USMB Coffee Shop IV

I hope so. I always thought it important that we continue to explore space and the possibilities along with it. It would be unfortunate if some bad actors should somehow achieve supremacy in space. That would be a very bad thing.
Just got a call from the VA, I tested positive for COVID. Right now other than a cough and a mild headache I'm not feeling that bad.
Hopefully that will be the worst of it. There are always exceptions of course, but the vaxxed generally as a rule will have much less dangerous cases.
Just got a call from the VA, I tested positive for COVID. Right now other than a cough and a mild headache I'm not feeling that bad.

One of my friends came home from Europe and tested positive two days later, and that's the only symptoms she really had, other than fever and feeling quite poorly the first day, it was mild thereafter.
One of my friends came home from Europe and tested positive two days later, and that's the only symptoms she really had, other than fever and feeling quite poorly the first day, it was mild thereafter.
Everybody I know who is vaccinated who are getting this current strain say it isn't even as bad as the flu and recover within a few days. At most they are really ill for a day or two and not dangerously ill. None are autoimmune compromised though and it is likely more serious for more of those who are. Our hospital census has ticked up but is nowhere near the levels it was with the first two COVID strains so I think we can say the virus is mutating into less serious forms. Also the medical personnel I know say they know how to treat it much more effectively now.

Every New Mexico county is now red on the COVID map meaning unusually high positivity rates. Except one county--Harding County--has no cases at all. They're talking about reinstating mask mandates here and there, but honestly since states that didn't require them seem to have fared pretty much no worse than states that did, I don't look for that to be common.
I haven't heard anyone say it wasn't as bad as the flu. Everyone has said it "Don't let them tell you it isn't worse than than flu".

But even my sister who is so immune compromised that she's not allowed to trave, survived omnicron. Admittedly, she did get the remdesivir early on, but she didn't have to go to hospital. She was slower to recover than her husband, but just the fact that she survived it all is a miracle as far as I'm concerned. Yes, she was triple vaxxed.

I wanted to post something upbeat because my post last week was a downer. I spent the weekend with my daughter and her family, which included my grandchildren's first live Blue Jays game on Saturday. We were taking a bus to Toronto with the kids' summer camp group.

Traffic into Toronto was HORRIFIC! It was also Indy Weekend in Toronto. The worst weekend of the summer for traffic, and the weekend that sends people who live in downtown Toronto, literally running for the hills. Lakeshore Blvd. is closed from Jamieson to Strachan (pronouned "Stron"), because it's part of the race track. This doubles traffic on the Gardiner Expressway, and basically turns it into a parking lot.

On a positive note, the Gardiner - an elevated expressway, passes right by the CNE Grounds where the race is held, and the kids got to both see and hear the race cars running qualifying laps. They were virtually right underneath us. My 4 year old grandson's eyes were huge when one of the cars went screaming past on the straight away, and he said breathlessly "They're going really FAST".

The kids lasted until the 7th inning, which is better than I thought. They took them up to the concourse to run around for the rest of the game. We had to leave in the 9th inning to get to the bus by 6:15. The game was tied. I'm told the 10th was very exciting and we won. I didn't see it. And o.ur bus got lost. We found it at 7:00. Thank heavens for cell phones!

I bought a foot long and a Mike's Hard Lemonade, and spent $30. The price for the Lemonade was $13.00. I can buy a case of 4 from the LCBO for $13.25. However, the tickets and transportation were free so that was my only cost.

On a scary note, at 7:30, 20 minutes after we got on our bus, Union Station was locked down due to a shooting. Union Station is less than two blocks from the ball park, and it's connected to the Rogers Centre via a covered walkway. The shooting happened as the ball game crowd was heading home.

The bus driver avoided the downtown leg of the Gardiner Expressway going home, and stayed well north of the Lakeshore, so we just had normal city traffic heading home, which is admittedly terrible, but nothing like what we dealt with coming into the City.

Today, my friend and I went to the race track in Fort Erie. We're giddy at the drop in gas prices from $2.20 to $1.78 per litre (3.79 litres to a gallon). That's a savings of $1.50 a gallon. I saw gas at $1.62 per litre in Hamilton this weekend.

