USMB Coffee Shop IV

Updates on life in the frozen north:

This is what it looked like out my front window after the storm had ended - facing west. The street on the south side of the building had already been plowed. It's been really cold for the last week, so there's very little ice, thank heavens. This street has now been plowed, and the sidewalks shoveled, I think. What I can see from here is shoveled. I haven't left the house since my daughter took me grocery shopping before she left. I need to go out tomorrow. I'm out of allergy medication.

My landlord has been trying to raise my rents illegally for years. Rents have skyrocketed since I moved here in 2015. This place was below market when I moved here and with rent controls, the landlord could get twice what I'm paying if I were to move. I can't afford to pay twice the rent I'm paying now. My oldest daughter recently moved when her landlord wanted to cash in on these prices and sell. It took her over a year to find a place. There are no vacancies and she was prepared to move to the other side of Toronto, if necessary.

I agreed to give him more money, if he fixed up the place. Nothing extravagent. A clothes dryer that works. A fridge that is less than 30 years old. His response was to refuse to accept any more rent from me, and then try to evict me because my rent is in arrears. If you think that sounds crazy, this is a man who replaced the 20 watt fuses that blew with a 15 watt fuse and then pocketed the "evidence" that our electrical system was dangerous, telling us that the problem was solved.

I have not filed a tenant's rights application against the landlord. He's a foolish old man but I don't want him criminally charged or fined $50,000 which is what could happen to him at this point. I just want to live in a building that isn't going to blow up or burn down around me, have appliances that work, and be left to sew in peace.

Yesterday I gave the landlord's agent, Mr. Ed, one last chance to do the right thing before the eviction hearing yesterday. I call him Mr. Ed because his name is Ed, and he's a horse's ass. I offered him an extension of the hearing date to give his client time to fix the hydro, and not face any fines. He lied, said he knew nothing about any of this and it wasn't his fault.

I practically begged this man to get his client to deal with the hydro. I told him that all I want is for the landlord to deal with the repair issues. The other tenants are frightened. And he kept responding that none of this was his fault because he knew nothing about it. I guess he didn't read the letters I sent him in September or October, or the evidence package I sent him last week. By the end of the day Mr. Ed sounded as loony as his client.

All of the illegal rent I had been paying him over the years meant that my rent was prepaid. When he was adding up the arrears, he counted it as paid for the month, but not the amount I paid - an extra $100 or $200 a month for the past three years. Every illegal $$ he collected went to pay for the months he refused the rent money. I wasn't in arrears at all, and I already knew the case would be tossed the next day.

The young duty counsel I spoke to before the hearing, confirmed that the case would be dismissed if I had filed proof of payment of the amount I claimed. I had nothing to fear. I knew this from the moment he handed me the Notice to Vacate. I believed this to be true, but when he said it, I breathed a whole lot easier. He also told me to check out Section 83 of the Act, and told me to let him know what happened at the hearing.

They do all uncontested cases first and then move on to the contested. I made toast and waited but not very long. It was something around 10:30 when they told me that neither the Landlord nor Mr. Ed had shown up, nor had they phoned in. I was moved to the uncontested group. They put me in the next hearing room, I asked the Adjudicator about the electrical problems, and he said to file a Tenant's Rights Application right away. The landlord ducked the hearing today and you've got 6 months before he can try to get you out again. Call our office they'll help you with your application. If there are work orders issued against this landlord, it will go very badly for him at the Tribunal. This case is done. Case dismissed.

Not long after my case was dismissed, there was a gas leak in the apartment downstairs. Desperate yelling about turning the power off right away. My neighbour across the hall was sobbing that she can't take much more of this.

This afternoon I got a snarky email from Mr. Ed saying that he would have beaten me if he had showed up (no he wouldn't), but that he was unable to connect to the zoom meeting (liar), happens all of the time (he could have joined the hearing by telephone), and he'll get me next time. If I had ever argued a case in front of the Tribunal I would know how strong his case was. Well that much was true. He didn't have a case. I'm telling him that the tenants in this building are fearing for their lives and he's trying to start a pissing contest.

Mr. Ed fucked up the paperwork and he's going to tell the landlord that he would have gotten his order, if only he could have joined the meeting. Which is of course a big fat lie. He ducked out because he was going to lose and he knew it. What Mr. Ed doesn't know is that there isn't going to be a next time.

Ontario also has whistle blower protection for tenants who report bad landlords. Once my rights application is filed the landlord and/or property standards orders are issued because I reported the problem, the Landlord can never evict me unless I don't pay my rent for real. That's Section 83 of the Act which the duty counsel lawyer told me to check out. This is why I checked in with Duty Counsel when I got to Zoom Court. I'm always learning.

