USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm headed to the local hospital this afternoon for a stress test, and tomorrow I'll get a lecture from my cardiologist tomorrow. I had a stress attack so bad last week Wednesday, that I thought I was having a heart attack. I spent the afternoon at the hospital wired up to multiple monitors. My doctor immediately referred me to the cardiologist and here we are.

The last time this happened (4 years ago), I got a lecture that I am not 50 any more or even 60. I have to learn to say "No". I doubt this one will be any less of a lecture.

So much for the idea that you have to wait forever to see a specialist in Canada.
Hope you're all better now, Dragonlady. I always sit down and crochet a challenging lace design or a potholder for a friend. Giving your time to someone you like is an excellent chill device. Hang in there. You will be beating back at stress when you find an activity you like. I had not crocheted much for several years, so at first my work looked like a distracted child did it. Then it got better when I started increasing the complexity of stitches using a 300-stitch design book called Harmony-something. It took a lot of tearing back errors but that makes you more careful about counting. In the long run a few mistakes are okay on a dishrag. Like who cares! :auiqs.jpg:

I can’t crochet any more. The cotton is too fine and my hands ached for three days the last time I made Christmas doilies for one of the local shops.

Knitting and hand sewing are OK for now. I have lots of activities I find relaxing and fun and my friends are already plotting sneaking across the border to Buffalo for a Jay’s game.

My stress attacks relate to a close family members/friends, both of whom are going through a difficult time, making very bad decisions, and blaming others for the resulting chaos.

I really am too old for this shit. And I know that.

My cardiologist is a sweetie. He knows I’m good about doctors’ orders. And all my numbers are good - heart rate, blood pressure, and function. Just stop letting people make unrealistic demands.
I'm headed to the local hospital this afternoon for a stress test, and tomorrow I'll get a lecture from my cardiologist tomorrow. I had a stress attack so bad last week Wednesday, that I thought I was having a heart attack. I spent the afternoon at the hospital wired up to multiple monitors. My doctor immediately referred me to the cardiologist and here we are.

The last time this happened (4 years ago), I got a lecture that I am not 50 any more or even 60. I have to learn to say "No". I doubt this one will be any less of a lecture.

So much for the idea that you have to wait forever to see a specialist in Canada.
Hope you're all better now, Dragonlady. I always sit down and crochet a challenging lace design or a potholder for a friend. Giving your time to someone you like is an excellent chill device. Hang in there. You will be beating back at stress when you find an activity you like. I had not crocheted much for several years, so at first my work looked like a distracted child did it. Then it got better when I started increasing the complexity of stitches using a 300-stitch design book called Harmony-something. It took a lot of tearing back errors but that makes you more careful about counting. In the long run a few mistakes are okay on a dishrag. Like who cares! :auiqs.jpg:

I can’t crochet any more. The cotton is too fine and my hands ached for three days the last time I made Christmas doilies for one of the local shops.

Knitting and hand sewing are OK for now. I have lots of activities I find relaxing and fun and my friends are already plotting sneaking across the border to Buffalo for a Jay’s game.

My stress attacks relate to a close family members/friends, both of whom are going through a difficult time, making very bad decisions, and blaming others for the resulting chaos.

I really am too old for this shit. And I know that.

My cardiologist is a sweetie. He knows I’m good about doctors’ orders. And all my numbers are good - heart rate, blood pressure, and function. Just stop letting people make unrealistic demands.
Wow your relative and friends story sounds like what I was going through about 30 years a go and I was beside myself with worries. Then one day a very wise friend told me to do what her friend said worked for her. It goes basically like this: when a problem seems to arise that is in any upsetting, do some division about the situation at hand. Divide the issue by 3 over who owns it, yes or no?
1. Is it my hands?
2. Is it in her or his hands??
3. Is it one of those things that are just in God's hands?
That should help clarify any guilt you feel that really gets you down, because you likely don't own the solution to someone else's emotional turf unless you stuck the needle in their eye.

