USMB Coffee Shop IV




I have the baking kind of polymer clay but it has a hard time sticking to glass, plus the vases I bought today are kinda do I put them in the oven with the clay? Lots of questions, so I went to youtube and watching AIR DRY CLAY, on tissue paper glued to the bottles, no baking needed.

Ordered what I needed and all my stuff will be here tomorrow and around the 5th of July. Guess what I will be doing? :biggrin:

Check this out...the youtube vid showing how to do it.

I actually did another side table with koi fish on it (painted, not clay). I had it listed at 150 bucks. Then I lowered it to 100. Now its at 75. If I was still at the beach, I'd get 200 or more for it since the table has claw feet and is oval in shape..very nice..antique actually. Alas..not here. Times of today don't help either. Who can afford that??
Anyway..I won't go lower, so right now, its in the bathroom with scarves over it to protect the finish, holding toilet paper, lol. I'll keep it before I let it go for less than 75 and even that gripes my ass (the lowered price).

So now...I just do stuff for fun and to keep me occupied while I am stuck in this hell hole.
Where am I and how did I get here???

I just found this vid. These guys did this in a lunch room.

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Hang on sloopy. You're obviously not a newby at USMB but happy you decided to check us out. I love the Bee Gees and enjoyed that clip.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage. Since it's after 1 a.m. here I'll make it nightcap:
One other thing why I enjoy doing this is....when I can't sleep (note the time, lol), it gives me something to do. I started this at around midnight. 3 hours so far, and most of the new lizard is done except for detail, eyes, baking, painting it and scaley bumps and such. That will be tomorrow..or rather..later on today since it is already 3:30am.

But..I think I can sleep now. Or at least give it a go.

Night night.
Record heat in the north this weekend, and grossly humid...
View attachment 497449
Except for Grand Maris up on Lake Superior in the 50's. The wind off the chilly lake frequently keeps that area much cooler.
Lot of 90s up there. It's been pleasant in the great Piney Woods region of the Lone Star State with...<drumroll>...more rain.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 99 and humid. Just last week we had the 40's.
Nothing like easing into summer.
Next up the mosquitoes that carry small pets away.
Kinda like when I lived in Northern Virginia. The humidity levels would get up to nearly the temperature levels. At least here in the southwest when it hits a hundred + the humidity levels are usually below 35%.
I remember when I was in Phoenix that 90 degrees didn't feel all that bad in the dry air.
The humidity here makes it hard to breathe and you sweat with no effort, so your clothes get damp and stick to you providing no cooling effect.

Same in Kansas when we lived there. It could be 90f with near 100% humidity at midnight. Brutal.
I am a fellow Kansan,,when you were there,did you ever take in a Royals game by chance?
Glad to see you drop by Foxfyre's wonderful USMB coffee lounge, LA RAM FAN. :thup:

Oh he has been on the roster here for years, but also happy to see him back for a visit. :)
Hope thst still holds when I say this,I seldom came here over the years cause gomer Pyle Ollie was here that you got done talking about,whether you realise it or not he is a shill from Langley,paid to come here and troll by his boss.he defends the governments version of events of corruption and atrocity’s the CIA commits against other countries no matter how absurd the governments version of events are.the media is just a tool for the government,they don’t do any investigating.they only report what they want you to hear,he ignores evidence that the government is behind these events and Their boogeyman they say is behind it is just a patsy. When the REAL culprit is none other than the CIA,it’s them always starting wars with other countries,they are a terrorist organization that makes the third Reich look like a bunch of choir boys.
That's simply not true LA RAM FAN. I've known Ollie for years now and he's as good a citizen and straight arrow as any person on Earth. And the Coffee Shop is not the place to air grievances about other people on USMB or discuss politics please. It was established as a refuge from all that and for 11 years now it has served that purpose very well. Thanks for understanding.
well hopefully he has changed his ways sense then,I sure hope so,anyways sorry about going off on him,you being friends with him and all,wont happen again. Its time for me to get past my arguments with him from the past and let it go ,that was a long time ago.

as the title of the book is called THAT WAS THEN,THIS IS NOW.time to focus on the present,forget what was said in the past with each other.let bygones be bygones

speaking of that book by SE HINTON,you remember reading that one as a kid> great book.all her books were.:)

Good night, afternoon, morning or whatever darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis in yet another transition.
Ringel for continued healing.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

On June 7, 2014, the first ocean going vessel navigates through the Panama Canal.
View attachment 498199
Well that was a major
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:
Yeah good to see you again.lump,how is the

mmm .. it's seems I have a dirty mind today.. :lol:

sweeeet .. LA RAM FAN is here.. Hello
just wondering Lump i have always ASSUMED you were a dude cause of your user name but you never know,am i correct? LOL:auiqs.jpg: also are you a sports fan by chance?
I've always thought you were a girl but after a while eh .. I didn't know .. now ,, what, you're a dude?

I'm a fair weather sports fan only because my chosen teams usually lose..

