USMB Coffee Shop IV

Opdate: Went to the ER again yesterday morning. came home last night and spent today quarantined in my room due to a positive Covid test. Not doing too bad though.

Well that sucks .. I never got the "shot" but of the 3 times I tested positive the 2nd and 3rd. were like a mild flu..

as always .. wishing and praying for the best Ollie,,
Opdate: Went to the ER again yesterday morning. came home last night and spent today quarantined in my room due to a positive Covid test. Not doing too bad though.
Oh my. Do take care of yourself. And you will absolutely be on the vigil list. Those of my friends and family who have tested positive lately vary from no symptoms to light flu like symptoms and one got pretty sick but never alarmingly so. But as you know from your daughter's experiences, it is wise to take care of yourself. We have lost three family members and one good friend to this virus and some of the others who had it and recovered report some lasting residual effects. These newer variants though don't seem to be nearly as serious for most.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Alex for strength and healing.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

And for all of us caught in a custody battle between winter and spring:
Opdate: Went to the ER again yesterday morning. came home last night and spent today quarantined in my room due to a positive Covid test. Not doing too bad though.
Now I know why I put on a mask yesterday before going into Walmart. Get well Ollie. You mean so much to the military community who appreciates your work in finding loved ones of the MIAs. Love, beautress

Speaking of missing persons, I wonder what happened to BBB:
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Now I know why I put on a mask yesterday before going into Walmart. Get well Ollie. You mean so much to the military community who appreciates your work in finding loved ones of the MIAs. Love, beautress

Speaking of missing persons, I wonder what happened to BBB:
The last we heard from BBD was he reported here in the Coffee Shop that he was diagnosed with State 4 lung cancer and was given a matter of months. He was in the first rounds of chemo but his last post I believe was Nov 1, 2021 in which in his usual good humor was that he would live forever or die trying. I keep him on the vigil list in hope. I miss him.
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Early Easter joke:
A motorist cannot avoid the rabbit who jumped right in front of him. He stops and goes to check the poor thing and is horrified to see that he ran over and killed the Easter Bunny.

A blond--disclaimer: I am a natural blond--pulls up and sees the situation. She jumps out of her car with a spray can, sprays the squashed rabbit and he jumps up, waves and hops off as fit as can be.

"What in the world did you spray on him?" asked the amazed motorist.

She smiles and shows him the can that says: "HAIR SPRAY - Restores life to dead hair and adds permanent wave."

(I'm sorry. Maybe too much caffeine this morning?)
My new favorite charity is the one that sends me Bi-Centennial Kennedy halves, up 2 bucks already. One of the joys of using cash is getting the odd old coin back as change. Doesnt happen as much anymore.
Made $68 for 2 days of jury duty. Maybe I'll frame it instead of cashing it
Well I'm just the walking medical mystery the last few days. Woke up Sunday morning and was very dizzy. Lasted about 30 seconds. Had a few more bouts during the day. The world really shouldn't jump around like that, has to be bad for the environment.

Had two more at night. Being on my right side seemed to be a problem with it starting. Did some reading on the subject and decided to take a magnesium tablet, drink a glass of water and a little grape juice. Went to work Monday and it was extremely busy and stressful. Absolutely no dizziness. Had dizziness for about ten seconds when I got home. I was pretty tired out. Repeated my treatment and no dizziness since.

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