I hope that little trick helps unmuddle your heartstrings until you're hearing more harmony in your heart and soul. :huddle:
I'm headed to the local hospital this afternoon for a stress test, and tomorrow I'll get a lecture from my cardiologist tomorrow. I had a stress attack so bad last week Wednesday, that I thought I was having a heart attack. I spent the afternoon at the hospital wired up to multiple monitors. My doctor immediately referred me to the cardiologist and here we are.

The last time this happened (4 years ago), I got a lecture that I am not 50 any more or even 60. I have to learn to say "No". I doubt this one will be any less of a lecture.

So much for the idea that you have to wait forever to see a specialist in Canada.
Hope you're all better now, Dragonlady. I always sit down and crochet a challenging lace design or a potholder for a friend. Giving your time to someone you like is an excellent chill device. Hang in there. You will be beating back at stress when you find an activity you like. I had not crocheted much for several years, so at first my work looked like a distracted child did it. Then it got better when I started increasing the complexity of stitches using a 300-stitch design book called Harmony-something. It took a lot of tearing back errors but that makes you more careful about counting. In the long run a few mistakes are okay on a dishrag. Like who cares! :auiqs.jpg:

I can’t crochet any more. The cotton is too fine and my hands ached for three days the last time I made Christmas doilies for one of the local shops.

Knitting and hand sewing are OK for now. I have lots of activities I find relaxing and fun and my friends are already plotting sneaking across the border to Buffalo for a Jay’s game.

My stress attacks relate to a close family members/friends, both of whom are going through a difficult time, making very bad decisions, and blaming others for the resulting chaos.

I really am too old for this shit. And I know that.

My cardiologist is a sweetie. He knows I’m good about doctors’ orders. And all my numbers are good - heart rate, blood pressure, and function. Just stop letting people make unrealistic demands.
Wow your relative and friends story sounds like what I was going through about 30 years a go and I was beside myself with worries. Then one day a very wise friend told me to do what her friend said worked for her. It goes basically like this: when a problem seems to arise that is in any upsetting, do some division about the situation at hand. Divide the issue by 3 over who owns it, yes or no?
1. Is it my hands?
2. Is it in her or his hands??
3. Is it one of those things that are just in God's hands?
That should help clarify any guilt you feel that really gets you down, because you likely don't own the solution to someone else's emotional turf unless you stuck the needle in their eye.

I hope that little trick helps unmuddle your heartstrings until you're hearing more harmony in your heart and soul. :huddle:

It is wise advice. I went down this road with my brother and learned long ago that you can’t help those who won’t help themselves, and worse, are lying to you.

My brother made it through. But he had to do it in his own time.
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Hi folks, prayers up for all of you who are experiencing troubles in their lives.
My hand is getting better but still hurts from daily usage (as expected). Starting to get back to getting rid of things and getting some of the to do list done. Trying to have fun on the muzzleloading forum but sometimes my humor is "unappreciated" and I have to be careful, it's not an open site like this one. they're a lot more strict........
The other day one member was selling one of his flintlocks and another guy wanted to know who made the gun....... Instead of "Who" he typed "ho" made the gun. Obviously the gun didn't look Vietnamese and I stated as much....... A half hour later my post was gone. :lol:
Someone earlier today wanted to know how much their balls weigh.............. It's taking every ounce of willpower for me not to respond in my kind......... :cool:
Oh and when we refer to balls on the site we are referring to round lead balls (projectiles).
Sounds like "Traditional Muzzle loading" forum.
Actually I might enter this :)
Walmart 500.jpg
For you stargazers...

View attachment 493236

I love these kinds of celestial phenomena and thank you for this information Ridgerunner. But here in New Mexico the schedule looks like this:

Albuquerque NM:
3 hours, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
Duration of totality: 14 minutes, 28 seconds
Penumbral begins: May 26 at 2:47:39 am (2:47)
Partial begins: May 26 at 3:44:58 am
Full begins: May 26 at 5:11:26 am (5:11)
Maximum: May 26 at 5:18:42 am
Full ends: May 26 at 5:25:54 am
Moonset: May 26 at 6:03:00 am

I don't know where the emoticons in there came from & I couldn't edit them out. Weird.