Best Sport .. Ice Hockey .. Go Vegas..
oh my god,that blows me away your a gal,i just always assumed you were a dude cause of lumpy from leave it to beaver.:auiqs.jpg:
.. :eusa_doh: .. wrong wrong wrong
Good news here. Today I walked up the 15 stairs with pain in the background instead of up front. My scar is no longer pink, and my range of motion gets better with each workout, walk, or stretch. In addition all that coughing and allergic reactions that resulted in asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and never ending sneezing is all gone. IOW, I seem to be quite well. And I've lost 25 pounds. So I owe all those of you who sent up a little prayer a thanks, because God was listening. I'm well, and it feels good.
Record heat in the north this weekend, and grossly humid...
View attachment 497449
Except for Grand Maris up on Lake Superior in the 50's. The wind off the chilly lake frequently keeps that area much cooler.
Lot of 90s up there. It's been pleasant in the great Piney Woods region of the Lone Star State with...<drumroll>...more rain.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 99 and humid. Just last week we had the 40's.
Nothing like easing into summer.
Next up the mosquitoes that carry small pets away.
Kinda like when I lived in Northern Virginia. The humidity levels would get up to nearly the temperature levels. At least here in the southwest when it hits a hundred + the humidity levels are usually below 35%.
I remember when I was in Phoenix that 90 degrees didn't feel all that bad in the dry air.
The humidity here makes it hard to breathe and you sweat with no effort, so your clothes get damp and stick to you providing no cooling effect.

Same in Kansas when we lived there. It could be 90f with near 100% humidity at midnight. Brutal.
I am a fellow Kansan,,when you were there,did you ever take in a Royals game by chance?
Glad to see you drop by Foxfyre's wonderful USMB coffee lounge, LA RAM FAN. :thup:

Oh he has been on the roster here for years, but also happy to see him back for a visit. :)
Hope thst still holds when I say this,I seldom came here over the years cause gomer Pyle Ollie was here that you got done talking about,whether you realise it or not he is a shill from Langley,paid to come here and troll by his boss.he defends the governments version of events of corruption and atrocity’s the CIA commits against other countries no matter how absurd the governments version of events are.the media is just a tool for the government,they don’t do any investigating.they only report what they want you to hear,he ignores evidence that the government is behind these events and Their boogeyman they say is behind it is just a patsy. When the REAL culprit is none other than the CIA,it’s them always starting wars with other countries,they are a terrorist organization that makes the third Reich look like a bunch of choir boys.
That's simply not true LA RAM FAN. I've known Ollie for years now and he's as good a citizen and straight arrow as any person on Earth. And the Coffee Shop is not the place to air grievances about other people on USMB or discuss politics please. It was established as a refuge from all that and for 11 years now it has served that purpose very well. Thanks for understanding.
well hopefully he has changed his ways sense then,I sure hope so,anyways sorry about going off on him,you being friends with him and all,wont happen again. Its time for me to get past my arguments with him from the past and let it go ,that was a long time ago.

as the title of the book is called THAT WAS THEN,THIS IS NOW.time to focus on the present,forget what was said in the past with each other.let bygones be bygones

speaking of that book by SE HINTON,you remember reading that one as a kid> great book.all her books were.:)

Good night, afternoon, morning or whatever darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis in yet another transition.
Ringel for continued healing.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

On June 7, 2014, the first ocean going vessel navigates through the Panama Canal.
View attachment 498199
Well that was a major
So anyway .. the garden and the low budget greenhouses (plastic) are pretty well planted .. all seems well .. it's June after all!

SoOo ..What's with these frost threats .... :confused:

Hello fellow USMB Coffee Shop IV-ers .. just saying hello and Lumpin grumpin a little..

..Hugs, best wishes and such... ;)

Lumpy's back! :woohoo:
Yeah good to see you again.lump,how is the

mmm .. it's seems I have a dirty mind today.. :lol:

sweeeet .. LA RAM FAN is here.. Hello
just wondering Lump i have always ASSUMED you were a dude cause of your user name but you never know,am i correct? LOL:auiqs.jpg: also are you a sports fan by chance?
I've always thought you were a girl but after a while eh .. I didn't know .. now ,, what, you're a dude?

I'm a fair weather sports fan only because my chosen teams usually lose..

Best Sport .. Ice Hockey .. Go Vegas..
oh my god,that blows me away your a gal,i just always assumed you were a dude cause of lumpy from leave it to beaver.:auiqs.jpg:
.. :eusa_doh: .. wrong wrong wrong
I'm chalking this one up to boys will be boys.
Having no siblings may be one of my biggest disappointment's... I have had some really close friends in my life but, I feel a little slighted from an emotional viewpoint...

This article captures the way I have always pictured brothers and sisters and the way life should be...

Yes, that's the way it should be and sometimes is. And alas sometimes it isn't.
Having no siblings may be one of my biggest disappointment's... I have had some really close friends in my life but, I feel a little slighted from an emotional viewpoint...

This article captures the way I have always pictured brothers and sisters and the way life should be...

You can choose your friends, but not your family. This can be a blessing for some people.
Sounds like it was more pleasant and fun for you than stressful. :)

Oh yes ma'am... Have been having a wonderful time... 5 more full days till they leave... Meredith arranged with a friend to take her and my Son and family + 4 nephews and a niece on a Yacht for the afternoon... I'm not sure if I am real nautical, so I stayed home to take care of the livestock... They swam with the Dolphins at the Kahala Hilton yesterday and a good time was had by all...
Big family shindig tomorrow night with all kinds of Local food and music... There will be 35 of 40 people here... I may have to have a drink... :wine:

Life is good... :04:
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