USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm pretty sure this isn't real, but if it was, could you have failed this kid? He or she might not be a scholar but I see a bright future despite being a smart ass.
Dunno if this one is real either....

Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son Mike for continued wellness & their nephew Perry dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Boedicca's nephew Christopher for healing/adversity.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Christmas in Oakland
Just wanted to say that my hacked computer has attracted too many times of strange goings on, and I'm getting bills for things I did not purchase. My only recourse right now is to go offline, burn my computer, and never go online again. This past year, they destroyed my credit rating, and today, I got a message from paypal that the people who started my problems a few months back shared my information with other hacks, most of whom are not in this country. Paypal sent me a $600. collection notification for things I did not want, was threatened with forever hacking if I did not agree for them to "fix" my computer. They wanted $400 for 20 minutes of easy labor, considering that they notified me within 15 minutes the last time my computer was hacked down. Then they must have told paypal which I haven't used for years that they wanted $600. You'd think that Paypal that I trusted several years ago would not participate with hackers to collect $600 for 20 minutes of work that didn't fix the problem but made it worse.

People have lost their homes and farms to people like these hackers, and this group disabled my Norton account which tells me they can hack anyone. So sadly, tomorrow, I have a date with the burn pile and I probably will never come back unless a miracle happens. Thanks for your wonderful friendships that I so greatly value, but cannot continue on with having been fooled into giving information to people who said they represented Microsoft, but the Sheriff's department pointed out to me that the phones they used that showed American area codes--the numbers did not exist, that all the hacking was done from foreign countries and not America. I cut up my credit card at the Bank the last time I had my credit card hacked several times four or five months ago. Hopefully, when I direct them to the Sheriff's office, they will back down.

My best to all of you. I really hate this, but I am at the end of my rope, and I can't afford to pay $600 for 20 minutes of work that didn't resolve the problems of my computer. Fortunately, I'm not all that rich, and I can't even write checks to Walmart, Home Depot, Tractor Supply, because earlier my hackers got me in trouble with some outfit called "Telecheck" which apparently blamed me for something the person I talked to from their organization said that I did something really, really, really bad, but she wouldn't give me details so that I could correct something I didn't know that I did, and probably I'm guessing a hacker did. It's a no-win situation for me to be online and have people hacking me for something I don't think I did. So for the moment, farewell, hope this never happens to any of you, but I don't have any tickets because I'm a careful driver and no unpaid bills that I know of except that I have to catch up on my church pledge because I've had one health problem after another, but when the foot swelling went down, I've had a little visit from my late mother's unwanted guest of arthritis in my left hand, clavicle and scapula bones, and aches in general. Thanks to each of you for sharing your good times and bad with me.
I can't burn my computer until the rain stops and we can get an ok from the fire department to burn dead tree limbs and the computer that has caused me so much trouble for almost the entire past year. Love to each of you who visit here, becki and may you Go with God and never get ruined because you are online with your computer.
Just wanted to say that my hacked computer has attracted too many times of strange goings on, and I'm getting bills for things I did not purchase. My only recourse right now is to go offline, burn my computer, and never go online again. This past year, they destroyed my credit rating, and today, I got a message from paypal that the people who started my problems a few months back shared my information with other hacks, most of whom are not in this country. Paypal sent me a $600. collection notification for things I did not want, was threatened with forever hacking if I did not agree for them to "fix" my computer. They wanted $400 for 20 minutes of easy labor, considering that they notified me within 15 minutes the last time my computer was hacked down. Then they must have told paypal which I haven't used for years that they wanted $600. You'd think that Paypal that I trusted several years ago would not participate with hackers to collect $600 for 20 minutes of work that didn't fix the problem but made it worse.

