USMB Coffee Shop IV

I didn't want to frighten you all, but that's actually the image I see when we morph out of fold space into your system.
Okay. I am a non scientist who loves science but I don't think I understand. Splain.
I'm an alien and this is what we really look like! We have technology to fold space and travel fantastic distances in a very short time. ;)

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Ummm okay. I may take the blue pill on that one. :)
How's everyone doing? I'm doing well. Had the stitches out yesterday and still working on getting strength back in my hand, going to be a longer haul than I first envisioned. Decided to wait on having the left hand done as it's really not bothering me lately. Other than that I'm waiting to get back to getting my projects done that have been on hold for a few weeks.
May the 4th be with you!!


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Oh and we shouldn't let the Coffee Shop's 11th Birthday pass without notice.

The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
The USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views.
The USMB COFFEE SHOP IV opened on 5-15-14 and has acquired 68k posts and 3m views.

Grand total roughly 177,200 posts - 68 million views.
508 people have made at least 1 post in the Coffee Shop, give or take a few since I no doubt missed a few along the way and a few are duplicates due to screen name changes.

But all in all it has been a mostly good thing. I get a warm fuzzy feeling reading over the list, all the people who were and are special to me and all of us. Thanks to each and every one of you who have made this the special place it is, and a shout out to all the moderators who understood what we are all about and have helped keep it that way.

I didn't want to frighten you all, but that's actually the image I see when we morph out of fold space into your system.
Okay. I am a non scientist who loves science but I don't think I understand. Splain.
I'm an alien and this is what we really look like! We have technology to fold space and travel fantastic distances in a very short time. ;)

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My lady and I have really enjoyed Resident Alien. :)
I have been scientifically studying the traits and dispositions of the "lower animals" (so-called,) and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man. I find the result profoundly humiliating to me. For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals; since it now seems plain to me that that theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals. — Mark Twain

I've pretty much come to the same conclusion........
Not much new here between senior moments, but I've been spending endless hours taking Spanish at a website "Duolingo." I found them by googleing "free Spanish lessons." There are half a dozen sites, but this one had a lot of joy of speaking Spanish on the part of its owners. With a lot of new people coming from all over Central America and Mexico, I wanted to make sure I learned some Spanish. I took a year in the mid eighties to learn some Spanish, but never used it since a year barely scratches the surface. This time all the rules are tossed and their lessons make me want the next one because their method is comprehensive in teaching little bites at a time.

My brain is getting to be a crowded place. Yall have a good evening.
Y Buenas noches! :huddle:
Not much new here between senior moments, but I've been spending endless hours taking Spanish at a website "Duolingo." I found them by googleing "free Spanish lessons." There are half a dozen sites, but this one had a lot of joy of speaking Spanish on the part of its owners. With a lot of new people coming from all over Central America and Mexico, I wanted to make sure I learned some Spanish. I took a year in the mid eighties to learn some Spanish, but never used it since a year barely scratches the surface. This time all the rules are tossed and their lessons make me want the next one because their method is comprehensive in teaching little bites at a time.

My brain is getting to be a crowded place. Yall have a good evening.
Y Buenas noches! :huddle:
Mrs O was Tex Mex we used a lot of Spanish slang around the house. I had 3 years of it in HS but neither of us were truly fluent. I ended up speaking better German than Spanish.
Hi everyone.
Hope all is well with you all.
I finally saved up enough money for a new computer. Now I can come on here more often. It was hard just using the phone.
:huddle: So glad you came back, Peach! I'm still wearing out one digit use on the phone for over a year. One day I just unplugged my computer to move it upstairs, and I never could get which plug went where as my server had 5 places. I threw in the towel and found a way to get here using the cell phone. Lol!

It's so good to have you back.
Not much new here between senior moments, but I've been spending endless hours taking Spanish at a website "Duolingo." I found them by googleing "free Spanish lessons." There are half a dozen sites, but this one had a lot of joy of speaking Spanish on the part of its owners. With a lot of new people coming from all over Central America and Mexico, I wanted to make sure I learned some Spanish. I took a year in the mid eighties to learn some Spanish, but never used it since a year barely scratches the surface. This time all the rules are tossed and their lessons make me want the next one because their method is comprehensive in teaching little bites at a time.

My brain is getting to be a crowded place. Yall have a good evening.
Y Buenas noches! :huddle:
Mrs O was Tex Mex we used a lot of Spanish slang around the house. I had 3 years of it in HS but neither of us were truly fluent. I ended up speaking better German than Spanish.
Aye yi yi! Well you're way up north. We have many Spanish speaking people down here in the Great Piney Woods of Texas , so I decided it would be nice to understand what is being said in one of our many Mexican restaurants, although the local favorite one is still closed.
Hi everyone.
Hope all is well with you all.
I finally saved up enough money for a new computer. Now I can come on here more often. It was hard just using the phone.
And you made good use of it and tracked me down. Got a new computer myself as my laptop is dying and only will boot when I ask nice. Those of you that know me know how unlikely THAT would be. Anyway, a lot has gone on since I stopped in last. Doc Holliday's is thriving and despite being shuttered for 10 weeks only to open to restriction of hours and capacities we finished 2020 in the black with a gross slightly above 2019 and about 4 times 2014 (our first year) In July of 2018, we purchased the building and immediately set about hiring architects to draw up a kitchen addition. Progress was slow due to it being a relatively small project and we were finally ready to start bu Feb. 2020 and then, the SHTF with covid. Money that would have gone to the addition instead went to maintaining health insurance for employees and liquor liability and all insurance on the building plus taxes minimal utilities and security. For the 10 weeks we were closed, there was someone in the building at all times. I slept there with a 12 gauge and a pistol close at hand as there were several cases of looting in the area. Thankfully no one died although I heard the door rattle about 1:30 AM one night. A sad customer saw some lights on and wanted a beer. Sorry can't do that, fella.
Fast forward to the fall. Hurricane Sally ripped through here with horrible damage to many homes and businesses. I spent the night at Doc's only heading home once the eye was over us The building was spared serious damage and we were only closed 4 days until power was restored. We're on the same line as the electric company and City Hall.