Not only, can the landlord not evict me, he can't evict ANYONE in the building, until he fixes things. And he can't evict me ever because I filed complaints with the Tribunal and the ESA over the conditions at the property. Whatever money my landlord paid Mr. Ed, he needs to ask for his money back. But I must file a Tenant's Right claim against the landlord to protect all of the tenants here from conditions in the building which are threatening our lives.

I tried to get an inspector out last summer, but it's a small town. My Landlord has lived here all of his life and I just moved here 6 years ago. He's passing around the story that I'm just a deadbeat bitch from Toronto, making trouble for someone you went to school with. I can't get anyone to do work for me, and the building inspector didn't even send me a report.

The legendary Toronto law firm of Legge and Legge is going to deal with getting me inspections and work orders. I dated John Legge's best friend when John was in law School. John's parents were Legge and Legge. Some junior mortgage officer at a small trust company once snarked to John "Have you even read the Trustees Act?", and John replied "Yes, I have. My mother wrote it, and my best friend edited it. What would you like to know?". His mother was the first female bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada and a Canadian feminist icon. Both of his parents received the Order of Canada. Today the firm is John and his wife Mary. They were newly married and both in law school when I met them. Their son Jamie will be helping me with inspections.

Now if we can just get the landlord to do the repairs, before the Tribunal hearing, he can stop the $50,000 tenants right fines from happening. Any fines associated with the work orders are his own foolishness in ignoring real problems for so long.

The electrical inspector will be here Friday.


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Updates on life in the frozen north:

This is what it looked like out my front window after the storm had ended - facing west. The street on the south side of the building had already been plowed. It's been really cold for the last week, so there's very little ice, thank heavens. This street has now been plowed, and the sidewalks shoveled, I think. What I can see from here is shoveled. I haven't left the house since my daughter took me grocery shopping before she left. I need to go out tomorrow. I'm out of allergy medication.

My landlord has been trying to raise my rents illegally for years. Rents have skyrocketed since I moved here in 2015. This place was below market when I moved here and with rent controls, the landlord could get twice what I'm paying if I were to move. I can't afford to pay twice the rent I'm paying now. My oldest daughter recently moved when her landlord wanted to cash in on these prices and sell. It took her over a year to find a place. There are no vacancies and she was prepared to move to the other side of Toronto, if necessary.

I agreed to give him more money, if he fixed up the place. Nothing extravagent. A clothes dryer that works. A fridge that is less than 30 years old. His response was to refuse to accept any more rent from me, and then try to evict me because my rent is in arrears. If you think that sounds crazy, this is a man who replaced the 20 watt fuses that blew with a 15 watt fuse and then pocketed the "evidence" that our electrical system was dangerous, telling us that the problem was solved.

I have not filed a tenant's rights application against the landlord. He's a foolish old man but I don't want him criminally charged or fined $50,000 which is what could happen to him at this point. I just want to live in a building that isn't going to blow up or burn down around me, have appliances that work, and be left to sew in peace.

Yesterday I gave the landlord's agent, Mr. Ed, one last chance to do the right thing before the eviction hearing yesterday. I call him Mr. Ed because his name is Ed, and he's a horse's ass. I offered him an extension of the hearing date to give his client time to fix the hydro, and not face any fines. He lied, said he knew nothing about any of this and it wasn't his fault.

I practically begged this man to get his client to deal with the hydro. I told him that all I want is for the landlord to deal with the repair issues. The other tenants are frightened. And he kept responding that none of this was his fault because he knew nothing about it. I guess he didn't read the letters I sent him in September or October, or the evidence package I sent him last week. By the end of the day Mr. Ed sounded as loony as his client.

All of the illegal rent I had been paying him over the years meant that my rent was prepaid. When he was adding up the arrears, he counted it as paid for the month, but not the amount I paid - an extra $100 or $200 a month for the past three years. Every illegal $$ he collected went to pay for the months he refused the rent money. I wasn't in arrears at all, and I already knew the case would be tossed the next day.

The young duty counsel I spoke to before the hearing, confirmed that the case would be dismissed if I had filed proof of payment of the amount I claimed. I had nothing to fear. I knew this from the moment he handed me the Notice to Vacate. I believed this to be true, but when he said it, I breathed a whole lot easier. He also told me to check out Section 83 of the Act, and told me to let him know what happened at the hearing.