We plan on going once a month. They race on Monday and Tuesday. It's free to get in and parking is free. We each take $20 to gamble, $2 for a program, and we bought dinner. I put my $20 in my pants pocket, and my winnings and bets all go into and out of that pocket. Last time, when I came home, I had $38 in my pocket, and I had paid for my food out of that pocket. This time, I had 60 cents left. But we had a full day of fun and enjoyment watching her horses win, and mine lose.
I haven't heard anyone say it wasn't as bad as the flu. Everyone has said it "Don't let them tell you it isn't worse than than flu".

But even my sister who is so immune compromised that she's not allowed to trave, survived omnicron. Admittedly, she did get the remdesivir early on, but she didn't have to go to hospital. She was slower to recover than her husband, but just the fact that she survived it all is a miracle as far as I'm concerned. Yes, she was triple vaxxed.

I wanted to post something upbeat because my post last week was a downer. I spent the weekend with my daughter and her family, which included my grandchildren's first live Blue Jays game on Saturday. We were taking a bus to Toronto with the kids' summer camp group.

Traffic into Toronto was HORRIFIC! It was also Indy Weekend in Toronto. The worst weekend of the summer for traffic, and the weekend that sends people who live in downtown Toronto, literally running for the hills. Lakeshore Blvd. is closed from Jamieson to Strachan (pronouned "Stron"), because it's part of the race track. This doubles traffic on the Gardiner Expressway, and basically turns it into a parking lot.

On a positive note, the Gardiner - an elevated expressway, passes right by the CNE Grounds where the race is held, and the kids got to both see and hear the race cars running qualifying laps. They were virtually right underneath us. My 4 year old grandson's eyes were huge when one of the cars went screaming past on the straight away, and he said breathlessly "They're going really FAST".

The kids lasted until the 7th inning, which is better than I thought. They took them up to the concourse to run around for the rest of the game. We had to leave in the 9th inning to get to the bus by 6:15. The game was tied. I'm told the 10th was very exciting and we won. I didn't see it. And o.ur bus got lost. We found it at 7:00. Thank heavens for cell phones!

I bought a foot long and a Mike's Hard Lemonade, and spent $30. The price for the Lemonade was $13.00. I can buy a case of 4 from the LCBO for $13.25. However, the tickets and transportation were free so that was my only cost.

On a scary note, at 7:30, 20 minutes after we got on our bus, Union Station was locked down due to a shooting. Union Station is less than two blocks from the ball park, and it's connected to the Rogers Centre via a covered walkway. The shooting happened as the ball game crowd was heading home.

The bus driver avoided the downtown leg of the Gardiner Expressway going home, and stayed well north of the Lakeshore, so we just had normal city traffic heading home, which is admittedly terrible, but nothing like what we dealt with coming into the City.

Today, my friend and I went to the race track in Fort Erie. We're giddy at the drop in gas prices from $2.20 to $1.78 per litre (3.79 litres to a gallon). That's a savings of $1.50 a gallon. I saw gas at $1.62 per litre in Hamilton this weekend.

We plan on going once a month. They race on Monday and Tuesday. It's free to get in and parking is free. We each take $20 to gamble, $2 for a program, and we bought dinner. I put my $20 in my pants pocket, and my winnings and bets all go into and out of that pocket. Last time, when I came home, I had $38 in my pocket, and I had paid for my food out of that pocket. This time, I had 60 cents left. But we had a full day of fun and enjoyment watching her horses win, and mine lose.
Everybody's life seems so much more interesting and exciting than mine these days, but I so much love knowing everybody is living theirs the best they can. :)
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Dragonlady almost done with recovery from knee surgery.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Mindful's daughter fighting COVID.
Ringel05 fighting COVID and his entire family needing wellness and solutions.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

A dangerous heat wave has settled in over much of the midwest, southwest, Texas and other places. A collective prayer/positive vibes for relief, rain, just better could be helpful.
Everybody's life seems so much more interesting and exciting than mine these days, but I so much love knowing everybody is living theirs the best they can. :)

When so many family and friends are going through so much crap, I almost feel guilty that my stuff is getting itself sorted with a great outcome, but it's not going to stop me from trying to enjoy my life.

