USMB Coffee Shop IV

I would be pretty sure I couldn't. If you go by ambulance you get attention a lot faster. But I am frustrated they aren't even attempting to diagnose it and get you medication now. That's just not right.

On the bright side, those who are vaccinated can still get pretty sick but almost never get dangerously ill. So we'll hope that holds up for you.
I think it was a more a matter of miscommunication. I was told in the ER that if I just wanted to get the nose swab test I should go there or if I chose to remain in the ER then I would be checked in and have to go through the whole rigamarole. I chose the swab but in reality I should have checked into the ER, that was my bad not theirs.
I'm being cautiously optimistic that this may be over (or mostly over). Woke up this morning feeling much, much better though as expected I'm exhausted from my body fighting off whatever it was. We'll see how I feel later today.
That is really good news. Hopefully you will zip through this as Ridgerunner did, but he was getting medication. Does the VA assign you a personal physician?
That is really good news. Hopefully you will zip through this as Ridgerunner did, but he was getting medication. Does the VA assign you a personal physician?
Yes and we've (he, his team and I) have been in near constant communication with each other. Right now we're just waiting on the test results and continuing to monitor my condition.
Yes and we've (he, his team and I) have been in near constant communication with each other. Right now we're just waiting on the test results and continuing to monitor my condition.
Okay. I'll withdraw my earlier jump to conclusions and wait it out with you. :)
And my daughter is feeling a lot better.
Our extended family has experienced a rash of summer colds/illness. Two of our nieces had all six kids sick with some vomiting. My wife and I both caught summer colds that took two weeks to recover and the cough was very persistent and harsh. Accompanied with pink eye.

Never got pink eye until I was 65. Weird! I can’t remember ever having a summer cold.

My son and DIL both had summer colds, though with minor symptoms. My sister removing from knee replacement, had flu like symptoms for a week. My cousin in Florida caught something last week.

Maybe all just a coincidence, but sure is weird.
Our extended family has experienced a rash of summer colds/illness. Two of our nieces had all six kids sick with some vomiting. My wife and I both caught summer colds that took two weeks to recover and the cough was very persistent and harsh. Accompanied with pink eye.

Never got pink eye until I was 65. Weird! I can’t remember ever having a summer cold.

My son and DIL both had summer colds, though with minor symptoms. My sister removing from knee replacement, had flu like symptoms for a week. My cousin in Florida caught something last week.

Maybe all just a coincidence, but sure is weird.

Strange stuff going on, worldwide. :eusa_doh:
Just talked with 2 of my brothers, one with the wife who's got ALS and the next youngest to me who with his wife is now in Panama City FL taking care of the wife's oldest sister who is suffering from dementia or alzheimers and mother who is very sick. Brother number three's wife is now totally dependent on him and brother number two finally got the sister into an assisted living facility and got the mother to the hospital with pneumonia and sever stomach ulcers. There is some major drama associated with this as the sisters son who is 34 has been totally living off his mother the whole time and my brother and sister in law have power of attorney. The son has been given notice to vacate the premisis as the house is going up for sale to pay for the assisted living. Brother number two's wife was so stressed by all of it it triggered a mild seizure but she's alright.
At least my youngest brother doesn't have anything bad going on in his life.
Please keep them all in your prayers. Thanks.
Just talked with 2 of my brothers, one with the wife who's got ALS and the next youngest to me who with his wife is now in Panama City FL taking care of the wife's oldest sister who is suffering from dementia or alzheimers and mother who is very sick. Brother number three's wife is now totally dependent on him and brother number two finally got the sister into an assisted living facility and got the mother to the hospital with pneumonia and sever stomach ulcers. There is some major drama associated with this as the sisters son who is 34 has been totally living off his mother the whole time and my brother and sister in law have power of attorney. The son has been given notice to vacate the premisis as the house is going up for sale to pay for the assisted living. Brother number two's wife was so stressed by all of it it triggered a mild seizure but she's alright.
At least my youngest brother doesn't have anything bad going on in his life.
Please keep them all in your prayers. Thanks.
Oh wow. That's a lot for one family to have on their plate. Definitely prayers.
I wonder how long it took them whether to post the "Loose Gravel" sign or the "Timber!" one. :badgrin:

The Dundas Street bridge over the Don Valley Parkway in Toronto closed for repairs one spring with a sign said "Re-opening in October". One morning in December, as we turned down the street to by-pass the still closed bridge I commented "I thought it was re-opening in October", and my driver coolly responded "The sign doesn't say what year".
Just got back. Check in at the front desk, they sent me around to the ER (on foot), the ER told me to go to the COVID testing station across the other side of the 40 acre campus........ Found it and got swabbed then went back to the main building for my appt after I was told to go ahead and do that......... The charge nurse in the Urology clinic told me I shouldn't even be there since I was symptomatic....... They canceled my appt and I came home to self quarantine. I'll have the results in three days.

Do you have instant tests available? They're giving them out free here at every grocery store and pharmacy. So you can test yourself before you leave the house. The test takes two minutes to collect a sample and 15 minutes to give you a result. If it's positive, THEN you go immediately for testing.

I've given myself the test more than once, and it's easy to use. Collecting the sample isn't difficult or unpleasant. I use Siri to time things. I gave one to my daughter and she found the same.
Do you have instant tests available? They're giving them out free here at every grocery store and pharmacy. So you can test yourself before you leave the house. The test takes two minutes to collect a sample and 15 minutes to give you a result. If it's positive, THEN you go immediately for testing.

I've given myself the test more than once, and it's easy to use. Collecting the sample isn't difficult or unpleasant. I use Siri to time things. I gave one to my daughter and she found the same.
The government sent out a couple of test packets with fairly short expiration dates. Stamped with 'made in China.' I doubt many bothered to use them.

