USMB Coffee Shop IV

We’d get a dog from the shelter but I’m not sure how my staffie bitch would take another dog in the house, she is top dog and she is a proper bitch.

Yeah you have to know your dog. One that grew up and has lived with other dogs usually will accept a newcomer fur friend after awhile. Those raised alone sometimes not so much.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Meow! Go get a couple of cats then. Listen to some purrings.

I love them purring me to sleep.

I miss having a cat on my lap or sometimes on my computer keyboard or walking up and down the piano keyboard. :)

I had a cat who used to “play the piano” in the middle of the night, just to annoy us. After dynasties of cats, and a broken heart, I don’t have any right now. But soon, (Covid permitting) I’ll be flying to the Eastern Mediterranean, to live for a while with seven of them.

Our cats didn't do that at night thankfully. But they both were fascinated by the piano and enjoyed walking the keys.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Ringel, I adore cat my pomponette got away in the year 2017 she never came back home .:(
She was a real beauty.

I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Ringel, I adore cat my pomponette got away in the year 2017 she never came back home .:(
She was a real beauty.

View attachment 386170
That is sad my friend :(

My family always had dogs running around the house, from the age of 7-8 onwards I can always remember the “Toonie” dogs, Shetland sheep dogs. They weren’t bred for sheep herding, they were Toonie dogs, smaller than the border collie, Toonies were Scottish island Croft’s, thatched cottages, the Toonie dog kept the chickens and fowl out of the house. Basically house dogs.
My mother bred them, she was a champion breeder, she gave me a bitch when I married and had my first son.

These were some of my mother dogs, with my 2 sons when they were boys.
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Love dogs. But Karma's death tore me up pretty bad. Worse than Gracie's...who I use as a nic here. Gracie dying was bad...but I had Moki and Karma and Pretties to soothe me in my grief. Then Pretties, who was the darling of all the dogs....mourned so badly she refused to eat, and she had to be put down. I waited over 6 months for her to snap out of it, but she went from a 15 lbs cat to 7lbs and we did try to save her, but she kept declining. Nothing wrong with her that the vet could find. Just grief. Then we had to move. Lost Moki in the LA area when we went there after becoming homeless. Cancer got him. Then we wound up in Paradise but Karma died about a year before the fire. Lost them all. Had IttyBit, a neighbors cat in Paradise that adopted us, but she ran and couldn't be caught, and presumably died in the fire. Moved here....and Evie showed up. Wild little thing. Preggers. Starved. Both kittens were born dead. Got her all fixed up and now we have a cat. Evie.
Do I want another dog? Yes and no. I still grieve for Karma. The last of my babies. My soul sister/daughter covered in golden fur (yellow lab). When she died.....I almost, within a hair, went with her. I think I fingered that gun at least 25 times in the span of 2 months. Then I met Anne...and her golden retriever Casey. I put the gun away cuz I had Anne as a new friend and Casey as his aunty. Old dog, but such a sweetheart. He died a few months ago. Anne called with the news. She said she dreaded telling me because of how bad it was with Karma. But Casey was not Karma, and he was not mine. I grieved for him too, but it didn't push me over the edge.

I want another dog...but I don't. So..I think I will just hang on to Evie when she lets me when I get sad and sobby thinking of the furbabies I miss so much and are gone. If MrG was not with me..I damn sure would get a dog becasue I don't want to be alone.
I'm still trying to focus on getting things done, working on my flintlock a little at a time but now that Giz's time is coming soon I often find it hard to get motivated. I did start hanging some of my muzzleloaders and stuff and am building a rustic wall gun rack for the long guns. I'll have five to hang including the flintlock I'm currently building.
The flintlock pistol on the right is a kit gun that I haven't started yet which is why it looks so rough.


The top rifle is a (not so historically accurate) .54 caliber Hawken Rifle, the one below it is a 12 gauge double barrel muzzleloading shotgun. Both are percussion firing.

Go save a dog from the pound. Really. You will have a buddy to hang out with, talk to, cuddle when you need it. But wait til Giz goes to meet your wife. Then go to the pound. Someone is there waiting for you.
I appreciate the thought but I'm a cat person.
Ringel, I adore cat my pomponette got away in the year 2017 she never came back home .:(
She was a real beauty.

View attachment 386170
That is sad my friend :(

My family always had dogs running around the house, from the age of 7-8 onwards I can always remember the “Toonie” dogs, Shetland sheep dogs. They weren’t bred for sheep herding, they were Toonie dogs, smaller than the border collie, Toonies were Scottish island Croft’s, thatched cottages, the Toonie dog kept the chickens and fowl out of the house. Basically house dogs.
My mother bred them, she was a champion breeder, she gave me a bitch when I married and had my first son.

