USMB Coffee Shop IV

This contains an image of: 12 Things All Coffee Addicts Know To Be True
Off to bed with me. But this was the sunset over the Sandias tonight. The camera is actually facing east, but the clouds catch the color from the sunset. Unusual shade and the photo doesn't do it justice.

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Good morning Alexa and welcome back. Just after noon here in NM and we're done with coffee today, but sometimes I wish we were still young enough to drink it all day like we used to.
Good Morning, Foxfyre, and thank you for the great welcome . i got my support worker today taking me to a social group in main town , normally don't go into main town, too busy for me sometimes , not been there for a while, just hope i don't take a panic attack.
Off to bed with me. But this was the sunset over the Sandias tonight. The camera is actually facing east, but the clouds catch the color from the sunset. Unusual shade and the photo doesn't do it justice.

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Your picture is amazing, Foxfyre! I love it.

I spent half of my night online with reimaging people. My computer has been "uncooperative" lately . The Reimage staff found the very worst hackers all over my computer. I may be going offline for a few days in order to have my computer reviewed by a local expert who can complete getting the worrisome hackers off my back. I'm not sure yet who to contact locally, but will be back as soon as my little hacker vacation is over. I may finish this day off here until I figure out safer ways to fix my problems with hackers. Be careful of hackers, all. My best regards to all of you, beautress.
Your picture is amazing, Foxfyre! I love it.

I spent half of my night online with reimaging people. My computer has been "uncooperative" lately . The Reimage staff found the very worst hackers all over my computer. I may be going offline for a few days in order to have my computer reviewed by a local expert who can complete getting the worrisome hackers off my back. I'm not sure yet who to contact locally, but will be back as soon as my little hacker vacation is over. I may finish this day off here until I figure out safer ways to fix my problems with hackers. Be careful of hackers, all. My best regards to all of you, beautress.
What antivirus program are you using Beautress? We have Norton with Lifelock but it's fairly expensive. We've never had a problem using Avast free virus protection. If you want a little more the annual subscription for the premium isn't bad. Malwarebytes freeware is good too and also offers a reasonable premium version.
What antivirus program are you using Beautress? We have Norton with Lifelock but it's fairly expensive. We've never had a problem using Avast free virus protection. If you want a little more the annual subscription for the premium isn't bad. Malwarebytes freeware is good too and also offers a reasonable premium version.
Norton without lifelock. When they sold the basic plan, they didn't tell me they had at least another 12 opportunities to have better protection. Their claim was that my one-year prescription would protect my computer. It didn't even come close. Thanks to my bank, my identity wasn't stolen. Yesterday, my computer was so slow I couldn't complete a 10-minute quiz on my language learning site in less than 2 hours. I left there in frustration after being unable to answer one question in under 35 minutes. I spent half the night with a reimage(?) pro who help Norton customers like me who are on a fixed income and can't pay another cent for "protection" with an annual property tax that is well over $7,000 and is due at the end of December. I haven't bought Christmas presents for 5 years because I have to pay taxes or get in trouble with the local authorities who merely increase taxes and decrease homesteading agreements so they can get raises every year to keep up with inflation. I'm not saying that's right or wrong, it's just that the hostility there is in some websites doesn't help the economy when too many factors are uncertain. There are no secrets any more, and just because I have tax money saved back for the next 15 years is interpreted as a goldmine by unscrupulous online thefts, and my bank is pretty certain that it's me who's responsible for making the kind of mistakes electronic pickpockets can easily take advantage of. I have no idea of what to do except to go offline and disconnect my computer and connected telephone when I do. They can get you if they know your information, and they share it with other deceivers who think they are entitled to other people's nest eggs that took a lifetime of saving to have for security in old age. There's no way out. States will not change driver's license numbers, the Feds will not change social security numbers, merchants will not drop customer addresses, and all that information is being mined by super-geniuses of online knowledge who may not realize their bosses are collecting from everyone due to their expertise on the information highway. So, I'm online for shorter times and will be here for very short times, and my time's up for today because of this long explanation. I just love ya'll friends here in the coffee shop and hope everyone is smarter than me and don't get your information spread around by unscrupulous and skilled masters of chiconery. Have a lovely evening. I'm gonna crochet because It makes me happy to create something no one else has, even if my average article takes thirty to 100 hours apiece. I'll make an effort to be back once in a while. 💋 Mwah to yer faces! :thup:
Norton without lifelock. When they sold the basic plan, they didn't tell me they had at least another 12 opportunities to have better protection. Their claim was that my one-year prescription would protect my computer. It didn't even come close. Thanks to my bank, my identity wasn't stolen. Yesterday, my computer was so slow I couldn't complete a 10-minute quiz on my language learning site in less than 2 hours. I left there in frustration after being unable to answer one question in under 35 minutes. I spent half the night with a reimage(?) pro who help Norton customers like me who are on a fixed income and can't pay another cent for "protection" with an annual property tax that is well over $7,000 and is due at the end of December. I haven't bought Christmas presents for 5 years because I have to pay taxes or get in trouble with the local authorities who merely increase taxes and decrease homesteading agreements so they can get raises every year to keep up with inflation. I'm not saying that's right or wrong, it's just that the hostility there is in some websites doesn't help the economy when too many factors are uncertain. There are no secrets any more, and just because I have tax money saved back for the next 15 years is interpreted as a goldmine by unscrupulous online thefts, and my bank is pretty certain that it's me who's responsible for making the kind of mistakes electronic pickpockets can easily take advantage of. I have no idea of what to do except to go offline and disconnect my computer and connected telephone when I do. They can get you if they know your information, and they share it with other deceivers who think they are entitled to other people's nest eggs that took a lifetime of saving to have for security in old age. There's no way out. States will not change driver's license numbers, the Feds will not change social security numbers, merchants will not drop customer addresses, and all that information is being mined by super-geniuses of online knowledge who may not realize their bosses are collecting from everyone due to their expertise on the information highway. So, I'm online for shorter times and will be here for very short times, and my time's up for today because of this long explanation. I just love ya'll friends here in the coffee shop and hope everyone is smarter than me and don't get your information spread around by unscrupulous and skilled masters of chiconery. Have a lovely evening. I'm gonna crochet because It makes me happy to create something no one else has, even if my average article takes thirty to 100 hours apiece. I'll make an effort to be back once in a while. 💋 Mwah to yer faces! :thup:
Norton is rated #1 or #2 by ALL the top sites evaluating these programs if you keep it updated. Those representing their competitors will of course rate them down. So I don't think your problem is Norton but hopefully a reputable computer service can figure it out for you.
Okay, starting to do some research on possibly changing my living situation. Starting to wonder if I can afford to properly maintain my house and yard, not to mention my physical limitations.
So here's what I'm thinking, finish fixing up everything I have started but not finished, sell the house and get rid of 90% of everything I own. Buy a travel trailer and live in it full time most likely parked permanently in a RV park. Anyone have any experience with that?
Okay, starting to do some research on possibly changing my living situation. Starting to wonder if I can afford to properly maintain my house and yard, not to mention my physical limitations.
So here's what I'm thinking, finish fixing up everything I have started but not finished, sell the house and get rid of 90% of everything I own. Buy a travel trailer and live in it full time most likely parked permanently in a RV park. Anyone have any experience with that?
Your future neighbors may be closer and noisier than they are now. But don't mind me. Neighborhoods make me feel too close for comfort. But, it sounds like fun if you're a gregarious guy! I think you will have fun that way. I might change doctors, though. A doctor who specializes in physical limitations could help you overcome them. You'll be on my prayer list for strengthening. Things that were impossible 10 years ago can be fixed lately with methods unknown back then. Medicine seems to be on target for demolishing yesteryear's walls. 👍
Off to bed with me. But this was the sunset over the Sandias tonight. The camera is actually facing east, but the clouds catch the color from the sunset. Unusual shade and the photo doesn't do it justice.