People have lost their homes and farms to people like these hackers, and this group disabled my Norton account which tells me they can hack anyone. So sadly, tomorrow, I have a date with the burn pile and I probably will never come back unless a miracle happens. Thanks for your wonderful friendships that I so greatly value, but cannot continue on with having been fooled into giving information to people who said they represented Microsoft, but the Sheriff's department pointed out to me that the phones they used that showed American area codes--the numbers did not exist, that all the hacking was done from foreign countries and not America. I cut up my credit card at the Bank the last time I had my credit card hacked several times four or five months ago. Hopefully, when I direct them to the Sheriff's office, they will back down.

My best to all of you. I really hate this, but I am at the end of my rope, and I can't afford to pay $600 for 20 minutes of work that didn't resolve the problems of my computer. Fortunately, I'm not all that rich, and I can't even write checks to Walmart, Home Depot, Tractor Supply, because earlier my hackers got me in trouble with some outfit called "Telecheck" which apparently blamed me for something the person I talked to from their organization said that I did something really, really, really bad, but she wouldn't give me details so that I could correct something I didn't know that I did, and probably I'm guessing a hacker did. It's a no-win situation for me to be online and have people hacking me for something I don't think I did. So for the moment, farewell, hope this never happens to any of you, but I don't have any tickets because I'm a careful driver and no unpaid bills that I know of except that I have to catch up on my church pledge because I've had one health problem after another, but when the foot swelling went down, I've had a little visit from my late mother's unwanted guest of arthritis in my left hand, clavicle and scapula bones, and aches in general. Thanks to each of you for sharing your good times and bad with me.
I can't burn my computer until the rain stops and we can get an ok from the fire department to burn dead tree limbs and the computer that has caused me so much trouble for almost the entire past year. Love to each of you who visit here, becki and may you Go with God and never get ruined because you are online with your computer.
So sorry Beautress. A good rule of thumb is NEVER give ANY information of any kind to ANYBODY on the internet other than verified websites that you contacted yourself. Ditto for those who call on the phone. Yes there are people pretending to be Microsoft, Amazon, Norton--I get about 20 of those solicitations a month in my email--and dozens of other well known businesses or organizations plus the phone calls and malicious sites that lock down your computer unless you give them some information. The telephone scammers are especially bad--never say the word YES or OKAY to somebody you don't know because they use your voice to confirm an order of whatever they're scamming you with these days. But on the internet it is just too dangerous to give anybody that you did not contact yourself any information whatsoever.

I called Norton--the REAL Norton--and they assured me they never send that kind of email or text to anybody. Ditto banks, government entities, etc. The emails from accounts pretending to be Norton, banks, Paypal, etc. all look very authentic and can easily fool the unsuspecting. If you get an alert or instructions from somebody, never respond through the email. Go directly to that entities website and 999 time out of 1000 you'll find there is no problem at all.

And any reputable computer repair shop should be able to scrub your hard drive or replace it and reinstall windows for $100 or so plus if there is a charge for a clean copy of Windows. The only component of your computer that can be compromised by a hacker is the hard drive. You don't have to destroy the whole thing. So far Avast free internet security or their premium program and Norton with Lifelock have not allowed a single breach of our security. Norton also has a great vault to store passwords for easy retrieval so you don't have to give Google that information.

But if you must leave us, I feel like I'm losing a good old friend. I will miss you much and wish you all good things.
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Christmas tradition dessert.

Margarine works better than butter for the home made crust, though I get store bought crusts and make two pies with the filling.....Use all 6 egg whites for the meringue too......Awesome.

So sorry Beautress. A good rule of thumb is NEVER give ANY information of any kind to ANYBODY on the internet other than verified websites that you contacted yourself. Ditto for those who call on the phone. Yes there are people pretending to be Microsoft, Amazon, Norton--I get about 20 of those solicitations a month in my email--and dozens of other well known businesses or organizations plus the phone calls and malicious sites that lock down your computer unless you give them some information. The telephone scammers are especially bad--never say the word YES or OKAY to somebody you don't know because they use your voice to confirm an order of whatever they're scamming you with these days. But on the internet it is just too dangerous to give anybody that you did not contact yourself any information whatsoever.