I just don't think I can stay up that late or get up that early. But we'll see.
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Heads up to everyone. I see lots of old age (me) ailments (me) I take a CBD oil sometimes, non THC stuff. Legal every state. Cuts pain, anxiety...

Now. Tucker Carlson took advice "leave Fox, start your own business" He is.

Called "sage elxir" scroll 2/3 down the page there is a free trial link. I also got the cream. Think it was just pay shipping.

free trial link. Mighty Leaf
Hi folks, prayers up for all of you who are experiencing troubles in their lives.
My hand is getting better but still hurts from daily usage (as expected). Starting to get back to getting rid of things and getting some of the to do list done. Trying to have fun on the muzzleloading forum but sometimes my humor is "unappreciated" and I have to be careful, it's not an open site like this one. they're a lot more strict........
The other day one member was selling one of his flintlocks and another guy wanted to know who made the gun....... Instead of "Who" he typed "ho" made the gun. Obviously the gun didn't look Vietnamese and I stated as much....... A half hour later my post was gone. :lol:
Someone earlier today wanted to know how much their balls weigh.............. It's taking every ounce of willpower for me not to respond in my kind......... :cool:
Oh and when we refer to balls on the site we are referring to round lead balls (projectiles).
Sounds like "Traditional Muzzle loading" forum.
Why would you think that? :D
Heads up to everyone. I see lots of old age (me) ailments (me) I take a CBD oil sometimes, non THC stuff. Legal every state. Cuts pain, anxiety...

Now. Tucker Carlson took advice "leave Fox, start your own business" He is.

Called "sage elxir" scroll 2/3 down the page there is a free trial link. I also got the cream. Think it was just pay shipping.

free trial link. Mighty Leaf

This is good information. I've been using CBD oil, Hemp oil & similar products for some time now and coupled with an acetaminophen now and then are as or more effective as the nsaids that really do terrible things to your innards and I can't take any more.
Heads up to everyone. I see lots of old age (me) ailments (me) I take a CBD oil sometimes, non THC stuff. Legal every state. Cuts pain, anxiety...

Now. Tucker Carlson took advice "leave Fox, start your own business" He is.

Called "sage elxir" scroll 2/3 down the page there is a free trial link. I also got the cream. Think it was just pay shipping.

free trial link. Mighty Leaf

This is good information. I've been using CBD oil, Hemp oil & similar products for some time now and coupled with an acetaminophen now and then are as or more effective as the nsaids that really do terrible things to your innards and I can't take any more.
Unfortunately CBD could interfere with the way one of my meds works....

This is good information. I've been using CBD oil, Hemp oil & similar products for some time now and coupled with an acetaminophen now and then are as or more effective as the nsaids that really do terrible things to your innards and I can't take any more.

I try to stay as "natural" as I can. Herbal, organic etc. DR Mandel on utube has great short vids on natural methods.
Okay, this kind of joke isn't really my thing, but this one made me laugh. So. . .

A man walks into a bar with a paper bag. He sits down and places the bag on the counter. The bartender walks up and asks what’s in the bag.

The man reaches into the bag and pulls out a little man, of about 12 inches height, and sets him on the counter. He reaches back into the bag and pulls out a small piano, setting it on the counter as well. He reaches into the bag once again and pulls out a tiny piano bench. The little man sits down at the piano and starts playing a beautiful piece by Mozart.

“Where on earth did you get that ???” asked the surprised bartender. The man responds by reaching into the paper bag. This time he pulls out a magic lamp. He hands it to the bartender and says: “Here. Rub it.”

So the bartender rubs the lamp, and suddenly there’s a gust of smoke and a beautiful genie is standing before him. “I will grant you one wish – just one.”

The bartender gets real excited. Without hesitating he says, “I want a million bucks !”
A few moments later, a duck walks into the bar. Another duck, then another soon follow it. Pretty soon, the entire bar is filled with ducks and they keep coming!
The bartender turns to the man and says, “You know, I think your genie’s a little deaf. I asked for a million bucks, not a million ducks.”

The man replies, “Do you really think I asked for a 12 inch pianist?”

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