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Wow! That's a most beautiful end to a summer's day, Foxfyre! I'm glad you shared it. If that isn't nature's diversity, I don't know what is. 🌄🌸🌆
If you have a boring choring, this will bring tranquillity, and you can even put it on another tab if your debate is a little rough, this is a lovely reminder that politics aren't everything. It lasts for almost 12 hours. It's on the third hour. It sure had a nice effect on Miss Up and Att'em Songie (my puppy who is now likely expecting her first litter.)

Wow! That's a most beautiful end to a summer's day, Foxfyre! I'm glad you shared it. If that isn't nature's diversity, I don't know what is. 🌄🌸🌆
Here's one similar picture I took a couple of years ago. Note that everything has an orange tint to it and the picture doesn't do it justice, it's much more intense than the photo shows.

Orange glow.jpg
Okay, starting to do some research on possibly changing my living situation. Starting to wonder if I can afford to properly maintain my house and yard, not to mention my physical limitations.
So here's what I'm thinking, finish fixing up everything I have started but not finished, sell the house and get rid of 90% of everything I own. Buy a travel trailer and live in it full time most likely parked permanently in a RV park. Anyone have any experience with that?
My sister and brother-in-law tried it without selling their primary residence. They returned to their primary residence fairly quickly. Our best friends in Perryton TX also tried it without selling their primary residence and they also found it too confining after awhile and returned home. But that was two people forced into a more confining physical situation and one person might have a different experience. And if you don't give yourself the alternative as they did, maybe it could work.

Hombre and I still have a mortgage but because we did a re-fi when interest rates were at rock bottom our mortgage, utilities, insurance, and maintenance costs are less than we could rent a nice much smaller apartment. I think the national averages for RV park rental in a decent park run about $600/mo rent plus utilities. Full timers RV insurance last time we looked was over $1000/year and RV's also have to be maintained and stuff breaks. But no yard maintenance. However if having space to do your hobbies and such is important, that might be harder in the smaller confines of an RV.

I think if you think you would want a permanent spot in an RV park, a more affordable, less risky way to downsize is maybe look into a 55+ mobile home park like Albuquerque Meadows. They have mobile homes for sale under $100,000, it's safe, well maintained, little or no yard work plus you have the pool, clubhouse, etc., close to restaurants and shopping, and I-25 is right there to get to Gibson and the VA. Just an idea.

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