code that I enter to prove its me. But they don't ring back. I have emailed twitter complaining but have yet to receive a reply.

Maybe they're texting to what they believe is a mobile phone? That's how I get those codes when I need them to log in.
Yes, I think you are right. Which means I am permanently locked out of twitter, as I only have a landline without text function.

Sadly that may be the case if there is no email option to get the code. You might want to look to see if you could get one of those super cheap Tracfones that is pretty much limited to calls and text. Cost here about $20 (15.05 GBP) for the phone and you have to buy minutes--I think like $20 every 90 days? It would allow you easier access to social media that is important to you.

Twitter, and so some extent Facebook, has been on a major purge of accounts this past month & millions are being required to get those codes etc. to sign in.

As the world becomes more & more dependent on high tech to function, a cell phone with text capability is becoming more & more routine.
I gave twitter my sisters mobile phone number, and I am back online. But I am scared to say anything now in case they ban me permanently.

We've all learned how to say what we want to say. But we do need to be careful how we say it and what words trigger the ban buttons. Don't use any words like punch, shoot, shot, kill, murder or anything that could be used to describe physical violence, even in jest. And don't do direct personal insults by name. Just a little creativity.

I was actually locked out of my account sometime back for a tweet I had made months earlier. I was actually defending a national personality that I pretty much despise, but who had been unfairly quoted. I said I wasn't saying she shouldn't be shot, but she should be shot for a crime she actually committed. Twitter locked me out until I took down the tweet. Said my tweet constituted 'harassment. It was no big deal so I took it down. And I've learned since how to avoid those landmines.

Oh, and it is a good idea to create and build a backup account that you can use if you do have a temporary suspension.

Oh, and one other suggestion while I'm on my soapbox here. Be sure to go into your settings and turn off all notifications that would go to your sister's cell phone. Otherwise she could be inundated with them when you do start tweeting.
I post on Twitter whenever Iā€™m bored, so much angst going on at the moment.
Iā€™m still waiting for delivery of my new GT mountain bike. End of September they told me. :)

Exciting. I've had some fun on those but on borrowed/rented ones. At my age I don't think I would probably get on one now.

This GT Aggressor Expert 2021 model has 24 gears, more than enough to make life easy for me, since this covid19 appeared Iā€™ve been exercising on the weekends after doing the house chores. Freedom and fresh air.
Whaaaaah ! I have been locked out of twitter. Its only supposed to be for 12 hours. But I cannot get back into it because I cannot get past a page which requires a conformation code, and it won't give me one. Twitter is my thing, and I am having with drawl symptoms already.

What do you mean it won't give you a code? Text? Email? Something? I get locked out until I check the box I'm not a bot or some sort now and then, but every once in awhile I get a code in my gmail to enter to get back in.
HI Foxy ! I have been locked out of my twitter account because it asks for my telephone number, and it is then supposed to call me back with a conformation code that I enter to prove its me. But they don't ring back. I have emailed twitter complaining but have yet to receive a reply.

Maybe they're texting to what they believe is a mobile phone? That's how I get those codes when I need them to log in.
Yes, I think you are right. Which means I am permanently locked out of twitter, as I only have a landline without text function.

Sadly that may be the case if there is no email option to get the code. You might want to look to see if you could get one of those super cheap Tracfones that is pretty much limited to calls and text. Cost here about $20 (15.05 GBP) for the phone and you have to buy minutes--I think like $20 every 90 days? It would allow you easier access to social media that is important to you.

Twitter, and so some extent Facebook, has been on a major purge of accounts this past month & millions are being required to get those codes etc. to sign in.

As the world becomes more & more dependent on high tech to function, a cell phone with text capability is becoming more & more routine.
I gave twitter my sisters mobile phone number, and I am back online. But I am scared to say anything now in case they ban me permanently.

We've all learned how to say what we want to say. But we do need to be careful how we say it and what words trigger the ban buttons. Don't use any words like punch, shoot, shot, kill, murder or anything that could be used to describe physical violence, even in jest. And don't do direct personal insults by name. Just a little creativity.

I was actually locked out of my account sometime back for a tweet I had made months earlier. I was actually defending a national personality that I pretty much despise, but who had been unfairly quoted. I said I wasn't saying she shouldn't be shot, but she should be shot for a crime she actually committed. Twitter locked me out until I took down the tweet. Said my tweet constituted 'harassment. It was no big deal so I took it down. And I've learned since how to avoid those landmines.

Oh, and it is a good idea to create and build a backup account that you can use if you do have a temporary suspension.