I got my phone call with my surgery date just as the latest lockdown was ending, and the baseball season was about to begin. With omnicron raging, I kept myself in lockdown because I waited 3 years for that call, and I couldn't afford to get so much as sniffle before the surgery date, or they would cancel my surgery. So with the surgery and the recovery time involved, this is ME actually enjoying life for the first time since lockdowns began.

My Toronto friends have been waiting for me to recovery before planning a group outing to a baseball game. And at the end of June, I told them I'm ready to go. Stamina is still an issue, but it's improving with more activity. My first social events were the last two weeks of our Senior's Club, at the end of June, which basically involves changing card tables every 20 minutes.

I have been enjoying going to the track since the 1970's. I used to go one or twice a year, but I always have such fun. I've never gambled with more than $20 - for the entire day, so it's always a cheap day out for me. I study the program, the breeding, prior results, who the rider is, who the trainer is, and then watch the horses in the walking ring to pick winners. My friend picks the horses by their name. She picked "Tomcat Black" to win one race because her last name is "Black". He won.

Both of my youngest daughter's children have birthdays coming up in August, as does my son. Those will be my big events in August. Maybe a baseball game??? I'm done for this month. I try to get out of the house once a week. Mostly I live vicariously through my friends, so I do understand what you mean when you say everyone has a more exciting life than me.

The friend who came back from Europe with covid - She WON a weekend trip to Monaco through work. I have another friend who is currently cruising the Medditerrean with her husband - her pictures from Venice were beautiful. Another friend posted pictures of going to the see the National Ballet Production of Swan Lake in early June, which I had planned to go, before I got the phone call for the surgery. One of my other friends is shopping for a condo in Puerta Vallarta.
When so many family and friends are going through so much crap, I almost feel guilty that my stuff is getting itself sorted with a great outcome, but it's not going to stop me from trying to enjoy my life.

I got my phone call with my surgery date just as the latest lockdown was ending, and the baseball season was about to begin. With omnicron raging, I kept myself in lockdown because I waited 3 years for that call, and I couldn't afford to get so much as sniffle before the surgery date, or they would cancel my surgery. So with the surgery and the recovery time involved, this is ME actually enjoying life for the first time since lockdowns began.

My Toronto friends have been waiting for me to recovery before planning a group outing to a baseball game. And at the end of June, I told them I'm ready to go. Stamina is still an issue, but it's improving with more activity. My first social events were the last two weeks of our Senior's Club, at the end of June, which basically involves changing card tables every 20 minutes.

I have been enjoying going to the track since the 1970's. I used to go one or twice a year, but I always have such fun. I've never gambled with more than $20 - for the entire day, so it's always a cheap day out for me. I study the program, the breeding, prior results, who the rider is, who the trainer is, and then watch the horses in the walking ring to pick winners. My friend picks the horses by their name. She picked "Tomcat Black" to win one race because her last name is "Black". He won.

Both of my youngest daughter's children have birthdays coming up in August, as does my son. Those will be my big events in August. Maybe a baseball game??? I'm done for this month. I try to get out of the house once a week. Mostly I live vicariously through my friends, so I do understand what you mean when you say everyone has a more exciting life than me.

The friend who came back from Europe with covid - She WON a weekend trip to Monaco through work. I have another friend who is currently cruising the Medditerrean with her husband - her pictures from Venice were beautiful. Another friend posted pictures of going to the see the National Ballet Production of Swan Lake in early June, which I had planned to go, before I got the phone call for the surgery. One of my other friends is shopping for a condo in Puerta Vallarta.
Never feel guilty when things are going good. If it was all bad, life wouldn't be worth living.
Just got a call from the VA, I tested positive for COVID. Right now other than a cough and a mild headache I'm not feeling that bad.
Bless you, Ringel. Please take care. :huddle:
For everybody but especially thinking of beautress, our quilting lady, these aren't quilts but how a quilt person painted her fence. How much time do you think that took?

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I'm guessing about 300 hours. Seriously. What a cheerful sight. Wish she'd have put the Ocean Waves Heart anywhere but behind the tree. :heehee:

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