USMB Coffee Shop IV

Not much news, except the antibiotics are over, and I'm a lot better, and coughing up a lot less stuff. The 9 puppies are about a foot long with a similar circumference perpendicular to their length. (3.14159 x 5) Oops, that's a little inch-iferous more than their length. About 3 of them are a little shorter and not at all fat. They're under the front porch in a large wire "carton" and they're visible from the music room. They really settle down when I play them soothing music from youtube. They have 11 hours of this tonight: Hope everyone is well and having a cheerful season of Christmas and New Year that hastens us into the future. Only good wishes to all. 🌿 ♥️ 🌿

Sheesh .. we're having the first big snow of the season right now.. Up to at least 9 inches so far with an estimated 9ish hours to go..

Yup, and it's sticky stuff, great for snowballs..
I picked up a few things at the grocery store yesterday and chatting with other shoppers several said they were stocking up for the snowstorm. They're predicting Albuquerque will get .1 inch of snow tomorrow night. That's not 1 inch. That's .1 inch. Albuquerqueans don't do snow well.

When we lived up on the mountain though, snows like that were routine. I don't miss them.
I picked up a few things at the grocery store yesterday and chatting with other shoppers several said they were stocking up for the snowstorm. They're predicting Albuquerque will get .1 inch of snow tomorrow night. That's not 1 inch. That's .1 inch. Albuquerqueans don't do snow well.

When we lived up on the mountain though, snows like that were routine. I don't miss them.
Wow, my windows now are full of stuck snow... there are a lot of winds outside of my small flat at 9th floor... It seems, the weather now like my condition - cold and not so empathic )
Wow, my windows now are full of stuck snow... there are a lot of winds outside of my small flat at 9th floor... It seems, the weather now like my condition - cold and not so empathic )
You are waaaaay north of us. I mean the southern boundary of the arctic circle cuts your country in half so yes, I would think winter is a very different thing to you than it is to us. Other than in the high mountains, there aren't many places in the USA that have snow on the ground at all times during the winter.
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You are waaaaay north of us. I mean the southern boundary of the arctic circle cuts your country in half so yes, I would think winter is a very different thing to you than it is to us. Other than in the high mountains, there aren't many places in the USA that have snow on the ground at all times during the winter.
Yes, a bit - as a Canada. But I don't think, winter is so different. In Moscow it's not hard, because of good urban service. When they remove the snow operatively - there are no any problems :)
Ice is more difficult problem for pedestrians and cars both.
And the temperature now is not problem too because of good heating in houses. It was a problem in "hungry 90th".. Now it's a problem only for regions to the north of arctic circle... no single cars outside of urban below -22F, no any working (except plane flying) below -58F. And I don't know any about Eastern Siberia and Chukotka - they have a bit more cold climate :))))
Hello maybe you noticed my abscence im in Rehab in Bad Gastein till twentieth december I do not have my Laptop with me and from phone i can not post on usmeassageboard only sometimes i make a post only few times it works I try now to make this post when im back home I will post again from my Laptop
Health and adversity. It's so sad I can't speak of it.
So sorry. I need to put Hombre's nephew on too. Recently diagnosed with ALS. Still a young man with so much to live for. The second of Hombre's twin sister's three kids. The oldest was the niece who died of COVID a little over a year ago. I can't imagine how Sis can handle it.

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