Oh, and one other suggestion while I'm on my soapbox here. Be sure to go into your settings and turn off all notifications that would go to your sister's cell phone. Otherwise she could be inundated with them when you do start tweeting.
I post on Twitter whenever Iā€™m bored, so much angst going on at the moment.

I use Twitter mostly to get and dispense information. I can be political there when I choose not to be here or on Facebook. But I've gotten to know some great people both on line and in person due to Twitter and there is a lot of really enjoyable fun stuff too. I guess we all make of anything what we choose to make.

But yeah, I can get really angry on Twitter too and express it explicitly there.
Sorry I didn't post last night. Was tired and it was late. He is ok. Just was stopped up and extreme pain. I keep telling him he's full of shit but he never believed me until then. :auiqs.jpg:

Still I know it was a worry until it turned out to be something pretty easily fixable. Glad everything came out okay. (cough)
Whaaaaah ! I have been locked out of twitter. Its only supposed to be for 12 hours. But I cannot get back into it because I cannot get past a page which requires a conformation code, and it won't give me one. Twitter is my thing, and I am having with drawl symptoms already.

What do you mean it won't give you a code? Text? Email? Something? I get locked out until I check the box I'm not a bot or some sort now and then, but every once in awhile I get a code in my gmail to enter to get back in.
HI Foxy ! I have been locked out of my twitter account because it asks for my telephone number, and it is then supposed to call me back with a conformation code that I enter to prove its me. But they don't ring back. I have emailed twitter complaining but have yet to receive a reply.

Maybe they're texting to what they believe is a mobile phone? That's how I get those codes when I need them to log in.
Yes, I think you are right. Which means I am permanently locked out of twitter, as I only have a landline without text function.

Sadly that may be the case if there is no email option to get the code. You might want to look to see if you could get one of those super cheap Tracfones that is pretty much limited to calls and text. Cost here about $20 (15.05 GBP) for the phone and you have to buy minutes--I think like $20 every 90 days? It would allow you easier access to social media that is important to you.

Twitter, and so some extent Facebook, has been on a major purge of accounts this past month & millions are being required to get those codes etc. to sign in.

As the world becomes more & more dependent on high tech to function, a cell phone with text capability is becoming more & more routine.
I gave twitter my sisters mobile phone number, and I am back online. But I am scared to say anything now in case they ban me permanently.

We've all learned how to say what we want to say. But we do need to be careful how we say it and what words trigger the ban buttons. Don't use any words like punch, shoot, shot, kill, murder or anything that could be used to describe physical violence, even in jest. And don't do direct personal insults by name. Just a little creativity.

I was actually locked out of my account sometime back for a tweet I had made months earlier. I was actually defending a national personality that I pretty much despise, but who had been unfairly quoted. I said I wasn't saying she shouldn't be shot, but she should be shot for a crime she actually committed. Twitter locked me out until I took down the tweet. Said my tweet constituted 'harassment. It was no big deal so I took it down. And I've learned since how to avoid those landmines.

Oh, and it is a good idea to create and build a backup account that you can use if you do have a temporary suspension.

Oh, and one other suggestion while I'm on my soapbox here. Be sure to go into your settings and turn off all notifications that would go to your sister's cell phone. Otherwise she could be inundated with them when you do start tweeting.
I post on Twitter whenever Iā€™m bored, so much angst going on at the moment.

I use Twitter mostly to get and dispense information. I can be political there when I choose not to be here or on Facebook. But I've gotten to know some great people both on line and in person due to Twitter and there is a lot of really enjoyable fun stuff too. I guess we all make of anything what we choose to make.

But yeah, I can get really angry on Twitter too and express it explicitly there.

To tell you the honest truth I deleted all but 3 posts I put on Twitter, when you look back you can see the majority of posts are ā€œjust look at me, look at meā€ posts. Now they are deleted I post intelligent stuff, not for just angst and just for the sake of Posting.
Thatā€™s the honest truth.
I started UNfollowing people that are too gung ho, even though Trump supporters. Tired of the constant constant, ya know? From both sides. What will be, will be, says I.
I started looking for people to follow that post for their dogs, lol. Bert & Ernie, Walt & Snoop although poor Snoop died last week. That sucked. And there are others who post as their dogs. Problem is, finding animal lovers that post cute stuff and avoiding those that post horrid abuse pics screaming about how horrible it is and then me taking DAYS if not weeks to get the image out of my mind. Fuckers. I don't need to see it to know it happens. NOR do I want to rail and rant about how asian people enjoy dog meat and THIS is how its done...poor dogs....shit like that. WTF? Keep that shit off my feeds! So...been looking for photography, landscapes, art, dogs, cats, nat geo, stuff like that. I do follow alot of "supposed" patriots, but thats mostly to see whats going on.
Sorry I didn't post last night. Was tired and it was late. He is ok. Just was stopped up and extreme pain. I keep telling him he's full of shit but he never believed me until then. :auiqs.jpg:
I take empty soda or Gatorade bottles, add two tablespoons of Clearlax then fill them with water or my homemade apple lemonade, you can use whatever you want. I also have a large glass of Wally World brand Metamucil every morning. I guarantee he'll never be stopped up again...........
Just make sure you or he doesn't drink any of that until an hour after taking any medications or two hours before taking any meds. The Metamucil in particular, it forms a gelatinous mass in the stomach then moves through the GI tract, any meds taken with it will be suspended in that mass and not be absorbed into the body.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