They do all uncontested cases first and then move on to the contested. I made toast and waited but not very long. It was something around 10:30 when they told me that neither the Landlord nor Mr. Ed had shown up, nor had they phoned in. I was moved to the uncontested group. They put me in the next hearing room, I asked the Adjudicator about the electrical problems, and he said to file a Tenant's Rights Application right away. The landlord ducked the hearing today and you've got 6 months before he can try to get you out again. Call our office they'll help you with your application. If there are work orders issued against this landlord, it will go very badly for him at the Tribunal. This case is done. Case dismissed.

Not long after my case was dismissed, there was a gas leak in the apartment downstairs. Desperate yelling about turning the power off right away. My neighbour across the hall was sobbing that she can't take much more of this.

This afternoon I got a snarky email from Mr. Ed saying that he would have beaten me if he had showed up (no he wouldn't), but that he was unable to connect to the zoom meeting (liar), happens all of the time (he could have joined the hearing by telephone), and he'll get me next time. If I had ever argued a case in front of the Tribunal I would know how strong his case was. Well that much was true. He didn't have a case. I'm telling him that the tenants in this building are fearing for their lives and he's trying to start a pissing contest.

Mr. Ed fucked up the paperwork and he's going to tell the landlord that he would have gotten his order, if only he could have joined the meeting. Which is of course a big fat lie. He ducked out because he was going to lose and he knew it. What Mr. Ed doesn't know is that there isn't going to be a next time.

Ontario also has whistle blower protection for tenants who report bad landlords. Once my rights application is filed the landlord and/or property standards orders are issued because I reported the problem, the Landlord can never evict me unless I don't pay my rent for real. That's Section 83 of the Act which the duty counsel lawyer told me to check out. This is why I checked in with Duty Counsel when I got to Zoom Court. I'm always learning.

Not only, can the landlord not evict me, he can't evict ANYONE in the building, until he fixes things. And he can't evict me ever because I filed complaints with the Tribunal and the ESA over the conditions at the property. Whatever money my landlord paid Mr. Ed, he needs to ask for his money back. But I must file a Tenant's Right claim against the landlord to protect all of the tenants here from conditions in the building which are threatening our lives.

I tried to get an inspector out last summer, but it's a small town. My Landlord has lived here all of his life and I just moved here 6 years ago. He's passing around the story that I'm just a deadbeat bitch from Toronto, making trouble for someone you went to school with. I can't get anyone to do work for me, and the building inspector didn't even send me a report.

The legendary Toronto law firm of Legge and Legge is going to deal with getting me inspections and work orders. I dated John Legge's best friend when John was in law School. John's parents were Legge and Legge. Some junior mortgage officer at a small trust company once snarked to John "Have you even read the Trustees Act?", and John replied "Yes, I have. My mother wrote it, and my best friend edited it. What would you like to know?". His mother was the first female bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada and a Canadian feminist icon. Both of his parents received the Order of Canada. Today the firm is John and his wife Mary. They were newly married and both in law school when I met them. Their son Jamie will be helping me with inspections.

Now if we can just get the landlord to do the repairs, before the Tribunal hearing, he can stop the $50,000 tenants right fines from happening. Any fines associated with the work orders are his own foolishness in ignoring real problems for so long.

The electrical inspector will be here Friday.
Having been down the road a few times dealing with various kinds of civil cases, I wish I could help you. But way to go DL. (And remind me not to piss you off. :) )
Well, good morning, I just finished off my cuppa Joe and it's time to get shoes on and plant 3 new rosebushes in my garden while the sun is shining. Hope everyone stays well and warm, this Thursday, January 20. I pray for peace between Ukrainians with the Russians, and that the border issue goes away. As a matter of fact, I just pray for World Peace and hope those who can do likewise. Have a lovely day. It's cool but reasonably light here, so with a jacket and good pair of leather shoes, I think I can use a shovel for the first time in a couple of years. I bought an extra small shovel the other day which should minimize the weight for Gramma Moses here. :auiqs.jpg: Love y'all. :huddle:

Already growing:
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Well, the shovel went into the ground that was last tilled a year and half ago. To make matters worse, yesterday's warm sunny day left today with total gray clouds thermometer in the high thirties and A small hole attempt later I hit regrown tree roots when my foot doubled up with a sever cramp. So indoors and turn the tv after putting the rose plants into a shelf in the entrance and a hasty retreat from the greatly cold outdoors. *sigh.* Maybe it will warm up again soon. lol
Updates on life in the frozen north:

This is what it looked like out my front window after the storm had ended - facing west. The street on the south side of the building had already been plowed. It's been really cold for the last week, so there's very little ice, thank heavens. This street has now been plowed, and the sidewalks shoveled, I think. What I can see from here is shoveled. I haven't left the house since my daughter took me grocery shopping before she left. I need to go out tomorrow. I'm out of allergy medication.