I guess that covers the main stuff Life is mostly good, but now I'm dealing with the county on a property line problem. Seems they want to pave my front lawn. Long story but this might help to explain the results of a new survey in preparation of paving my road


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Not much new here between senior moments, but I've been spending endless hours taking Spanish at a website "Duolingo." I found them by googleing "free Spanish lessons." There are half a dozen sites, but this one had a lot of joy of speaking Spanish on the part of its owners. With a lot of new people coming from all over Central America and Mexico, I wanted to make sure I learned some Spanish. I took a year in the mid eighties to learn some Spanish, but never used it since a year barely scratches the surface. This time all the rules are tossed and their lessons make me want the next one because their method is comprehensive in teaching little bites at a time.

My brain is getting to be a crowded place. Yall have a good evening.
Y Buenas noches! :huddle:
Buenas Dias. I had to learn some Santa Fe street which is more Spanglish than Spanish just to survive my Santa Fe years back in the 1950's when the Chicano (not referred to as Hispanic) population significantly outnumbered everybody else. Took classes in high school and college but never became fluent. Spanish is not my best second language for sure because I cannot roll my r's which is essential for correct pronunciation of many Spanish words. But oh well. . . . What I did manage to learn and remember served me well many times working in this state.

Languages fascinate me though and I pick up various words & phrases fairly easily. I suppose I could become fluent given sufficient motivation to put in the effort.
Hi everyone.
Hope all is well with you all.
I finally saved up enough money for a new computer. Now I can come on here more often. It was hard just using the phone.
So happy every time you've checked in Peach and it has been far too long between those check points. :) But congrats on the new 'puter. I would be miserable trying to do this on my phone too.
Not much new here between senior moments, but I've been spending endless hours taking Spanish at a website "Duolingo." I found them by googleing "free Spanish lessons." There are half a dozen sites, but this one had a lot of joy of speaking Spanish on the part of its owners. With a lot of new people coming from all over Central America and Mexico, I wanted to make sure I learned some Spanish. I took a year in the mid eighties to learn some Spanish, but never used it since a year barely scratches the surface. This time all the rules are tossed and their lessons make me want the next one because their method is comprehensive in teaching little bites at a time.

My brain is getting to be a crowded place. Yall have a good evening.
Y Buenas noches! :huddle:
Mrs O was Tex Mex we used a lot of Spanish slang around the house. I had 3 years of it in HS but neither of us were truly fluent. I ended up speaking better German than Spanish.
I do better with Italian and French accents than I do Spanish, but haven't learned nearly as many words/phrases in those languages.
Hi everyone.
Hope all is well with you all.
I finally saved up enough money for a new computer. Now I can come on here more often. It was hard just using the phone.
And you made good use of it and tracked me down. Got a new computer myself as my laptop is dying and only will boot when I ask nice. Those of you that know me know how unlikely THAT would be. Anyway, a lot has gone on since I stopped in last. Doc Holliday's is thriving and despite being shuttered for 10 weeks only to open to restriction of hours and capacities we finished 2020 in the black with a gross slightly above 2019 and about 4 times 2014 (our first year) In July of 2018, we purchased the building and immediately set about hiring architects to draw up a kitchen addition. Progress was slow due to it being a relatively small project and we were finally ready to start bu Feb. 2020 and then, the SHTF with covid. Money that would have gone to the addition instead went to maintaining health insurance for employees and liquor liability and all insurance on the building plus taxes minimal utilities and security. For the 10 weeks we were closed, there was someone in the building at all times. I slept there with a 12 gauge and a pistol close at hand as there were several cases of looting in the area. Thankfully no one died although I heard the door rattle about 1:30 AM one night. A sad customer saw some lights on and wanted a beer. Sorry can't do that, fella.
Fast forward to the fall. Hurricane Sally ripped through here with horrible damage to many homes and businesses. I spent the night at Doc's only heading home once the eye was over us The building was spared serious damage and we were only closed 4 days until power was restored. We're on the same line as the electric company and City Hall.

I guess that covers the main stuff Life is mostly good, but now I'm dealing with the county on a property line problem. Seems they want to pave my front lawn. Long story but this might help to explain the results of a new survey in preparation of paving my road
OMGosh Ernie, so very happy to hear from you. I have wondered so many times how you were, where you were, and so many have asked. You (and Peach) have been very much missed persons. Yay!!!

(Hope you are successful fighting city/county hall.)

And for the newscomers, no, Ernie and Peach aren't a 'couple' but have been friends longer than many of you have been alive. :)

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