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I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Whaaaaah ! I have been locked out of twitter. Its only supposed to be for 12 hours. But I cannot get back into it because I cannot get past a page which requires a conformation code, and it won't give me one. Twitter is my thing, and I am having with drawl symptoms already.

What do you mean it won't give you a code? Text? Email? Something? I get locked out until I check the box I'm not a bot or some sort now and then, but every once in awhile I get a code in my gmail to enter to get back in.
HI Foxy ! I have been locked out of my twitter account because it asks for my telephone number, and it is then supposed to call me back with a conformation code that I enter to prove its me. But they don't ring back. I have emailed twitter complaining but have yet to receive a reply.

Maybe they're texting to what they believe is a mobile phone? That's how I get those codes when I need them to log in.
Yes, I think you are right. Which means I am permanently locked out of twitter, as I only have a landline without text function.

Sadly that may be the case if there is no email option to get the code. You might want to look to see if you could get one of those super cheap Tracfones that is pretty much limited to calls and text. Cost here about $20 (15.05 GBP) for the phone and you have to buy minutes--I think like $20 every 90 days? It would allow you easier access to social media that is important to you.

Twitter, and so some extent Facebook, has been on a major purge of accounts this past month & millions are being required to get those codes etc. to sign in.

As the world becomes more & more dependent on high tech to function, a cell phone with text capability is becoming more & more routine.
I gave twitter my sisters mobile phone number, and I am back online. But I am scared to say anything now in case they ban me permanently.

We've all learned how to say what we want to say. But we do need to be careful how we say it and what words trigger the ban buttons. Don't use any words like punch, shoot, shot, kill, murder or anything that could be used to describe physical violence, even in jest. And don't do direct personal insults by name. Just a little creativity.

I was actually locked out of my account sometime back for a tweet I had made months earlier. I was actually defending a national personality that I pretty much despise, but who had been unfairly quoted. I said I wasn't saying she shouldn't be shot, but she should be shot for a crime she actually committed. Twitter locked me out until I took down the tweet. Said my tweet constituted 'harassment. It was no big deal so I took it down. And I've learned since how to avoid those landmines.

Oh, and it is a good idea to create and build a backup account that you can use if you do have a temporary suspension.

Oh, and one other suggestion while I'm on my soapbox here. Be sure to go into your settings and turn off all notifications that would go to your sister's cell phone. Otherwise she could be inundated with them when you do start tweeting.
Thanks Foxy, I deleted my sisters telephone number from my account to ensure she does not get bothered.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.

The shelters have wonderful cats to adopt too. If we ever decide to have another fur friend full time, that's what we will look for.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Meow! Go get a couple of cats then. Listen to some purrings.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Meow! Go get a couple of cats then. Listen to some purrings.

I love them purring me to sleep.
Better yet...come get Stinker. She is so sweet. Not as wild as her sister and she likes belly rubs too. I wish I could take her, but...I gotta get in that place before I read them the riot act about ESA rules and them trying to pull one over me by charging me a deposit for Evie (illegal), saying only one cat (illegal) and thinking I'm too stupid to know the laws about ESAs. THEN I may come back and fetch Stinker. Unless you wanna take a drive and come get her, lol.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Meow! Go get a couple of cats then. Listen to some purrings.

I love them purring me to sleep.

I miss having a cat on my lap or sometimes on my computer keyboard or walking up and down the piano keyboard. :)
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Meow! Go get a couple of cats then. Listen to some purrings.

I love them purring me to sleep.

I miss having a cat on my lap or sometimes on my computer keyboard or walking up and down the piano keyboard. :)

I had a cat who used to ā€œplay the pianoā€ in the middle of the night, just to annoy us. After dynasties of cats, and a broken heart, I donā€™t have any right now. But soon, (Covid permitting) Iā€™ll be flying to the Eastern Mediterranean, to live for a while with seven of them.

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