These were some of my mother dogs, with my 2 sons when they were boys.
They're beautiful, Roy. So glad you shared the picture.
The sky this morning is orange. Not the pretty orange you see in a sunset, just a uniform pale grayish orange across the sky. They say the air quality is "moderate". As if.
Whilst here in Guilford near London it’s been very humid, the sweat has been dripping off me, tonight I will have to see a surgeon to help slice my underwear off me.
The sky this morning is orange. Not the pretty orange you see in a sunset, just a uniform pale grayish orange across the sky. They say the air quality is "moderate". As if.
Whilst here in Guilford near London it’s been very humid, the sweat has been dripping off me, tonight I will have to see a surgeon to help slice my underwear off me.

Well, our hideous heat wave just cracked last night. Here in California, with 100+ temps, we have smoke and power outages. And now the sky is pumpkin color. It feels quite dystopian...because it is.
The sky this morning is orange. Not the pretty orange you see in a sunset, just a uniform pale grayish orange across the sky. They say the air quality is "moderate". As if.
Whilst here in Guilford near London it’s been very humid, the sweat has been dripping off me, tonight I will have to see a surgeon to help slice my underwear off me.

Well, our hideous heat wave just cracked last night. Here in California, with 100+ temps, we have smoke and power outages. And now the sky is pumpkin color. It feels quite dystopian...because it is.
My wife will have the large fan going warp factor 9, the wife is merciless, even when I’m cold it will still be running at warp.
The sky this morning is orange. Not the pretty orange you see in a sunset, just a uniform pale grayish orange across the sky. They say the air quality is "moderate". As if.
Whilst here in Guilford near London it’s been very humid, the sweat has been dripping off me, tonight I will have to see a surgeon to help slice my underwear off me.

Well, our hideous heat wave just cracked last night. Here in California, with 100+ temps, we have smoke and power outages. And now the sky is pumpkin color. It feels quite dystopian...because it is.
My wife will have the large fan going warp factor 9, the wife is merciless, even when I’m cold it will still be running at warp.

In my experience, women are delicate hot house flowers. The perfect temp is 72 degrees. We don't handle much of a standard deviation to that.
The sky this morning is orange. Not the pretty orange you see in a sunset, just a uniform pale grayish orange across the sky. They say the air quality is "moderate". As if.
Whilst here in Guilford near London it’s been very humid, the sweat has been dripping off me, tonight I will have to see a surgeon to help slice my underwear off me.

Well, our hideous heat wave just cracked last night. Here in California, with 100+ temps, we have smoke and power outages. And now the sky is pumpkin color. It feels quite dystopian...because it is.
My wife will have the large fan going warp factor 9, the wife is merciless, even when I’m cold it will still be running at warp.

In my experience, women are delicate hot house flowers. The perfect temp is 72 degrees. We don't handle much of a standard deviation to that.
Women do not have the muscle mass of a man, it’s the high muscle that keeps men warm. I know how women suffer in the cold.
Mrs Batty suffers winters terribly, she has no muscle.... she is just one soft pillow that bruises easily, sometime if I even touch her. She suffers nickel allergy too.
In 24 hours we went from record heat to record cold. Currently 42 degrees f at our house and the high is only going to be mid to high 40's today. Snow in our northern mountains--heavy snow in Colorado. Got about 1/4 inch rain overnight which was nice but we needed a lot more than that. One more cold day and then back to low 80's for awhile which is normal this time of year and just perfect for us. We don't need much a/c at those temps as the house stays cooler--low to mid 70's as Boedicca said is optimum though she lives in a cooler area than us so doesn't need as warm a temperature to be really comfortable.

As cold as it is outside though I'm surprised it isn't more uncomfortable in the house. We are in winter garb but it isn't uncomfortable for us at least yet.
In 24 hours we went from record heat to record cold. Currently 42 degrees f at our house and the high is only going to be mid to high 40's today. Snow in our northern mountains--heavy snow in Colorado. Got about 1/4 inch rain overnight which was nice but we needed a lot more than that. One more cold day and then back to low 80's for awhile which is normal this time of year and just perfect for us. We don't need much a/c at those temps as the house stays cooler--low to mid 70's as Boedicca said is optimum though she lives in a cooler area than us so doesn't need as warm a temperature to be really comfortable.

As cold as it is outside though I'm surprised it isn't more uncomfortable in the house. We are in winter garb but it isn't uncomfortable for us at least yet.

We went from 95 to 61 - and it is still dark outside at 10:40am. Very Twilight Zonesque.
In 24 hours we went from record heat to record cold. Currently 42 degrees f at our house and the high is only going to be mid to high 40's today. Snow in our northern mountains--heavy snow in Colorado. Got about 1/4 inch rain overnight which was nice but we needed a lot more than that. One more cold day and then back to low 80's for awhile which is normal this time of year and just perfect for us. We don't need much a/c at those temps as the house stays cooler--low to mid 70's as Boedicca said is optimum though she lives in a cooler area than us so doesn't need as warm a temperature to be really comfortable.

As cold as it is outside though I'm surprised it isn't more uncomfortable in the house. We are in winter garb but it isn't uncomfortable for us at least yet.

We went from 95 to 61 - and it is still dark outside at 10:40am. Very Twilight Zonesque.
It was 21c That’s 70f to you perfect for us Brits but very humid.... and I don’t like humid

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