My landlord has been trying to raise my rents illegally for years. Rents have skyrocketed since I moved here in 2015. This place was below market when I moved here and with rent controls, the landlord could get twice what I'm paying if I were to move. I can't afford to pay twice the rent I'm paying now. My oldest daughter recently moved when her landlord wanted to cash in on these prices and sell. It took her over a year to find a place. There are no vacancies and she was prepared to move to the other side of Toronto, if necessary.

I agreed to give him more money, if he fixed up the place. Nothing extravagent. A clothes dryer that works. A fridge that is less than 30 years old. His response was to refuse to accept any more rent from me, and then try to evict me because my rent is in arrears. If you think that sounds crazy, this is a man who replaced the 20 watt fuses that blew with a 15 watt fuse and then pocketed the "evidence" that our electrical system was dangerous, telling us that the problem was solved.

I have not filed a tenant's rights application against the landlord. He's a foolish old man but I don't want him criminally charged or fined $50,000 which is what could happen to him at this point. I just want to live in a building that isn't going to blow up or burn down around me, have appliances that work, and be left to sew in peace.

Yesterday I gave the landlord's agent, Mr. Ed, one last chance to do the right thing before the eviction hearing yesterday. I call him Mr. Ed because his name is Ed, and he's a horse's ass. I offered him an extension of the hearing date to give his client time to fix the hydro, and not face any fines. He lied, said he knew nothing about any of this and it wasn't his fault.

I practically begged this man to get his client to deal with the hydro. I told him that all I want is for the landlord to deal with the repair issues. The other tenants are frightened. And he kept responding that none of this was his fault because he knew nothing about it. I guess he didn't read the letters I sent him in September or October, or the evidence package I sent him last week. By the end of the day Mr. Ed sounded as loony as his client.

All of the illegal rent I had been paying him over the years meant that my rent was prepaid. When he was adding up the arrears, he counted it as paid for the month, but not the amount I paid - an extra $100 or $200 a month for the past three years. Every illegal $$ he collected went to pay for the months he refused the rent money. I wasn't in arrears at all, and I already knew the case would be tossed the next day.

The young duty counsel I spoke to before the hearing, confirmed that the case would be dismissed if I had filed proof of payment of the amount I claimed. I had nothing to fear. I knew this from the moment he handed me the Notice to Vacate. I believed this to be true, but when he said it, I breathed a whole lot easier. He also told me to check out Section 83 of the Act, and told me to let him know what happened at the hearing.

They do all uncontested cases first and then move on to the contested. I made toast and waited but not very long. It was something around 10:30 when they told me that neither the Landlord nor Mr. Ed had shown up, nor had they phoned in. I was moved to the uncontested group. They put me in the next hearing room, I asked the Adjudicator about the electrical problems, and he said to file a Tenant's Rights Application right away. The landlord ducked the hearing today and you've got 6 months before he can try to get you out again. Call our office they'll help you with your application. If there are work orders issued against this landlord, it will go very badly for him at the Tribunal. This case is done. Case dismissed.

Not long after my case was dismissed, there was a gas leak in the apartment downstairs. Desperate yelling about turning the power off right away. My neighbour across the hall was sobbing that she can't take much more of this.

This afternoon I got a snarky email from Mr. Ed saying that he would have beaten me if he had showed up (no he wouldn't), but that he was unable to connect to the zoom meeting (liar), happens all of the time (he could have joined the hearing by telephone), and he'll get me next time. If I had ever argued a case in front of the Tribunal I would know how strong his case was. Well that much was true. He didn't have a case. I'm telling him that the tenants in this building are fearing for their lives and he's trying to start a pissing contest.

Mr. Ed fucked up the paperwork and he's going to tell the landlord that he would have gotten his order, if only he could have joined the meeting. Which is of course a big fat lie. He ducked out because he was going to lose and he knew it. What Mr. Ed doesn't know is that there isn't going to be a next time.

Ontario also has whistle blower protection for tenants who report bad landlords. Once my rights application is filed the landlord and/or property standards orders are issued because I reported the problem, the Landlord can never evict me unless I don't pay my rent for real. That's Section 83 of the Act which the duty counsel lawyer told me to check out. This is why I checked in with Duty Counsel when I got to Zoom Court. I'm always learning.