By the way, how's the knee DL? Should we keep you on the vigil list?
The government sent out a couple of test packets with fairly short expiration dates. Stamped with 'made in China.' I doubt many bothered to use them.

By the way, how's the knee DL? Should we keep you on the vigil list?

We can still get free packs of 5 tests from any pharmacy or grocery store. I got my first pack at Walmart at Christmas time. Everybody I know uses them if they get so much as a sniffle.

The knee is almost fully healed. I can walk upstairs without a cane, but I can’t walk downstairs comfortably - yet. I have to go down one step at a time.

Some parts of the incision are fully healed and there’s barely a scar. The two knees look quite different when I wear shorts. Overall, it’s a complete blessing.

I graduated from my physio sessions last week. The Director said I made his job easy. I rode my bicycle to my last physio sessions, starting 7 weeks after surgery.

But while I’m thriving, other family and friends are not. One of my closest friends lost his mother on Tuesday. She had her first round of chemo as she started treatment for lung cancer. My friend expressed serious concerns after talking to her Tuesday morning, and she collapsed later that day and died before he could even get out door to the hospital. The funeral is tomorrow.

My FIL is dying. He’s 93 and recently fell and broke his hip. He came through the surgery but will not be regaining mobility and will need round the clock care.

When he learned he would be going to a long term care facility, he stopped eating or drinking. He’s always been terrified of ending up in a nursing home. He just wants to be with his beloved Betty. She died 4 years ago.

Last but not least my cousin, Rose, finished her chemo, and is now recovering from her double masectomy. She’s fighting the good fight against very long odds. She’s at the top of my prayer list right now.
Where to live?

Someone sent me this, which l thought was interesting to share:

Which is better for senior citizens to live after retirement: Florida or Arizona?

I lived in Arizona for one summer - the heat was 112 degrees and to cool off i jumped in the jacuzzi which was only 105 degrees. That was enough for me. I also lived in Florida, in Miami, near Ft. Lauderdale, and in Clearwater, and near St. Pete beach. I enjoyed Florida more than Arizona for certain. But, as I got older, I discovered American communities in Mexico. Ajijic and San Juan Cosala and Chapala on Lake Chapala - is rumored to have the second best climate in the world. I lived there and visited the hot springs for two years.

Later, I moved to San Miguel de Allende - tons of Americans, Canadians and Europeans and it’s in the mountains, cool - lots of rich people and of course, hot springs. Later one. I moved to a beach San Patricio de Melaque - between Pueerto Vallarta and Manzanilla. Stayed there three years, Americans and Canadians, especially Canadians - love how inexpensive it is to live there. After a category 4 hurricane, we decided that - although we were safe and on a small hill - the town went under water - with storm floods and damage was extensive. We moved to Cuautla - 90 min. from Mexico City - it also has mineral springs - not hot, but healing power, all owned by the government at simple spas.

We’ve been here 5 years - bought a house - annual taxes are $44.00. Car insurance is $35 a year. Water bill $50 a year. Electricity about $35 a month, cable tv, internet, landline phone … $58 a month. Taxes are on investment gains and interest only - 16%, no other taxes for retirees. Invest $100,000 in Cetes - government investment, 7, 15,28, 60 days - rates are right now 7.5–8.1% (you pay taxes on that interest only). I have been here 19 years, have traveled through the country - lived in many great places and I have others lined up for when I’m 77 years old and sell the house - and we can travel like tourists and see the country from another great places that are there just to make us feel welcome and very happy.
Where to live?

Someone sent me this, which l thought was interesting to share:
Which is better for senior citizens to live after retirement: Florida or Arizona?

I lived in Arizona for one summer - the heat was 112 degrees and to cool off i jumped in the jacuzzi which was only 105 degrees. That was enough for me. I also lived in Florida, in Miami, near Ft. Lauderdale, and in Clearwater, and near St. Pete beach. I enjoyed Florida more than Arizona for certain. But, as I got older, I discovered American communities in Mexico. Ajijic and San Juan Cosala and Chapala on Lake Chapala - is rumored to have the second best climate in the world. I lived there and visited the hot springs for two years.

Later, I moved to San Miguel de Allende - tons of Americans, Canadians and Europeans and it’s in the mountains, cool - lots of rich people and of course, hot springs. Later one. I moved to a beach San Patricio de Melaque - between Pueerto Vallarta and Manzanilla. Stayed there three years, Americans and Canadians, especially Canadians - love how inexpensive it is to live there. After a category 4 hurricane, we decided that - although we were safe and on a small hill - the town went under water - with storm floods and damage was extensive. We moved to Cuautla - 90 min. from Mexico City - it also has mineral springs - not hot, but healing power, all owned by the government at simple spas.

We’ve been here 5 years - bought a house - annual taxes are $44.00. Car insurance is $35 a year. Water bill $50 a year. Electricity about $35 a month, cable tv, internet, landline phone … $58 a month. Taxes are on investment gains and interest only - 16%, no other taxes for retirees. Invest $100,000 in Cetes - government investment, 7, 15,28, 60 days - rates are right now 7.5–8.1% (you pay taxes on that interest only). I have been here 19 years, have traveled through the country - lived in many great places and I have others lined up for when I’m 77 years old and sell the house - and we can travel like tourists and see the country from another great places that are there just to make us feel welcome and very happy.
Wow Mindful. I was thinking you were in Europe. But it sounds wonderful and affordable. And the weather is quite pleasant there I understand. Elevation roughly the same as Albuquerque, but it seems to be cooler there even though you're closer to the equator.

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