USMB Coffee Shop IV

This is my first official post on my newly repaired and improved tabletop computer.. :D

umm .. I wish I had something to say ...:disbelief:
Hi Lump,been a while,nice to see you again.:) Ts funny how all these years because of your user name I always thought you were a dude.:abgg2q.jpg: I figured you just liked lumpy from leave it to beaver is why you chose that fir your user name.:rofl:
Hi Lump,been a while,nice to see you again.:) Ts funny how all these years because of your user name I always thought you were a dude.:abgg2q.jpg: I figured you just liked lumpy from leave it to beaver is why you chose that fir your user name.:rofl:
Nope .. still a dude .. and I thought I was confused about you last we talked.. (still confused)

.. and .. not to long ago my brother filled me in on the Lumpy moniker. It seems when I was born (the youngest of 4) my father picked the nickname of Gump. I was a very happy, rather spoiled by all and a lazy baby that really liked eating. As it turned out I got rather chunky, I didn't even consider walking until around 14 months. So over time Gump had turned into Lump.
Nope .. still a dude .. and I thought I was confused about you last we talked.. (still confused)

.. and .. not to long ago my brother filled me in on the Lumpy moniker. It seems when I was born (the youngest of 4) my father picked the nickname of Gump. I was a very happy, rather spoiled by all and a lazy baby that really liked eating. As it turned out I got rather chunky, I didn't even consider walking until around 14 months. So over time Gump had turned into Lump.
Oh you ARE a dude,I must have confused you with somebody else I guess who I thought was a dude but later learned they were

Wow all this time it had nothing to do with leave it to beaver,never would have imagined. :biggrin:

By the way Lumpy 1 gipper something I been asking folks is what state do you live in and what attractions would you recommend for tourists there.thanks.
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Oh you ARE a dude,I must have confused you with somebody else I guess who I thought was a dude but later learned they were

Wow all this time it had nothing to do with leave it to beaver,never would have imagined. :biggrin:

By the way Lumpy 1 gipper something I been asking folks is what state do you live in and what attractions would you recommend for tourists there.thanks.
I can’t say that I’ve toured Oregon all that much but typically if I have the time I’m out on the coast checking out the beaches or fishing on some lake all of which are pretty sweet scenic wise.
Gender identity issues in the Coffee Shop? I guess as long as we don't all get "lumped" together we'll be okay. I blame the earlier melon conversation.
LOL. I think there is a lot of gender identity issues with on line identities especially when our screen names are gender neutral like yours or mine or a lot of us. A lot of people I communicate with here on line I have no clue what their identity is and some, maybe many, assume I'm a guy.

I have a lot of fun on Twitter using an avatar that many assume is a guy. I usually just let them assume. :)
All of us, thousands of miles apart.
That makes it hard. One of our kids is a hard all day drive from here. The other is about 5 hours away in the opposite direction but that's far enough we don't see him & family all that often. I envy parents who live close to their kids, especially when they all get along :), but we all can't be that blessed I guess.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Alex for strength and healing.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

And tomorrow is the first day of Spring 2023!
And re that spring equinox thing tomorrow? This was our beloved Sandia Mountains today. (They form they eastern boundary of Albuquerque.) The snow went all the way down to the base.
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I can’t say that I’ve toured Oregon all that much but typically if I have the time I’m out on the coast checking out the beaches or fishing on some lake all of which are pretty sweet scenic wise.
So how long have you lived in Oregon.any resteraunts you recommend to visit.
So how long have you lived in Oregon.any resteraunts you recommend to visit.
I’ve lived in central Oregon for almost 9 years. I’d say since this is cattle country that most any steak house around here would be a sure bet for a great meal if’n you’re a meat eater.
Sadly. COVID/mmm (guess who) took out a lot of the reasonably priced non-chain restaurants around here.
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Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Alex for strength and healing.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

And tomorrow is the first day of Spring 2023!
Yep. Gotta plant some seeds! Ken is in lung rehab for the last week and will get out in 3 more days if all goes to plan. He's been in the ER 6 times for 5 weeks before he went to rehab. In the recent past, emphysema was impossible to get rid of and I've heard it described as a fire that keeps on burning. If he gets better, medicine is better than it was in the past. Thanks, foxfyre, for putting him on your prayer list. If my back ever stops hurting, I will plant more plants soon. It helps to have the doggies behind a hurricane fence to keep them away from doing mischief in the garden. They're over 5 months old now, and their mother Miss Songie is a reasonably large dog, long torso, medium heighth and build, and still acts like a puppy. She will be 3 years old sometime next fall so she is still quite young. One of her daughter doggies is the most beautiful animal I've ever seen. Shes the smallest one of the bunch, and would rather play than eat which is probably why. Finished 3 quilt tops in the last 10 days. So Tuesday, I'll be turning them in to the Charity Bees if my backache goes away. It's so good to see older members returning to the coffee shop. Thanks to Mr. Oddball for his dedication to bring videos that make us laugh. As kids, my brother and I enjoyed cartoons at the movie house on the base at Fort Richardson, Alaska, when Dad was transferred there, and when we got back home to Texas, we continued to go to the movies one day a weekend, and enjoyed cartoons and shows that continued with what seemed to be the end of the story with one or another tragedy, but for some reason, the tragedy was stopped by one of dozens of reasons that surfaced to keep the narrative going for just one more week that resolved with a happy ending the weekend before school started the next fall. Couldn't sleep tonight, so I just got up, put the last border on a charity bees quilt project and thought I'd come here to read who dropped in. I love this thread. Can't wait till the morning. I'm on my second day of drinking Lemon water that you cut up the whole lemon, seeds, pithy white stuff, and shel into little pieces and blend them for a few minutes, add water but no sugar. It's supposed to heal what needs healing, boosting the immune system, and it's better explained below:

Good evening, everyone. Love, beautress​

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