Not only, can the landlord not evict me, he can't evict ANYONE in the building, until he fixes things. And he can't evict me ever because I filed complaints with the Tribunal and the ESA over the conditions at the property. Whatever money my landlord paid Mr. Ed, he needs to ask for his money back. But I must file a Tenant's Right claim against the landlord to protect all of the tenants here from conditions in the building which are threatening our lives.

I tried to get an inspector out last summer, but it's a small town. My Landlord has lived here all of his life and I just moved here 6 years ago. He's passing around the story that I'm just a deadbeat bitch from Toronto, making trouble for someone you went to school with. I can't get anyone to do work for me, and the building inspector didn't even send me a report.

The legendary Toronto law firm of Legge and Legge is going to deal with getting me inspections and work orders. I dated John Legge's best friend when John was in law School. John's parents were Legge and Legge. Some junior mortgage officer at a small trust company once snarked to John "Have you even read the Trustees Act?", and John replied "Yes, I have. My mother wrote it, and my best friend edited it. What would you like to know?". His mother was the first female bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada and a Canadian feminist icon. Both of his parents received the Order of Canada. Today the firm is John and his wife Mary. They were newly married and both in law school when I met them. Their son Jamie will be helping me with inspections.

Now if we can just get the landlord to do the repairs, before the Tribunal hearing, he can stop the $50,000 tenants right fines from happening. Any fines associated with the work orders are his own foolishness in ignoring real problems for so long.

The electrical inspector will be here Friday.
Prayers up for you and your abused neighbors, Dragonlady. I'm sorry to hear of anyone who doesn't have a thoughtful, caring landlord. :hands:
Well, the shovel went into the ground that was last tilled a year and half ago. To make matters worse, yesterday's warm sunny day left today with total gray clouds thermometer in the high thirties and A small hole attempt later I hit regrown tree roots when my foot doubled up with a sever cramp. So indoors and turn the tv after putting the rose plants into a shelf in the entrance and a hasty retreat from the greatly cold outdoors. *sigh.* Maybe it will warm up again soon. lol
I thought I saw some kind of freeze warning or winter weather advisory for south Texas on the news yesterday or today. And here we are in New Mexico desperate for some winter weather that we greatly need and it's cool, but not really cold, and the sun shines brightly.
I thought I saw some kind of freeze warning or winter weather advisory for south Texas on the news yesterday or today. And here we are in New Mexico desperate for some winter weather that we greatly need and it's cool, but not really cold, and the sun shines brightly.
I refuse to send cold foot cramp weather anywhere!!! But maybe God will. :)
Having been down the road a few times dealing with various kinds of civil cases, I wish I could help you. But way to go DL. (And remind me not to piss you off. :) )

You're not the first person to say that Foxfyre. As I said to someone yesterday. I'm a retired Bay Street law clerk. I was paid to screw people over, and look for legal ways to do it. And if I wasn't really, really good at my job, I would never have made it to Bay Street. I'm trying to help the landlord avoid still more fines and penalties but there's no fool like an old fool.

I was happy when he hired a paralegal, someone who knew the law, and could talk some sense into him and tell him he couldn't do that stuff. Mr. Ed is an ex traffic cop who does mostly traffic tickets and DUI's, and knows how to fill out the paperwork to evict tenants who are behind in their rent. He knows nothing about the Residential Tenancy Act, or what happens to bad landlords under the Act.

I had a lovely chat with the Toronto lawyers today. He had a couple of good suggestions for creating a paper trail with the gas company. The have a reporting line for smelling gas. We'd just been calling the landlord. The ESA asked me to have my neighbour file a report on her hydro problems so they would have two files on the building - they're already building their paper trail for charges and that's exactly what she said to me.

The woman across the hall was sobbing after the landlord's son and the furnace guy left and she packed her clothes and went to her ex husband's for the night. He lives 3 or 4 houses up the street from here. The woman downstairs hasn't even been home through all of this. I don't know whether she's even been contacted.

My street was finally plowed this morning. We got about 2 feet of snow here Monday. My friend was supposed to pick up cat litter for me last week and he finally dropped it off today. When the second cat showed up, I started buying the giant economy size bags of litter and food, but I can't carry these bags home on my bike. However, I can keep two cats for only $1 a week more than I spent on one cat.

