USMB Coffee Shop IV

That just followed me around this week. I had a really bad cold for half a year, and when I got well, I had lost my voice, and nothing tastes good anymore. Even so, I bought a couple of new flavors of coffeemate, but something's just not as good as it was. At first, I thought that with all the cuts they must be making coffee with dried legumes or worse. Then I realized that if you lose your singing voice, you could also lose your sense of taste. Thanks for the chipper "YAY coffee" pic. As bad as my taster is, I still wake up from Zombiedom after my cup of Joe in the morning. I've been reading the days I was gone in the past 2 weeks. So though I'm late in saying, thanks for the great pick me up sign! :huddle: (YAY)

??? I can access it without problem. What do you use to connect here? I use Chrome or Edge usually.
I don't know, Foxy. I tried but failed to add Chrome last week. I am worse than ever with computer stuff lately. I do thank you for trying to help. :thanks:
That just followed me around this week. I had a really bad cold for half a year, and when I got well, I had lost my voice, and nothing tastes good anymore. Even so, I bought a couple of new flavors of coffeemate, but something's just not as good as it was. At first, I thought that with all the cuts they must be making coffee with dried legumes or worse. Then I realized that if you lose your singing voice, you could also lose your sense of taste. Thanks for the chipper "YAY coffee" pic. As bad as my taster is, I still wake up from Zombiedom after my cup of Joe in the morning. I've been reading the days I was gone in the past 2 weeks. So though I'm late in saying, thanks for the great pick me up sign! :huddle: (YAY)

Welcome back, hun!
OK, it's corny joke time. I'll start:

1. Identity crisis:
“Your mother has been with us for 20 years,” said John. “Isn’t it time she got a place of her own?”

“My mother?” replied Helen. “I thought she was your mother.”

2. Arrrrgh!
Why don’t pirates take a shower before they walk the plank?

They just wash up on shore.

3. Vengeance
In Denver, the members of a Sunday-school class were asked to set down their favorite biblical truths.

One youngster laboriously printed: “Do one to others as others do one to you.”

4. A taxing situation:

According to unofficial sources, a new simplified income-tax form contains only four lines:

1. What was your income for the year?

2. What were your expenses?

3. How much have you left?

4. Send it in.

Hope everyone has a great day today and a wonderful, delight-filled weekend! :huddle:

And thanks, Foxfyre for the best thread on the internet. :thup:
      • b6d4a2924baff196bd42e411ec54da38.jpg
I was speaking the other day about a poster from the Phillippines I conversed with a couple of years ago....right after covid hit and she was having symptoms and suddenly she disappeared....leading me to think she may have succumbed to covid....she was very nice and quite attractive.

I could not remember her name but then today it came to least I think her sn was Corazon....does that ring a bell with anyone.

Just did a search on her....this is her picture.................
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I was speaking the other day about a poster from the Phillippines I conversed with a couple of years ago....right after covid hit and she was having symptoms and suddenly she disappeared....leading me to think she may have succumbed to covid....she was very nice and quite attractive.

I could not remember her name but then today it came to least I think her sn was Corazon....does that ring a bell with anyone.

Just did a search on her....this is her picture.................View attachment 684876

Her last post.
  1. [IMG alt="Corazon"][/IMG]

    USMB Coffee Shop IV

    See you next time guys! :bye1: :sleep: Have a wonderful 4th of July! :)
OK, time for more corny stuff....:biggrin:

1. Why did it take so long for the pirates to learn the Alphabet?

They got stuck at C.

2. Someone stole my mood ring yesterday.

I still don't know how I feel about that.

3. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one.

4. What happens when a snowman throws a tantrum?

He has a meltdown.

5. I now know my dog is a genius.

I asked him what two minus two is, and he said nothing.

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Her last post.
  1. [IMG alt="Corazon"][/IMG]

    USMB Coffee Shop IV

    See you next time guys! :bye1: :sleep: Have a wonderful 4th of July! :)
Oh, I had forgotten about Corazon. Yes, she was a lovely young woman from the Phillippines.

The one I was thinking about was esthermoon from Vietnam. I just checked and it shows her last post was in 2017. But she was very active here in the Coffee Shop in 2020 because we had several discussions with her, among other things, re COVID and how they were handling it there. And she posted that she was not feeling well and was going to bed and that was the last that she posted. That all her later posts are erased now going back to 2017 makes me more concerned.
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A shirttail relative (my late brother-in-law's neice) lives here in Albuquerque and posted this on Facebook earlier this evening. I had to laugh out loud because so often it is true:
That has possibilities! You could put your head through the hole, Place 2 squares at the lower right and 2 squares at the upper left. You could breathe fresh air while covering your shoulders and tucking the two adjacent squares under the shoulder. If your nose gets cold, you could always take the hanging square and place it over your nose, and all would be fun as what you posted, comfortable too! mmmm.... good to be here after a birthday party of a friend and seeing y'all cutting up! Oh, and I spent the rest of the day learning more Spanish than I needed to know, but it was fun to finally win a #1 in the league, but it had a price, so it's time to sleep now after using my brain for 4 hours straight. :huddle: Have a great week, all!

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