I called Norton--the REAL Norton--and they assured me they never send that kind of email or text to anybody. Ditto banks, government entities, etc. The emails from accounts pretending to be Norton, banks, Paypal, etc. all look very authentic and can easily fool the unsuspecting. If you get an alert or instructions from somebody, never respond through the email. Go directly to that entities website and 999 time out of 1000 you'll find there is no problem at all.

And any reputable computer repair shop should be able to scrub your hard drive or replace it and reinstall windows for $100 or so plus if there is a charge for a clean copy of Windows. The only component of your computer that can be compromised by a hacker is the hard drive. You don't have to destroy the whole thing. So far Avast free internet security or their premium program and Norton with Lifelock have not allowed a single breach of our security. Norton also has a great vault to store passwords for easy retrieval so you don't have to give Google that information.

But if you must leave us, I feel like I'm losing a good old friend. I will miss you much and wish you all good things.
Foxy, I haven't had the heart to throw away my computer, and since the Sheriff's office seemed to think like you, I think I will at least try to take it to a computer repair place I visited once before to set up a computer 11 or 12 years ago. They're still there, I'll try again next week since tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Thanks for the advice, as it sounds like the right way to go. I hope he can find a solution. Things have changed a lot in over 10 years ago about computers. Love to you and all who post at the Coffee Shop. I will try, as my troubles have caused me to feel a little paranoid about the www, because whoever did something bad using my computer who turned me over to "Telechek" (whoever they are) made it impossible for me to write checks with their false info telling the big stores not to accept my checks. I didn't do whatever they said I did. I just don't cheat, and I don't visit porn sites because I think porn is responsible for destroying many a marriage. I've been sick for months now, but my doctor's last set of meds are working and I'm getting back to normal around the house after avoiding all except totally necessary trips, and I miss services at my church. And I do not miss politics considering all things about our possibly divided country. I pray for us all chilling out a little and ask God to help reunite our country because every state is far more good than bad, imho. If I can, I will return. I have to pay for labor to put a hurricane fence in for the puppies, and make the first Christmas dinner I've done for years now, since this year my allergies aren't as bad as usual. Love to all, becki/ And thanks again for the pointers on restoring my computer.
It snowed here for two straight days, the wind was howling. The cold is so bad that it's dangerous. The wind is whipping the snow around and under the snow is a sheet of ice. Christmas plans and travel are being cancelled, and going out is being discouraged. They're televising warnings to stay off the roads, and don't go outside due to the wind chill.

Everyone's Christmas plans are completely up in the air on account of the weather. My former neighbour had his Christmas dinner cancelled because when his cousin tried to go shopping, the wind blew her around the yard, and she went back in the house. Seaway Mall in Welland was closed all day.

I am now holding Christmas for my daughter and her family on Boxing Day, which means I spent yesterday slogging around to the grocery store, the liquor store and the pet store to buy food and drink for Monday. At least I have two days at home alone to prepare for this feast. My "wheels" has been so busy earlier this week, he had no time to take me shopping before the storm hit, but I wasn't worried because I was going to Hamilton for Christmas. The fridge is now stocked and ready to cook.

There is no worry about the condition of the house, I clean when stressed, and I'm completely stressed out over the Decision of the Tribunal, which I still haven't received. This is the cleanest it's been since I moved in here.

My daughter had hidden some Christmas presents for her kids here. I had to discourage her from driving out here yesterday to get them. The white outs and drifting in this weather is scary. And then there's that ice sheet under the snow. Yes, she has a 4WD Jeep. I used to have a front wheel drive Datsun that would climb trees in winter, but I still don't like driving in drifting and white out conditions.

0n a positive note, the electrical power hasn't so much as flickered. May it continue to be thus. The WIFI was off for a couple of minutes, but even my television satellite, which can go for a crap in bad weather, has worked because the wind keeps the snow from accumulating on the dish.

Merry Christmas to you all.

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