I was very jealous of you yesterday, Beautress. Roses are my favourite flowers. You're planting roses and we're digging out from under the worst blizzard in years. There will be no rose planting here until early May. I don't begrudge the snow. If it doesn't snow in winter, we have drought conditions for planting and low yields. I went out shopping on Sunday before it hit. I had lots of movies on my PVR when my satellite signal was lost in the storm, a fully stocked fridge, and the Australian Open when the satellite isn't down.
I refuse to send cold foot cramp weather anywhere!!! But maybe God will. :)

Bananas are good for preventing cramps - potassium. I get them in my legs and feet if I forget to eat my bananas.
You're not the first person to say that Foxfyre. As I said to someone yesterday. I'm a retired Bay Street law clerk. I was paid to screw people over, and look for legal ways to do it. And if I wasn't really, really good at my job, I would never have made it to Bay Street. I'm trying to help the landlord avoid still more fines and penalties but there's no fool like an old fool.

I was happy when he hired a paralegal, someone who knew the law, and could talk some sense into him and tell him he couldn't do that stuff. Mr. Ed is an ex traffic cop who does mostly traffic tickets and DUI's, and knows how to fill out the paperwork to evict tenants who are behind in their rent. He knows nothing about the Residential Tenancy Act, or what happens to bad landlords under the Act.

I had a lovely chat with the Toronto lawyers today. He had a couple of good suggestions for creating a paper trail with the gas company. The have a reporting line for smelling gas. We'd just been calling the landlord. The ESA asked me to have my neighbour file a report on her hydro problems so they would have two files on the building - they're already building their paper trail for charges and that's exactly what she said to me.

The woman across the hall was sobbing after the landlord's son and the furnace guy left and she packed her clothes and went to her ex husband's for the night. He lives 3 or 4 houses up the street from here. The woman downstairs hasn't even been home through all of this. I don't know whether she's even been contacted.

My street was finally plowed this morning. We got about 2 feet of snow here Monday. My friend was supposed to pick up cat litter for me last week and he finally dropped it off today. When the second cat showed up, I started buying the giant economy size bags of litter and food, but I can't carry these bags home on my bike. However, I can keep two cats for only $1 a week more than I spent on one cat.

I was very jealous of you yesterday, Beautress. Roses are my favourite flowers. You're planting roses and we're digging out from under the worst blizzard in years. There will be no rose planting here until early May. I don't begrudge the snow. If it doesn't snow in winter, we have drought conditions for planting and low yields. I went out shopping on Sunday before it hit. I had lots of movies on my PVR when my satellite signal was lost in the storm, a fully stocked fridge, and the Australian Open when the satellite isn't down.

Bananas are good for preventing cramps - potassium. I get them in my legs and feet if I forget to eat my bananas.
Thanks, Dragonlady. I eat bananas every day too, but if I buy more than 4 the rest go bad, and on forgetful days i forget to buy 4 more after running out. Then it's all night long foot and leg cramps. I may be trying to come down with adult onset diabetes, so when I substituted a "lowers blood sugar" formula I found, I got 2 extra days added on of not having to go to the store and wear a mask. For some reason I have missed out on getting Covid, but a year before Covid was brought over here, I was sick the whole darn year of allergies, bronchitis, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, post nasal drip, pneumonia, sneeze-a-thons, pneumonia, allergies, etc. Now I take a zinc, A, and D tablet, and an occasional blast of ginger supplement, cardamom supplement, cloves from the kitchen mouthwash, and in a crisis, a nutmet supplement. And when I ran out of Centrum, they'd come out with a new supplement route of smaller tablets with increased vitamins recommended for seniors. Now, I actually have a little energy, but it gets quickly consumed if I use the walking machine and rowing machine more than 15 minutes total. So I reduced my use of mechanical devices to about 12 minutes, which guaratees no aftereffects from excercise. I know there are people 100 years old who run marathons, and the more power to them, but some sources of allergy victims like me encourage a moderate exercise program.Moderation is good because it keeps your spirits up, but it's bad because you're just not 20 anymore. :auiqs.jpg:

The Weather people say we have one or two more nights of freezing or near-freezing weather, then it's almost looking like another Indian Summer or early Spring. Around Easter time we usually get one more kick the britches from Ol' Man Winter. *sigh*


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Thanks, Dragonlady. I eat bananas every day too, but if I buy more than 4 the rest go bad, and on forgetful days i forget to buy 4 more after running out. Then it's all night long foot and leg cramps. I may be trying to come down with adult onset diabetes, so when I substituted a "lowers blood sugar" formula I found, I got 2 extra days added on of not having to go to the store and wear a mask. For some reason I have missed out on getting Covid, but a year before Covid was brought over here, I was sick the whole darn year of allergies, bronchitis, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, post nasal drip, pneumonia, sneeze-a-thons, pneumonia, allergies, etc. Now I take a zinc, A, and D tablet, and an occasional blast of ginger supplement, cardamom supplement, cloves from the kitchen mouthwash, and in a crisis, a nutmet supplement. And when I ran out of Centrum, they'd come out with a new supplement route of smaller tablets with increased vitamins recommended for seniors. Now, I actually have a little energy, but it gets quickly consumed if I use the walking machine and rowing machine more than 15 minutes total. So I reduced my use of mechanical devices to about 12 minutes, which guaratees no aftereffects from excercise. I know there are people 100 years old who run marathons, and the more power to them, but some sources of allergy victims like me encourage a moderate exercise program.Moderation is good because it keeps your spirits up, but it's bad because you're just not 20 anymore. :auiqs.jpg:

The Weather people say we have one or two more nights of freezing or near-freezing weather, then it's almost looking like another Indian Summer or early Spring. Around Easter time we usually get one more kick the britches from Ol' Man Winter. *sigh*

I have the same problem buying bananas. I like them a little green and if I can find 3 together in a bunch, that's perfect, but it's always 5. There's one with brown spots sitting on the counter right now. I always think I'll make banana bread with the extras, but that's happened like twice in the past year. I need 2 bananas to make bread and I only have one. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I wanted to ask you about the white rose you were planting. It looks to have a blush of pink in the center. Is that by chance a "Woman Rose". I had a beautiful almost white hybrid tea rose with just the palest blush of pink at the center, that I bought at a local garden centre the first spring we after we moved into DeGrassi Street in Toronto. The fragrance was similarly light and delicate. I had lots of roses in that garden, but this one was special. We moved to the Danforth at the end of May 1999. I was hoping for one last delicate rose before we moved, but the rose never came back that spring.

There's rose on this link called "Secret's Out" that looks like my Woman Rose. But mine had a delicate fragrance

I saw a man immediately. But after studying it for a big saw the dog.

View attachment 590991

I saw the dog immediately. It's BO!!!! My daughter's poodle. The man I saw when I looked but that's Bo!!!
Results of the inspection. The place isn't going to burn down in an electrical fire, and it's not connected to the apartment next door.

But there are 21 outlets on the 15 Watt fuse, including both the microwave and the washer. The fridge is on the same fuse as the ceiling fans/lights in kitchen and living room, and all of the small appliances on the counter. The dryer is the only appliance on a separate circuit, but he made a face when he looked at the junction box in the laundry room. It wasn't a happy face.

None of the plugs are grounded. Many/most have reverse polarity, which is what is frying the electronics. But the worst possible outcome is another fuse would blow. Or another appliance. The worst of it is I can't get another microwave until the place is rewired because it will likely blow too. All appliances are to be on separate meters.

The Electrical Safety Authority will issue a work order by Monday at the latest. The order may or may not carry fines or penalties, that's not something I've ever dealt with before. I've never dealt with a landlord this old stubborn or stupid.

Once I file the Tenant's Right Application, the outcome is out of my hands. I offered to postpone the hearing, even though I knew the case would be dismissed, just so I wouldn't have to tell the Tribunal about the electrical problem. The Tribunal has no sense of humour with bad landlords. Especially those who endanger their tenants lives.

There was a gas leak last year and another one Tuesday afternoon. The Sketchy Furnace Guy's repairs last year lead to a gas leak, and a Fire Marshall Charge. He's the reason the woman across the hall, fled the building. This is like a bad movie. The good news is my house won't burn down, the bad news is it might still blow up. Have a nice day.

The Adjudicator didn't say much other than "Case Dismissed" the other day but he did say that if any Work Orders are issued against the property between this hearing and the Tenant's Rights hearings, it will go very badly for the Landlord. I've seen it myself. Very few tenants ever take their landlord to the Tribunal so the Tribunal tries to make an example of them when they get the chance.
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Not surprisingly, I'm feeling pretty much NORMAL again since I stopped taking the Rosuvastatin. Almost like a miracle, and I mean not even any anxiety either. Needless to say, those statins are horrible drugs, and I will NOT take another, ever. I've pretty much completely changed my diet and I like it. I usually start the day with a smoothie, and that always starts with a banana, and then a second fruit, usually strawberries, or mixed berries, frozen, fill mixer jug to cover that with vanilla almond milk, some whey protein, chia seeds, cinnamon, dash of nutmeg, Madhava sweetner, a sugar alternative, couple chunks of ice and then let the Ninja do it's work. Can't believe how good they taste and still be so healthy.

Been cold up nort' here too in Wisconsin, but, it is January, and the 20th to the 24th of Jan are statistically the coldest days of the year, and we're right in the middle of it. After the 24th is starts to warm up. The sun has been gaining quite a bit of time and it starts to heat things back up.

So the only thing I'm missing right now is that new truck. Couple more weeks and it should be built. But that's no guarantee I'll get it soon either because it could sit around for another couple weeks waiting on a truck to haul it here. It could very easily be 7 MONTHS since I ordered it before I get it, so the "excitement" of getting it has kinda been dashed by the long wait. I still want it, but I'm not going to do cartwheels when it shows up. I'll be more like... ABOUT F'IN TIME.
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I have the same problem buying bananas. I like them a little green and if I can find 3 together in a bunch, that's perfect, but it's always 5. There's one with brown spots sitting on the counter right now. I always think I'll make banana bread with the extras, but that's happened like twice in the past year. I need 2 bananas to make bread and I only have one. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I wanted to ask you about the white rose you were planting. It looks to have a blush of pink in the center. Is that by chance a "Woman Rose". I had a beautiful almost white hybrid tea rose with just the palest blush of pink at the center, that I bought at a local garden centre the first spring we after we moved into DeGrassi Street in Toronto. The fragrance was similarly light and delicate. I had lots of roses in that garden, but this one was special. We moved to the Danforth at the end of May 1999. I was hoping for one last delicate rose before we moved, but the rose never came back that spring.

There's rose on this link called "Secret's Out" that looks like my Woman Rose. But mine had a delicate fragrance

I saw the dog immediately. It's BO!!!! My daughter's poodle. The man I saw when I looked but that's Bo!!!
Oh, Dragonlady, my white rosebush is in the entrance, and its picture os the wrapper looks a very desirable white bush of pure white. Will have to wait to see if it has any tinges from the color wheel provide I don't kill the rose bushes by under or over watering. I think our last freeze the last time I got an early start on buying early. The picture was so beautiful I couldn't help myself. I think local roses domino in May, so by the time 1st year roses bloom I will know that yes it is pure white or who knows....Your paler than pale pinkish white rose sounds intriguing! Thanks for sharing.
Well, if it was a man running into the woods, he'd have a badly broken left leg seeing as it's bent forward at the knee.

However, that is the first thing I saw. I had to take a second look to see the dog. Good one.
Yes me too. But once you see the dog, the dog is what you usually see except that his impossibly long front toenails I don't think any poodle owner would have allowed. :)
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Thanks, Dragonlady. I eat bananas every day too, but if I buy more than 4 the rest go bad, and on forgetful days i forget to buy 4 more after running out. Then it's all night long foot and leg cramps. I may be trying to come down with adult onset diabetes, so when I substituted a "lowers blood sugar" formula I found, I got 2 extra days added on of not having to go to the store and wear a mask. For some reason I have missed out on getting Covid, but a year before Covid was brought over here, I was sick the whole darn year of allergies, bronchitis, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, post nasal drip, pneumonia, sneeze-a-thons, pneumonia, allergies, etc. Now I take a zinc, A, and D tablet, and an occasional blast of ginger supplement, cardamom supplement, cloves from the kitchen mouthwash, and in a crisis, a nutmet supplement. And when I ran out of Centrum, they'd come out with a new supplement route of smaller tablets with increased vitamins recommended for seniors. Now, I actually have a little energy, but it gets quickly consumed if I use the walking machine and rowing machine more than 15 minutes total. So I reduced my use of mechanical devices to about 12 minutes, which guaratees no aftereffects from excercise. I know there are people 100 years old who run marathons, and the more power to them, but some sources of allergy victims like me encourage a moderate exercise program.Moderation is good because it keeps your spirits up, but it's bad because you're just not 20 anymore. :auiqs.jpg:

The Weather people say we have one or two more nights of freezing or near-freezing weather, then it's almost looking like another Indian Summer or early Spring. Around Easter time we usually get one more kick the britches from Ol' Man Winter. *sigh*

One kitchen hack I read recently was when you buy a bunch of bananas, wrap the stem that connects them with plastic wrap and it will slow ripening and extend the life of the bananas 2 or so days. I've heard that aluminum foil works like that too, but we tried it and I can't say I noticed a lot of difference. My 42 partner freezes her extra bananas and says they're just fine to cook with when thawed out. She rarely eats them as bananas so can't say if they would be edible just as bananas.

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